Abstract:Despite the vast empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of adaptive optimization methods in deep learning, their theoretical understanding is far from complete. This work introduces novel SDEs for commonly used adaptive optimizers: SignSGD, RMSprop(W), and Adam(W). These SDEs offer a quantitatively accurate description of these optimizers and help illuminate an intricate relationship between adaptivity, gradient noise, and curvature. Our novel analysis of SignSGD highlights a noteworthy and precise contrast to SGD in terms of convergence speed, stationary distribution, and robustness to heavy-tail noise. We extend this analysis to AdamW and RMSpropW, for which we observe that the role of noise is much more complex. Crucially, we support our theoretical analysis with experimental evidence by verifying our insights: this includes numerically integrating our SDEs using Euler-Maruyama discretization on various neural network architectures such as MLPs, CNNs, ResNets, and Transformers. Our SDEs accurately track the behavior of the respective optimizers, especially when compared to previous SDEs derived for Adam and RMSprop. We believe our approach can provide valuable insights into best training practices and novel scaling rules.
Abstract:Optimization methods play a crucial role in modern machine learning, powering the remarkable empirical achievements of deep learning models. These successes are even more remarkable given the complex non-convex nature of the loss landscape of these models. Yet, ensuring the convergence of optimization methods requires specific structural conditions on the objective function that are rarely satisfied in practice. One prominent example is the widely recognized Polyak-Lojasiewicz (PL) inequality, which has gained considerable attention in recent years. However, validating such assumptions for deep neural networks entails substantial and often impractical levels of over-parametrization. In order to address this limitation, we propose a novel class of functions that can characterize the loss landscape of modern deep models without requiring extensive over-parametrization and can also include saddle points. Crucially, we prove that gradient-based optimizers possess theoretical guarantees of convergence under this assumption. Finally, we validate the soundness of our new function class through both theoretical analysis and empirical experimentation across a diverse range of deep learning models.
Abstract:Communication efficiency has garnered significant attention as it is considered the main bottleneck for large-scale decentralized Machine Learning applications in distributed and federated settings. In this regime, clients are restricted to transmitting small amounts of quantized information to their neighbors over a communication graph. Numerous endeavors have been made to address this challenging problem by developing algorithms with compressed communication for decentralized non-convex optimization problems. Despite considerable efforts, the current results suffer from various issues such as non-scalability with the number of clients, requirements for large batches, or bounded gradient assumption. In this paper, we introduce MoTEF, a novel approach that integrates communication compression with Momentum Tracking and Error Feedback. Our analysis demonstrates that MoTEF achieves most of the desired properties, and significantly outperforms existing methods under arbitrary data heterogeneity. We provide numerical experiments to validate our theoretical findings and confirm the practical superiority of MoTEF.
Abstract:Modern distributed training relies heavily on communication compression to reduce the communication overhead. In this work, we study algorithms employing a popular class of contractive compressors in order to reduce communication overhead. However, the naive implementation often leads to unstable convergence or even exponential divergence due to the compression bias. Error Compensation (EC) is an extremely popular mechanism to mitigate the aforementioned issues during the training of models enhanced by contractive compression operators. Compared to the effectiveness of EC in the data homogeneous regime, the understanding of the practicality and theoretical foundations of EC in the data heterogeneous regime is limited. Existing convergence analyses typically rely on strong assumptions such as bounded gradients, bounded data heterogeneity, or large batch accesses, which are often infeasible in modern machine learning applications. We resolve the majority of current issues by proposing EControl, a novel mechanism that can regulate error compensation by controlling the strength of the feedback signal. We prove fast convergence for EControl in standard strongly convex, general convex, and nonconvex settings without any additional assumptions on the problem or data heterogeneity. We conduct extensive numerical evaluations to illustrate the efficacy of our method and support our theoretical findings.
Abstract:We analyze asynchronous-type algorithms for distributed SGD in the heterogeneous setting, where each worker has its own computation and communication speeds, as well as data distribution. In these algorithms, workers compute possibly stale and stochastic gradients associated with their local data at some iteration back in history and then return those gradients to the server without synchronizing with other workers. We present a unified convergence theory for non-convex smooth functions in the heterogeneous regime. The proposed analysis provides convergence for pure asynchronous SGD and its various modifications. Moreover, our theory explains what affects the convergence rate and what can be done to improve the performance of asynchronous algorithms. In particular, we introduce a novel asynchronous method based on worker shuffling. As a by-product of our analysis, we also demonstrate convergence guarantees for gradient-type algorithms such as SGD with random reshuffling and shuffle-once mini-batch SGD. The derived rates match the best-known results for those algorithms, highlighting the tightness of our approach. Finally, our numerical evaluations support theoretical findings and show the good practical performance of our method.
Abstract:Motivated by the increasing popularity and importance of large-scale training under differential privacy (DP) constraints, we study distributed gradient methods with gradient clipping, i.e., clipping applied to the gradients computed from local information at the nodes. While gradient clipping is an essential tool for injecting formal DP guarantees into gradient-based methods [1], it also induces bias which causes serious convergence issues specific to the distributed setting. Inspired by recent progress in the error-feedback literature which is focused on taming the bias/error introduced by communication compression operators such as Top-$k$ [2], and mathematical similarities between the clipping operator and contractive compression operators, we design Clip21 -- the first provably effective and practically useful error feedback mechanism for distributed methods with gradient clipping. We prove that our method converges at the same $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{K}\right)$ rate as distributed gradient descent in the smooth nonconvex regime, which improves the previous best $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\right)$ rate which was obtained under significantly stronger assumptions. Our method converges significantly faster in practice than competing methods.
Abstract:We present a partially personalized formulation of Federated Learning (FL) that strikes a balance between the flexibility of personalization and cooperativeness of global training. In our framework, we split the variables into global parameters, which are shared across all clients, and individual local parameters, which are kept private. We prove that under the right split of parameters, it is possible to find global parameters that allow each client to fit their data perfectly, and refer to the obtained problem as overpersonalized. For instance, the shared global parameters can be used to learn good data representations, whereas the personalized layers are fine-tuned for a specific client. Moreover, we present a simple algorithm for the partially personalized formulation that offers significant benefits to all clients. In particular, it breaks the curse of data heterogeneity in several settings, such as training with local steps, asynchronous training, and Byzantine-robust training.
Abstract:We propose Adaptive Compressed Gradient Descent (AdaCGD) - a novel optimization algorithm for communication-efficient training of supervised machine learning models with adaptive compression level. Our approach is inspired by the recently proposed three point compressor (3PC) framework of Richtarik et al. (2022), which includes error feedback (EF21), lazily aggregated gradient (LAG), and their combination as special cases, and offers the current state-of-the-art rates for these methods under weak assumptions. While the above mechanisms offer a fixed compression level, or adapt between two extremes only, our proposal is to perform a much finer adaptation. In particular, we allow the user to choose any number of arbitrarily chosen contractive compression mechanisms, such as Top-K sparsification with a user-defined selection of sparsification levels K, or quantization with a user-defined selection of quantization levels, or their combination. AdaCGD chooses the appropriate compressor and compression level adaptively during the optimization process. Besides i) proposing a theoretically-grounded multi-adaptive communication compression mechanism, we further ii) extend the 3PC framework to bidirectional compression, i.e., we allow the server to compress as well, and iii) provide sharp convergence bounds in the strongly convex, convex and nonconvex settings. The convex regime results are new even for several key special cases of our general mechanism, including 3PC and EF21. In all regimes, our rates are superior compared to all existing adaptive compression methods.
Abstract:Despite their high computation and communication costs, Newton-type methods remain an appealing option for distributed training due to their robustness against ill-conditioned convex problems. In this work, we study ommunication compression and aggregation mechanisms for curvature information in order to reduce these costs while preserving theoretically superior local convergence guarantees. We prove that the recently developed class of three point compressors (3PC) of Richtarik et al. [2022] for gradient communication can be generalized to Hessian communication as well. This result opens up a wide variety of communication strategies, such as contractive compression} and lazy aggregation, available to our disposal to compress prohibitively costly curvature information. Moreover, we discovered several new 3PC mechanisms, such as adaptive thresholding and Bernoulli aggregation, which require reduced communication and occasional Hessian computations. Furthermore, we extend and analyze our approach to bidirectional communication compression and partial device participation setups to cater to the practical considerations of applications in federated learning. For all our methods, we derive fast condition-number-independent local linear and/or superlinear convergence rates. Finally, with extensive numerical evaluations on convex optimization problems, we illustrate that our designed schemes achieve state-of-the-art communication complexity compared to several key baselines using second-order information.
Abstract:Recent advances in distributed optimization have shown that Newton-type methods with proper communication compression mechanisms can guarantee fast local rates and low communication cost compared to first order methods. We discover that the communication cost of these methods can be further reduced, sometimes dramatically so, with a surprisingly simple trick: {\em Basis Learn (BL)}. The idea is to transform the usual representation of the local Hessians via a change of basis in the space of matrices and apply compression tools to the new representation. To demonstrate the potential of using custom bases, we design a new Newton-type method (BL1), which reduces communication cost via both {\em BL} technique and bidirectional compression mechanism. Furthermore, we present two alternative extensions (BL2 and BL3) to partial participation to accommodate federated learning applications. We prove local linear and superlinear rates independent of the condition number. Finally, we support our claims with numerical experiments by comparing several first and second~order~methods.