Abstract:Decentralized SGD can run with low communication costs, but its sparse communication characteristics deteriorate the convergence rate, especially when the number of nodes is large. In decentralized learning settings, communication is assumed to occur on only a given topology, while in many practical cases, the topology merely represents a preferred communication pattern, and connecting to arbitrary nodes is still possible. Previous studies have tried to alleviate the convergence rate degradation in these cases by designing topologies with large spectral gaps. However, the degradation is still significant when the number of nodes is substantial. In this work, we propose TELEPORTATION. TELEPORTATION activates only a subset of nodes, and the active nodes fetch the parameters from previous active nodes. Then, the active nodes update their parameters by SGD and perform gossip averaging on a relatively small topology comprising only the active nodes. We show that by activating only a proper number of nodes, TELEPORTATION can completely alleviate the convergence rate degradation. Furthermore, we propose an efficient hyperparameter-tuning method to search for the appropriate number of nodes to be activated. Experimentally, we showed that TELEPORTATION can train neural networks more stably and achieve higher accuracy than Decentralized SGD.
Abstract:We focus on reducing communication overhead in multiplayer games, where frequently exchanging strategies between players is not feasible and players have noisy or outdated strategies of the other players. We introduce Decoupled SGDA, a novel adaptation of Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent (SGDA). In this approach, players independently update their strategies based on outdated opponent strategies, with periodic synchronization to align strategies. For Strongly-Convex-Strongly-Concave (SCSC) games, we demonstrate that Decoupled SGDA achieves near-optimal communication complexity comparable to the best-known GDA rates. For weakly coupled games where the interaction between players is lower relative to the non-interactive part of the game, Decoupled SGDA significantly reduces communication costs compared to standard SGDA. Our findings extend to multi-player games. To provide insights into the effect of communication frequency and convergence, we extensively study the convergence of Decoupled SGDA for quadratic minimax problems. Lastly, in settings where the noise over the players is imbalanced, Decoupled SGDA significantly outperforms federated minimax methods.
Abstract:In developing efficient optimization algorithms, it is crucial to account for communication constraints -- a significant challenge in modern federated learning settings. The best-known communication complexity among non-accelerated algorithms is achieved by DANE, a distributed proximal-point algorithm that solves local subproblems in each iteration and that can exploit second-order similarity among individual functions. However, to achieve such communication efficiency, the accuracy requirement for solving the local subproblems is slightly sub-optimal. Inspired by the hybrid projection-proximal point method, in this work, we i) propose a novel distributed algorithm S-DANE. This method adopts a more stabilized prox-center in the proximal step compared with DANE, and matches its deterministic communication complexity. Moreover, the accuracy condition of the subproblem is milder, leading to enhanced local computation efficiency. Furthermore, it supports partial client participation and arbitrary stochastic local solvers, making it more attractive in practice. We further ii) accelerate S-DANE, and show that the resulting algorithm achieves the best-known communication complexity among all existing methods for distributed convex optimization, with the same improved local computation efficiency as S-DANE.
Abstract:Communication efficiency has garnered significant attention as it is considered the main bottleneck for large-scale decentralized Machine Learning applications in distributed and federated settings. In this regime, clients are restricted to transmitting small amounts of quantized information to their neighbors over a communication graph. Numerous endeavors have been made to address this challenging problem by developing algorithms with compressed communication for decentralized non-convex optimization problems. Despite considerable efforts, the current results suffer from various issues such as non-scalability with the number of clients, requirements for large batches, or bounded gradient assumption. In this paper, we introduce MoTEF, a novel approach that integrates communication compression with Momentum Tracking and Error Feedback. Our analysis demonstrates that MoTEF achieves most of the desired properties, and significantly outperforms existing methods under arbitrary data heterogeneity. We provide numerical experiments to validate our theoretical findings and confirm the practical superiority of MoTEF.
Abstract:Local SGD is a popular optimization method in distributed learning, often outperforming other algorithms in practice, including mini-batch SGD. Despite this success, theoretically proving the dominance of local SGD in settings with reasonable data heterogeneity has been difficult, creating a significant gap between theory and practice. In this paper, we provide new lower bounds for local SGD under existing first-order data heterogeneity assumptions, showing that these assumptions are insufficient to prove the effectiveness of local update steps. Furthermore, under these same assumptions, we demonstrate the min-max optimality of accelerated mini-batch SGD, which fully resolves our understanding of distributed optimization for several problem classes. Our results emphasize the need for better models of data heterogeneity to understand the effectiveness of local SGD in practice. Towards this end, we consider higher-order smoothness and heterogeneity assumptions, providing new upper bounds that imply the dominance of local SGD over mini-batch SGD when data heterogeneity is low.
Abstract:Federated learning is a distributed optimization paradigm that allows training machine learning models across decentralized devices while keeping the data localized. The standard method, FedAvg, suffers from client drift which can hamper performance and increase communication costs over centralized methods. Previous works proposed various strategies to mitigate drift, yet none have shown uniformly improved communication-computation trade-offs over vanilla gradient descent. In this work, we revisit DANE, an established method in distributed optimization. We show that (i) DANE can achieve the desired communication reduction under Hessian similarity constraints. Furthermore, (ii) we present an extension, DANE+, which supports arbitrary inexact local solvers and has more freedom to choose how to aggregate the local updates. We propose (iii) a novel method, FedRed, which has improved local computational complexity and retains the same communication complexity compared to DANE/DANE+. This is achieved by using doubly regularized drift correction.
Abstract:The stochastic proximal gradient method is a powerful generalization of the widely used stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method and has found numerous applications in Machine Learning. However, it is notoriously known that this method fails to converge in non-convex settings where the stochastic noise is significant (i.e. when only small or bounded batch sizes are used). In this paper, we focus on the stochastic proximal gradient method with Polyak momentum. We prove this method attains an optimal convergence rate for non-convex composite optimization problems, regardless of batch size. Additionally, we rigorously analyze the variance reduction effect of the Polyak momentum in the composite optimization setting and we show the method also converges when the proximal step can only be solved inexactly. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to validate our theoretical results.
Abstract:The recently proposed stochastic Polyak stepsize (SPS) and stochastic line-search (SLS) for SGD have shown remarkable effectiveness when training over-parameterized models. However, in non-interpolation settings, both algorithms only guarantee convergence to a neighborhood of a solution which may result in a worse output than the initial guess. While artificially decreasing the adaptive stepsize has been proposed to address this issue (Orvieto et al. [2022]), this approach results in slower convergence rates for convex and over-parameterized models. In this work, we make two contributions: Firstly, we propose two new variants of SPS and SLS, called AdaSPS and AdaSLS, which guarantee convergence in non-interpolation settings and maintain sub-linear and linear convergence rates for convex and strongly convex functions when training over-parameterized models. AdaSLS requires no knowledge of problem-dependent parameters, and AdaSPS requires only a lower bound of the optimal function value as input. Secondly, we equip AdaSPS and AdaSLS with a novel variance reduction technique and obtain algorithms that require $\smash{\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}}(n+1/\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations to achieve an $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)$-suboptimality for convex functions, which improves upon the slower $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon^2)$ rates of AdaSPS and AdaSLS without variance reduction in the non-interpolation regimes. Moreover, our result matches the fast rates of AdaSVRG but removes the inner-outer-loop structure, which is easier to implement and analyze. Finally, numerical experiments on synthetic and real datasets validate our theory and demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our algorithms.
Abstract:State-of-the-art federated learning algorithms such as FedAvg require carefully tuned stepsizes to achieve their best performance. The improvements proposed by existing adaptive federated methods involve tuning of additional hyperparameters such as momentum parameters, and consider adaptivity only in the server aggregation round, but not locally. These methods can be inefficient in many practical scenarios because they require excessive tuning of hyperparameters and do not capture local geometric information. In this work, we extend the recently proposed stochastic Polyak stepsize (SPS) to the federated learning setting, and propose new locally adaptive and nearly parameter-free distributed SPS variants (FedSPS and FedDecSPS). We prove that FedSPS converges linearly in strongly convex and sublinearly in convex settings when the interpolation condition (overparametrization) is satisfied, and converges to a neighborhood of the solution in the general case. We extend our proposed method to a decreasing stepsize version FedDecSPS, that converges also when the interpolation condition does not hold. We validate our theoretical claims by performing illustrative convex experiments. Our proposed algorithms match the optimization performance of FedAvg with the best tuned hyperparameters in the i.i.d. case, and outperform FedAvg in the non-i.i.d. case.
Abstract:In federated learning, data heterogeneity is a critical challenge. A straightforward solution is to shuffle the clients' data to homogenize the distribution. However, this may violate data access rights, and how and when shuffling can accelerate the convergence of a federated optimization algorithm is not theoretically well understood. In this paper, we establish a precise and quantifiable correspondence between data heterogeneity and parameters in the convergence rate when a fraction of data is shuffled across clients. We prove that shuffling can quadratically reduce the gradient dissimilarity with respect to the shuffling percentage, accelerating convergence. Inspired by the theory, we propose a practical approach that addresses the data access rights issue by shuffling locally generated synthetic data. The experimental results show that shuffling synthetic data improves the performance of multiple existing federated learning algorithms by a large margin.