Abstract:We focus on reducing communication overhead in multiplayer games, where frequently exchanging strategies between players is not feasible and players have noisy or outdated strategies of the other players. We introduce Decoupled SGDA, a novel adaptation of Stochastic Gradient Descent Ascent (SGDA). In this approach, players independently update their strategies based on outdated opponent strategies, with periodic synchronization to align strategies. For Strongly-Convex-Strongly-Concave (SCSC) games, we demonstrate that Decoupled SGDA achieves near-optimal communication complexity comparable to the best-known GDA rates. For weakly coupled games where the interaction between players is lower relative to the non-interactive part of the game, Decoupled SGDA significantly reduces communication costs compared to standard SGDA. Our findings extend to multi-player games. To provide insights into the effect of communication frequency and convergence, we extensively study the convergence of Decoupled SGDA for quadratic minimax problems. Lastly, in settings where the noise over the players is imbalanced, Decoupled SGDA significantly outperforms federated minimax methods.
Abstract:We present a novel universal gradient method for solving convex optimization problems. Our algorithm -- Dual Averaging with Distance Adaptation (DADA) -- is based on the classical scheme of dual averaging and dynamically adjusts its coefficients based on observed gradients and the distance between iterates and the starting point, eliminating the need for problem-specific parameters. DADA is a universal algorithm that simultaneously works for a broad spectrum of problem classes, provided the local growth of the objective function around its minimizer can be bounded. Particular examples of such problem classes are nonsmooth Lipschitz functions, Lipschitz-smooth functions, H\"older-smooth functions, functions with high-order Lipschitz derivative, quasi-self-concordant functions, and $(L_0,L_1)$-smooth functions. Crucially, DADA is applicable to both unconstrained and constrained problems, even when the domain is unbounded, without requiring prior knowledge of the number of iterations or desired accuracy.
Abstract:In developing efficient optimization algorithms, it is crucial to account for communication constraints -- a significant challenge in modern federated learning settings. The best-known communication complexity among non-accelerated algorithms is achieved by DANE, a distributed proximal-point algorithm that solves local subproblems in each iteration and that can exploit second-order similarity among individual functions. However, to achieve such communication efficiency, the accuracy requirement for solving the local subproblems is slightly sub-optimal. Inspired by the hybrid projection-proximal point method, in this work, we i) propose a novel distributed algorithm S-DANE. This method adopts a more stabilized prox-center in the proximal step compared with DANE, and matches its deterministic communication complexity. Moreover, the accuracy condition of the subproblem is milder, leading to enhanced local computation efficiency. Furthermore, it supports partial client participation and arbitrary stochastic local solvers, making it more attractive in practice. We further ii) accelerate S-DANE, and show that the resulting algorithm achieves the best-known communication complexity among all existing methods for distributed convex optimization, with the same improved local computation efficiency as S-DANE.
Abstract:Federated learning is a distributed optimization paradigm that allows training machine learning models across decentralized devices while keeping the data localized. The standard method, FedAvg, suffers from client drift which can hamper performance and increase communication costs over centralized methods. Previous works proposed various strategies to mitigate drift, yet none have shown uniformly improved communication-computation trade-offs over vanilla gradient descent. In this work, we revisit DANE, an established method in distributed optimization. We show that (i) DANE can achieve the desired communication reduction under Hessian similarity constraints. Furthermore, (ii) we present an extension, DANE+, which supports arbitrary inexact local solvers and has more freedom to choose how to aggregate the local updates. We propose (iii) a novel method, FedRed, which has improved local computational complexity and retains the same communication complexity compared to DANE/DANE+. This is achieved by using doubly regularized drift correction.
Abstract:The stochastic proximal gradient method is a powerful generalization of the widely used stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method and has found numerous applications in Machine Learning. However, it is notoriously known that this method fails to converge in non-convex settings where the stochastic noise is significant (i.e. when only small or bounded batch sizes are used). In this paper, we focus on the stochastic proximal gradient method with Polyak momentum. We prove this method attains an optimal convergence rate for non-convex composite optimization problems, regardless of batch size. Additionally, we rigorously analyze the variance reduction effect of the Polyak momentum in the composite optimization setting and we show the method also converges when the proximal step can only be solved inexactly. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to validate our theoretical results.
Abstract:We study first-order methods with preconditioning for solving structured nonlinear convex optimization problems. We propose a new family of preconditioners generated by symmetric polynomials. They provide first-order optimization methods with a provable improvement of the condition number, cutting the gaps between highest eigenvalues, without explicit knowledge of the actual spectrum. We give a stochastic interpretation of this preconditioning in terms of coordinate volume sampling and compare it with other classical approaches, including the Chebyshev polynomials. We show how to incorporate a polynomial preconditioning into the Gradient and Fast Gradient Methods and establish the corresponding global complexity bounds. Finally, we propose a simple adaptive search procedure that automatically chooses the best possible polynomial preconditioning for the Gradient Method, minimizing the objective along a low-dimensional Krylov subspace. Numerical experiments confirm the efficiency of our preconditioning strategies for solving various machine learning problems.