ETH Zurich
Abstract:Strong Differential Privacy (DP) and Optimization guarantees are two desirable properties for a method in Federated Learning (FL). However, existing algorithms do not achieve both properties at once: they either have optimal DP guarantees but rely on restrictive assumptions such as bounded gradients/bounded data heterogeneity, or they ensure strong optimization performance but lack DP guarantees. To address this gap in the literature, we propose and analyze a new method called Clip21-SGD2M based on a novel combination of clipping, heavy-ball momentum, and Error Feedback. In particular, for non-convex smooth distributed problems with clients having arbitrarily heterogeneous data, we prove that Clip21-SGD2M has optimal convergence rate and also near optimal (local-)DP neighborhood. Our numerical experiments on non-convex logistic regression and training of neural networks highlight the superiority of Clip21-SGD2M over baselines in terms of the optimization performance for a given DP-budget.
Abstract:Despite the vast empirical evidence supporting the efficacy of adaptive optimization methods in deep learning, their theoretical understanding is far from complete. This work introduces novel SDEs for commonly used adaptive optimizers: SignSGD, RMSprop(W), and Adam(W). These SDEs offer a quantitatively accurate description of these optimizers and help illuminate an intricate relationship between adaptivity, gradient noise, and curvature. Our novel analysis of SignSGD highlights a noteworthy and precise contrast to SGD in terms of convergence speed, stationary distribution, and robustness to heavy-tail noise. We extend this analysis to AdamW and RMSpropW, for which we observe that the role of noise is much more complex. Crucially, we support our theoretical analysis with experimental evidence by verifying our insights: this includes numerically integrating our SDEs using Euler-Maruyama discretization on various neural network architectures such as MLPs, CNNs, ResNets, and Transformers. Our SDEs accurately track the behavior of the respective optimizers, especially when compared to previous SDEs derived for Adam and RMSprop. We believe our approach can provide valuable insights into best training practices and novel scaling rules.
Abstract:The Gauss-Newton (GN) matrix plays an important role in machine learning, most evident in its use as a preconditioning matrix for a wide family of popular adaptive methods to speed up optimization. Besides, it can also provide key insights into the optimization landscape of neural networks. In the context of deep neural networks, understanding the GN matrix involves studying the interaction between different weight matrices as well as the dependencies introduced by the data, thus rendering its analysis challenging. In this work, we take a first step towards theoretically characterizing the conditioning of the GN matrix in neural networks. We establish tight bounds on the condition number of the GN in deep linear networks of arbitrary depth and width, which we also extend to two-layer ReLU networks. We expand the analysis to further architectural components, such as residual connections and convolutional layers. Finally, we empirically validate the bounds and uncover valuable insights into the influence of the analyzed architectural components.
Abstract:This paper conducts a comprehensive study of the learning curves of kernel ridge regression (KRR) under minimal assumptions. Our contributions are three-fold: 1) we analyze the role of key properties of the kernel, such as its spectral eigen-decay, the characteristics of the eigenfunctions, and the smoothness of the kernel; 2) we demonstrate the validity of the Gaussian Equivalent Property (GEP), which states that the generalization performance of KRR remains the same when the whitened features are replaced by standard Gaussian vectors, thereby shedding light on the success of previous analyzes under the Gaussian Design Assumption; 3) we derive novel bounds that improve over existing bounds across a broad range of setting such as (in)dependent feature vectors and various combinations of eigen-decay rates in the over/underparameterized regimes.
Abstract:Optimization methods play a crucial role in modern machine learning, powering the remarkable empirical achievements of deep learning models. These successes are even more remarkable given the complex non-convex nature of the loss landscape of these models. Yet, ensuring the convergence of optimization methods requires specific structural conditions on the objective function that are rarely satisfied in practice. One prominent example is the widely recognized Polyak-Lojasiewicz (PL) inequality, which has gained considerable attention in recent years. However, validating such assumptions for deep neural networks entails substantial and often impractical levels of over-parametrization. In order to address this limitation, we propose a novel class of functions that can characterize the loss landscape of modern deep models without requiring extensive over-parametrization and can also include saddle points. Crucially, we prove that gradient-based optimizers possess theoretical guarantees of convergence under this assumption. Finally, we validate the soundness of our new function class through both theoretical analysis and empirical experimentation across a diverse range of deep learning models.
Abstract:This paper addresses the optimization problem of minimizing non-convex continuous functions, which is relevant in the context of high-dimensional machine learning applications characterized by over-parametrization. We analyze a randomized coordinate second-order method named SSCN which can be interpreted as applying cubic regularization in random subspaces. This approach effectively reduces the computational complexity associated with utilizing second-order information, rendering it applicable in higher-dimensional scenarios. Theoretically, we establish convergence guarantees for non-convex functions, with interpolating rates for arbitrary subspace sizes and allowing inexact curvature estimation. When increasing subspace size, our complexity matches $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2})$ of the cubic regularization (CR) rate. Additionally, we propose an adaptive sampling scheme ensuring exact convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3/2}, \epsilon^{-3})$ to a second-order stationary point, even without sampling all coordinates. Experimental results demonstrate substantial speed-ups achieved by SSCN compared to conventional first-order methods.
Abstract:Minimax optimization problems have attracted a lot of attention over the past few years, with applications ranging from economics to machine learning. While advanced optimization methods exist for such problems, characterizing their dynamics in stochastic scenarios remains notably challenging. In this paper, we pioneer the use of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) to analyze and compare Minimax optimizers. Our SDE models for Stochastic Gradient Descent-Ascent, Stochastic Extragradient, and Stochastic Hamiltonian Gradient Descent are provable approximations of their algorithmic counterparts, clearly showcasing the interplay between hyperparameters, implicit regularization, and implicit curvature-induced noise. This perspective also allows for a unified and simplified analysis strategy based on the principles of It\^o calculus. Finally, our approach facilitates the derivation of convergence conditions and closed-form solutions for the dynamics in simplified settings, unveiling further insights into the behavior of different optimizers.
Abstract:We derive new bounds for the condition number of kernel matrices, which we then use to enhance existing non-asymptotic test error bounds for kernel ridgeless regression in the over-parameterized regime for a fixed input dimension. For kernels with polynomial spectral decay, we recover the bound from previous work; for exponential decay, our bound is non-trivial and novel. Our conclusion on overfitting is two-fold: (i) kernel regressors whose eigenspectrum decays polynomially must generalize well, even in the presence of noisy labeled training data; these models exhibit so-called tempered overfitting; (ii) if the eigenspectrum of any kernel ridge regressor decays exponentially, then it generalizes poorly, i.e., it exhibits catastrophic overfitting. This adds to the available characterization of kernel ridge regressors exhibiting benign overfitting as the extremal case where the eigenspectrum of the kernel decays sub-polynomially. Our analysis combines new random matrix theory (RMT) techniques with recent tools in the kernel ridge regression (KRR) literature.
Abstract:Existing statistical learning guarantees for general kernel regressors often yield loose bounds when used with finite-rank kernels. Yet, finite-rank kernels naturally appear in several machine learning problems, e.g.\ when fine-tuning a pre-trained deep neural network's last layer to adapt it to a novel task when performing transfer learning. We address this gap for finite-rank kernel ridge regression (KRR) by deriving sharp non-asymptotic upper and lower bounds for the KRR test error of any finite-rank KRR. Our bounds are tighter than previously derived bounds on finite-rank KRR, and unlike comparable results, they also remain valid for any regularization parameters.
Abstract:We propose an optimal iterative scheme for federated transfer learning, where a central planner has access to datasets ${\cal D}_1,\dots,{\cal D}_N$ for the same learning model $f_{\theta}$. Our objective is to minimize the cumulative deviation of the generated parameters $\{\theta_i(t)\}_{t=0}^T$ across all $T$ iterations from the specialized parameters $\theta^\star_{1},\ldots,\theta^\star_N$ obtained for each dataset, while respecting the loss function for the model $f_{\theta(T)}$ produced by the algorithm upon halting. We only allow for continual communication between each of the specialized models (nodes/agents) and the central planner (server), at each iteration (round). For the case where the model $f_{\theta}$ is a finite-rank kernel regression, we derive explicit updates for the regret-optimal algorithm. By leveraging symmetries within the regret-optimal algorithm, we further develop a nearly regret-optimal heuristic that runs with $\mathcal{O}(Np^2)$ fewer elementary operations, where $p$ is the dimension of the parameter space. Additionally, we investigate the adversarial robustness of the regret-optimal algorithm showing that an adversary which perturbs $q$ training pairs by at-most $\varepsilon>0$, across all training sets, cannot reduce the regret-optimal algorithm's regret by more than $\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon q \bar{N}^{1/2})$, where $\bar{N}$ is the aggregate number of training pairs. To validate our theoretical findings, we conduct numerical experiments in the context of American option pricing, utilizing a randomly generated finite-rank kernel.