Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) process entire input contexts indiscriminately, which is inefficient in cases where the information required to answer a query is localized within the context. We present dynamic context cutoff, a human-inspired method enabling LLMs to self-terminate processing upon acquiring sufficient task-relevant information. Through analysis of model internals, we discover that specific attention heads inherently encode "sufficiency signals" - detectable through lightweight classifiers - that predict when critical information has been processed. This reveals a new efficiency paradigm: models' internal understanding naturally dictates processing needs rather than external compression heuristics. Comprehensive experiments across six QA datasets (up to 40K tokens) with three model families (LLaMA/Qwen/Mistral, 1B0-70B) demonstrate 1.33x average token reduction while improving accuracy by 1.3%. Furthermore, our method demonstrates better performance with the same rate of token reduction compared to other context efficiency methods. Additionally, we observe an emergent scaling phenomenon: while smaller models require require probing for sufficiency detection, larger models exhibit intrinsic self-assessment capabilities through prompting.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are thought to struggle with arithmetic learning due to the inherent differences between language modeling and numerical computation, but concrete evidence has been lacking. This work responds to this claim through a two-side experiment. We first investigate whether LLMs leverage partial products during arithmetic learning. We find that although LLMs can identify some partial products after learning, they fail to leverage them for arithmetic tasks, conversely. We then explore how LLMs approach arithmetic symbolically by breaking tasks into subgroups, hypothesizing that difficulties arise from subgroup complexity and selection. Our results show that when subgroup complexity is fixed, LLMs treat a collection of different arithmetic operations similarly. By analyzing position-level accuracy across different training sizes, we further observe that it follows a U-shaped pattern: LLMs quickly learn the easiest patterns at the first and last positions, while progressively learning the more difficult patterns in the middle positions. This suggests that LLMs select subgroup following an easy-to-hard paradigm during learning. Our work confirms that LLMs are pure symbolic learners in arithmetic tasks and underscores the importance of understanding them deeply through subgroup-level quantification.
Abstract:The rapid scaling of large language models (LLMs) has raised concerns about the transparency and fair use of the pretraining data used for training them. Detecting such content is challenging due to the scale of the data and limited exposure of each instance during training. We propose ReCaLL (Relative Conditional Log-Likelihood), a novel membership inference attack (MIA) to detect LLMs' pretraining data by leveraging their conditional language modeling capabilities. ReCaLL examines the relative change in conditional log-likelihoods when prefixing target data points with non-member context. Our empirical findings show that conditioning member data on non-member prefixes induces a larger decrease in log-likelihood compared to non-member data. We conduct comprehensive experiments and show that ReCaLL achieves state-of-the-art performance on the WikiMIA dataset, even with random and synthetic prefixes, and can be further improved using an ensemble approach. Moreover, we conduct an in-depth analysis of LLMs' behavior with different membership contexts, providing insights into how LLMs leverage membership information for effective inference at both the sequence and token level.
Abstract:With the proliferation of LLM-integrated applications such as GPT-s, millions are deployed, offering valuable services through proprietary instruction prompts. These systems, however, are prone to prompt extraction attacks through meticulously designed queries. To help mitigate this problem, we introduce the Raccoon benchmark which comprehensively evaluates a model's susceptibility to prompt extraction attacks. Our novel evaluation method assesses models under both defenseless and defended scenarios, employing a dual approach to evaluate the effectiveness of existing defenses and the resilience of the models. The benchmark encompasses 14 categories of prompt extraction attacks, with additional compounded attacks that closely mimic the strategies of potential attackers, alongside a diverse collection of defense templates. This array is, to our knowledge, the most extensive compilation of prompt theft attacks and defense mechanisms to date. Our findings highlight universal susceptibility to prompt theft in the absence of defenses, with OpenAI models demonstrating notable resilience when protected. This paper aims to establish a more systematic benchmark for assessing LLM robustness against prompt extraction attacks, offering insights into their causes and potential countermeasures. Resources of Raccoon are publicly available at https://github.com/M0gician/RaccoonBench.
Abstract:Identifying linguistic differences between dialects of a language often requires expert knowledge and meticulous human analysis. This is largely due to the complexity and nuance involved in studying various dialects. We present a novel approach to extract distinguishing lexical features of dialects by utilizing interpretable dialect classifiers, even in the absence of human experts. We explore both post-hoc and intrinsic approaches to interpretability, conduct experiments on Mandarin, Italian, and Low Saxon, and experimentally demonstrate that our method successfully identifies key language-specific lexical features that contribute to dialectal variations.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have significantly transformed the educational landscape. As current plagiarism detection tools struggle to keep pace with LLMs' rapid advancements, the educational community faces the challenge of assessing students' true problem-solving abilities in the presence of LLMs. In this work, we explore a new paradigm for ensuring fair evaluation -- generating adversarial examples which preserve the structure and difficulty of the original questions aimed for assessment, but are unsolvable by LLMs. Focusing on the domain of math word problems, we leverage abstract syntax trees to structurally generate adversarial examples that cause LLMs to produce incorrect answers by simply editing the numeric values in the problems. We conduct experiments on various open- and closed-source LLMs, quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrating that our method significantly degrades their math problem-solving ability. We identify shared vulnerabilities among LLMs and propose a cost-effective approach to attack high-cost models. Additionally, we conduct automatic analysis on math problems and investigate the cause of failure to guide future research on LLM's mathematical capability.