Abstract:We propose ReMiDi, a novel method for inferring neuronal microstructure as arbitrary 3D meshes using a differentiable diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) simulator. We first implemented in PyTorch a differentiable dMRI simulator that simulates the forward diffusion process using a finite-element method on an input 3D microstructure mesh. To achieve significantly faster simulations, we solve the differential equation semi-analytically using a matrix formalism approach. Given a reference dMRI signal $S_{ref}$, we use the differentiable simulator to iteratively update the input mesh such that it matches $S_{ref}$ using gradient-based learning. Since directly optimizing the 3D coordinates of the vertices is challenging, particularly due to ill-posedness of the inverse problem, we instead optimize a lower-dimensional latent space representation of the mesh. The mesh is first encoded into spectral coefficients, which are further encoded into a latent $\textbf{z}$ using an auto-encoder, and are then decoded back into the true mesh. We present an end-to-end differentiable pipeline that simulates signals that can be tuned to match a reference signal by iteratively updating the latent representation $\textbf{z}$. We demonstrate the ability to reconstruct microstructures of arbitrary shapes represented by finite-element meshes, with a focus on axonal geometries found in the brain white matter, including bending, fanning and beading fibers. Our source code will be made available online.
Abstract:Music therapy has been shown in recent years to provide multiple health benefits related to emotional wellness. In turn, maintaining a healthy emotional state has proven to be effective for patients undergoing treatment, such as Parkinson's patients or patients suffering from stress and anxiety. We propose fine-tuning MusicGen, a music-generating transformer model, to create short musical clips that assist patients in transitioning from negative to desired emotional states. Using low-rank decomposition fine-tuning on the MTG-Jamendo Dataset with emotion tags, we generate 30-second clips that adhere to the iso principle, guiding patients through intermediate states in the valence-arousal circumplex. The generated music is evaluated using a music emotion recognition model to ensure alignment with intended emotions. By concatenating these clips, we produce a 15-minute "music medicine" resembling a music therapy session. Our approach is the first model to leverage Language Models to generate music medicine. Ultimately, the output is intended to be used as a temporary relief between music therapy sessions with a board-certified therapist.
Abstract:We present AFEN (Audio Feature Ensemble Learning), a model that leverages Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and XGBoost in an ensemble learning fashion to perform state-of-the-art audio classification for a range of respiratory diseases. We use a meticulously selected mix of audio features which provide the salient attributes of the data and allow for accurate classification. The extracted features are then used as an input to two separate model classifiers 1) a multi-feature CNN classifier and 2) an XGBoost Classifier. The outputs of the two models are then fused with the use of soft voting. Thus, by exploiting ensemble learning, we achieve increased robustness and accuracy. We evaluate the performance of the model on a database of 920 respiratory sounds, which undergoes data augmentation techniques to increase the diversity of the data and generalizability of the model. We empirically verify that AFEN sets a new state-of-the-art using Precision and Recall as metrics, while decreasing training time by 60%.
Abstract:Reconstructing digital brain phantoms in the form of multi-channeled brain tissue probability maps for individual subjects is essential for capturing brain anatomical variability, understanding neurological diseases, as well as for testing image processing methods. We demonstrate the first framework that optimizes brain tissue probability maps (Gray Matter - GM, White Matter - WM, and Cerebrospinal fluid - CSF) with the help of a Physics-based differentiable MRI simulator that models the magnetization signal at each voxel in the image. Given an observed $T_1$/$T_2$-weighted MRI scan, the corresponding clinical MRI sequence, and the MRI differentiable simulator, we optimize the simulator's input probability maps by back-propagating the L2 loss between the simulator's output and the $T_1$/$T_2$-weighted scan. This approach has the significant advantage of not relying on any training data, and instead uses the strong inductive bias of the MRI simulator. We tested the model on 20 scans from the BrainWeb database and demonstrate a highly accurate reconstruction of GM, WM, and CSF.
Abstract:Weight quantization is used to deploy high-performance deep learning models on resource-limited hardware, enabling the use of low-precision integers for storage and computation. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) share the goal of enhancing efficiency, but adopt an 'event-driven' approach to reduce the power consumption of neural network inference. While extensive research has focused on weight quantization, quantization-aware training (QAT), and their application to SNNs, the precision reduction of state variables during training has been largely overlooked, potentially diminishing inference performance. This paper introduces two QAT schemes for stateful neurons: (i) a uniform quantization strategy, an established method for weight quantization, and (ii) threshold-centered quantization, which allocates exponentially more quantization levels near the firing threshold. Our results show that increasing the density of quantization levels around the firing threshold improves accuracy across several benchmark datasets. We provide an ablation analysis of the effects of weight and state quantization, both individually and combined, and how they impact models. Our comprehensive empirical evaluation includes full precision, 8-bit, 4-bit, and 2-bit quantized SNNs, using QAT, stateful QAT (SQUAT), and post-training quantization methods. The findings indicate that the combination of QAT and SQUAT enhance performance the most, but given the choice of one or the other, QAT improves performance by the larger degree. These trends are consistent all datasets. Our methods have been made available in our Python library snnTorch: https://github.com/jeshraghian/snntorch.
Abstract:We present GaSpCT, a novel view synthesis and 3D scene representation method used to generate novel projection views for Computer Tomography (CT) scans. We adapt the Gaussian Splatting framework to enable novel view synthesis in CT based on limited sets of 2D image projections and without the need for Structure from Motion (SfM) methodologies. Therefore, we reduce the total scanning duration and the amount of radiation dose the patient receives during the scan. We adapted the loss function to our use-case by encouraging a stronger background and foreground distinction using two sparsity promoting regularizers: a beta loss and a total variation (TV) loss. Finally, we initialize the Gaussian locations across the 3D space using a uniform prior distribution of where the brain's positioning would be expected to be within the field of view. We evaluate the performance of our model using brain CT scans from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) dataset and demonstrate that the rendered novel views closely match the original projection views of the simulated scan, and have better performance than other implicit 3D scene representations methodologies. Furthermore, we empirically observe reduced training time compared to neural network based image synthesis for sparse-view CT image reconstruction. Finally, the memory requirements of the Gaussian Splatting representations are reduced by 17% compared to the equivalent voxel grid image representations.
Abstract:High-resolution (HR) MRI scans obtained from research-grade medical centers provide precise information about imaged tissues. However, routine clinical MRI scans are typically in low-resolution (LR) and vary greatly in contrast and spatial resolution due to the adjustments of the scanning parameters to the local needs of the medical center. End-to-end deep learning methods for MRI super-resolution (SR) have been proposed, but they require re-training each time there is a shift in the input distribution. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach that leverages a state-of-the-art 3D brain generative model, the latent diffusion model (LDM) trained on UK BioBank, to increase the resolution of clinical MRI scans. The LDM acts as a generative prior, which has the ability to capture the prior distribution of 3D T1-weighted brain MRI. Based on the architecture of the brain LDM, we find that different methods are suitable for different settings of MRI SR, and thus propose two novel strategies: 1) for SR with more sparsity, we invert through both the decoder of the LDM and also through a deterministic Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM), an approach we will call InverseSR(LDM); 2) for SR with less sparsity, we invert only through the LDM decoder, an approach we will call InverseSR(Decoder). These two approaches search different latent spaces in the LDM model to find the optimal latent code to map the given LR MRI into HR. The training process of the generative model is independent of the MRI under-sampling process, ensuring the generalization of our method to many MRI SR problems with different input measurements. We validate our method on over 100 brain T1w MRIs from the IXI dataset. Our method can demonstrate that powerful priors given by LDM can be used for MRI reconstruction.
Abstract:Image synthesis via Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) of three-dimensional (3D) medical images has great potential that can be extended to many medical applications, such as, image enhancement and disease progression modeling. However, current GAN technologies for 3D medical image synthesis need to be significantly improved to be readily adapted to real-world medical problems. In this paper, we extend the state-of-the-art StyleGAN2 model, which natively works with two-dimensional images, to enable 3D image synthesis. In addition to the image synthesis, we investigate the controllability and interpretability of the 3D-StyleGAN via style vectors inherited form the original StyleGAN2 that are highly suitable for medical applications: (i) the latent space projection and reconstruction of unseen real images, and (ii) style mixing. We demonstrate the 3D-StyleGAN's performance and feasibility with ~12,000 three-dimensional full brain MR T1 images, although it can be applied to any 3D volumetric images. Furthermore, we explore different configurations of hyperparameters to investigate potential improvement of the image synthesis with larger networks. The codes and pre-trained networks are available online: https://github.com/sh4174/3DStyleGAN.