Abstract:Object detection, a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision, has experienced rapid development due to the effectiveness of deep learning. The current objects to be detected are mostly rigid solid substances with apparent and distinct visual characteristics. In this paper, we endeavor on a scarcely explored task named Gaseous Object Detection (GOD), which is undertaken to explore whether the object detection techniques can be extended from solid substances to gaseous substances. Nevertheless, the gas exhibits significantly different visual characteristics: 1) saliency deficiency, 2) arbitrary and ever-changing shapes, 3) lack of distinct boundaries. To facilitate the study on this challenging task, we construct a GOD-Video dataset comprising 600 videos (141,017 frames) that cover various attributes with multiple types of gases. A comprehensive benchmark is established based on this dataset, allowing for a rigorous evaluation of frame-level and video-level detectors. Deduced from the Gaussian dispersion model, the physics-inspired Voxel Shift Field (VSF) is designed to model geometric irregularities and ever-changing shapes in potential 3D space. By integrating VSF into Faster RCNN, the VSF RCNN serves as a simple but strong baseline for gaseous object detection. Our work aims to attract further research into this valuable albeit challenging area.
Abstract:The integration of miniaturized spectrometers into mobile devices offers new avenues for image quality enhancement and facilitates novel downstream tasks. However, the broader application of spectral sensors in mobile photography is hindered by the inherent complexity of spectral images and the constraints of spectral imaging capabilities. To overcome these challenges, we propose a joint RGB-Spectral decomposition model guided enhancement framework, which consists of two steps: joint decomposition and prior-guided enhancement. Firstly, we leverage the complementarity between RGB and Low-resolution Multi-Spectral Images (Lr-MSI) to predict shading, reflectance, and material semantic priors. Subsequently, these priors are seamlessly integrated into the established HDRNet to promote dynamic range enhancement, color mapping, and grid expert learning, respectively. Additionally, we construct a high-quality Mobile-Spec dataset to support our research, and our experiments validate the effectiveness of Lr-MSI in the tone enhancement task. This work aims to establish a solid foundation for advancing spectral vision in mobile photography. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/CalayZhou/JDM-HDRNet}.
Abstract:Representing signals using coordinate networks dominates the area of inverse problems recently, and is widely applied in various scientific computing tasks. Still, there exists an issue of spectral bias in coordinate networks, limiting the capacity to learn high-frequency components. This problem is caused by the pathological distribution of the neural tangent kernel's (NTK's) eigenvalues of coordinate networks. We find that, this pathological distribution could be improved using classical normalization techniques (batch normalization and layer normalization), which are commonly used in convolutional neural networks but rarely used in coordinate networks. We prove that normalization techniques greatly reduces the maximum and variance of NTK's eigenvalues while slightly modifies the mean value, considering the max eigenvalue is much larger than the most, this variance change results in a shift of eigenvalues' distribution from a lower one to a higher one, therefore the spectral bias could be alleviated. Furthermore, we propose two new normalization techniques by combining these two techniques in different ways. The efficacy of these normalization techniques is substantiated by the significant improvements and new state-of-the-arts achieved by applying normalization-based coordinate networks to various tasks, including the image compression, computed tomography reconstruction, shape representation, magnetic resonance imaging, novel view synthesis and multi-view stereo reconstruction.
Abstract:Implicit neural representation (INR) has recently emerged as a promising paradigm for signal representations, which takes coordinates as inputs and generates corresponding signal values. Since these coordinates contain no semantic features, INR fails to take any semantic information into consideration. However, semantic information has been proven critical in many vision tasks, especially for visual signal representation. This paper proposes a reparameterization method termed as SPW, which encodes the semantic priors to the weights of INR, thus making INR contain semantic information implicitly and enhancing its representational capacity. Specifically, SPW uses the Semantic Neural Network (SNN) to extract both low- and high-level semantic information of the target visual signal and generates the semantic vector, which is input into the Weight Generation Network (WGN) to generate the weights of INR model. Finally, INR uses the generated weights with semantic priors to map the coordinates to the signal values. After training, we only retain the generated weights while abandoning both SNN and WGN, thus SPW introduces no extra costs in inference. Experimental results show that SPW can improve the performance of various INR models significantly on various tasks, including image fitting, CT reconstruction, MRI reconstruction, and novel view synthesis. Further experiments illustrate that model with SPW has lower weight redundancy and learns more novel representations, validating the effectiveness of SPW.
Abstract:Foot contact is an important cue for human motion capture, understanding, and generation. Existing datasets tend to annotate dense foot contact using visual matching with thresholding or incorporating pressure signals. However, these approaches either suffer from low accuracy or are only designed for small-range and slow motion. There is still a lack of a vision-pressure multimodal dataset with large-range and fast human motion, as well as accurate and dense foot-contact annotation. To fill this gap, we propose a Multimodal MoCap Dataset with Vision and Pressure sensors, named MMVP. MMVP provides accurate and dense plantar pressure signals synchronized with RGBD observations, which is especially useful for both plausible shape estimation, robust pose fitting without foot drifting, and accurate global translation tracking. To validate the dataset, we propose an RGBD-P SMPL fitting method and also a monocular-video-based baseline framework, VP-MoCap, for human motion capture. Experiments demonstrate that our RGBD-P SMPL Fitting results significantly outperform pure visual motion capture. Moreover, VP-MoCap outperforms SOTA methods in foot-contact and global translation estimation accuracy. We believe the configuration of the dataset and the baseline frameworks will stimulate the research in this direction and also provide a good reference for MoCap applications in various domains. Project page: https://metaverse-ai-lab-thu.github.io/MMVP-Dataset/.
Abstract:We propose Re-parameterized Refocusing Convolution (RefConv) as a replacement for regular convolutional layers, which is a plug-and-play module to improve the performance without any inference costs. Specifically, given a pre-trained model, RefConv applies a trainable Refocusing Transformation to the basis kernels inherited from the pre-trained model to establish connections among the parameters. For example, a depth-wise RefConv can relate the parameters of a specific channel of convolution kernel to the parameters of the other kernel, i.e., make them refocus on the other parts of the model they have never attended to, rather than focus on the input features only. From another perspective, RefConv augments the priors of existing model structures by utilizing the representations encoded in the pre-trained parameters as the priors and refocusing on them to learn novel representations, thus further enhancing the representational capacity of the pre-trained model. Experimental results validated that RefConv can improve multiple CNN-based models by a clear margin on image classification (up to 1.47% higher top-1 accuracy on ImageNet), object detection and semantic segmentation without introducing any extra inference costs or altering the original model structure. Further studies demonstrated that RefConv can reduce the redundancy of channels and smooth the loss landscape, which explains its effectiveness.
Abstract:This paper proposes a learnable nonlinear activation mechanism specifically for convolutional neural network (CNN) termed as LENI, which learns to enhance the negative information in CNNs. In sharp contrast to ReLU which cuts off the negative neurons and suffers from the issue of ''dying ReLU'', LENI enjoys the capacity to reconstruct the dead neurons and reduce the information loss. Compared to improved ReLUs, LENI introduces a learnable approach to process the negative phase information more properly. In this way, LENI can enhance the model representational capacity significantly while maintaining the original advantages of ReLU. As a generic activation mechanism, LENI possesses the property of portability and can be easily utilized in any CNN models through simply replacing the activation layers with LENI block. Extensive experiments validate that LENI can improve the performance of various baseline models on various benchmark datasets by a clear margin (up to 1.24% higher top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1k) with negligible extra parameters. Further experiments show that LENI can act as a channel compensation mechanism, offering competitive or even better performance but with fewer learned parameters than baseline models. In addition, LENI introduces the asymmetry to the model structure which contributes to the enhancement of representational capacity. Through visualization experiments, we validate that LENI can retain more information and learn more representations.
Abstract:Designing light-weight CNN models with little parameters and Flops is a prominent research concern. However, three significant issues persist in the current light-weight CNNs: i) the lack of architectural consistency leads to redundancy and hindered capacity comparison, as well as the ambiguity in causation between architectural choices and performance enhancement; ii) the utilization of a single-branch depth-wise convolution compromises the model representational capacity; iii) the depth-wise convolutions account for large proportions of parameters and Flops, while lacking efficient method to make them light-weight. To address these issues, we factorize the four vital components of light-weight CNNs from coarse to fine and redesign them: i) we design a light-weight overall architecture termed LightNet, which obtains better performance by simply implementing the basic blocks of other light-weight CNNs; ii) we abstract a Meta Light Block, which consists of spatial operator and channel operator and uniformly describes current basic blocks; iii) we raise RepSO which constructs multiple spatial operator branches to enhance the representational ability; iv) we raise the concept of receptive range, guided by which we raise RefCO to sparsely factorize the channel operator. Based on above four vital components, we raise a novel light-weight CNN model termed as FalconNet. Experimental results validate that FalconNet can achieve higher accuracy with lower number of parameters and Flops compared to existing light-weight CNNs.
Abstract:We endeavor on a rarely explored task named Insubstantial Object Detection (IOD), which aims to localize the object with following characteristics: (1) amorphous shape with indistinct boundary; (2) similarity to surroundings; (3) absence in color. Accordingly, it is far more challenging to distinguish insubstantial objects in a single static frame and the collaborative representation of spatial and temporal information is crucial. Thus, we construct an IOD-Video dataset comprised of 600 videos (141,017 frames) covering various distances, sizes, visibility, and scenes captured by different spectral ranges. In addition, we develop a spatio-temporal aggregation framework for IOD, in which different backbones are deployed and a spatio-temporal aggregation loss (STAloss) is elaborately designed to leverage the consistency along the time axis. Experiments conducted on IOD-Video dataset demonstrate that spatio-temporal aggregation can significantly improve the performance of IOD. We hope our work will attract further researches into this valuable yet challenging task. The code will be available at: \url{https://github.com/CalayZhou/IOD-Video}.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a large-scale detailed 3D face dataset, FaceScape, and the corresponding benchmark to evaluate single-view facial 3D reconstruction. By training on FaceScape data, a novel algorithm is proposed to predict elaborate riggable 3D face models from a single image input. FaceScape dataset provides 18,760 textured 3D faces, captured from 938 subjects and each with 20 specific expressions. The 3D models contain the pore-level facial geometry that is also processed to be topologically uniformed. These fine 3D facial models can be represented as a 3D morphable model for rough shapes and displacement maps for detailed geometry. Taking advantage of the large-scale and high-accuracy dataset, a novel algorithm is further proposed to learn the expression-specific dynamic details using a deep neural network. The learned relationship serves as the foundation of our 3D face prediction system from a single image input. Different than the previous methods, our predicted 3D models are riggable with highly detailed geometry under different expressions. We also use FaceScape data to generate the in-the-wild and in-the-lab benchmark to evaluate recent methods of single-view face reconstruction. The accuracy is reported and analyzed on the dimensions of camera pose and focal length, which provides a faithful and comprehensive evaluation and reveals new challenges. The unprecedented dataset, benchmark, and code have been released to the public for research purpose.