Abstract:Robustness of reasoning remains a significant challenge for large language models, and addressing it is essential for the practical applicability of AI-driven reasoning systems. We introduce Semantic Self-Verification (SSV), a novel approach that addresses the key challenge in combining language models with the rigor of logical solvers: to accurately formulate the reasoning problem from natural language to the formal language of the solver. SSV uses a consistency-based approach to produce strong abstract formalizations of problems using concrete instantiations that are generated by the model and verified by the solver. In addition to significantly advancing the overall reasoning accuracy over the state-of-the-art, a key novelty that this approach presents is a feature of verification that has near-perfect precision over a significant coverage of cases, as we demonstrate on open reasoning benchmarks. We propose such *near-certain reasoning* as a new approach to reduce the need for manual verification in many cases, taking us closer to more dependable and autonomous AI reasoning systems.
Abstract:Formatting is an important property in tables for visualization, presentation, and analysis. Spreadsheet software allows users to automatically format their tables by writing data-dependent conditional formatting (CF) rules. Writing such rules is often challenging for users as it requires them to understand and implement the underlying logic. We present FormaT5, a transformer-based model that can generate a CF rule given the target table and a natural language description of the desired formatting logic. We find that user descriptions for these tasks are often under-specified or ambiguous, making it harder for code generation systems to accurately learn the desired rule in a single step. To tackle this problem of under-specification and minimise argument errors, FormaT5 learns to predict placeholders though an abstention objective. These placeholders can then be filled by a second model or, when examples of rows that should be formatted are available, by a programming-by-example system. To evaluate FormaT5 on diverse and real scenarios, we create an extensive benchmark of 1053 CF tasks, containing real-world descriptions collected from four different sources. We release our benchmarks to encourage research in this area. Abstention and filling allow FormaT5 to outperform 8 different neural approaches on our benchmarks, both with and without examples. Our results illustrate the value of building domain-specific learning systems.
Abstract:Creating programs to correctly manipulate data is a difficult task, as the underlying programming languages and APIs can be challenging to learn for many users who are not skilled programmers. Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable potential for generating code from natural language, but in the data manipulation domain, apart from the natural language (NL) description of the intended task, we also have the dataset on which the task is to be performed, or the "data context". Existing approaches have utilized data context in a limited way by simply adding relevant information from the input data into the prompts sent to the LLM. In this work, we utilize the available input data to execute the candidate programs generated by the LLMs and gather their outputs. We introduce semantic reranking, a technique to rerank the programs generated by LLMs based on three signals coming the program outputs: (a) semantic filtering and well-formedness based score tuning: do programs even generate well-formed outputs, (b) semantic interleaving: how do the outputs from different candidates compare to each other, and (c) output-based score tuning: how do the outputs compare to outputs predicted for the same task. We provide theoretical justification for semantic interleaving. We also introduce temperature mixing, where we combine samples generated by LLMs using both high and low temperatures. We extensively evaluate our approach in three domains, namely databases (SQL), data science (Pandas) and business intelligence (Excel's Power Query M) on a variety of new and existing benchmarks. We observe substantial gains across domains, with improvements of up to 45% in top-1 accuracy and 34% in top-3 accuracy.
Abstract:Spreadsheets are widely used for table manipulation and presentation. Stylistic formatting of these tables is an important property for both presentation and analysis. As a result, popular spreadsheet software, such as Excel, supports automatically formatting tables based on data-dependent rules. Unfortunately, writing these formatting rules can be challenging for users as that requires knowledge of the underlying rule language and data logic. In this paper, we present CORNET, a neuro-symbolic system that tackles the novel problem of automatically learning such formatting rules from user examples of formatted cells. CORNET takes inspiration from inductive program synthesis and combines symbolic rule enumeration, based on semi-supervised clustering and iterative decision tree learning, with a neural ranker to produce conditional formatting rules. To motivate and evaluate our approach, we extracted tables with formatting rules from a corpus of over 40K real spreadsheets. Using this data, we compared CORNET to a wide range of symbolic and neural baselines. Our results show that CORNET can learn rules more accurately, across varying conditions, compared to these baselines.
Abstract:Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) provide tool support to automate many source code editing tasks. Traditionally, IDEs use only the spatial context, i.e., the location where the developer is editing, to generate candidate edit recommendations. However, spatial context alone is often not sufficient to confidently predict the developer's next edit, and thus IDEs generate many suggestions at a location. Therefore, IDEs generally do not actively offer suggestions and instead, the developer is usually required to click on a specific icon or menu and then select from a large list of potential suggestions. As a consequence, developers often miss the opportunity to use the tool support because they are not aware it exists or forget to use it. To better understand common patterns in developer behavior and produce better edit recommendations, we can additionally use the temporal context, i.e., the edits that a developer was recently performing. To enable edit recommendations based on temporal context, we present Overwatch, a novel technique for learning edit sequence patterns from traces of developers' edits performed in an IDE. Our experiments show that Overwatch has 78% precision and that Overwatch not only completed edits when developers missed the opportunity to use the IDE tool support but also predicted new edits that have no tool support in the IDE.
Abstract:We propose a new approach to extracting data items or field values from semi-structured documents. Examples of such problems include extracting passenger name, departure time and departure airport from a travel itinerary, or extracting price of an item from a purchase receipt. Traditional approaches to data extraction use machine learning or program synthesis to process the whole document to extract the desired fields. Such approaches are not robust to format changes in the document, and the extraction process typically fails even if changes are made to parts of the document that are unrelated to the desired fields of interest. We propose a new approach to data extraction based on the concepts of landmarks and regions. Humans routinely use landmarks in manual processing of documents to zoom in and focus their attention on small regions of interest in the document. Inspired by this human intuition, we use the notion of landmarks in program synthesis to automatically synthesize extraction programs that first extract a small region of interest, and then automatically extract the desired value from the region in a subsequent step. We have implemented our landmark-based extraction approach in a tool LRSyn, and show extensive evaluation on documents in HTML as well as scanned images of invoices and receipts. Our results show that our approach is robust to various types of format changes that routinely happen in real-world settings.
Abstract:Multi-modal program synthesis refers to the task of synthesizing programs (code) from their specification given in different forms, such as a combination of natural language and examples. Examples provide a precise but incomplete specification, and natural language provides an ambiguous but more "complete" task description. Machine-learned pre-trained models (PTMs) are adept at handling ambiguous natural language, but struggle with generating syntactically and semantically precise code. Program synthesis techniques can generate correct code, often even from incomplete but precise specifications, such as examples, but they are unable to work with the ambiguity of natural languages. We present an approach that combines PTMs with component-based synthesis (CBS): PTMs are used to generate candidates programs from the natural language description of the task, which are then used to guide the CBS procedure to find the program that matches the precise examples-based specification. We use our combination approach to instantiate multi-modal synthesis systems for two programming domains: the domain of regular expressions and the domain of CSS selectors. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our domain-agnostic approach in comparison to a state-of-the-art specialized system, and the generality of our approach in providing multi-modal program synthesis from natural language and examples in different programming domains.