Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Abstract:Model personalization allows a set of individuals, each facing a different learning task, to train models that are more accurate for each person than those they could develop individually. The goals of personalization are captured in a variety of formal frameworks, such as multitask learning and metalearning. Combining data for model personalization poses risks for privacy because the output of an individual's model can depend on the data of other individuals. In this work we undertake a systematic study of differentially private personalized learning. Our first main contribution is to construct a taxonomy of formal frameworks for private personalized learning. This taxonomy captures different formal frameworks for learning as well as different threat models for the attacker. Our second main contribution is to prove separations between the personalized learning problems corresponding to different choices. In particular, we prove a novel separation between private multitask learning and private metalearning.
Abstract:We consider the problem of hypothesis testing for discrete distributions. In the standard model, where we have sample access to an underlying distribution $p$, extensive research has established optimal bounds for uniformity testing, identity testing (goodness of fit), and closeness testing (equivalence or two-sample testing). We explore these problems in a setting where a predicted data distribution, possibly derived from historical data or predictive machine learning models, is available. We demonstrate that such a predictor can indeed reduce the number of samples required for all three property testing tasks. The reduction in sample complexity depends directly on the predictor's quality, measured by its total variation distance from $p$. A key advantage of our algorithms is their adaptability to the precision of the prediction. Specifically, our algorithms can self-adjust their sample complexity based on the accuracy of the available prediction, operating without any prior knowledge of the estimation's accuracy (i.e. they are consistent). Additionally, we never use more samples than the standard approaches require, even if the predictions provide no meaningful information (i.e. they are also robust). We provide lower bounds to indicate that the improvements in sample complexity achieved by our algorithms are information-theoretically optimal. Furthermore, experimental results show that the performance of our algorithms on real data significantly exceeds our worst-case guarantees for sample complexity, demonstrating the practicality of our approach.
Abstract:Local Differential Privacy (LDP) offers strong privacy guarantees without requiring users to trust external parties. However, LDP applies uniform protection to all data features, including less sensitive ones, which degrades performance of downstream tasks. To overcome this limitation, we propose a Bayesian framework, Bayesian Coordinate Differential Privacy (BCDP), that enables feature-specific privacy quantification. This more nuanced approach complements LDP by adjusting privacy protection according to the sensitivity of each feature, enabling improved performance of downstream tasks without compromising privacy. We characterize the properties of BCDP and articulate its connections with standard non-Bayesian privacy frameworks. We further apply our BCDP framework to the problems of private mean estimation and ordinary least-squares regression. The BCDP-based approach obtains improved accuracy compared to a purely LDP-based approach, without compromising on privacy.
Abstract:Metalearning and multitask learning are two frameworks for solving a group of related learning tasks more efficiently than we could hope to solve each of the individual tasks on their own. In multitask learning, we are given a fixed set of related learning tasks and need to output one accurate model per task, whereas in metalearning we are given tasks that are drawn i.i.d. from a metadistribution and need to output some common information that can be easily specialized to new, previously unseen tasks from the metadistribution. In this work, we consider a binary classification setting where tasks are related by a shared representation, that is, every task $P$ of interest can be solved by a classifier of the form $f_{P} \circ h$ where $h \in H$ is a map from features to some representation space that is shared across tasks, and $f_{P} \in F$ is a task-specific classifier from the representation space to labels. The main question we ask in this work is how much data do we need to metalearn a good representation? Here, the amount of data is measured in terms of both the number of tasks $t$ that we need to see and the number of samples $n$ per task. We focus on the regime where the number of samples per task is extremely small. Our main result shows that, in a distribution-free setting where the feature vectors are in $\mathbb{R}^d$, the representation is a linear map from $\mathbb{R}^d \to \mathbb{R}^k$, and the task-specific classifiers are halfspaces in $\mathbb{R}^k$, we can metalearn a representation with error $\varepsilon$ using just $n = k+2$ samples per task, and $d \cdot (1/\varepsilon)^{O(k)}$ tasks. Learning with so few samples per task is remarkable because metalearning would be impossible with $k+1$ samples per task, and because we cannot even hope to learn an accurate task-specific classifier with just $k+2$ samples per task.
Abstract:We construct differentially private estimators with low sample complexity that estimate the median of an arbitrary distribution over $\mathbb{R}$ satisfying very mild moment conditions. Our result stands in contrast to the surprising negative result of Bun et al. (FOCS 2015) that showed there is no differentially private estimator with any finite sample complexity that returns any non-trivial approximation to the median of an arbitrary distribution.
Abstract:Recent work of Acharya et al. (NeurIPS 2019) showed how to estimate the entropy of a distribution $\mathcal D$ over an alphabet of size $k$ up to $\pm\epsilon$ additive error by streaming over $(k/\epsilon^3) \cdot \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ i.i.d. samples and using only $O(1)$ words of memory. In this work, we give a new constant memory scheme that reduces the sample complexity to $(k/\epsilon^2)\cdot \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$. We conjecture that this is optimal up to $\text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ factors.
Abstract:We investigate the local differential privacy (LDP) guarantees of a randomized privacy mechanism via its contraction properties. We first show that LDP constraints can be equivalently cast in terms of the contraction coefficient of the $E_\gamma$-divergence. We then use this equivalent formula to express LDP guarantees of privacy mechanisms in terms of contraction coefficients of arbitrary $f$-divergences. When combined with standard estimation-theoretic tools (such as Le Cam's and Fano's converse methods), this result allows us to study the trade-off between privacy and utility in several testing and minimax and Bayesian estimation problems.
Abstract:Understanding the shape of a distribution of data is of interest to people in a great variety of fields, as it may affect the types of algorithms used for that data. Given samples from a distribution, we seek to understand how many elements appear infrequently, that is, to characterize the tail of the distribution. We develop an algorithm based on a careful bucketing scheme that distinguishes heavy-tailed distributions from non-heavy-tailed ones via a definition based on the hazard rate under some natural smoothness and ordering assumptions. We verify our theoretical results empirically.
Abstract:Determinantal point processes (DPPs) are popular probabilistic models of diversity. In this paper, we investigate DPPs from a new perspective: property testing of distributions. Given sample access to an unknown distribution $q$ over the subsets of a ground set, we aim to distinguish whether $q$ is a DPP distribution, or $\epsilon$-far from all DPP distributions in $\ell_1$-distance. In this work, we propose the first algorithm for testing DPPs. Furthermore, we establish a matching lower bound on the sample complexity of DPP testing. This lower bound also extends to showing a new hardness result for the problem of testing the more general class of log-submodular distributions.
Abstract:We propose a new setting for testing properties of distributions while receiving samples from several distributions, but few samples per distribution. Given samples from $s$ distributions, $p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_s$, we design testers for the following problems: (1) Uniformity Testing: Testing whether all the $p_i$'s are uniform or $\epsilon$-far from being uniform in $\ell_1$-distance (2) Identity Testing: Testing whether all the $p_i$'s are equal to an explicitly given distribution $q$ or $\epsilon$-far from $q$ in $\ell_1$-distance, and (3) Closeness Testing: Testing whether all the $p_i$'s are equal to a distribution $q$ which we have sample access to, or $\epsilon$-far from $q$ in $\ell_1$-distance. By assuming an additional natural condition about the source distributions, we provide sample optimal testers for all of these problems.