Abstract:In session-based recommender systems, predictions are based on the user's preceding behavior in the session. State-of-the-art sequential recommendation algorithms either use graph neural networks to model sessions in a graph or leverage the similarity of sessions by exploiting item features. In this paper, we combine these two approaches and propose a novel method, Graph Convolutional Network Extension (GCNext), which incorporates item features directly into the graph representation via graph convolutional networks. GCNext creates a feature-rich item co-occurrence graph and learns the corresponding item embeddings in an unsupervised manner. We show on three datasets that integrating GCNext into sequential recommendation algorithms significantly boosts the performance of nearest-neighbor methods as well as neural network models. Our flexible extension is easy to incorporate in state-of-the-art methods and increases the MRR@20 by up to 12.79%.
Abstract:In widely used neural network-based collaborative filtering models, users' history logs are encoded into latent embeddings that represent the users' preferences. In this setting, the models are capable of mapping users' protected attributes (e.g., gender or ethnicity) from these user embeddings even without explicit access to them, resulting in models that may treat specific demographic user groups unfairly and raise privacy issues. While prior work has approached the removal of a single protected attribute of a user at a time, multiple attributes might come into play in real-world scenarios. In the work at hand, we present AdvXMultVAE which aims to unlearn multiple protected attributes (exemplified by gender and age) simultaneously to improve fairness across demographic user groups. For this purpose, we couple a variational autoencoder (VAE) architecture with adversarial training (AdvMultVAE) to support simultaneous removal of the users' protected attributes with continuous and/or categorical values. Our experiments on two datasets, LFM-2b-100k and Ml-1m, from the music and movie domains, respectively, show that our approach can yield better results than its singular removal counterparts (based on AdvMultVAE) in effectively mitigating demographic biases whilst improving the anonymity of latent embeddings.
Abstract:Language models frequently inherit societal biases from their training data. Numerous techniques have been proposed to mitigate these biases during both the pre-training and fine-tuning stages. However, fine-tuning a pre-trained debiased language model on a downstream task can reintroduce biases into the model. Additionally, existing debiasing methods for downstream tasks either (i) require labels of protected attributes (e.g., age, race, or political views) that are often not available or (ii) rely on indicators of bias, which restricts their applicability to gender debiasing since they rely on gender-specific words. To address this, we introduce a novel debiasing regularization technique based on the class-wise variance of embeddings. Crucially, our method does not require attribute labels and targets any attribute, thus addressing the shortcomings of existing debiasing methods. Our experiments on encoder language models and three datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing strong debiasing baselines that rely on target attribute labels while maintaining performance on the target task.
Abstract:Most recommender systems adopt collaborative filtering (CF) and provide recommendations based on past collective interactions. Therefore, the performance of CF algorithms degrades when few or no interactions are available, a scenario referred to as cold-start. To address this issue, previous work relies on models leveraging both collaborative data and side information on the users or items. Similar to multimodal learning, these models aim at combining collaborative and content representations in a shared embedding space. In this work we propose a novel technique for multimodal recommendation, relying on a multimodal Single-Branch embedding network for Recommendation (SiBraR). Leveraging weight-sharing, SiBraR encodes interaction data as well as multimodal side information using the same single-branch embedding network on different modalities. This makes SiBraR effective in scenarios of missing modality, including cold start. Our extensive experiments on large-scale recommendation datasets from three different recommendation domains (music, movie, and e-commerce) and providing multimodal content information (audio, text, image, labels, and interactions) show that SiBraR significantly outperforms CF as well as state-of-the-art content-based RSs in cold-start scenarios, and is competitive in warm scenarios. We show that SiBraR's recommendations are accurate in missing modality scenarios, and that the model is able to map different modalities to the same region of the shared embedding space, hence reducing the modality gap.
Abstract:Cognitive biases have been studied in psychology, sociology, and behavioral economics for decades. Traditionally, they have been considered a negative human trait that leads to inferior decision-making, reinforcement of stereotypes, or can be exploited to manipulate consumers, respectively. We argue that cognitive biases also manifest in different parts of the recommendation ecosystem and at different stages of the recommendation process. More importantly, we contest this traditional detrimental perspective on cognitive biases and claim that certain cognitive biases can be beneficial when accounted for by recommender systems. Concretely, we provide empirical evidence that biases such as feature-positive effect, Ikea effect, and cultural homophily can be observed in various components of the recommendation pipeline, including input data (such as ratings or side information), recommendation algorithm or model (and consequently recommended items), and user interactions with the system. In three small experiments covering recruitment and entertainment domains, we study the pervasiveness of the aforementioned biases. We ultimately advocate for a prejudice-free consideration of cognitive biases to improve user and item models as well as recommendation algorithms.
Abstract:Recent work suggests that music recommender systems are prone to disproportionally frequent recommendations of music from countries more prominently represented in the training data, notably the US. However, it remains unclear to what extent feedback loops in music recommendation influence the dynamics of such imbalance. In this work, we investigate the dynamics of representation of local (i.e., country-specific) and US-produced music in user profiles and recommendations. To this end, we conduct a feedback loop simulation study using the standardized LFM-2b dataset. The results suggest that most of the investigated recommendation models decrease the proportion of music from local artists in their recommendations. Furthermore, we find that models preserving average proportions of US and local music do not necessarily provide country-calibrated recommendations. We also look into popularity calibration and, surprisingly, find that the most popularity-calibrated model in our study (ItemKNN) provides the least country-calibrated recommendations. In addition, users from less represented countries (e.g., Finland) are, in the long term, most affected by the under-representation of their local music in recommendations.
Abstract:Multimodal networks have demonstrated remarkable performance improvements over their unimodal counterparts. Existing multimodal networks are designed in a multi-branch fashion that, due to the reliance on fusion strategies, exhibit deteriorated performance if one or more modalities are missing. In this work, we propose a modality invariant multimodal learning method, which is less susceptible to the impact of missing modalities. It consists of a single-branch network sharing weights across multiple modalities to learn inter-modality representations to maximize performance as well as robustness to missing modalities. Extensive experiments are performed on four challenging datasets including textual-visual (UPMC Food-101, Hateful Memes, Ferramenta) and audio-visual modalities (VoxCeleb1). Our proposed method achieves superior performance when all modalities are present as well as in the case of missing modalities during training or testing compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Segmenting text into sentences plays an early and crucial role in many NLP systems. This is commonly achieved by using rule-based or statistical methods relying on lexical features such as punctuation. Although some recent works no longer exclusively rely on punctuation, we find that no prior method achieves all of (i) robustness to missing punctuation, (ii) effective adaptability to new domains, and (iii) high efficiency. We introduce a new model - Segment any Text (SaT) - to solve this problem. To enhance robustness, we propose a new pretraining scheme that ensures less reliance on punctuation. To address adaptability, we introduce an extra stage of parameter-efficient fine-tuning, establishing state-of-the-art performance in distinct domains such as verses from lyrics and legal documents. Along the way, we introduce architectural modifications that result in a threefold gain in speed over the previous state of the art and solve spurious reliance on context far in the future. Finally, we introduce a variant of our model with fine-tuning on a diverse, multilingual mixture of sentence-segmented data, acting as a drop-in replacement and enhancement for existing segmentation tools. Overall, our contributions provide a universal approach for segmenting any text. Our method outperforms all baselines - including strong LLMs - across 8 corpora spanning diverse domains and languages, especially in practically relevant situations where text is poorly formatted. Our models and code, including documentation, are available at https://huggingface.co/segment-any-text under the MIT license.
Abstract:Users' interaction or preference data used in recommender systems carry the risk of unintentionally revealing users' private attributes (e.g., gender or race). This risk becomes particularly concerning when the training data contains user preferences that can be used to infer these attributes, especially if they align with common stereotypes. This major privacy issue allows malicious attackers or other third parties to infer users' protected attributes. Previous efforts to address this issue have added or removed parts of users' preferences prior to or during model training to improve privacy, which often leads to decreases in recommendation accuracy. In this work, we introduce SBO, a novel probabilistic obfuscation method for user preference data designed to improve the accuracy--privacy trade-off for such recommendation scenarios. We apply SBO to three state-of-the-art recommendation models (i.e., BPR, MultVAE, and LightGCN) and two popular datasets (i.e., MovieLens-1M and LFM-2B). Our experiments reveal that SBO outperforms comparable approaches with respect to the accuracy--privacy trade-off. Specifically, we can reduce the leakage of users' protected attributes while maintaining on-par recommendation accuracy.
Abstract:The advancements of technology have led to the use of multimodal systems in various real-world applications. Among them, the audio-visual systems are one of the widely used multimodal systems. In the recent years, associating face and voice of a person has gained attention due to presence of unique correlation between them. The Face-voice Association in Multilingual Environments (FAME) Challenge 2024 focuses on exploring face-voice association under a unique condition of multilingual scenario. This condition is inspired from the fact that half of the world's population is bilingual and most often people communicate under multilingual scenario. The challenge uses a dataset namely, Multilingual Audio-Visual (MAV-Celeb) for exploring face-voice association in multilingual environments. This report provides the details of the challenge, dataset, baselines and task details for the FAME Challenge.