Abstract:In session-based recommender systems, predictions are based on the user's preceding behavior in the session. State-of-the-art sequential recommendation algorithms either use graph neural networks to model sessions in a graph or leverage the similarity of sessions by exploiting item features. In this paper, we combine these two approaches and propose a novel method, Graph Convolutional Network Extension (GCNext), which incorporates item features directly into the graph representation via graph convolutional networks. GCNext creates a feature-rich item co-occurrence graph and learns the corresponding item embeddings in an unsupervised manner. We show on three datasets that integrating GCNext into sequential recommendation algorithms significantly boosts the performance of nearest-neighbor methods as well as neural network models. Our flexible extension is easy to incorporate in state-of-the-art methods and increases the MRR@20 by up to 12.79%.
Abstract:Music recommender systems have become an integral part of music streaming services such as Spotify and Last.fm to assist users navigating the extensive music collections offered by them. However, while music listeners interested in mainstream music are traditionally served well by music recommender systems, users interested in music beyond the mainstream (i.e., non-popular music) rarely receive relevant recommendations. In this paper, we study the characteristics of beyond-mainstream music and music listeners and analyze to what extent these characteristics impact the quality of music recommendations provided. Therefore, we create a novel dataset consisting of Last.fm listening histories of several thousand beyond-mainstream music listeners, which we enrich with additional metadata describing music tracks and music listeners. Our analysis of this dataset shows four subgroups within the group of beyond-mainstream music listeners that differ not only with respect to their preferred music but also with their demographic characteristics. Furthermore, we evaluate the quality of music recommendations that these subgroups are provided with four different recommendation algorithms where we find significant differences between the groups. Specifically, our results show a positive correlation between a subgroup's openness towards music listened to by members of other subgroups and recommendation accuracy. We believe that our findings provide valuable insights for developing improved user models and recommendation approaches to better serve beyond-mainstream music listeners.
Abstract:Generative models for text have substantially contributed to tasks like machine translation and language modeling, using maximum likelihood optimization (MLE). However, for creative text generation, where multiple outputs are possible and originality and uniqueness are encouraged, MLE falls short. Methods optimized for MLE lead to outputs that can be generic, repetitive and incoherent. In this work, we use a Generative Adversarial Network framework to alleviate this problem. We evaluate our framework on poetry, lyrics and metaphor datasets, each with widely different characteristics, and report better performance of our objective function over other generative models.