Abstract:Embodied agents assisting humans are often asked to complete a new task in a new scenario. An agent preparing a particular dish in the kitchen based on a known recipe may be asked to prepare a new dish or to perform cleaning tasks in the storeroom. There may not be sufficient resources, e.g., time or labeled examples, to train the agent for these new situations. Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on considerable knowledge across many domains are able to predict a sequence of abstract actions for such new tasks and scenarios, although it may not be possible for the agent to execute this action sequence due to task-, agent-, or domain-specific constraints. Our framework addresses these challenges by leveraging the generic predictions provided by LLM and the prior domain-specific knowledge encoded in a Knowledge Graph (KG), enabling an agent to quickly adapt to new tasks and scenarios. The robot also solicits and uses human input as needed to refine its existing knowledge. Based on experimental evaluation over cooking and cleaning tasks in simulation domains, we demonstrate that the interplay between LLM, KG, and human input leads to substantial performance gains compared with just using the LLM output.
Abstract:Assistive agents performing household tasks such as making the bed or cooking breakfast often compute and execute actions that accomplish one task at a time. However, efficiency can be improved by anticipating upcoming tasks and computing an action sequence that jointly achieves these tasks. State-of-the-art methods for task anticipation use data-driven deep networks and Large Language Models (LLMs), but they do so at the level of high-level tasks and/or require many training examples. Our framework leverages the generic knowledge of LLMs through a small number of prompts to perform high-level task anticipation, using the anticipated tasks as goals in a classical planning system to compute a sequence of finer-granularity actions that jointly achieve these goals. We ground and evaluate our framework's abilities in realistic scenarios in the VirtualHome environment and demonstrate a 31% reduction in execution time compared with a system that does not consider upcoming tasks.
Abstract:Diffusion-based motion planners are becoming popular due to their well-established performance improvements, stemming from sample diversity and the ease of incorporating new constraints directly during inference. However, a primary limitation of the diffusion process is the requirement for a substantial number of denoising steps, especially when the denoising process is coupled with gradient-based guidance. In this paper, we introduce, diffusion in the parametric space of trajectories, where the parameters are represented as Bernstein coefficients. We show that this representation greatly improves the effectiveness of the cost function guidance and the inference speed. We also introduce a novel stitching algorithm that leverages the diversity in diffusion-generated trajectories to produce collision-free trajectories with just a single cost function-guided model. We demonstrate that our approaches outperform current SOTA diffusion-based motion planners for manipulators and provide an ablation study on key components.
Abstract:Accurately recognizing a revisited place is crucial for embodied agents to localize and navigate. This requires visual representations to be distinct, despite strong variations in camera viewpoint and scene appearance. Existing visual place recognition pipelines encode the "whole" image and search for matches. This poses a fundamental challenge in matching two images of the same place captured from different camera viewpoints: "the similarity of what overlaps can be dominated by the dissimilarity of what does not overlap". We address this by encoding and searching for "image segments" instead of the whole images. We propose to use open-set image segmentation to decompose an image into `meaningful' entities (i.e., things and stuff). This enables us to create a novel image representation as a collection of multiple overlapping subgraphs connecting a segment with its neighboring segments, dubbed SuperSegment. Furthermore, to efficiently encode these SuperSegments into compact vector representations, we propose a novel factorized representation of feature aggregation. We show that retrieving these partial representations leads to significantly higher recognition recall than the typical whole image based retrieval. Our segments-based approach, dubbed SegVLAD, sets a new state-of-the-art in place recognition on a diverse selection of benchmark datasets, while being applicable to both generic and task-specialized image encoders. Finally, we demonstrate the potential of our method to ``revisit anything'' by evaluating our method on an object instance retrieval task, which bridges the two disparate areas of research: visual place recognition and object-goal navigation, through their common aim of recognizing goal objects specific to a place. Source code: https://github.com/AnyLoc/Revisit-Anything.
Abstract:SimMIM is a widely used method for pretraining vision transformers using masked image modeling. However, despite its success in fine-tuning performance, it has been shown to perform sub-optimally when used for linear probing. We propose an efficient patch-wise weighting derived from keypoint features which captures the local information and provides better context during SimMIM's reconstruction phase. Our method, KAMIM, improves the top-1 linear probing accuracy from 16.12% to 33.97%, and finetuning accuracy from 76.78% to 77.3% when tested on the ImageNet-1K dataset with a ViT-B when trained for the same number of epochs. We conduct extensive testing on different datasets, keypoint extractors, and model architectures and observe that patch-wise weighting augments linear probing performance for larger pretraining datasets. We also analyze the learned representations of a ViT-B trained using KAMIM and observe that they behave similar to contrastive learning with regard to its behavior, with longer attention distances and homogenous self-attention across layers. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/madhava20217/KAMIM.
Abstract:The creation of a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is important for any software development project. Given the recent prowess of Large Language Models (LLMs) in answering natural language queries and generating sophisticated textual outputs, our study explores their capability to produce accurate, coherent, and structured drafts of these documents to accelerate the software development lifecycle. We assess the performance of GPT-4 and CodeLlama in drafting an SRS for a university club management system and compare it against human benchmarks using eight distinct criteria. Our results suggest that LLMs can match the output quality of an entry-level software engineer to generate an SRS, delivering complete and consistent drafts. We also evaluate the capabilities of LLMs to identify and rectify problems in a given requirements document. Our experiments indicate that GPT-4 is capable of identifying issues and giving constructive feedback for rectifying them, while CodeLlama's results for validation were not as encouraging. We repeated the generation exercise for four distinct use cases to study the time saved by employing LLMs for SRS generation. The experiment demonstrates that LLMs may facilitate a significant reduction in development time for entry-level software engineers. Hence, we conclude that the LLMs can be gainfully used by software engineers to increase productivity by saving time and effort in generating, validating and rectifying software requirements.
Abstract:Understanding the structural organisation of 3D indoor scenes in terms of rooms is often accomplished via floorplan extraction. Robotic tasks such as planning and navigation require a semantic understanding of the scene as well. This is typically achieved via object-level semantic segmentation. However, such methods struggle to segment out topological regions like "kitchen" in the scene. In this work, we introduce a two-step pipeline. First, we extract a topological map, i.e., floorplan of the indoor scene using a novel multi-channel occupancy representation. Then, we generate CLIP-aligned features and semantic labels for every room instance based on the objects it contains using a self-attention transformer. Our language-topology alignment supports natural language querying, e.g., a "place to cook" locates the "kitchen". We outperform the current state-of-the-art on room segmentation by ~20% and room classification by ~12%. Our detailed qualitative analysis and ablation studies provide insights into the problem of joint structural and semantic 3D scene understanding.
Abstract:An agent assisting humans in daily living activities can collaborate more effectively by anticipating upcoming tasks. Data-driven methods represent the state of the art in task anticipation, planning, and related problems, but these methods are resource-hungry and opaque. Our prior work introduced a proof of concept framework that used an LLM to anticipate 3 high-level tasks that served as goals for a classical planning system that computed a sequence of low-level actions for the agent to achieve these goals. This paper describes DaTAPlan, our framework that significantly extends our prior work toward human-robot collaboration. Specifically, DaTAPlan planner computes actions for an agent and a human to collaboratively and jointly achieve the tasks anticipated by the LLM, and the agent automatically adapts to unexpected changes in human action outcomes and preferences. We evaluate DaTAPlan capabilities in a realistic simulation environment, demonstrating accurate task anticipation, effective human-robot collaboration, and the ability to adapt to unexpected changes. Project website: https://dataplan-hrc.github.io
Abstract:Global visual localization in LiDAR-maps, crucial for autonomous driving applications, remains largely unexplored due to the challenging issue of bridging the cross-modal heterogeneity gap. Popular multi-modal learning approach Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) has popularized contrastive symmetric loss using batch construction technique by applying it to multi-modal domains of text and image. We apply this approach to the domains of 2D image and 3D LiDAR points on the task of cross-modal localization. Our method is explained as follows: A batch of N (image, LiDAR) pairs is constructed so as to predict what is the right match between N X N possible pairings across the batch by jointly training an image encoder and LiDAR encoder to learn a multi-modal embedding space. In this way, the cosine similarity between N positive pairings is maximized, whereas that between the remaining negative pairings is minimized. Finally, over the obtained similarity scores, a symmetric cross-entropy loss is optimized. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to apply batched loss approach to a cross-modal setting of image & LiDAR data and also to show Zero-shot transfer in a visual localization setting. We conduct extensive analyses on standard autonomous driving datasets such as KITTI and KITTI-360 datasets. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art recall@1 accuracy on the KITTI-360 dataset by 22.4%, using only perspective images, in contrast to the state-of-the-art approach, which utilizes the more informative fisheye images. Additionally, this superior performance is achieved without resorting to complex architectures. Moreover, we demonstrate the zero-shot capabilities of our model and we beat SOTA by 8% without even training on it. Furthermore, we establish the first benchmark for cross-modal localization on the KITTI dataset.
Abstract:In this paper we present a novel framework for unsupervised topological clustering resulting in improved loop. In this paper we present a novel framework for unsupervised topological clustering resulting in improved loop detection and closure for SLAM. A navigating mobile robot clusters its traversal into visually similar topologies where each cluster (topology) contains a set of similar looking images typically observed from spatially adjacent locations. Each such set of spatially adjacent and visually similar grouping of images constitutes a topology obtained without any supervision. We formulate a hierarchical loop discovery strategy that first detects loops at the level of topologies and subsequently at the level of images between the looped topologies. We show over a number of traversals across different Habitat environments that such a hierarchical pipeline significantly improves SOTA image based loop detection and closure methods. Further, as a consequence of improved loop detection, we enhance the loop closure and backend SLAM performance. Such a rendering of a traversal into topological segments is beneficial for downstream tasks such as navigation that can now build a topological graph where spatially adjacent topological clusters are connected by an edge and navigate over such topological graphs.