Abstract:Geospatial Knowledge Graphs (GeoKGs) have become integral to the growing field of Geospatial Artificial Intelligence. Initiatives like the U.S. National Science Foundation's Open Knowledge Network program aim to create an ecosystem of nation-scale, cross-disciplinary GeoKGs that provide AI-ready geospatial data aligned with FAIR principles. However, building this infrastructure presents key challenges, including 1) managing large volumes of data, 2) the computational complexity of discovering topological relations via SPARQL, and 3) conflating multi-scale raster and vector data. Discrete Global Grid Systems (DGGS) help tackle these issues by offering efficient data integration and representation strategies. The KnowWhereGraph utilizes Google's S2 Geometry -- a DGGS framework -- to enable efficient multi-source data processing, qualitative spatial querying, and cross-graph integration. This paper outlines the implementation of S2 within KnowWhereGraph, emphasizing its role in topologically enriching and semantically compressing data. Ultimately, this work demonstrates the potential of DGGS frameworks, particularly S2, for building scalable GeoKGs.
Abstract:KnowWhereGraph is one of the largest fully publicly available geospatial knowledge graphs. It includes data from 30 layers on natural hazards (e.g., hurricanes, wildfires), climate variables (e.g., air temperature, precipitation), soil properties, crop and land-cover types, demographics, and human health, various place and region identifiers, among other themes. These have been leveraged through the graph by a variety of applications to address challenges in food security and agricultural supply chains; sustainability related to soil conservation practices and farm labor; and delivery of emergency humanitarian aid following a disaster. In this paper, we introduce the ontology that acts as the schema for KnowWhereGraph. This broad overview provides insight into the requirements and design specifications for the graph and its schema, including the development methodology (modular ontology modeling) and the resources utilized to implement, materialize, and deploy KnowWhereGraph with its end-user interfaces and public query SPARQL endpoint.
Abstract:Intuitively, there is a relation between measures of spatial dependence and information theoretical measures of entropy. For instance, we can provide an intuition of why spatial data is special by stating that, on average, spatial data samples contain less than expected information. Similarly, spatial data, e.g., remotely sensed imagery, that is easy to compress is also likely to show significant spatial autocorrelation. Formulating our (highly specific) core concepts of spatial information theory in the widely used language of information theory opens new perspectives on their differences and similarities and also fosters cross-disciplinary collaboration, e.g., with the broader AI/ML communities. Interestingly, however, this intuitive relation is challenging to formalize and generalize, leading prior work to rely mostly on experimental results, e.g., for describing landscape patterns. In this work, we will explore the information theoretical roots of spatial autocorrelation, more specifically Moran's I, through the lens of self-information (also known as surprisal) and provide both formal proofs and experiments.
Abstract:A wide range of (multivariate) temporal (1D) and spatial (2D) data analysis tasks, such as grouping vehicle sensor trajectories, can be formulated as clustering with given metric constraints. Existing metric-constrained clustering algorithms overlook the rich correlation between feature similarity and metric distance, i.e., metric autocorrelation. The model-based variations of these clustering algorithms (e.g. TICC and STICC) achieve SOTA performance, yet suffer from computational instability and complexity by using a metric-constrained Expectation-Maximization procedure. In order to address these two problems, we propose a novel clustering algorithm, MC-GTA (Model-based Clustering via Goodness-of-fit Tests with Autocorrelations). Its objective is only composed of pairwise weighted sums of feature similarity terms (square Wasserstein-2 distance) and metric autocorrelation terms (a novel multivariate generalization of classic semivariogram). We show that MC-GTA is effectively minimizing the total hinge loss for intra-cluster observation pairs not passing goodness-of-fit tests, i.e., statistically not originating from the same distribution. Experiments on 1D/2D synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that MC-GTA successfully incorporates metric autocorrelation. It outperforms strong baselines by large margins (up to 14.3% in ARI and 32.1% in NMI) with faster and stabler optimization (>10x speedup).
Abstract:Trajectory data combines the complexities of time series, spatial data, and (sometimes irrational) movement behavior. As data availability and computing power have increased, so has the popularity of deep learning from trajectory data. This review paper provides the first comprehensive overview of deep learning approaches for trajectory data. We have identified eight specific mobility use cases which we analyze with regards to the deep learning models and the training data used. Besides a comprehensive quantitative review of the literature since 2018, the main contribution of our work is the data-centric analysis of recent work in this field, placing it along the mobility data continuum which ranges from detailed dense trajectories of individual movers (quasi-continuous tracking data), to sparse trajectories (such as check-in data), and aggregated trajectories (crowd information).
Abstract:While the paths humans take play out in social as well as physical space, measures to describe and compare their trajectories are carried out in abstract, typically Euclidean, space. When these measures are applied to trajectories of actual individuals in an application area, alterations that are inconsequential in abstract space may suddenly become problematic once overlaid with geographic reality. In this work, we present a different view on trajectory similarity by introducing a measure that utilizes logical entailment. This is an inferential perspective that considers facts as triple statements deduced from the social and environmental context in which the travel takes place, and their practical implications. We suggest a formalization of entailment-based trajectory similarity, measured as the overlapping proportion of facts, which are spatial relation statements in our case study. With the proposed measure, we evaluate LSTM-TrajGAN, a privacy-preserving trajectory-generation model. The entailment-based model evaluation reveals potential consequences of disregarding the rich structure of geographic space (e.g., miscalculated insurance risk due to regional shifts in our toy example). Our work highlights the advantage of applying logical entailment to trajectory-similarity reasoning for location-privacy protection and beyond.
Abstract:Concerns about data privacy are omnipresent, given the increasing usage of digital applications and their underlying business model that includes selling user data. Location data is particularly sensitive since they allow us to infer activity patterns and interests of users, e.g., by categorizing visited locations based on nearby points of interest (POI). On top of that, machine learning methods provide new powerful tools to interpret big data. In light of these considerations, we raise the following question: What is the actual risk that realistic, machine learning based privacy attacks can obtain meaningful semantic information from raw location data, subject to inaccuracies in the data? In response, we present a systematic analysis of two attack scenarios, namely location categorization and user profiling. Experiments on the Foursquare dataset and tracking data demonstrate the potential for abuse of high-quality spatial information, leading to a significant privacy loss even with location inaccuracy of up to 200m. With location obfuscation of more than 1 km, spatial information hardly adds any value, but a high privacy risk solely from temporal information remains. The availability of public context data such as POIs plays a key role in inference based on spatial information. Our findings point out the risks of ever-growing databases of tracking data and spatial context data, which policymakers should consider for privacy regulations, and which could guide individuals in their personal location protection measures.
Abstract:In recent years we have seen substantial advances in foundation models for artificial intelligence, including language, vision, and multimodal models. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of using foundation models in geospatial artificial intelligence, known as GeoAI Foundation Models, for geographic question answering, remote sensing image understanding, map generation, and location-based services, among others. However, the development and application of GeoAI foundation models can pose serious privacy and security risks, which have not been fully discussed or addressed to date. This paper introduces the potential privacy and security risks throughout the lifecycle of GeoAI foundation models and proposes a comprehensive blueprint for research directions and preventative and control strategies. Through this vision paper, we hope to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers in geospatial domains to these privacy and security risks inherent in GeoAI foundation models and advocate for the development of privacy-preserving and secure GeoAI foundation models.
Abstract:Generating learning-friendly representations for points in space is a fundamental and long-standing problem in ML. Recently, multi-scale encoding schemes (such as Space2Vec and NeRF) were proposed to directly encode any point in 2D/3D Euclidean space as a high-dimensional vector, and has been successfully applied to various geospatial prediction and generative tasks. However, all current 2D and 3D location encoders are designed to model point distances in Euclidean space. So when applied to large-scale real-world GPS coordinate datasets, which require distance metric learning on the spherical surface, both types of models can fail due to the map projection distortion problem (2D) and the spherical-to-Euclidean distance approximation error (3D). To solve these problems, we propose a multi-scale location encoder called Sphere2Vec which can preserve spherical distances when encoding point coordinates on a spherical surface. We developed a unified view of distance-reserving encoding on spheres based on the DFS. We also provide theoretical proof that the Sphere2Vec preserves the spherical surface distance between any two points, while existing encoding schemes do not. Experiments on 20 synthetic datasets show that Sphere2Vec can outperform all baseline models on all these datasets with up to 30.8% error rate reduction. We then apply Sphere2Vec to three geo-aware image classification tasks - fine-grained species recognition, Flickr image recognition, and remote sensing image classification. Results on 7 real-world datasets show the superiority of Sphere2Vec over multiple location encoders on all three tasks. Further analysis shows that Sphere2Vec outperforms other location encoder models, especially in the polar regions and data-sparse areas because of its nature for spherical surface distance preservation. Code and data are available at https://gengchenmai.github.io/sphere2vec-website/.
Abstract:This chapter presents some of the fundamental assumptions and principles that could form the philosophical foundation of GeoAI and spatial data science. Instead of reviewing the well-established characteristics of spatial data (analysis), including interaction, neighborhoods, and autocorrelation, the chapter highlights themes such as sustainability, bias in training data, diversity in schema knowledge, and the (potential lack of) neutrality of GeoAI systems from a unifying ethical perspective. Reflecting on our profession's ethical implications will assist us in conducting potentially disruptive research more responsibly, identifying pitfalls in designing, training, and deploying GeoAI-based systems, and developing a shared understanding of the benefits but also potential dangers of artificial intelligence and machine learning research across academic fields, all while sharing our unique (geo)spatial perspective with others.