Abstract:Recent advances of large language models in the field of Verilog generation have raised several ethical and security concerns, such as code copyright protection and dissemination of malicious code. Researchers have employed watermarking techniques to identify codes generated by large language models. However, the existing watermarking works fail to protect RTL code copyright due to the significant syntactic and semantic differences between RTL code and software code in languages such as Python. This paper proposes a hardware watermarking framework RTLMarker that embeds watermarks into RTL code and deeper into the synthesized netlist. We propose a set of rule-based Verilog code transformations , ensuring the watermarked RTL code's syntactic and semantic correctness. In addition, we consider an inherent tradeoff between watermark transparency and watermark effectiveness and jointly optimize them. The results demonstrate RTLMarker's superiority over the baseline in RTL code watermarking.
Abstract:Natural language interfaces have exhibited considerable potential in the automation of Verilog generation derived from high-level specifications through the utilization of large language models, garnering significant attention. Nevertheless, this paper elucidates that visual representations contribute essential contextual information critical to design intent for hardware architectures possessing spatial complexity, potentially surpassing the efficacy of natural-language-only inputs. Expanding upon this premise, our paper introduces an open-source benchmark for multi-modal generative models tailored for Verilog synthesis from visual-linguistic inputs, addressing both singular and complex modules. Additionally, we introduce an open-source visual and natural language Verilog query language framework to facilitate efficient and user-friendly multi-modal queries. To evaluate the performance of the proposed multi-modal hardware generative AI in Verilog generation tasks, we compare it with a popular method that relies solely on natural language. Our results demonstrate a significant accuracy improvement in the multi-modal generated Verilog compared to queries based solely on natural language. We hope to reveal a new approach to hardware design in the large-hardware-design-model era, thereby fostering a more diversified and productive approach to hardware design.
Abstract:Alignment training is crucial for enabling large language models (LLMs) to cater to human intentions and preferences. It is typically performed based on two stages with different objectives: instruction-following alignment and human-preference alignment. However, aligning LLMs with these objectives in sequence suffers from an inherent problem: the objectives may conflict, and the LLMs cannot guarantee to simultaneously align with the instructions and human preferences well. To response to these, in this work, we propose a Hybrid Alignment Training (Hbat) approach, based on alternating alignment and modified elastic weight consolidation methods. The basic idea is to alternate between different objectives during alignment training, so that better collaboration can be achieved between the two alignment tasks.We experiment with Hbat on summarization and dialogue tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed \textsc{Hbat} can significantly outperform all baselines. Notably, Hbat yields consistent performance gains over the traditional two-stage alignment training when using both proximal policy optimization and direct preference optimization.
Abstract:Prompting has become a mainstream paradigm for adapting large language models (LLMs) to specific natural language processing tasks. While this approach opens the door to in-context learning of LLMs, it brings the additional computational burden of model inference and human effort of manual-designed prompts, particularly when using lengthy and complex prompts to guide and control the behavior of LLMs. As a result, the LLM field has seen a remarkable surge in efficient prompting methods. In this paper, we present a comprehensive overview of these methods. At a high level, efficient prompting methods can broadly be categorized into two approaches: prompting with efficient computation and prompting with efficient design. The former involves various ways of compressing prompts, and the latter employs techniques for automatic prompt optimization. We present the basic concepts of prompting, review the advances for efficient prompting, and highlight future research directions.
Abstract:Recent advances in large language models have demonstrated their potential for automated generation of hardware description language (HDL) code from high-level prompts. Researchers have utilized fine-tuning to enhance the ability of these large language models (LLMs) in the field of Chip Design. However, the lack of Verilog data hinders further improvement in the quality of Verilog generation by LLMs. Additionally, the absence of a Verilog and Electronic Design Automation (EDA) script data augmentation framework significantly increases the time required to prepare the training dataset for LLM trainers. This paper proposes an automated design-data augmentation framework, which generates high-volume and high-quality natural language aligned with Verilog and EDA scripts. For Verilog generation, it translates Verilog files to an abstract syntax tree and then maps nodes to natural language with a predefined template. For Verilog repair, it uses predefined rules to generate the wrong verilog file and then pairs EDA Tool feedback with the right and wrong verilog file. For EDA Script generation, it uses existing LLM(GPT-3.5) to obtain the description of the Script. To evaluate the effectiveness of our data augmentation method, we finetune Llama2-13B and Llama2-7B models using the dataset generated by our augmentation framework. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in the Verilog generation tasks with LLMs. Moreover, the accuracy of Verilog generation surpasses that of the current state-of-the-art open-source Verilog generation model, increasing from 58.8% to 70.6% with the same benchmark. Our 13B model (ChipGPT-FT) has a pass rate improvement compared with GPT-3.5 in Verilog generation and outperforms in EDA script (i.e., SiliconCompiler) generation with only 200 EDA script data.
Abstract:Large language models achieve state-of-the-art performance on sequence generation evaluation, but typically have a large number of parameters. This is a computational challenge as presented by applying their evaluation capability at scale. To overcome the challenge, in this paper, we propose \textbf{ECT}, an \textbf{e}valuation \textbf{c}apability \textbf{t}ransfer method, to transfer the evaluation capability from LLMs to relatively lightweight language models. Based on the proposed ECT, we learn various evaluation models from ChatGPT, and employ them as reward models to improve sequence generation models via reinforcement learning and reranking approaches. Experimental results on machine translation, text style transfer, and summarization tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our ECT. Notably, applying the learned evaluation models to sequence generation models results in better generated sequences as evaluated by commonly used metrics and ChatGPT.
Abstract:As large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT exhibited unprecedented machine intelligence, it also shows great performance in assisting hardware engineers to realize higher-efficiency logic design via natural language interaction. To estimate the potential of the hardware design process assisted by LLMs, this work attempts to demonstrate an automated design environment that explores LLMs to generate hardware logic designs from natural language specifications. To realize a more accessible and efficient chip development flow, we present a scalable four-stage zero-code logic design framework based on LLMs without retraining or finetuning. At first, the demo, ChipGPT, begins by generating prompts for the LLM, which then produces initial Verilog programs. Second, an output manager corrects and optimizes these programs before collecting them into the final design space. Eventually, ChipGPT will search through this space to select the optimal design under the target metrics. The evaluation sheds some light on whether LLMs can generate correct and complete hardware logic designs described by natural language for some specifications. It is shown that ChipGPT improves programmability, and controllability, and shows broader design optimization space compared to prior work and native LLMs alone.
Abstract:Integrating idle embedded devices into cloud computing is a promising approach to support distributed machine learning. In this paper, we approach to address the data hiding problem in such distributed machine learning systems. For the purpose of the data encryption in the distributed machine learning systems, we propose the Tripartite Asymmetric Encryption theorem and give mathematical proof. Based on the theorem, we design a general image encryption scheme ArchNet.The scheme has been implemented on MNIST, Fashion-MNIST and Cifar-10 datasets to simulate real situation. We use different base models on the encrypted datasets and compare the results with the RC4 algorithm and differential privacy policy. Experiment results evaluated the efficiency of the proposed design. Specifically, our design can improve the accuracy on MNIST up to 97.26% compared with RC4.The accuracies on the datasets encrypted by ArchNet are 97.26%, 84.15% and 79.80%, and they are 97.31%, 82.31% and 80.22% on the original datasets, which shows that the encrypted accuracy of ArchNet has the same performance as the base model. It also shows that ArchNet can be deployed on the distributed system with embedded devices.