Abstract:Coordination behavior in robot swarms is inherently multi-modal in nature. That is, there are numerous ways in which a swarm of robots can avoid inter-agent collisions and reach their respective goals. However, the problem of generating diverse and feasible swarm behaviors in a scalable manner remains largely unaddressed. In this paper, we fill this gap by combining generative models with a safety-filter (SF). Specifically, we sample diverse trajectories from a learned generative model which is subsequently projected onto the feasible set using the SF. We experiment with two choices for generative models, namely: Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE) and Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE). We highlight the trade-offs these two models provide in terms of computation time and trajectory diversity. We develop a custom solver for our SF and equip it with a neural network that predicts context-specific initialization. Thecinitialization network is trained in a self-supervised manner, taking advantage of the differentiability of the SF solver. We provide two sets of empirical results. First, we demonstrate that we can generate a large set of multi-modal, feasible trajectories, simulating diverse swarm behaviors, within a few tens of milliseconds. Second, we show that our initialization network provides faster convergence of our SF solver vis-a-vis other alternative heuristics.
Abstract:Visual servoing, the method of controlling robot motion through feedback from visual sensors, has seen significant advancements with the integration of optical flow-based methods. However, its application remains limited by inherent challenges, such as the necessity for a target image at test time, the requirement of substantial overlap between initial and target images, and the reliance on feedback from a single camera. This paper introduces Imagine2Servo, an innovative approach leveraging diffusion-based image editing techniques to enhance visual servoing algorithms by generating intermediate goal images. This methodology allows for the extension of visual servoing applications beyond traditional constraints, enabling tasks like long-range navigation and manipulation without predefined goal images. We propose a pipeline that synthesizes subgoal images grounded in the task at hand, facilitating servoing in scenarios with minimal initial and target image overlap and integrating multi-camera feedback for comprehensive task execution. Our contributions demonstrate a novel application of image generation to robotic control, significantly broadening the capabilities of visual servoing systems. Real-world experiments validate the effectiveness and versatility of the Imagine2Servo framework in accomplishing a variety of tasks, marking a notable advancement in the field of visual servoing.
Abstract:Navigation amongst densely packed crowds remains a challenge for mobile robots. The complexity increases further if the environment layout changes, making the prior computed global plan infeasible. In this paper, we show that it is possible to dramatically enhance crowd navigation by just improving the local planner. Our approach combines generative modelling with inference time optimization to generate sophisticated long-horizon local plans at interactive rates. More specifically, we train a Vector Quantized Variational AutoEncoder to learn a prior over the expert trajectory distribution conditioned on the perception input. At run-time, this is used as an initialization for a sampling-based optimizer for further refinement. Our approach does not require any sophisticated prediction of dynamic obstacles and yet provides state-of-the-art performance. In particular, we compare against the recent DRL-VO approach and show a 40% improvement in success rate and a 6% improvement in travel time.
Abstract:Humans excel at forming mental maps of their surroundings, equipping them to understand object relationships and navigate based on language queries. Our previous work SI Maps [1] showed that having instance-level information and the semantic understanding of an environment helps significantly improve performance for language-guided tasks. We extend this instance-level approach to 3D while increasing the pipeline's robustness and improving quantitative and qualitative results. Our method leverages foundational models for object recognition, image segmentation, and feature extraction. We propose a representation that results in a 3D point cloud map with instance-level embeddings, which bring in the semantic understanding that natural language commands can query. Quantitatively, the work improves upon the success rate of language-guided tasks. At the same time, we qualitatively observe the ability to identify instances more clearly and leverage the foundational models and language and image-aligned embeddings to identify objects that, otherwise, a closed-set approach wouldn't be able to identify.
Abstract:Navigation of wheeled vehicles on uneven terrain necessitates going beyond the 2D approaches for trajectory planning. Specifically, it is essential to incorporate the full 6dof variation of vehicle pose and its associated stability cost in the planning process. To this end, most recent works aim to learn a neural network model to predict the vehicle evolution. However, such approaches are data-intensive and fraught with generalization issues. In this paper, we present a purely model-based approach that just requires the digital elevation information of the terrain. Specifically, we express the wheel-terrain interaction and 6dof pose prediction as a non-linear least squares (NLS) problem. As a result, trajectory planning can be viewed as a bi-level optimization. The inner optimization layer predicts the pose on the terrain along a given trajectory, while the outer layer deforms the trajectory itself to reduce the stability and kinematic costs of the pose. We improve the state-of-the-art in the following respects. First, we show that our NLS based pose prediction closely matches the output from a high-fidelity physics engine. This result coupled with the fact that we can query gradients of the NLS solver, makes our pose predictor, a differentiable wheel-terrain interaction model. We further leverage this differentiability to efficiently solve the proposed bi-level trajectory optimization problem. Finally, we perform extensive experiments, and comparison with a baseline to showcase the effectiveness of our approach in obtaining smooth, stable trajectories.
Abstract:Existing Vision-Language models (VLMs) estimate either long-term trajectory waypoints or a set of control actions as a reactive solution for closed-loop planning based on their rich scene comprehension. However, these estimations are coarse and are subjective to their "world understanding" which may generate sub-optimal decisions due to perception errors. In this paper, we introduce LeGo-Drive, which aims to address this issue by estimating a goal location based on the given language command as an intermediate representation in an end-to-end setting. The estimated goal might fall in a non-desirable region, like on top of a car for a parking-like command, leading to inadequate planning. Hence, we propose to train the architecture in an end-to-end manner, resulting in iterative refinement of both the goal and the trajectory collectively. We validate the effectiveness of our method through comprehensive experiments conducted in diverse simulated environments. We report significant improvements in standard autonomous driving metrics, with a goal reaching Success Rate of 81%. We further showcase the versatility of LeGo-Drive across different driving scenarios and linguistic inputs, underscoring its potential for practical deployment in autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems.
Abstract:Point cloud prediction is an important yet challenging task in the field of autonomous driving. The goal is to predict future point cloud sequences that maintain object structures while accurately representing their temporal motion. These predicted point clouds help in other subsequent tasks like object trajectory estimation for collision avoidance or estimating locations with the least odometry drift. In this work, we present ATPPNet, a novel architecture that predicts future point cloud sequences given a sequence of previous time step point clouds obtained with LiDAR sensor. ATPPNet leverages Conv-LSTM along with channel-wise and spatial attention dually complemented by a 3D-CNN branch for extracting an enhanced spatio-temporal context to recover high quality fidel predictions of future point clouds. We conduct extensive experiments on publicly available datasets and report impressive performance outperforming the existing methods. We also conduct a thorough ablative study of the proposed architecture and provide an application study that highlights the potential of our model for tasks like odometry estimation.
Abstract:Despite the technological advancements in the construction and surveying sector, the inspection of salient features like windows in an under-construction or existing building is predominantly a manual process. Moreover, the number of windows present in a building is directly related to the magnitude of deformation it suffers under earthquakes. In this research, a method to accurately detect and count the number of windows of a building by deploying an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) based remote sensing system is proposed. The proposed two-stage method automates the identification and counting of windows by developing computer vision pipelines that utilize data from UAV's onboard camera and other sensors. Quantitative and Qualitative results show the effectiveness of our proposed approach in accurately detecting and counting the windows compared to the existing method.
Abstract:In this paper we show an effective means of integrating data driven frameworks to sampling based optimal control to vastly reduce the compute time for easy adoption and adaptation to real time applications such as on-road autonomous driving in the presence of dynamic actors. Presented with training examples, a spatio-temporal CNN learns to predict the optimal mean control over a finite horizon that precludes further resampling, an iterative process that makes sampling based optimal control formulations difficult to adopt in real time settings. Generating control samples around the network-predicted optimal mean retains the advantage of sample diversity while enabling real time rollout of trajectories that avoids multiple dynamic obstacles in an on-road navigation setting. Further the 3D CNN architecture implicitly learns the future trajectories of the dynamic agents in the scene resulting in successful collision free navigation despite no explicit future trajectory prediction. We show performance gain over multiple baselines in a number of on-road scenes through closed loop simulations in CARLA. We also showcase the real world applicability of our system by running it on our custom Autonomous Driving Platform (AutoDP).
Abstract:Safe autonomous driving critically depends on how well the ego-vehicle can predict the trajectories of neighboring vehicles. To this end, several trajectory prediction algorithms have been presented in the existing literature. Many of these approaches output a multi-modal distribution of obstacle trajectories instead of a single deterministic prediction to account for the underlying uncertainty. However, existing planners cannot handle the multi-modality based on just sample-level information of the predictions. With this motivation, this paper proposes a trajectory optimizer that can leverage the distributional aspects of the prediction in a computationally tractable and sample-efficient manner. Our optimizer can work with arbitrarily complex distributions and thus can be used with output distribution represented as a deep neural network. The core of our approach is built on embedding distribution in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS), which we leverage in two ways. First, we propose an RKHS embedding approach to select probable samples from the obstacle trajectory distribution. Second, we rephrase chance-constrained optimization as distribution matching in RKHS and propose a novel sampling-based optimizer for its solution. We validate our approach with hand-crafted and neural network-based predictors trained on real-world datasets and show improvement over the existing stochastic optimization approaches in safety metrics.