Abstract:Generative diffusion models trained on large-scale datasets have achieved remarkable progress in image synthesis. In favor of their ability to supplement missing details and generate aesthetically pleasing contents, recent works have applied them to image deblurring tasks via training an adapter on blurry-sharp image pairs to provide structural conditions for restoration. However, acquiring substantial amounts of realistic paired data is challenging and costly in real-world scenarios. On the other hand, relying solely on synthetic data often results in overfitting, leading to unsatisfactory performance when confronted with unseen blur patterns. To tackle this issue, we propose BD-Diff, a generative-diffusion-based model designed to enhance deblurring performance on unknown domains by decoupling structural features and blur patterns through joint training on three specially designed tasks. We employ two Q-Formers as structural representations and blur patterns extractors separately. The features extracted by them will be used for the supervised deblurring task on synthetic data and the unsupervised blur-transfer task by leveraging unpaired blurred images from the target domain simultaneously. Furthermore, we introduce a reconstruction task to make the structural features and blur patterns complementary. This blur-decoupled learning process enhances the generalization capabilities of BD-Diff when encountering unknown domain blur patterns. Experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that BD-Diff outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in blur removal and structural preservation in various challenging scenarios. The codes will be released in https://github.com/donahowe/BD-Diff
Abstract:As cutting-edge Text-to-Image (T2I) generation models already excel at producing remarkable single images, an even more challenging task, i.e., multi-turn interactive image generation begins to attract the attention of related research communities. This task requires models to interact with users over multiple turns to generate a coherent sequence of images. However, since users may switch subjects frequently, current efforts struggle to maintain subject consistency while generating diverse images. To address this issue, we introduce a training-free multi-agent framework called AutoStudio. AutoStudio employs three agents based on large language models (LLMs) to handle interactions, along with a stable diffusion (SD) based agent for generating high-quality images. Specifically, AutoStudio consists of (i) a subject manager to interpret interaction dialogues and manage the context of each subject, (ii) a layout generator to generate fine-grained bounding boxes to control subject locations, (iii) a supervisor to provide suggestions for layout refinements, and (iv) a drawer to complete image generation. Furthermore, we introduce a Parallel-UNet to replace the original UNet in the drawer, which employs two parallel cross-attention modules for exploiting subject-aware features. We also introduce a subject-initialized generation method to better preserve small subjects. Our AutoStudio hereby can generate a sequence of multi-subject images interactively and consistently. Extensive experiments on the public CMIGBench benchmark and human evaluations show that AutoStudio maintains multi-subject consistency across multiple turns well, and it also raises the state-of-the-art performance by 13.65% in average Frechet Inception Distance and 2.83% in average character-character similarity.
Abstract:Recent advances in diffusion models can generate high-quality and stunning images from text. However, multi-turn image generation, which is of high demand in real-world scenarios, still faces challenges in maintaining semantic consistency between images and texts, as well as contextual consistency of the same subject across multiple interactive turns. To address this issue, we introduce TheaterGen, a training-free framework that integrates large language models (LLMs) and text-to-image (T2I) models to provide the capability of multi-turn image generation. Within this framework, LLMs, acting as a "Screenwriter", engage in multi-turn interaction, generating and managing a standardized prompt book that encompasses prompts and layout designs for each character in the target image. Based on these, Theatergen generate a list of character images and extract guidance information, akin to the "Rehearsal". Subsequently, through incorporating the prompt book and guidance information into the reverse denoising process of T2I diffusion models, Theatergen generate the final image, as conducting the "Final Performance". With the effective management of prompt books and character images, TheaterGen significantly improves semantic and contextual consistency in synthesized images. Furthermore, we introduce a dedicated benchmark, CMIGBench (Consistent Multi-turn Image Generation Benchmark) with 8000 multi-turn instructions. Different from previous multi-turn benchmarks, CMIGBench does not define characters in advance. Both the tasks of story generation and multi-turn editing are included on CMIGBench for comprehensive evaluation. Extensive experimental results show that TheaterGen outperforms state-of-the-art methods significantly. It raises the performance bar of the cutting-edge Mini DALLE 3 model by 21% in average character-character similarity and 19% in average text-image similarity.
Abstract:Crowd counting is a challenging task in computer vision due to serious occlusions, complex background and large scale variations, etc. Multi-column architecture is widely adopted to overcome these challenges, yielding state-of-the-art performance in many public benchmarks. However, there still are two issues in such design: scale limitation and feature similarity. Further performance improvements are thus restricted. In this paper, we propose a novel crowd counting framework called Pyramid Scale Network (PSNet) to explicitly address these issues. Specifically, for scale limitation, we adopt three Pyramid Scale Module (PSM) to efficiently capture multi-scale features, which integrate a message passing mechanism and an attention mechanism into multi-column architecture. Moreover, for feature similarity, a Differential loss is introduced to make the features learned by each column in PSM appropriately different from each other. To the best of our knowledge, PSNet is the first work to explicitly address scale limitation and feature similarity in multi-column design. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed innovations as well as the superior performance over the state-of-the-art. Our code is publicly available at: https://github.com/JunhaoCheng/Pyramid_Scale_Network
Abstract:We seek to improve crowd counting as we perceive limits of currently prevalent density map estimation approach on both prediction accuracy and time efficiency. We show that a CNN regressing a global count trained with density map supervision can make more accurate prediction. We introduce multilayer gradient fusion for training a densityaware global count regressor. More specifically, on training stage, a backbone network receives gradients from multiple branches to learn the density information, whereas those branches are to be detached to accelerate inference. By taking advantages of such method, our model improves benchmark results on public datasets and exhibits itself to be a new solution to crowd counting problem in practice.