Abstract:Discrete diffusion models are a class of generative models that produce samples from an approximated data distribution within a discrete state space. Often, there is a need to target specific regions of the data distribution. Current guidance methods aim to sample from a distribution with mass proportional to $p_0(x_0) p(\zeta|x_0)^\alpha$ but fail to achieve this in practice. We introduce a Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm that generates unbiasedly from this target distribution, utilising the learnt unconditional and guided process. We validate our approach on low-dimensional distributions, controlled images and text generations. For text generation, our method provides strong control while maintaining low perplexity compared to guidance-based approaches.
Abstract:In remote sensing there exists a common need for learning scale invariant shapes of objects like buildings. Prior works relies on tweaking multiple loss functions to convert segmentation maps into the final scale invariant representation, necessitating arduous design and optimization. For this purpose we introduce the GeoFormer, a novel architecture which presents a remedy to the said challenges, learning to generate multipolygons end-to-end. By modeling keypoints as spatially dependent tokens in an auto-regressive manner, the GeoFormer outperforms existing works in delineating building objects from satellite imagery. We evaluate the robustness of the GeoFormer against former methods through a variety of parameter ablations and highlight the advantages of optimizing a single likelihood function. Our study presents the first successful application of auto-regressive transformer models for multi-polygon predictions in remote sensing, suggesting a promising methodological alternative for building vectorization.
Abstract:Deep generative models for molecular discovery have become a very popular choice in new high-throughput screening paradigms. These models have been developed inheriting from the advances in natural language processing and computer vision, achieving ever greater results. However, generative molecular modelling has unique challenges that are often overlooked. Chemical validity, interpretability of the generation process and flexibility to variable molecular sizes are among some of the remaining challenges for generative models in computational materials design. In this work, we propose an autoregressive approach that decomposes molecular generation into a sequence of discrete and interpretable steps using molecular fragments as units, a 'molecular story'. Enforcing chemical rules in the stories guarantees the chemical validity of the generated molecules, the discrete sequential steps of a molecular story makes the process transparent improving interpretability, and the autoregressive nature of the approach allows the size of the molecule to be a decision of the model. We demonstrate the validity of the approach in a multi-target inverse design of electroactive organic compounds, focusing on the target properties of solubility, redox potential, and synthetic accessibility. Our results show that the model can effectively bias the generation distribution according to the prompted multi-target objective.
Abstract:Personalized content recommendations have been pivotal to the content experience in digital media from video streaming to social networks. However, several domain specific challenges have held back adoption of recommender systems in news publishing. To address these challenges, we introduce the Ekstra Bladet News Recommendation Dataset (EB-NeRD). The dataset encompasses data from over a million unique users and more than 37 million impression logs from Ekstra Bladet. It also includes a collection of over 125,000 Danish news articles, complete with titles, abstracts, bodies, and metadata, such as categories. EB-NeRD served as the benchmark dataset for the RecSys '24 Challenge, where it was demonstrated how the dataset can be used to address both technical and normative challenges in designing effective and responsible recommender systems for news publishing. The dataset is available at: https://recsys.eb.dk.
Abstract:The RecSys Challenge 2024 aims to advance news recommendation by addressing both the technical and normative challenges inherent in designing effective and responsible recommender systems for news publishing. This paper describes the challenge, including its objectives, problem setting, and the dataset provided by the Danish news publishers Ekstra Bladet and JP/Politikens Media Group ("Ekstra Bladet"). The challenge explores the unique aspects of news recommendation, such as modeling user preferences based on behavior, accounting for the influence of the news agenda on user interests, and managing the rapid decay of news items. Additionally, the challenge embraces normative complexities, investigating the effects of recommender systems on news flow and their alignment with editorial values. We summarize the challenge setup, dataset characteristics, and evaluation metrics. Finally, we announce the winners and highlight their contributions. The dataset is available at: https://recsys.eb.dk.
Abstract:Score-based models, trained with denoising score matching, are remarkably effective in generating high dimensional data. However, the high variance of their training objective hinders optimisation. We attempt to reduce it with a control variate, derived via a $k$-th order Taylor expansion on the training objective and its gradient. We prove an equivalence between the two and demonstrate empirically the effectiveness of our approach on a low dimensional problem setting; and study its effect on larger problems.
Abstract:We address the selection and evaluation of uncertain segmentation methods in medical imaging and present two case studies: prostate segmentation, illustrating that for minimal annotator variation simple deterministic models can suffice, and lung lesion segmentation, highlighting the limitations of the Generalized Energy Distance (GED) in model selection. Our findings lead to guidelines for accurately choosing and developing uncertain segmentation models, that integrate aleatoric and epistemic components. These guidelines are designed to aid researchers and practitioners in better developing, selecting, and evaluating uncertain segmentation methods, thereby facilitating enhanced adoption and effective application of segmentation uncertainty in practice.
Abstract:The need for regression models to predict circular values arises in many scientific fields. In this work we explore a family of expressive and interpretable distributions over circle-valued random functions related to Gaussian processes targeting two Euclidean dimensions conditioned on the unit circle. The resulting probability model has connections with continuous spin models in statistical physics. Moreover, its density is very simple and has maximum-entropy, unlike previous Gaussian process-based approaches, which use wrapping or radial marginalization. For posterior inference, we introduce a new Stratonovich-like augmentation that lends itself to fast Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling. We argue that transductive learning in these models favors a Bayesian approach to the parameters. We present experiments applying this model to the prediction of (i) wind directions and (ii) the percentage of the running gait cycle as a function of joint angles.
Abstract:We present a generative model that amortises computation for the field around e.g. gravitational or magnetic sources. Exact numerical calculation has either computational complexity $\mathcal{O}(M\times{}N)$ in the number of sources and field evaluation points, or requires a fixed evaluation grid to exploit fast Fourier transforms. Using an architecture where a hypernetwork produces an implicit representation of the field around a source collection, our model instead performs as $\mathcal{O}(M + N)$, achieves accuracy of $\sim\!4\%-6\%$, and allows evaluation at arbitrary locations for arbitrary numbers of sources, greatly increasing the speed of e.g. physics simulations. We also examine a model relating to the physical properties of the output field and develop two-dimensional examples to demonstrate its application. The code for these models and experiments is available at https://github.com/cmt-dtu-energy/hypermagnetics.
Abstract:To optimize efficiently over discrete data and with only few available target observations is a challenge in Bayesian optimization. We propose a continuous relaxation of the objective function and show that inference and optimization can be computationally tractable. We consider in particular the optimization domain where very few observations and strict budgets exist; motivated by optimizing protein sequences for expensive to evaluate bio-chemical properties. The advantages of our approach are two-fold: the problem is treated in the continuous setting, and available prior knowledge over sequences can be incorporated directly. More specifically, we utilize available and learned distributions over the problem domain for a weighting of the Hellinger distance which yields a covariance function. We show that the resulting acquisition function can be optimized with both continuous or discrete optimization algorithms and empirically assess our method on two bio-chemical sequence optimization tasks.