Abstract:Student simulation supports educators to improve teaching by interacting with virtual students. However, most existing approaches ignore the modulation effects of course materials because of two challenges: the lack of datasets with granularly annotated course materials, and the limitation of existing simulation models in processing extremely long textual data. To solve the challenges, we first run a 6-week education workshop from N = 60 students to collect fine-grained data using a custom built online education system, which logs students' learning behaviors as they interact with lecture materials over time. Second, we propose a transferable iterative reflection (TIR) module that augments both prompting-based and finetuning-based large language models (LLMs) for simulating learning behaviors. Our comprehensive experiments show that TIR enables the LLMs to perform more accurate student simulation than classical deep learning models, even with limited demonstration data. Our TIR approach better captures the granular dynamism of learning performance and inter-student correlations in classrooms, paving the way towards a ''digital twin'' for online education.
Abstract:Accurate classification of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms (IPMN) is essential for identifying high-risk cases that require timely intervention. In this study, we develop a federated learning framework for multi-center IPMN classification utilizing a comprehensive pancreas MRI dataset. This dataset includes 653 T1-weighted and 656 T2-weighted MRI images, accompanied by corresponding IPMN risk scores from 7 leading medical institutions, making it the largest and most diverse dataset for IPMN classification to date. We assess the performance of DenseNet-121 in both centralized and federated settings for training on distributed data. Our results demonstrate that the federated learning approach achieves high classification accuracy comparable to centralized learning while ensuring data privacy across institutions. This work marks a significant advancement in collaborative IPMN classification, facilitating secure and high-accuracy model training across multiple centers.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training across institutions without sharing sensitive data, making it an attractive solution for medical imaging tasks. However, traditional FL methods, such as Federated Averaging (FedAvg), face difficulties in generalizing across domains due to variations in imaging protocols and patient demographics across institutions. This challenge is particularly evident in pancreas MRI segmentation, where anatomical variability and imaging artifacts significantly impact performance. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of FL algorithms for pancreas MRI segmentation and introduce a novel approach that incorporates adaptive aggregation weights. By dynamically adjusting the contribution of each client during model aggregation, our method accounts for domain-specific differences and improves generalization across heterogeneous datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach enhances segmentation accuracy and reduces the impact of domain shift compared to conventional FL methods while maintaining privacy-preserving capabilities. Significant performance improvements are observed across multiple hospitals (centers).
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) offers a powerful strategy for training machine learning models across decentralized datasets while maintaining data privacy, yet domain shifts among clients can degrade performance, particularly in medical imaging tasks like polyp segmentation. This paper introduces a novel Frequency-Based Domain Generalization (FDG) framework, utilizing soft- and hard-thresholding in the Fourier domain to address these challenges. By applying soft- and hard-thresholding to Fourier coefficients, our method generates new images with reduced background noise and enhances the model's ability to generalize across diverse medical imaging domains. Extensive experiments demonstrate substantial improvements in segmentation accuracy and domain robustness over baseline methods. This innovation integrates frequency domain techniques into FL, presenting a resilient approach to overcoming domain variability in decentralized medical image analysis.
Abstract:In this article, we introduce the concept of controllability and observability to the M amba architecture in our Sparse-Mamba (S-Mamba) for natural language processing (NLP) applications. The structured state space model (SSM) development in recent studies, such as Mamba and Mamba2, outperformed and solved the computational inefficiency of transformers and large language models (LLMs) on longer sequences in small to medium NLP tasks. The Mamba SSMs architecture drops the need for attention layer or MLB blocks in transformers. However, the current Mamba models do not reinforce the controllability on state space equations in the calculation of A, B, C, and D matrices at each time step, which increase the complexity and the computational cost needed. In this article we show that the number of parameters can be significantly decreased by reinforcing controllability in the state space equations in the proposed Sparse-Mamba (S-Mamba), while maintaining the performance. The controllable n x n state matrix A is sparse and it has only n free parameters. Our novel approach will ensure a controllable system and could be the gate key for Mamba 3.
Abstract:Central to the Transformer architectures' effectiveness is the self-attention mechanism, a function that maps queries, keys, and values into a high-dimensional vector space. However, training the attention weights of queries, keys, and values is non-trivial from a state of random initialization. In this paper, we propose two methods. (i) We first address the initialization problem of Vision Transformers by introducing a simple, yet highly innovative, initialization approach utilizing Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients. Our proposed DCT-based attention initialization marks a significant gain compared to traditional initialization strategies; offering a robust foundation for the attention mechanism. Our experiments reveal that the DCT-based initialization enhances the accuracy of Vision Transformers in classification tasks. (ii) We also recognize that since DCT effectively decorrelates image information in the frequency domain, this decorrelation is useful for compression because it allows the quantization step to discard many of the higher-frequency components. Based on this observation, we propose a novel DCT-based compression technique for the attention function of Vision Transformers. Since high-frequency DCT coefficients usually correspond to noise, we truncate the high-frequency DCT components of the input patches. Our DCT-based compression reduces the size of weight matrices for queries, keys, and values. While maintaining the same level of accuracy, our DCT compressed Swin Transformers obtain a considerable decrease in the computational overhead.
Abstract:Automated volumetric segmentation of the pancreas on cross-sectional imaging is needed for diagnosis and follow-up of pancreatic diseases. While CT-based pancreatic segmentation is more established, MRI-based segmentation methods are understudied, largely due to a lack of publicly available datasets, benchmarking research efforts, and domain-specific deep learning methods. In this retrospective study, we collected a large dataset (767 scans from 499 participants) of T1-weighted (T1W) and T2-weighted (T2W) abdominal MRI series from five centers between March 2004 and November 2022. We also collected CT scans of 1,350 patients from publicly available sources for benchmarking purposes. We developed a new pancreas segmentation method, called PanSegNet, combining the strengths of nnUNet and a Transformer network with a new linear attention module enabling volumetric computation. We tested PanSegNet's accuracy in cross-modality (a total of 2,117 scans) and cross-center settings with Dice and Hausdorff distance (HD95) evaluation metrics. We used Cohen's kappa statistics for intra and inter-rater agreement evaluation and paired t-tests for volume and Dice comparisons, respectively. For segmentation accuracy, we achieved Dice coefficients of 88.3% (std: 7.2%, at case level) with CT, 85.0% (std: 7.9%) with T1W MRI, and 86.3% (std: 6.4%) with T2W MRI. There was a high correlation for pancreas volume prediction with R^2 of 0.91, 0.84, and 0.85 for CT, T1W, and T2W, respectively. We found moderate inter-observer (0.624 and 0.638 for T1W and T2W MRI, respectively) and high intra-observer agreement scores. All MRI data is made available at https://osf.io/kysnj/. Our source code is available at https://github.com/NUBagciLab/PaNSegNet.
Abstract:Accurate segmentation of organs from abdominal CT scans is essential for clinical applications such as diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient monitoring. To handle challenges of heterogeneity in organ shapes, sizes, and complex anatomical relationships, we propose a \textbf{\textit{\ac{MDNet}}}, an encoder-decoder network that uses the pre-trained \textit{MiT-B2} as the encoder and multiple different decoder networks. Each decoder network is connected to a different part of the encoder via a multi-scale feature enhancement dilated block. With each decoder, we increase the depth of the network iteratively and refine segmentation masks, enriching feature maps by integrating previous decoders' feature maps. To refine the feature map further, we also utilize the predicted masks from the previous decoder to the current decoder to provide spatial attention across foreground and background regions. MDNet effectively refines the segmentation mask with a high dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.9013 and 0.9169 on the Liver Tumor segmentation (LiTS) and MSD Spleen datasets. Additionally, it reduces Hausdorff distance (HD) to 3.79 for the LiTS dataset and 2.26 for the spleen segmentation dataset, underscoring the precision of MDNet in capturing the complex contours. Moreover, \textit{\ac{MDNet}} is more interpretable and robust compared to the other baseline models.
Abstract:Computer-aided segmentation methods can assist medical personnel in improving diagnostic outcomes. While recent advancements like UNet and its variants have shown promise, they face a critical challenge: balancing accuracy with computational efficiency. Shallow encoder architectures in UNets often struggle to capture crucial spatial features, leading in inaccurate and sparse segmentation. To address this limitation, we propose a novel \underline{P}rogressive \underline{A}ttention based \underline{M}obile \underline{UNet} (\underline{PAM-UNet}) architecture. The inverted residual (IR) blocks in PAM-UNet help maintain a lightweight framework, while layerwise \textit{Progressive Luong Attention} ($\mathcal{PLA}$) promotes precise segmentation by directing attention toward regions of interest during synthesis. Our approach prioritizes both accuracy and speed, achieving a commendable balance with a mean IoU of 74.65 and a dice score of 82.87, while requiring only 1.32 floating-point operations per second (FLOPS) on the Liver Tumor Segmentation Benchmark (LiTS) 2017 dataset. These results highlight the importance of developing efficient segmentation models to accelerate the adoption of AI in clinical practice.
Abstract:Magnetic field inhomogeneity correction remains a challenging task in MRI analysis. Most established techniques are designed for brain MRI by supposing that image intensities in the identical tissue follow a uniform distribution. Such an assumption cannot be easily applied to other organs, especially those that are small in size and heterogeneous in texture (large variations in intensity), such as the prostate. To address this problem, this paper proposes a probabilistic Hadamard U-Net (PHU-Net) for prostate MRI bias field correction. First, a novel Hadamard U-Net (HU-Net) is introduced to extract the low-frequency scalar field, multiplied by the original input to obtain the prototypical corrected image. HU-Net converts the input image from the time domain into the frequency domain via Hadamard transform. In the frequency domain, high-frequency components are eliminated using the trainable filter (scaling layer), hard-thresholding layer, and sparsity penalty. Next, a conditional variational autoencoder is used to encode possible bias field-corrected variants into a low-dimensional latent space. Random samples drawn from latent space are then incorporated with a prototypical corrected image to generate multiple plausible images. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of PHU-Net in correcting bias-field in prostate MRI with a fast inference speed. It has also been shown that prostate MRI segmentation accuracy improves with the high-quality corrected images from PHU-Net. The code will be available in the final version of this manuscript.