King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Abstract:Non-convex Machine Learning problems typically do not adhere to the standard smoothness assumption. Based on empirical findings, Zhang et al. (2020b) proposed a more realistic generalized $(L_0, L_1)$-smoothness assumption, though it remains largely unexplored. Many existing algorithms designed for standard smooth problems need to be revised. However, in the context of Federated Learning, only a few works address this problem but rely on additional limiting assumptions. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature: we propose and analyze new methods with local steps, partial participation of clients, and Random Reshuffling without extra restrictive assumptions beyond generalized smoothness. The proposed methods are based on the proper interplay between clients' and server's stepsizes and gradient clipping. Furthermore, we perform the first analysis of these methods under the Polyak-{\L} ojasiewicz condition. Our theory is consistent with the known results for standard smooth problems, and our experimental results support the theoretical insights.
Abstract:Fine-tuning has become a popular approach to adapting large foundational models to specific tasks. As the size of models and datasets grows, parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques are increasingly important. One of the most widely used methods is Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), with adaptation update expressed as the product of two low-rank matrices. While LoRA was shown to possess strong performance in fine-tuning, it often under-performs when compared to full-parameter fine-tuning (FPFT). Although many variants of LoRA have been extensively studied empirically, their theoretical optimization analysis is heavily under-explored. The starting point of our work is a demonstration that LoRA and its two extensions, Asymmetric LoRA and Chain of LoRA, indeed encounter convergence issues. To address these issues, we propose Randomized Asymmetric Chain of LoRA (RAC-LoRA) -- a general optimization framework that rigorously analyzes the convergence rates of LoRA-based methods. Our approach inherits the empirical benefits of LoRA-style heuristics, but introduces several small but important algorithmic modifications which turn it into a provably convergent method. Our framework serves as a bridge between FPFT and low-rank adaptation. We provide provable guarantees of convergence to the same solution as FPFT, along with the rate of convergence. Additionally, we present a convergence analysis for smooth, non-convex loss functions, covering gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and federated learning settings. Our theoretical findings are supported by experimental results.
Abstract:We propose a new variant of the Adam optimizer [Kingma and Ba, 2014] called MICROADAM that specifically minimizes memory overheads, while maintaining theoretical convergence guarantees. We achieve this by compressing the gradient information before it is fed into the optimizer state, thereby reducing its memory footprint significantly. We control the resulting compression error via a novel instance of the classical error feedback mechanism from distributed optimization [Seide et al., 2014, Alistarh et al., 2018, Karimireddy et al., 2019] in which the error correction information is itself compressed to allow for practical memory gains. We prove that the resulting approach maintains theoretical convergence guarantees competitive to those of AMSGrad, while providing good practical performance. Specifically, we show that MICROADAM can be implemented efficiently on GPUs: on both million-scale (BERT) and billion-scale (LLaMA) models, MicroAdam provides practical convergence competitive to that of the uncompressed Adam baseline, with lower memory usage and similar running time. Our code is available at
Abstract:In this study, we investigate stochastic optimization on Riemannian manifolds, focusing on the crucial variance reduction mechanism used in both Euclidean and Riemannian settings. Riemannian variance-reduced methods usually involve a double-loop structure, computing a full gradient at the start of each loop. Determining the optimal inner loop length is challenging in practice, as it depends on strong convexity or smoothness constants, which are often unknown or hard to estimate. Motivated by Euclidean methods, we introduce the Riemannian Loopless SVRG (R-LSVRG) and PAGE (R-PAGE) methods. These methods replace the outer loop with probabilistic gradient computation triggered by a coin flip in each iteration, ensuring simpler proofs, efficient hyperparameter selection, and sharp convergence guarantees. Using R-PAGE as a framework for non-convex Riemannian optimization, we demonstrate its applicability to various important settings. For example, we derive Riemannian MARINA (R-MARINA) for distributed settings with communication compression, providing the best theoretical communication complexity guarantees for non-convex distributed optimization over Riemannian manifolds. Experimental results support our theoretical findings.
Abstract:We introduce a novel optimization problem formulation that departs from the conventional way of minimizing machine learning model loss as a black-box function. Unlike traditional formulations, the proposed approach explicitly incorporates an initially pre-trained model and random sketch operators, allowing for sparsification of both the model and gradient during training. We establish insightful properties of the proposed objective function and highlight its connections to the standard formulation. Furthermore, we present several variants of the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) method adapted to the new problem formulation, including SGD with general sampling, a distributed version, and SGD with variance reduction techniques. We achieve tighter convergence rates and relax assumptions, bridging the gap between theoretical principles and practical applications, covering several important techniques such as Dropout and Sparse training. This work presents promising opportunities to enhance the theoretical understanding of model training through a sparsification-aware optimization approach.
Abstract:Distributed learning has emerged as a leading paradigm for training large machine learning models. However, in real-world scenarios, participants may be unreliable or malicious, posing a significant challenge to the integrity and accuracy of the trained models. Byzantine fault tolerance mechanisms have been proposed to address these issues, but they often assume full participation from all clients, which is not always practical due to the unavailability of some clients or communication constraints. In our work, we propose the first distributed method with client sampling and provable tolerance to Byzantine workers. The key idea behind the developed method is the use of gradient clipping to control stochastic gradient differences in recursive variance reduction. This allows us to bound the potential harm caused by Byzantine workers, even during iterations when all sampled clients are Byzantine. Furthermore, we incorporate communication compression into the method to enhance communication efficiency. Under quite general assumptions, we prove convergence rates for the proposed method that match the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) theoretical results.
Abstract:Federated Learning is a collaborative training framework that leverages heterogeneous data distributed across a vast number of clients. Since it is practically infeasible to request and process all clients during the aggregation step, partial participation must be supported. In this setting, the communication between the server and clients poses a major bottleneck. To reduce communication loads, there are two main approaches: compression and local steps. Recent work by Mishchenko et al. [2022] introduced the new ProxSkip method, which achieves an accelerated rate using the local steps technique. Follow-up works successfully combined local steps acceleration with partial participation [Grudzie\'n et al., 2023, Condat et al. 2023] and gradient compression [Condat et al. [2022]. In this paper, we finally present a complete method for Federated Learning that incorporates all necessary ingredients: Local Training, Compression, and Partial Participation. We obtain state-of-the-art convergence guarantees in the considered setting. Moreover, we analyze the general sampling framework for partial participation and derive an importance sampling scheme, which leads to even better performance. We experimentally demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method in practice.
Abstract:Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is arguably the most important single algorithm in modern machine learning. Although SGD with unbiased gradient estimators has been studied extensively over at least half a century, SGD variants relying on biased estimators are rare. Nevertheless, there has been an increased interest in this topic in recent years. However, existing literature on SGD with biased estimators (BiasedSGD) lacks coherence since each new paper relies on a different set of assumptions, without any clear understanding of how they are connected, which may lead to confusion. We address this gap by establishing connections among the existing assumptions, and presenting a comprehensive map of the underlying relationships. Additionally, we introduce a new set of assumptions that is provably weaker than all previous assumptions, and use it to present a thorough analysis of BiasedSGD in both convex and non-convex settings, offering advantages over previous results. We also provide examples where biased estimators outperform their unbiased counterparts or where unbiased versions are simply not available. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework through experimental results that validate our theoretical findings.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning approach where multiple clients work together to solve a machine learning task. One of the key challenges in FL is the issue of partial participation, which occurs when a large number of clients are involved in the training process. The traditional method to address this problem is randomly selecting a subset of clients at each communication round. In our research, we propose a new technique and design a novel regularized client participation scheme. Under this scheme, each client joins the learning process every $R$ communication rounds, which we refer to as a meta epoch. We have found that this participation scheme leads to a reduction in the variance caused by client sampling. Combined with the popular FedAvg algorithm (McMahan et al., 2017), it results in superior rates under standard assumptions. For instance, the optimization term in our main convergence bound decreases linearly with the product of the number of communication rounds and the size of the local dataset of each client, and the statistical term scales with step size quadratically instead of linearly (the case for client sampling with replacement), leading to better convergence rate $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{T^2}\right)$ compared to $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{T}\right)$, where $T$ is the total number of communication rounds. Furthermore, our results permit arbitrary client availability as long as each client is available for training once per each meta epoch.
Abstract:In federated learning, a large number of users are involved in a global learning task, in a collaborative way. They alternate local computations and communication with a distant server. Communication, which can be slow and costly, is the main bottleneck in this setting. To accelerate distributed gradient descent, the popular strategy of local training is to communicate less frequently; that is, to perform several iterations of local computations between the communication steps. A recent breakthrough in this field was made by Mishchenko et al. (2022): their Scaffnew algorithm is the first to probably benefit from local training, with accelerated communication complexity. However, it was an open and challenging question to know whether the powerful mechanism behind Scaffnew would be compatible with partial participation, the desirable feature that not all clients need to participate to every round of the training process. We answer this question positively and propose a new algorithm, which handles local training and partial participation, with state-of-the-art communication complexity.