Abstract:In image enhancement tasks, such as low-light and underwater image enhancement, a degraded image can correspond to multiple plausible target images due to dynamic photography conditions, such as variations in illumination. This naturally results in a one-to-many mapping challenge. To address this, we propose a Bayesian Enhancement Model (BEM) that incorporates Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) to capture data uncertainty and produce diverse outputs. To achieve real-time inference, we introduce a two-stage approach: Stage I employs a BNN to model the one-to-many mappings in the low-dimensional space, while Stage II refines fine-grained image details using a Deterministic Neural Network (DNN). To accelerate BNN training and convergence, we introduce a dynamic \emph{Momentum Prior}. Extensive experiments on multiple low-light and underwater image enhancement benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method over deterministic models.
Abstract:Continual learning has emerged as a pivotal area of research, primarily due to its advantageous characteristic that allows models to persistently acquire and retain information. However, catastrophic forgetting can severely impair model performance. In this study, we tackle the issue of network forgetting by introducing a novel framework termed Optimally-Weighted Maximum Mean Discrepancy (OWMMD), which imposes penalties on representation alterations via a Multi-Level Feature Matching Mechanism (MLFMM). Furthermore, we propose an Adaptive Regularization Optimization (ARO) strategy to refine the adaptive weight vectors, which autonomously assess the significance of each feature layer throughout the optimization process. We conduct a comprehensive series of experiments, benchmarking our proposed method against several established baselines. The empirical findings indicate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Continual Learning seeks to develop a model capable of incrementally assimilating new information while retaining prior knowledge. However, current research predominantly addresses a straightforward learning context, wherein all data samples originate from a singular data domain. This paper shifts focus to a more complex and realistic learning environment, characterized by data samples sourced from multiple distinct domains. We tackle this intricate learning challenge by introducing a novel methodology, termed the Multi-Source Dynamic Expansion Model (MSDEM), which leverages various pre-trained models as backbones and progressively establishes new experts based on them to adapt to emerging tasks. Additionally, we propose an innovative dynamic expandable attention mechanism designed to selectively harness knowledge from multiple backbones, thereby accelerating the new task learning. Moreover, we introduce a dynamic graph weight router that strategically reuses all previously acquired parameters and representations for new task learning, maximizing the positive knowledge transfer effect, which further improves generalization performance. We conduct a comprehensive series of experiments, and the empirical findings indicate that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Continuously acquiring new knowledge from a dynamic environment is a fundamental capability for animals, facilitating their survival and ability to address various challenges. This capability is referred to as continual learning, which focuses on the ability to learn a sequence of tasks without the detriment of previous knowledge. A prevalent strategy to tackle continual learning involves selecting and storing numerous essential data samples from prior tasks within a fixed-size memory buffer. However, the majority of current memory-based techniques typically utilize a single memory buffer, which poses challenges in concurrently managing newly acquired and previously learned samples. Drawing inspiration from the Complementary Learning Systems (CLS) theory, which defines rapid and gradual learning mechanisms for processing information, we propose an innovative dual memory system called the Information-Theoretic Dual Memory System (ITDMS). This system comprises a fast memory buffer designed to retain temporary and novel samples, alongside a slow memory buffer dedicated to preserving critical and informative samples. The fast memory buffer is optimized employing an efficient reservoir sampling process. Furthermore, we introduce a novel information-theoretic memory optimization strategy that selectively identifies and retains diverse and informative data samples for the slow memory buffer. Additionally, we propose a novel balanced sample selection procedure that automatically identifies and eliminates redundant memorized samples, thus freeing up memory capacity for new data acquisitions, which can deal with a growing array of tasks. Our methodology is rigorously assessed through a series of continual learning experiments, with empirical results underscoring the effectiveness of the proposed system.
Abstract:Nature creates diverse proteins through a `divide and assembly' strategy. Inspired by this idea, we introduce ProteinWeaver, a two-stage framework for protein backbone design. Our method first generates individual protein domains and then employs an SE(3) diffusion model to flexibly assemble these domains. A key challenge lies in the assembling step, given the complex and rugged nature of the inter-domain interaction landscape. To address this challenge, we employ preference alignment to discern complex relationships between structure and interaction landscapes through comparative analysis of generated samples. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that ProteinWeaver: (1) generates high-quality, novel protein backbones through versatile domain assembly; (2) outperforms RFdiffusion, the current state-of-the-art in backbone design, by 13\% and 39\% for long-chain proteins; (3) shows the potential for cooperative function design through illustrative case studies. To sum up, by introducing a `divide-and-assembly' paradigm, ProteinWeaver advances protein engineering and opens new avenues for functional protein design.
Abstract:Proteins are essential macromolecules defined by their amino acid sequences, which determine their three-dimensional structures and, consequently, their functions in all living organisms. Therefore, generative protein modeling necessitates a multimodal approach to simultaneously model, understand, and generate both sequences and structures. However, existing methods typically use separate models for each modality, limiting their ability to capture the intricate relationships between sequence and structure. This results in suboptimal performance in tasks that requires joint understanding and generation of both modalities. In this paper, we introduce DPLM-2, a multimodal protein foundation model that extends discrete diffusion protein language model (DPLM) to accommodate both sequences and structures. To enable structural learning with the language model, 3D coordinates are converted to discrete tokens using a lookup-free quantization-based tokenizer. By training on both experimental and high-quality synthetic structures, DPLM-2 learns the joint distribution of sequence and structure, as well as their marginals and conditionals. We also implement an efficient warm-up strategy to exploit the connection between large-scale evolutionary data and structural inductive biases from pre-trained sequence-based protein language models. Empirical evaluation shows that DPLM-2 can simultaneously generate highly compatible amino acid sequences and their corresponding 3D structures eliminating the need for a two-stage generation approach. Moreover, DPLM-2 demonstrates competitive performance in various conditional generation tasks, including folding, inverse folding, and scaffolding with multimodal motif inputs, as well as providing structure-aware representations for predictive tasks.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed a surge in the development of protein foundation models, significantly improving performance in protein prediction and generative tasks ranging from 3D structure prediction and protein design to conformational dynamics. However, the capabilities and limitations associated with these models remain poorly understood due to the absence of a unified evaluation framework. To fill this gap, we introduce ProteinBench, a holistic evaluation framework designed to enhance the transparency of protein foundation models. Our approach consists of three key components: (i) A taxonomic classification of tasks that broadly encompass the main challenges in the protein domain, based on the relationships between different protein modalities; (ii) A multi-metric evaluation approach that assesses performance across four key dimensions: quality, novelty, diversity, and robustness; and (iii) In-depth analyses from various user objectives, providing a holistic view of model performance. Our comprehensive evaluation of protein foundation models reveals several key findings that shed light on their current capabilities and limitations. To promote transparency and facilitate further research, we release the evaluation dataset, code, and a public leaderboard publicly for further analysis and a general modular toolkit. We intend for ProteinBench to be a living benchmark for establishing a standardized, in-depth evaluation framework for protein foundation models, driving their development and application while fostering collaboration within the field.
Abstract:The advancement of industrialization has fostered innovative swarm intelligence algorithms, with Lion Swarm Optimization (LSO) being notable for its robustness and efficiency. However, multi-objective variants of LSO struggle with poor initialization, local optima entrapment, and slow adaptation to dynamic environments. This study proposes a Dynamic Multi-Objective Lion Swarm Optimization with Multi-strategy Fusion (MF-DMOLSO) to overcome these challenges. MF-DMOLSO includes an initialization unit using chaotic mapping, a position update unit enhancing behavior patterns based on non-domination and diversity, and an external archive update unit. Evaluations on benchmark functions showed MF-DMOLSO outperformed existing algorithms achieving an accuracy that exceeds the comparison algorithm by 90%. Applied to 6R robot trajectory planning, MF-DMOLSO optimized running time and maximum acceleration to 8.3s and 0.3pi rad/s^2, respectively, achieving a set coverage rate of 70.97% compared to 2% by multi-objective particle swarm optimization, thus improving efficiency and reducing mechanical dither.
Abstract:This paper introduces diffusion protein language model (DPLM), a versatile protein language model that demonstrates strong generative and predictive capabilities for protein sequences. We first pre-train scalable DPLMs from evolutionary-scale protein sequences within a generative self-supervised discrete diffusion probabilistic framework, which generalizes language modeling for proteins in a principled way. After pre-training, DPLM exhibits the ability to generate structurally plausible, novel, and diverse protein sequences for unconditional generation. We further demonstrate the proposed diffusion generative pre-training makes DPLM possess a better understanding of proteins, making it a superior representation learner, which can be fine-tuned for various predictive tasks, comparing favorably to ESM2 (Lin et al., 2022). Moreover, DPLM can be tailored for various needs, which showcases its prowess of conditional generation in several ways: (1) conditioning on partial peptide sequences, e.g., generating scaffolds for functional motifs with high success rate; (2) incorporating other modalities as conditioner, e.g., structure-conditioned generation for inverse folding; and (3) steering sequence generation towards desired properties, e.g., satisfying specified secondary structures, through a plug-and-play classifier guidance.
Abstract:Molecular representation learning plays a crucial role in AI-assisted drug discovery research. Encoding 3D molecular structures through Euclidean neural networks has become the prevailing method in the geometric deep learning community. However, the equivariance constraints and message passing in Euclidean space may limit the network expressive power. In this work, we propose a Harmonic Molecular Representation learning (HMR) framework, which represents a molecule using the Laplace-Beltrami eigenfunctions of its molecular surface. HMR offers a multi-resolution representation of molecular geometric and chemical features on 2D Riemannian manifold. We also introduce a harmonic message passing method to realize efficient spectral message passing over the surface manifold for better molecular encoding. Our proposed method shows comparable predictive power to current models in small molecule property prediction, and outperforms the state-of-the-art deep learning models for ligand-binding protein pocket classification and the rigid protein docking challenge, demonstrating its versatility in molecular representation learning.