Boston University
Abstract:Ethical intervention prompting has emerged as a tool to counter demographic biases of text-to-image generative AI models. Existing solutions either require to retrain the model or struggle to generate images that reflect desired distributions on gender and race. We propose an inference-time process called DebiasPI for Debiasing-by-Prompt-Iteration that provides prompt intervention by enabling the user to control the distributions of individuals' demographic attributes in image generation. DebiasPI keeps track of which attributes have been generated either by probing the internal state of the model or by using external attribute classifiers. Its control loop guides the text-to-image model to select not yet sufficiently represented attributes, With DebiasPI, we were able to create images with equal representations of race and gender that visualize challenging concepts of news headlines. We also experimented with the attributes age, body type, profession, and skin tone, and measured how attributes change when our intervention prompt targets the distribution of an unrelated attribute type. We found, for example, if the text-to-image model is asked to balance racial representation, gender representation improves but the skin tone becomes less diverse. Attempts to cover a wide range of skin colors with various intervention prompts showed that the model struggles to generate the palest skin tones. We conducted various ablation studies, in which we removed DebiasPI's attribute control, that reveal the model's propensity to generate young, male characters. It sometimes visualized career success by generating two-panel images with a pre-success dark-skinned person becoming light-skinned with success, or switching gender from pre-success female to post-success male, thus further motivating ethical intervention prompting with DebiasPI.
Abstract:Hate speech poses a significant threat to social harmony. Over the past two years, Indonesia has seen a ten-fold increase in the online hate speech ratio, underscoring the urgent need for effective detection mechanisms. However, progress is hindered by the limited availability of labeled data for Indonesian texts. The condition is even worse for marginalized minorities, such as Shia, LGBTQ, and other ethnic minorities because hate speech is underreported and less understood by detection tools. Furthermore, the lack of accommodation for subjectivity in current datasets compounds this issue. To address this, we introduce IndoToxic2024, a comprehensive Indonesian hate speech and toxicity classification dataset. Comprising 43,692 entries annotated by 19 diverse individuals, the dataset focuses on texts targeting vulnerable groups in Indonesia, specifically during the hottest political event in the country: the presidential election. We establish baselines for seven binary classification tasks, achieving a macro-F1 score of 0.78 with a BERT model (IndoBERTweet) fine-tuned for hate speech classification. Furthermore, we demonstrate how incorporating demographic information can enhance the zero-shot performance of the large language model, gpt-3.5-turbo. However, we also caution that an overemphasis on demographic information can negatively impact the fine-tuned model performance due to data fragmentation.
Abstract:Bilingual Lexicon Induction is the task of learning word translations without bilingual parallel corpora. We model this task as a matrix completion problem, and present an effective and extendable framework for completing the matrix. This method harnesses diverse bilingual and monolingual signals, each of which may be incomplete or noisy. Our model achieves state-of-the-art performance for both high and low resource languages.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate strong capability across multiple tasks, including machine translation. Our study focuses on evaluating Llama2's machine translation capabilities and exploring how translation depends on languages in its training data. Our experiments show that the 7B Llama2 model yields above 10 BLEU score for all languages it has seen, but not always for languages it has not seen. Most gains for those unseen languages are observed the most with the model scale compared to using chat versions or adding shot count. Furthermore, our linguistic distance analysis reveals that syntactic similarity is not always the primary linguistic factor in determining translation quality. Interestingly, we discovered that under specific circumstances, some languages, despite having significantly less training data than English, exhibit strong correlations comparable to English. Our discoveries here give new perspectives for the current landscape of LLMs, raising the possibility that LLMs centered around languages other than English may offer a more effective foundation for a multilingual model.
Abstract:While language models (LMs) can sometimes generate factually correct text and estimate truth values of individual claims, these generally do not reflect a globally coherent, manipulable model of the world. As a consequence, current LMs also generate incorrect or nonsensical content, and are difficult to edit and bring up to date. We present a method called Deductive Closure Training (DCT) that uses LMs themselves to identify implications of (and contradictions within) the text that they generate, yielding an efficient self-supervised procedure for improving LM factuality. Given a collection of seed documents, DCT prompts LMs to generate additional text implied by these documents, reason globally about the correctness of this generated text, and finally fine-tune on text inferred to be correct. Given seed documents from a trusted source, DCT provides a tool for supervised model updating; if seed documents are sampled from the LM itself, DCT enables fully unsupervised fine-tuning for improved coherence and accuracy. Across the CREAK, MQUaKE, and Reversal Curse datasets, supervised DCT improves LM fact verification and text generation accuracy by 3-26%; on CREAK fully unsupervised DCT improves verification accuracy by 12%. These results show that LMs' reasoning capabilities during inference can be leveraged during training to improve their reliability.
Abstract:Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation (UNMT) focuses on improving NMT results under the assumption there is no human translated parallel data, yet little work has been done so far in highlighting its advantages compared to supervised methods and analyzing its output in aspects other than translation accuracy. We focus on three very diverse languages, French, Gujarati, and Kazakh, and train bilingual NMT models, to and from English, with various levels of supervision, in high- and low- resource setups, measure quality of the NMT output and compare the generated sequences' word order and semantic similarity to source and reference sentences. We also use Layer-wise Relevance Propagation to evaluate the source and target sentences' contribution to the result, expanding the findings of previous works to the UNMT paradigm.
Abstract:This paper introduces a multilingual dataset of COVID-19 vaccine misinformation, consisting of annotated tweets from three middle-income countries: Brazil, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The expertly curated dataset includes annotations for 5,952 tweets, assessing their relevance to COVID-19 vaccines, presence of misinformation, and the themes of the misinformation. To address challenges posed by domain specificity, the low-resource setting, and data imbalance, we adopt two approaches for developing COVID-19 vaccine misinformation detection models: domain-specific pre-training and text augmentation using a large language model. Our best misinformation detection models demonstrate improvements ranging from 2.7 to 15.9 percentage points in macro F1-score compared to the baseline models. Additionally, we apply our misinformation detection models in a large-scale study of 19 million unlabeled tweets from the three countries between 2020 and 2022, showcasing the practical application of our dataset and models for detecting and analyzing vaccine misinformation in multiple countries and languages. Our analysis indicates that percentage changes in the number of new COVID-19 cases are positively associated with COVID-19 vaccine misinformation rates in a staggered manner for Brazil and Indonesia, and there are significant positive associations between the misinformation rates across the three countries.
Abstract:With the advent of the Transformer architecture, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) results have shown great improvement lately. However, results in low-resource conditions still lag behind in both bilingual and multilingual setups, due to the limited amount of available monolingual and/or parallel data; hence, the need for methods addressing data scarcity in an efficient, and explainable way, is eminent. We propose an explainability-based training approach for NMT, applied in Unsupervised and Supervised model training, for translation of three languages of varying resources, French, Gujarati, Kazakh, to and from English. Our results show our method can be promising, particularly when training in low-resource conditions, outperforming simple training baselines; though the improvement is marginal, it sets the ground for further exploration of the approach and the parameters, and its extension to other languages.
Abstract:Even the most advanced language models remain susceptible to errors necessitating to modify these models without initiating a comprehensive retraining process. Model editing refers to the modification of a model's knowledge or representations in a manner that produces the desired outcomes. Prior research primarily centered around editing factual data e.g. "Messi plays for Inter Miami" confining the definition of an edit to a knowledge triplet i.e. (subject, object, relation). However, as the applications of language models expand, so do the diverse ways in which we wish to edit and refine their outputs. In this study, we broaden the scope of the editing problem to include an array of editing cases such as debiasing and rectifying reasoning errors and define an edit as any natural language expression that solicits a change in the model's outputs. We are introducing DUnE-an editing benchmark where edits are natural language sentences and propose that DUnE presents a challenging yet relevant task. To substantiate this claim, we conduct an extensive series of experiments testing various editing approaches to address DUnE, demonstrating their respective strengths and weaknesses. We show that retrieval-augmented language modeling can outperform specialized editing techniques and neither set of approaches has fully solved the generalized editing problem covered by our benchmark.
Abstract:This work explores the use of self-generated natural language explanations as an intermediate step for code-to-code translation with language models. Across three types of explanations and 19 programming languages constructed from the MultiPL-E dataset, we find the explanations to be particularly effective in the zero-shot case, improving performance by 12% on average. Improvements with natural language explanations are particularly pronounced on difficult programs. We release our dataset, code, and canonical solutions in all 19 languages.