Abstract:Catastrophic forgetting is a critical chanllenge for incremental object detection (IOD). Most existing methods treat the detector monolithically, relying on instance replay or knowledge distillation without analyzing component-specific forgetting. Through dissection of Faster R-CNN, we reveal a key insight: Catastrophic forgetting is predominantly localized to the RoI Head classifier, while regressors retain robustness across incremental stages. This finding challenges conventional assumptions, motivating us to develop a framework termed NSGP-RePRE. Regional Prototype Replay (RePRE) mitigates classifier forgetting via replay of two types of prototypes: coarse prototypes represent class-wise semantic centers of RoI features, while fine-grained prototypes model intra-class variations. Null Space Gradient Projection (NSGP) is further introduced to eliminate prototype-feature misalignment by updating the feature extractor in directions orthogonal to subspace of old inputs via gradient projection, aligning RePRE with incremental learning dynamics. Our simple yet effective design allows NSGP-RePRE to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets under various settings. Our work not only advances IOD methodology but also provide pivotal insights for catastrophic forgetting mitigation in IOD. Code will be available soon.
Abstract:Continual Learning (CL) aims to equip AI models with the ability to learn a sequence of tasks over time, without forgetting previously learned knowledge. Recently, State Space Models (SSMs), particularly the Mamba model, have achieved notable success in computer vision. Building on the strengths of SSMs, this study explores leveraging the Mamba model for CL. Therefore, we introduce Mamba-CL, a framework that continuously fine-tunes the core SSMs of the large-scale Mamba foundation model by updating parameters orthogonal to the feature subspace of previous tasks. This approach theoretically guarantees the consistency objective aiming to preserves consistent output for each SSM module across both previous and current tasks, so as to overcome catastrophic forgetting issue. Specifically, we achieve this goal by deducing the overall consistency constraints on four key time-invariant parameters in the Mamba model, streamlining its recurrent state-space structure and non-linear discretization process in SSM. In practice, we apply the null-space projection to efficiently implement the orthogonality within Mamba model. Extensive experiments on four class-incremental benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of Mamba-CL for anti-forgetting, achieving superior performances to state-of-the-art methods. Code is available in the supplementary materials.
Abstract:Unsupervised out-of-distribution (OOD) detection aims to identify out-of-domain data by learning only from unlabeled In-Distribution (ID) training samples, which is crucial for developing a safe real-world machine learning system. Current reconstruction-based methods provide a good alternative approach by measuring the reconstruction error between the input and its corresponding generative counterpart in the pixel/feature space. However, such generative methods face a key dilemma: improving the reconstruction power of the generative model while keeping a compact representation of the ID data. To address this issue, we propose the diffusion-based layer-wise semantic reconstruction approach for unsupervised OOD detection. The innovation of our approach is that we leverage the diffusion model's intrinsic data reconstruction ability to distinguish ID samples from OOD samples in the latent feature space. Moreover, to set up a comprehensive and discriminative feature representation, we devise a multi-layer semantic feature extraction strategy. By distorting the extracted features with Gaussian noise and applying the diffusion model for feature reconstruction, the separation of ID and OOD samples is implemented according to the reconstruction errors. Extensive experimental results on multiple benchmarks built upon various datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of detection accuracy and speed. Code is available at <https://github.com/xbyym/DLSR>.
Abstract:Prompt learning has become a prevalent strategy for adapting vision-language foundation models (VLMs) such as CLIP to downstream tasks. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs), recent studies have explored the potential of using category-related descriptions to enhance prompt effectiveness. However, conventional descriptions lack explicit structured information necessary to represent the interconnections among key elements like entities or attributes with relation to a particular category. Since existing prompt tuning methods give little consideration to managing structured knowledge, this paper advocates leveraging LLMs to construct a graph for each description to prioritize such structured knowledge. Consequently, we propose a novel approach called Hierarchical Prompt Tuning (HPT), enabling simultaneous modeling of both structured and conventional linguistic knowledge. Specifically, we introduce a relationship-guided attention module to capture pair-wise associations among entities and attributes for low-level prompt learning. In addition, by incorporating high-level and global-level prompts modeling overall semantics, the proposed hierarchical structure forges cross-level interlinks and empowers the model to handle more complex and long-term relationships. Finally, by enhancing multi-granularity knowledge generation, redesigning the relationship-driven attention re-weighting module, and incorporating consistent constraints on the hierarchical text encoder, we propose HPT++, which further improves the performance of HPT. Our experiments are conducted across a wide range of evaluation settings, including base-to-new generalization, cross-dataset evaluation, and domain generalization. Extensive results and ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, which consistently outperform existing SOTA methods.
Abstract:In this paper, we construct a large-scale benchmark dataset for Ground-to-Aerial Video-based person Re-Identification, named G2A-VReID, which comprises 185,907 images and 5,576 tracklets, featuring 2,788 distinct identities. To our knowledge, this is the first dataset for video ReID under Ground-to-Aerial scenarios. G2A-VReID dataset has the following characteristics: 1) Drastic view changes; 2) Large number of annotated identities; 3) Rich outdoor scenarios; 4) Huge difference in resolution. Additionally, we propose a new benchmark approach for cross-platform ReID by transforming the cross-platform visual alignment problem into visual-semantic alignment through vision-language model (i.e., CLIP) and applying a parameter-efficient Video Set-Level-Adapter module to adapt image-based foundation model to video ReID tasks, termed VSLA-CLIP. Besides, to further reduce the great discrepancy across the platforms, we also devise the platform-bridge prompts for efficient visual feature alignment. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method on all existing video ReID datasets and our proposed G2A-VReID dataset.
Abstract:Video temporal grounding is an emerging topic aiming to identify specific clips within videos. In addition to pre-trained video models, contemporary methods utilize pre-trained vision-language models (VLM) to capture detailed characteristics of diverse scenes and objects from video frames. However, as pre-trained on images, VLM may struggle to distinguish action-sensitive patterns from static objects, making it necessary to adapt them to specific data domains for effective feature representation over temporal grounding. We address two primary challenges to achieve this goal. Specifically, to mitigate high adaptation costs, we propose an efficient preliminary in-domain fine-tuning paradigm for feature adaptation, where downstream-adaptive features are learned through several pretext tasks. Furthermore, to integrate action-sensitive information into VLM, we introduce Action-Cue-Injected Temporal Prompt Learning (ActPrompt), which injects action cues into the image encoder of VLM for better discovering action-sensitive patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ActPrompt is an off-the-shelf training framework that can be effectively applied to various SOTA methods, resulting in notable improvements. The complete code used in this study is provided in the supplementary materials.
Abstract:To facilitate the evolution of edge intelligence in ever-changing environments, we study on-device incremental learning constrained in limited computation resource in this paper. Current on-device training methods just focus on efficient training without considering the catastrophic forgetting, preventing the model getting stronger when continually exploring the world. To solve this problem, a direct solution is to involve the existing incremental learning mechanisms into the on-device training framework. Unfortunately, such a manner cannot work well as those mechanisms usually introduce large additional computational cost to the network optimization process, which would inevitably exceed the memory capacity of the edge devices. To address this issue, this paper makes an early effort to propose a simple but effective edge-friendly incremental learning framework. Based on an empirical study on the knowledge intensity of the kernel elements of the neural network, we find that the center kernel is the key for maximizing the knowledge intensity for learning new data, while freezing the other kernel elements would get a good balance on the model's capacity for overcoming catastrophic forgetting. Upon this finding, we further design a center-sensitive kernel optimization framework to largely alleviate the cost of the gradient computation and back-propagation. Besides, a dynamic channel element selection strategy is also proposed to facilitate a sparse orthogonal gradient projection for further reducing the optimization complexity, upon the knowledge explored from the new task data. Extensive experiments validate our method is efficient and effective, e.g., our method achieves average accuracy boost of 38.08% with even less memory and approximate computation compared to existing on-device training methods, indicating its significant potential for on-device incremental learning.
Abstract:Existing prompt-tuning methods have demonstrated impressive performances in continual learning (CL), by selecting and updating relevant prompts in the vision-transformer models. On the contrary, this paper aims to learn each task by tuning the prompts in the direction orthogonal to the subspace spanned by previous tasks' features, so as to ensure no interference on tasks that have been learned to overcome catastrophic forgetting in CL. However, different from the orthogonal projection in the traditional CNN architecture, the prompt gradient orthogonal projection in the ViT architecture shows completely different and greater challenges, i.e., 1) the high-order and non-linear self-attention operation; 2) the drift of prompt distribution brought by the LayerNorm in the transformer block. Theoretically, we have finally deduced two consistency conditions to achieve the prompt gradient orthogonal projection, which provide a theoretical guarantee of eliminating interference on previously learned knowledge via the self-attention mechanism in visual prompt tuning. In practice, an effective null-space-based approximation solution has been proposed to implement the prompt gradient orthogonal projection. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of anti-forgetting on four class-incremental benchmarks with diverse pre-trained baseline models, and our approach achieves superior performances to state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/zugexiaodui/VPTinNSforCL.
Abstract:In real-world applications, image degeneration caused by adverse weather is always complex and changes with different weather conditions from days and seasons. Systems in real-world environments constantly encounter adverse weather conditions that are not previously observed. Therefore, it practically requires adverse weather removal models to continually learn from incrementally collected data reflecting various degeneration types. Existing adverse weather removal approaches, for either single or multiple adverse weathers, are mainly designed for a static learning paradigm, which assumes that the data of all types of degenerations to handle can be finely collected at one time before a single-phase learning process. They thus cannot directly handle the incremental learning requirements. To address this issue, we made the earliest effort to investigate the continual all-in-one adverse weather removal task, in a setting closer to real-world applications. Specifically, we develop a novel continual learning framework with effective knowledge replay (KR) on a unified network structure. Equipped with a principal component projection and an effective knowledge distillation mechanism, the proposed KR techniques are tailored for the all-in-one weather removal task. It considers the characteristics of the image restoration task with multiple degenerations in continual learning, and the knowledge for different degenerations can be shared and accumulated in the unified network structure. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method to deal with this challenging task, which performs competitively to existing dedicated or joint training image restoration methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/xiaojihh/CL_all-in-one.
Abstract:Unsupervised visible-infrared person re-identification (USL-VI-ReID) aims to retrieve pedestrian images of the same identity from different modalities without annotations. While prior work focuses on establishing cross-modality pseudo-label associations to bridge the modality-gap, they ignore maintaining the instance-level homogeneous and heterogeneous consistency in pseudo-label space, resulting in coarse associations. In response, we introduce a Modality-Unified Label Transfer (MULT) module that simultaneously accounts for both homogeneous and heterogeneous fine-grained instance-level structures, yielding high-quality cross-modality label associations. It models both homogeneous and heterogeneous affinities, leveraging them to define the inconsistency for the pseudo-labels and then minimize it, leading to pseudo-labels that maintain alignment across modalities and consistency within intra-modality structures. Additionally, a straightforward plug-and-play Online Cross-memory Label Refinement (OCLR) module is proposed to further mitigate the impact of noisy pseudo-labels while simultaneously aligning different modalities, coupled with a Modality-Invariant Representation Learning (MIRL) framework. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms existing USL-VI-ReID methods, highlighting the superiority of our MULT in comparison to other cross-modality association methods. The code will be available.