Abstract:A substantial body of work in machine learning (ML) and randomized numerical linear algebra (RandNLA) has exploited various sorts of random sketching methodologies, including random sampling and random projection, with much of the analysis using Johnson--Lindenstrauss and subspace embedding techniques. Recent studies have identified the issue of inversion bias -- the phenomenon that inverses of random sketches are not unbiased, despite the unbiasedness of the sketches themselves. This bias presents challenges for the use of random sketches in various ML pipelines, such as fast stochastic optimization, scalable statistical estimators, and distributed optimization. In the context of random projection, the inversion bias can be easily corrected for dense Gaussian projections (which are, however, too expensive for many applications). Recent work has shown how the inversion bias can be corrected for sparse sub-gaussian projections. In this paper, we show how the inversion bias can be corrected for random sampling methods, both uniform and non-uniform leverage-based, as well as for structured random projections, including those based on the Hadamard transform. Using these results, we establish problem-independent local convergence rates for sub-sampled Newton methods.
Abstract:In this paper, we perform asymptotic analyses of the widely used ESPRIT direction-of-arrival (DoA) estimator for large arrays, where the array size $N$ and the number of snapshots $T$ grow to infinity at the same pace. In this large-dimensional regime, the sample covariance matrix (SCM) is known to be a poor eigenspectral estimator of the population covariance. We show that the classical ESPRIT algorithm, that relies on the SCM, and as a consequence of the large-dimensional inconsistency of the SCM, produces inconsistent DoA estimates as $N,T \to \infty$ with $N/T \to c \in (0,\infty)$, for both widely- and closely-spaced DoAs. Leveraging tools from random matrix theory (RMT), we propose an improved G-ESPRIT method and prove its consistency in the same large-dimensional setting. From a technical perspective, we derive a novel bound on the eigenvalue differences between two potentially non-Hermitian random matrices, which may be of independent interest. Numerical simulations are provided to corroborate our theoretical findings.
Abstract:The assumption of Gaussian or Gaussian mixture data has been extensively exploited in a long series of precise performance analyses of machine learning (ML) methods, on large datasets having comparably numerous samples and features. To relax this restrictive assumption, subsequent efforts have been devoted to establish "Gaussian equivalent principles" by studying scenarios of Gaussian universality where the asymptotic performance of ML methods on non-Gaussian data remains unchanged when replaced with Gaussian data having the same mean and covariance. Beyond the realm of Gaussian universality, there are few exact results on how the data distribution affects the learning performance. In this article, we provide a precise high-dimensional characterization of empirical risk minimization, for classification under a general mixture data setting of linear factor models that extends Gaussian mixtures. The Gaussian universality is shown to break down under this setting, in the sense that the asymptotic learning performance depends on the data distribution beyond the class means and covariances. To clarify the limitations of Gaussian universality in classification of mixture data and to understand the impact of its breakdown, we specify conditions for Gaussian universality and discuss their implications for the choice of loss function.
Abstract:Modern deep neural networks (DNNs) are extremely powerful; however, this comes at the price of increased depth and having more parameters per layer, making their training and inference more computationally challenging. In an attempt to address this key limitation, efforts have been devoted to the compression (e.g., sparsification and/or quantization) of these large-scale machine learning models, so that they can be deployed on low-power IoT devices. In this paper, building upon recent advances in neural tangent kernel (NTK) and random matrix theory (RMT), we provide a novel compression approach to wide and fully-connected \emph{deep} neural nets. Specifically, we demonstrate that in the high-dimensional regime where the number of data points $n$ and their dimension $p$ are both large, and under a Gaussian mixture model for the data, there exists \emph{asymptotic spectral equivalence} between the NTK matrices for a large family of DNN models. This theoretical result enables "lossless" compression of a given DNN to be performed, in the sense that the compressed network yields asymptotically the same NTK as the original (dense and unquantized) network, with its weights and activations taking values \emph{only} in $\{ 0, \pm 1 \}$ up to a scaling. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data are conducted to support the advantages of the proposed compression scheme, with code available at \url{https://github.com/Model-Compression/Lossless_Compression}.
Abstract:Deep equilibrium models (DEQs), as a typical implicit neural network, have demonstrated remarkable success on various tasks. There is, however, a lack of theoretical understanding of the connections and differences between implicit DEQs and explicit neural network models. In this paper, leveraging recent advances in random matrix theory (RMT), we perform an in-depth analysis on the eigenspectra of the conjugate kernel (CK) and neural tangent kernel (NTK) matrices for implicit DEQs, when the input data are drawn from a high-dimensional Gaussian mixture. We prove, in this setting, that the spectral behavior of these Implicit-CKs and NTKs depend on the DEQ activation function and initial weight variances, but only via a system of four nonlinear equations. As a direct consequence of this theoretical result, we demonstrate that a shallow explicit network can be carefully designed to produce the same CK or NTK as a given DEQ. Despite derived here for Gaussian mixture data, empirical results show the proposed theory and design principle also apply to popular real-world datasets.
Abstract:Modern machine learning (ML) models have grown to a scale where training them on a single machine becomes impractical. As a result, there is a growing trend to leverage federated learning (FL) techniques to train large ML models in a distributed and collaborative manner. These models, however, when deployed on new devices, might struggle to generalize well due to domain shifts. In this context, federated domain adaptation (FDA) emerges as a powerful approach to address this challenge. Most existing FDA approaches typically focus on aligning the distributions between source and target domains by minimizing their (e.g., MMD) distance. Such strategies, however, inevitably introduce high communication overheads and can be highly sensitive to network reliability. In this paper, we introduce RF-TCA, an enhancement to the standard Transfer Component Analysis approach that significantly accelerates computation without compromising theoretical and empirical performance. Leveraging the computational advantage of RF-TCA, we further extend it to FDA setting with FedRF-TCA. The proposed FedRF-TCA protocol boasts communication complexity that is \emph{independent} of the sample size, while maintaining performance that is either comparable to or even surpasses state-of-the-art FDA methods. We present extensive experiments to showcase the superior performance and robustness (to network condition) of FedRF-TCA.
Abstract:Implicit neural networks have demonstrated remarkable success in various tasks. However, there is a lack of theoretical analysis of the connections and differences between implicit and explicit networks. In this paper, we study high-dimensional implicit neural networks and provide the high dimensional equivalents for the corresponding conjugate kernels and neural tangent kernels. Built upon this, we establish the equivalence between implicit and explicit networks in high dimensions.
Abstract:Random graph models are playing an increasingly important role in science and industry, and finds their applications in a variety of fields ranging from social and traffic networks, to recommendation systems and molecular genetics. In this paper, we perform an in-depth analysis of the random Kronecker graph model proposed in \cite{leskovec2010kronecker}, when the number of graph vertices $N$ is large. Built upon recent advances in random matrix theory, we show, in the dense regime, that the random Kronecker graph adjacency matrix follows approximately a signal-plus-noise model, with a small-rank (of order at most $\log N$) signal matrix that is linear in the graph parameters and a random noise matrix having a quarter-circle-form singular value distribution. This observation allows us to propose a ``denoise-and-solve'' meta algorithm to approximately infer the graph parameters, with reduced computational complexity and (asymptotic) performance guarantee. Numerical experiments of graph inference and graph classification on both synthetic and realistic graphs are provided to support the advantageous performance of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Image manipulation has attracted a lot of interest due to its wide range of applications. Prior work modifies images either from low-level manipulation, such as image inpainting or through manual edits via paintbrushes and scribbles, or from high-level manipulation, employing deep generative networks to output an image conditioned on high-level semantic input. In this study, we propose Semantic Image Manipulation with Background-guided Internal Learning (SIMBIL), which combines high-level and low-level manipulation. Specifically, users can edit an image at the semantic level by applying changes on a scene graph. Then our model manipulates the image at the pixel level according to the modified scene graph. There are two major advantages of our approach. First, high-level manipulation of scene graphs requires less manual effort from the user compared to manipulating raw image pixels. Second, our low-level internal learning approach is scalable to images of various sizes without reliance on external visual datasets for training. We outperform the state-of-the-art in a quantitative and qualitative evaluation on the CLEVR and Visual Genome datasets. Experiments show 8 points improvement on FID scores (CLEVR) and 27% improvement on user evaluation (Visual Genome), demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:Improving sample efficiency of reinforcement learning algorithms requires effective exploration. Following the principle of $\textit{optimism in the face of uncertainty}$, we train a separate exploration policy to maximize an approximate upper confidence bound of the critics in an off-policy actor-critic framework. However, this introduces extra differences between the replay buffer and the target policy in terms of their stationary state-action distributions. To mitigate the off-policy-ness, we adapt the recently introduced DICE framework to learn a distribution correction ratio for off-policy actor-critic training. In particular, we correct the training distribution for both policies and critics. Empirically, we evaluate our proposed method in several challenging continuous control tasks and show superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. We also conduct extensive ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness and the rationality of the proposed method.