Abstract:This tutorial intends to introduce readers with a background in AI to quantum machine learning (QML) -- a rapidly evolving field that seeks to leverage the power of quantum computers to reshape the landscape of machine learning. For self-consistency, this tutorial covers foundational principles, representative QML algorithms, their potential applications, and critical aspects such as trainability, generalization, and computational complexity. In addition, practical code demonstrations are provided in https://qml-tutorial.github.io/ to illustrate real-world implementations and facilitate hands-on learning. Together, these elements offer readers a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in QML. By bridging the gap between classical machine learning and quantum computing, this tutorial serves as a valuable resource for those looking to engage with QML and explore the forefront of AI in the quantum era.
Abstract:Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) and its variants exhibit immense potential in tackling combinatorial optimization challenges. However, their practical realization confronts a dilemma: the requisite circuit depth for satisfactory performance is problem-specific and often exceeds the maximum capability of current quantum devices. To address this dilemma, here we first analyze the convergence behavior of QAOA, uncovering the origins of this dilemma and elucidating the intricate relationship between the employed mixer Hamiltonian, the specific problem at hand, and the permissible maximum circuit depth. Harnessing this understanding, we introduce the Mixer Generator Network (MG-Net), a unified deep learning framework adept at dynamically formulating optimal mixer Hamiltonians tailored to distinct tasks and circuit depths. Systematic simulations, encompassing Ising models and weighted Max-Cut instances with up to 64 qubits, substantiate our theoretical findings, highlighting MG-Net's superior performance in terms of both approximation ratio and efficiency.
Abstract:The vast and complicated large-qubit state space forbids us to comprehensively capture the dynamics of modern quantum computers via classical simulations or quantum tomography. However, recent progress in quantum learning theory invokes a crucial question: given a quantum circuit containing d tunable RZ gates and G-d Clifford gates, can a learner perform purely classical inference to efficiently predict its linear properties using new classical inputs, after learning from data obtained by incoherently measuring states generated by the same circuit but with different classical inputs? In this work, we prove that the sample complexity scaling linearly in d is necessary and sufficient to achieve a small prediction error, while the corresponding computational complexity may scale exponentially in d. Building upon these derived complexity bounds, we further harness the concept of classical shadow and truncated trigonometric expansion to devise a kernel-based learning model capable of trading off prediction error and computational complexity, transitioning from exponential to polynomial scaling in many practical settings. Our results advance two crucial realms in quantum computation: the exploration of quantum algorithms with practical utilities and learning-based quantum system certification. We conduct numerical simulations to validate our proposals across diverse scenarios, encompassing quantum information processing protocols, Hamiltonian simulation, and variational quantum algorithms up to 60 qubits.
Abstract:To effectively implement quantum algorithms on noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) processors is a central task in modern quantum technology. NISQ processors feature tens to a few hundreds of noisy qubits with limited coherence times and gate operations with errors, so NISQ algorithms naturally require employing circuits of short lengths via quantum compilation. Here, we develop a reinforcement learning (RL)-based quantum compiler for a superconducting processor and demonstrate its capability of discovering novel and hardware-amenable circuits with short lengths. We show that for the three-qubit quantum Fourier transformation, a compiled circuit using only seven CZ gates with unity circuit fidelity can be achieved. The compiler is also able to find optimal circuits under device topological constraints, with lengths considerably shorter than those by the conventional method. Our study exemplifies the codesign of the software with hardware for efficient quantum compilation, offering valuable insights for the advancement of RL-based compilers.
Abstract:The No-Free-Lunch (NFL) theorem, which quantifies problem- and data-independent generalization errors regardless of the optimization process, provides a foundational framework for comprehending diverse learning protocols' potential. Despite its significance, the establishment of the NFL theorem for quantum machine learning models remains largely unexplored, thereby overlooking broader insights into the fundamental relationship between quantum and classical learning protocols. To address this gap, we categorize a diverse array of quantum learning algorithms into three learning protocols designed for learning quantum dynamics under a specified observable and establish their NFL theorem. The exploited protocols, namely Classical Learning Protocols (CLC-LPs), Restricted Quantum Learning Protocols (ReQu-LPs), and Quantum Learning Protocols (Qu-LPs), offer varying levels of access to quantum resources. Our derived NFL theorems demonstrate quadratic reductions in sample complexity across CLC-LPs, ReQu-LPs, and Qu-LPs, contingent upon the orthogonality of quantum states and the diagonality of observables. We attribute this performance discrepancy to the unique capacity of quantum-related learning protocols to indirectly utilize information concerning the global phases of non-orthogonal quantum states, a distinctive physical feature inherent in quantum mechanics. Our findings not only deepen our understanding of quantum learning protocols' capabilities but also provide practical insights for the development of advanced quantum learning algorithms.
Abstract:High-dimensional longitudinal time series data is prevalent across various real-world applications. Many such applications can be modeled as regression problems with high-dimensional time series covariates. Deep learning has been a popular and powerful tool for fitting these regression models. Yet, the development of interpretable and reproducible deep-learning models is challenging and remains underexplored. This study introduces a novel method, Deep Learning Inference using Knockoffs for Time series data (DeepLINK-T), focusing on the selection of significant time series variables in regression while controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) at a predetermined level. DeepLINK-T combines deep learning with knockoff inference to control FDR in feature selection for time series models, accommodating a wide variety of feature distributions. It addresses dependencies across time and features by leveraging a time-varying latent factor structure in time series covariates. Three key ingredients for DeepLINK-T are 1) a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) autoencoder for generating time series knockoff variables, 2) an LSTM prediction network using both original and knockoff variables, and 3) the application of the knockoffs framework for variable selection with FDR control. Extensive simulation studies have been conducted to evaluate DeepLINK-T's performance, showing its capability to control FDR effectively while demonstrating superior feature selection power for high-dimensional longitudinal time series data compared to its non-time series counterpart. DeepLINK-T is further applied to three metagenomic data sets, validating its practical utility and effectiveness, and underscoring its potential in real-world applications.
Abstract:Quantum kernels hold great promise for offering computational advantages over classical learners, with the effectiveness of these kernels closely tied to the design of the quantum feature map. However, the challenge of designing effective quantum feature maps for real-world datasets, particularly in the absence of sufficient prior information, remains a significant obstacle. In this study, we present a data-driven approach that automates the design of problem-specific quantum feature maps. Our approach leverages feature-selection techniques to handle high-dimensional data on near-term quantum machines with limited qubits, and incorporates a deep neural predictor to efficiently evaluate the performance of various candidate quantum kernels. Through extensive numerical simulations on different datasets, we demonstrate the superiority of our proposal over prior methods, especially for the capability of eliminating the kernel concentration issue and identifying the feature map with prediction advantages. Our work not only unlocks the potential of quantum kernels for enhancing real-world tasks but also highlights the substantial role of deep learning in advancing quantum machine learning.
Abstract:Optical quantum sensing promises measurement precision beyond classical sensors termed the Heisenberg limit (HL). However, conventional methodologies often rely on prior knowledge of the target system to achieve HL, presenting challenges in practical applications. Addressing this limitation, we introduce an innovative Deep Learning-based Quantum Sensing scheme (DQS), enabling optical quantum sensors to attain HL in agnostic environments. DQS incorporates two essential components: a Graph Neural Network (GNN) predictor and a trigonometric interpolation algorithm. Operating within a data-driven paradigm, DQS utilizes the GNN predictor, trained on offline data, to unveil the intrinsic relationships between the optical setups employed in preparing the probe state and the resulting quantum Fisher information (QFI) after interaction with the agnostic environment. This distilled knowledge facilitates the identification of optimal optical setups associated with maximal QFI. Subsequently, DQS employs a trigonometric interpolation algorithm to recover the unknown parameter estimates for the identified optical setups. Extensive experiments are conducted to investigate the performance of DQS under different settings up to eight photons. Our findings not only offer a new lens through which to accelerate optical quantum sensing tasks but also catalyze future research integrating deep learning and quantum mechanics.
Abstract:Cross-platform verification, a critical undertaking in the realm of early-stage quantum computing, endeavors to characterize the similarity of two imperfect quantum devices executing identical algorithms, utilizing minimal measurements. While the random measurement approach has been instrumental in this context, the quasi-exponential computational demand with increasing qubit count hurdles its feasibility in large-qubit scenarios. To bridge this knowledge gap, here we introduce an innovative multimodal learning approach, recognizing that the formalism of data in this task embodies two distinct modalities: measurement outcomes and classical description of compiled circuits on explored quantum devices, both enriched with unique information. Building upon this insight, we devise a multimodal neural network to independently extract knowledge from these modalities, followed by a fusion operation to create a comprehensive data representation. The learned representation can effectively characterize the similarity between the explored quantum devices when executing new quantum algorithms not present in the training data. We evaluate our proposal on platforms featuring diverse noise models, encompassing system sizes up to 50 qubits. The achieved results demonstrate a three-orders-of-magnitude improvement in prediction accuracy compared to the random measurements and offer compelling evidence of the complementary roles played by each modality in cross-platform verification. These findings pave the way for harnessing the power of multimodal learning to overcome challenges in wider quantum system learning tasks.
Abstract:Quantum neural networks (QNNs) and quantum kernels stand as prominent figures in the realm of quantum machine learning, poised to leverage the nascent capabilities of near-term quantum computers to surmount classical machine learning challenges. Nonetheless, the training efficiency challenge poses a limitation on both QNNs and quantum kernels, curbing their efficacy when applied to extensive datasets. To confront this concern, we present a unified approach: coreset selection, aimed at expediting the training of QNNs and quantum kernels by distilling a judicious subset from the original training dataset. Furthermore, we analyze the generalization error bounds of QNNs and quantum kernels when trained on such coresets, unveiling the comparable performance with those training on the complete original dataset. Through systematic numerical simulations, we illuminate the potential of coreset selection in expediting tasks encompassing synthetic data classification, identification of quantum correlations, and quantum compiling. Our work offers a useful way to improve diverse quantum machine learning models with a theoretical guarantee while reducing the training cost.