Abstract:Signal reconstruction from its mel-spectrogram is known as mel-spectrogram inversion and has many applications, including speech and foley sound synthesis. In this paper, we propose a mel-spectrogram inversion method based on a rigorous optimization algorithm. To reconstruct a time-domain signal with inverse short-time Fourier transform (STFT), both full-band STFT magnitude and phase should be predicted from a given mel-spectrogram. Their joint estimation has outperformed the cascaded full-band magnitude prediction and phase reconstruction by preventing error accumulation. However, the existing joint estimation method requires many iterations, and there remains room for performance improvement. We present an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)-based joint estimation method motivated by its success in various nonconvex optimization problems including phase reconstruction. An efficient update of each variable is derived by exploiting the conditional independence among the variables. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on speech and foley sounds.
Abstract:Selective state space models (SSMs) represented by Mamba have demonstrated their computational efficiency and promising outcomes in various tasks, including automatic speech recognition (ASR). Mamba has been applied to ASR task with the attention-based encoder-decoder framework, where the cross-attention mechanism between encoder and decoder remains. This paper explores the capability of Mamba as the decoder-only architecture in ASR task. Our MAmba-based DEcoder-ONly approach (MADEON) consists of a single decoder that takes speech tokens as a condition and predicts text tokens in an autoregressive manner. To enhance MADEON, we further propose speech prefixing that performs bidirectional processing on speech tokens, which enriches the contextual information in the hidden states. Our experiments show that MADEON significantly outperforms a non-selective SSM. The combination of speech prefixing and the recently proposed Mamba-2 yields comparable performance to Transformer-based models on large datasets.
Abstract:Neural codecs have become crucial to recent speech and audio generation research. In addition to signal compression capabilities, discrete codecs have also been found to enhance downstream training efficiency and compatibility with autoregressive language models. However, as extensive downstream applications are investigated, challenges have arisen in ensuring fair comparisons across diverse applications. To address these issues, we present a new open-source platform ESPnet-Codec, which is built on ESPnet and focuses on neural codec training and evaluation. ESPnet-Codec offers various recipes in audio, music, and speech for training and evaluation using several widely adopted codec models. Together with ESPnet-Codec, we present VERSA, a standalone evaluation toolkit, which provides a comprehensive evaluation of codec performance over 20 audio evaluation metrics. Notably, we demonstrate that ESPnet-Codec can be integrated into six ESPnet tasks, supporting diverse applications.
Abstract:This paper explores the capability of Mamba, a recently proposed architecture based on state space models (SSMs), as a competitive alternative to Transformer-based models. In the speech domain, well-designed Transformer-based models, such as the Conformer and E-Branchformer, have become the de facto standards. Extensive evaluations have demonstrated the effectiveness of these Transformer-based models across a wide range of speech tasks. In contrast, the evaluation of SSMs has been limited to a few tasks, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and speech synthesis. In this paper, we compared Mamba with state-of-the-art Transformer variants for various speech applications, including ASR, text-to-speech, spoken language understanding, and speech summarization. Experimental evaluations revealed that Mamba achieves comparable or better performance than Transformer-based models, and demonstrated its efficiency in long-form speech processing.
Abstract:Head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) are important for immersive audio, and their spatial interpolation has been studied to upsample finite measurements. Recently, neural fields (NFs) which map from sound source direction to HRTF have gained attention. Existing NF-based methods focused on estimating the magnitude of the HRTF from a given sound source direction, and the magnitude is converted to a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. We propose the neural infinite impulse response filter field (NIIRF) method that instead estimates the coefficients of cascaded IIR filters. IIR filters mimic the modal nature of HRTFs, thus needing fewer coefficients to approximate them well compared to FIR filters. We find that our method can match the performance of existing NF-based methods on multiple datasets, even outperforming them when measurements are sparse. We also explore approaches to personalize the NF to a subject and experimentally find low-rank adaptation to be effective.
Abstract:Target speech extraction aims to extract, based on a given conditioning cue, a target speech signal that is corrupted by interfering sources, such as noise or competing speakers. Building upon the achievements of the state-of-the-art (SOTA) time-frequency speaker separation model TF-GridNet, we propose AV-GridNet, a visual-grounded variant that incorporates the face recording of a target speaker as a conditioning factor during the extraction process. Recognizing the inherent dissimilarities between speech and noise signals as interfering sources, we also propose SAV-GridNet, a scenario-aware model that identifies the type of interfering scenario first and then applies a dedicated expert model trained specifically for that scenario. Our proposed model achieves SOTA results on the second COG-MHEAR Audio-Visual Speech Enhancement Challenge, outperforming other models by a significant margin, objectively and in a listening test. We also perform an extensive analysis of the results under the two scenarios.
Abstract:We propose an optimization-based method for reconstructing a time-domain signal from a low-dimensional spectral representation such as a mel-spectrogram. Phase reconstruction has been studied to reconstruct a time-domain signal from the full-band short-time Fourier transform (STFT) magnitude. The Griffin-Lim algorithm (GLA) has been widely used because it relies only on the redundancy of STFT and is applicable to various audio signals. In this paper, we jointly reconstruct the full-band magnitude and phase by considering the bi-level relationships among the time-domain signal, its STFT coefficients, and its mel-spectrogram. The proposed method is formulated as a rigorous optimization problem and estimates the full-band magnitude based on the criterion used in GLA. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on speech, music, and environmental signals.
Abstract:Neural speech separation has made remarkable progress and its integration with automatic speech recognition (ASR) is an important direction towards realizing multi-speaker ASR. This work provides an insightful investigation of speech separation in reverberant and noisy-reverberant scenarios as an ASR front-end. In detail, we explore multi-channel separation methods, mask-based beamforming and complex spectral mapping, as well as the best features to use in the ASR back-end model. We employ the recent self-supervised learning representation (SSLR) as a feature and improve the recognition performance from the case with filterbank features. To further improve multi-speaker recognition performance, we present a carefully designed training strategy for integrating speech separation and recognition with SSLR. The proposed integration using TF-GridNet-based complex spectral mapping and WavLM-based SSLR achieves a 2.5% word error rate in reverberant WHAMR! test set, significantly outperforming an existing mask-based MVDR beamforming and filterbank integration (28.9%).
Abstract:The CHiME challenges have played a significant role in the development and evaluation of robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. We introduce the CHiME-7 distant ASR (DASR) task, within the 7th CHiME challenge. This task comprises joint ASR and diarization in far-field settings with multiple, and possibly heterogeneous, recording devices. Different from previous challenges, we evaluate systems on 3 diverse scenarios: CHiME-6, DiPCo, and Mixer 6. The goal is for participants to devise a single system that can generalize across different array geometries and use cases with no a-priori information. Another departure from earlier CHiME iterations is that participants are allowed to use open-source pre-trained models and datasets. In this paper, we describe the challenge design, motivation, and fundamental research questions in detail. We also present the baseline system, which is fully array-topology agnostic and features multi-channel diarization, channel selection, guided source separation and a robust ASR model that leverages self-supervised speech representations (SSLR).
Abstract:This paper describes an efficient unsupervised learning method for a neural source separation model that utilizes a probabilistic generative model of observed multichannel mixtures proposed for blind source separation (BSS). For this purpose, amortized variational inference (AVI) has been used for directly solving the inverse problem of BSS with full-rank spatial covariance analysis (FCA). Although this unsupervised technique called neural FCA is in principle free from the domain mismatch problem, it is computationally demanding due to the full rankness of the spatial model in exchange for robustness against relatively short reverberations. To reduce the model complexity without sacrificing performance, we propose neural FastFCA based on the jointly-diagonalizable yet full-rank spatial model. Our neural separation model introduced for AVI alternately performs neural network blocks and single steps of an efficient iterative algorithm called iterative source steering. This alternating architecture enables the separation model to quickly separate the mixture spectrogram by leveraging both the deep neural network and the multichannel optimization algorithm. The training objective with AVI is derived to maximize the marginalized likelihood of the observed mixtures. The experiment using mixture signals of two to four sound sources shows that neural FastFCA outperforms conventional BSS methods and reduces the computational time to about 2% of that for the neural FCA.