Selective state space models (SSMs) represented by Mamba have demonstrated their computational efficiency and promising outcomes in various tasks, including automatic speech recognition (ASR). Mamba has been applied to ASR task with the attention-based encoder-decoder framework, where the cross-attention mechanism between encoder and decoder remains. This paper explores the capability of Mamba as the decoder-only architecture in ASR task. Our MAmba-based DEcoder-ONly approach (MADEON) consists of a single decoder that takes speech tokens as a condition and predicts text tokens in an autoregressive manner. To enhance MADEON, we further propose speech prefixing that performs bidirectional processing on speech tokens, which enriches the contextual information in the hidden states. Our experiments show that MADEON significantly outperforms a non-selective SSM. The combination of speech prefixing and the recently proposed Mamba-2 yields comparable performance to Transformer-based models on large datasets.