Abstract:Randomized sketching accelerates large-scale numerical linear algebra by reducing computa- tional complexity. While the traditional sketch-and-solve approach reduces the problem size di- rectly through sketching, the sketch-and-precondition method leverages sketching to construct a computational friendly preconditioner. This preconditioner improves the convergence speed of iterative solvers applied to the original problem, maintaining accuracy in the full space. Further- more, the convergence rate of the solver improves at least linearly with the sketch size. Despite its potential, developing a sketch-and-precondition framework for randomized algorithms in low- rank matrix approximation remains an open challenge. We introduce the Error-Powered Sketched Inverse Iteration (EPSI) Method via run sketched Newton iteration for the Lagrange form as a sketch-and-precondition variant for randomized low-rank approximation. Our method achieves theoretical guarantees, including a convergence rate that improves at least linearly with the sketch size.
Abstract:In this paper, we establish a novel connection between the metric entropy growth and the embeddability of function spaces into reproducing kernel Hilbert/Banach spaces. Metric entropy characterizes the information complexity of function spaces and has implications for their approximability and learnability. Classical results show that embedding a function space into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) implies a bound on its metric entropy growth. Surprisingly, we prove a \textbf{converse}: a bound on the metric entropy growth of a function space allows its embedding to a $L_p-$type Reproducing Kernel Banach Space (RKBS). This shows that the ${L}_p-$type RKBS provides a broad modeling framework for learnable function classes with controlled metric entropies. Our results shed new light on the power and limitations of kernel methods for learning complex function spaces.
Abstract:In this paper, we establish a novel connection between the metric entropy growth and the embeddability of function spaces into reproducing kernel Hilbert/Banach spaces. Metric entropy characterizes the information complexity of function spaces and has implications for their approximability and learnability. Classical results show that embedding a function space into a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) implies a bound on its metric entropy growth. Surprisingly, we prove a \textbf{converse}: a bound on the metric entropy growth of a function space allows its embedding to a $\mathcal{L}_p-$type Reproducing Kernel Banach Space (RKBS). This shows that the $\mathcal{L}_p-$type RKBS provides a broad modeling framework for learnable function classes with controlled metric entropies. Our results shed new light on the power and limitations of kernel methods for learning complex function spaces.
Abstract:Recent advances in machine learning have inspired a surge of research into reconstructing specific quantities of interest from measurements that comply with certain physical laws. These efforts focus on inverse problems that are governed by partial differential equations (PDEs). In this work, we develop an asymptotic Sobolev norm learning curve for kernel ridge(less) regression when addressing (elliptical) linear inverse problems. Our results show that the PDE operators in the inverse problem can stabilize the variance and even behave benign overfitting for fixed-dimensional problems, exhibiting different behaviors from regression problems. Besides, our investigation also demonstrates the impact of various inductive biases introduced by minimizing different Sobolev norms as a form of implicit regularization. For the regularized least squares estimator, we find that all considered inductive biases can achieve the optimal convergence rate, provided the regularization parameter is appropriately chosen. The convergence rate is actually independent to the choice of (smooth enough) inductive bias for both ridge and ridgeless regression. Surprisingly, our smoothness requirement recovered the condition found in Bayesian setting and extend the conclusion to the minimum norm interpolation estimators.
Abstract:Bootstrap is a popular methodology for simulating input uncertainty. However, it can be computationally expensive when the number of samples is large. We propose a new approach called \textbf{Orthogonal Bootstrap} that reduces the number of required Monte Carlo replications. We decomposes the target being simulated into two parts: the \textit{non-orthogonal part} which has a closed-form result known as Infinitesimal Jackknife and the \textit{orthogonal part} which is easier to be simulated. We theoretically and numerically show that Orthogonal Bootstrap significantly reduces the computational cost of Bootstrap while improving empirical accuracy and maintaining the same width of the constructed interval.
Abstract:Despite the widespread empirical success of ResNet, the generalization properties of deep ResNet are rarely explored beyond the lazy training regime. In this work, we investigate \emph{scaled} ResNet in the limit of infinitely deep and wide neural networks, of which the gradient flow is described by a partial differential equation in the large-neural network limit, i.e., the \emph{mean-field} regime. To derive the generalization bounds under this setting, our analysis necessitates a shift from the conventional time-invariant Gram matrix employed in the lazy training regime to a time-variant, distribution-dependent version. To this end, we provide a global lower bound on the minimum eigenvalue of the Gram matrix under the mean-field regime. Besides, for the traceability of the dynamic of Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, we establish the linear convergence of the empirical error and estimate the upper bound of the KL divergence over parameters distribution. Finally, we build the uniform convergence for generalization bound via Rademacher complexity. Our results offer new insights into the generalization ability of deep ResNet beyond the lazy training regime and contribute to advancing the understanding of the fundamental properties of deep neural networks.
Abstract:Inferring a diffusion equation from discretely-observed measurements is a statistical challenge of significant importance in a variety of fields, from single-molecule tracking in biophysical systems to modeling financial instruments. Assuming that the underlying dynamical process obeys a $d$-dimensional stochastic differential equation of the form $$\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{x}_t=\boldsymbol{b}(\boldsymbol{x}_t)\mathrm{d} t+\Sigma(\boldsymbol{x}_t)\mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{w}_t,$$ we propose neural network-based estimators of both the drift $\boldsymbol{b}$ and the spatially-inhomogeneous diffusion tensor $D = \Sigma\Sigma^{T}$ and provide statistical convergence guarantees when $\boldsymbol{b}$ and $D$ are $s$-H\"older continuous. Notably, our bound aligns with the minimax optimal rate $N^{-\frac{2s}{2s+d}}$ for nonparametric function estimation even in the presence of correlation within observational data, which necessitates careful handling when establishing fast-rate generalization bounds. Our theoretical results are bolstered by numerical experiments demonstrating accurate inference of spatially-inhomogeneous diffusion tensors.
Abstract:This paper studies the use of a machine learning-based estimator as a control variate for mitigating the variance of Monte Carlo sampling. Specifically, we seek to uncover the key factors that influence the efficiency of control variates in reducing variance. We examine a prototype estimation problem that involves simulating the moments of a Sobolev function based on observations obtained from (random) quadrature nodes. Firstly, we establish an information-theoretic lower bound for the problem. We then study a specific quadrature rule that employs a nonparametric regression-adjusted control variate to reduce the variance of the Monte Carlo simulation. We demonstrate that this kind of quadrature rule can improve the Monte Carlo rate and achieve the minimax optimal rate under a sufficient smoothness assumption. Due to the Sobolev Embedding Theorem, the sufficient smoothness assumption eliminates the existence of rare and extreme events. Finally, we show that, in the presence of rare and extreme events, a truncated version of the Monte Carlo algorithm can achieve the minimax optimal rate while the control variate cannot improve the convergence rate.
Abstract:The optimal design of experiments typically involves solving an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we aim to develop a globally convergent and practically efficient optimization algorithm. Specifically, we consider a setting where the pre-treatment outcome data is available and the synthetic control estimator is invoked. The average treatment effect is estimated via the difference between the weighted average outcomes of the treated and control units, where the weights are learned from the observed data. {Under this setting, we surprisingly observed that the optimal experimental design problem could be reduced to a so-called \textit{phase synchronization} problem.} We solve this problem via a normalized variant of the generalized power method with spectral initialization. On the theoretical side, we establish the first global optimality guarantee for experiment design when pre-treatment data is sampled from certain data-generating processes. Empirically, we conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on both the US Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Abadie-Diemond-Hainmueller California Smoking Data. In terms of the root mean square error, our algorithm surpasses the random design by a large margin.
Abstract:Learning mappings between infinite-dimensional function spaces has achieved empirical success in many disciplines of machine learning, including generative modeling, functional data analysis, causal inference, and multi-agent reinforcement learning. In this paper, we study the statistical limit of learning a Hilbert-Schmidt operator between two infinite-dimensional Sobolev reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. We establish the information-theoretic lower bound in terms of the Sobolev Hilbert-Schmidt norm and show that a regularization that learns the spectral components below the bias contour and ignores the ones that are above the variance contour can achieve the optimal learning rate. At the same time, the spectral components between the bias and variance contours give us flexibility in designing computationally feasible machine learning algorithms. Based on this observation, we develop a multilevel kernel operator learning algorithm that is optimal when learning linear operators between infinite-dimensional function spaces.