Abstract:In this paper, we propose a bilevel joint unsupervised and supervised training (BL-JUST) framework for automatic speech recognition. Compared to the conventional pre-training and fine-tuning strategy which is a disconnected two-stage process, BL-JUST tries to optimize an acoustic model such that it simultaneously minimizes both the unsupervised and supervised loss functions. Because BL-JUST seeks matched local optima of both loss functions, acoustic representations learned by the acoustic model strike a good balance between being generic and task-specific. We solve the BL-JUST problem using penalty-based bilevel gradient descent and evaluate the trained deep neural network acoustic models on various datasets with a variety of architectures and loss functions. We show that BL-JUST can outperform the widely-used pre-training and fine-tuning strategy and some other popular semi-supervised techniques.
Abstract:Chain-of-Thought (CoT) is an efficient prompting method that enables the reasoning ability of large language models by augmenting the query using multiple examples with multiple intermediate steps. Despite the empirical success, the theoretical understanding of how to train a Transformer to achieve the CoT ability remains less explored. This is primarily due to the technical challenges involved in analyzing the nonconvex optimization on nonlinear attention models. To the best of our knowledge, this work provides the first theoretical study of training Transformers with nonlinear attention to obtain the CoT generalization capability so that the resulting model can inference on unseen tasks when the input is augmented by examples of the new task. We first quantify the required training samples and iterations to train a Transformer model towards CoT ability. We then prove the success of its CoT generalization on unseen tasks with distribution-shifted testing data. Moreover, we theoretically characterize the conditions for an accurate reasoning output by CoT even when the provided reasoning examples contain noises and are not always accurate. In contrast, in-context learning (ICL), which can be viewed as one-step CoT without intermediate steps, may fail to provide an accurate output when CoT does. These theoretical findings are justified through experiments.
Abstract:Transformer-based large language models have displayed impressive in-context learning capabilities, where a pre-trained model can handle new tasks without fine-tuning by simply augmenting the query with some input-output examples from that task. Despite the empirical success, the mechanics of how to train a Transformer to achieve ICL and the corresponding ICL capacity is mostly elusive due to the technical challenges of analyzing the nonconvex training problems resulting from the nonlinear self-attention and nonlinear activation in Transformers. To the best of our knowledge, this paper provides the first theoretical analysis of the training dynamics of Transformers with nonlinear self-attention and nonlinear MLP, together with the ICL generalization capability of the resulting model. Focusing on a group of binary classification tasks, we train Transformers using data from a subset of these tasks and quantify the impact of various factors on the ICL generalization performance on the remaining unseen tasks with and without data distribution shifts. We also analyze how different components in the learned Transformers contribute to the ICL performance. Furthermore, we provide the first theoretical analysis of how model pruning affects the ICL performance and prove that proper magnitude-based pruning can have a minimal impact on ICL while reducing inference costs. These theoretical findings are justified through numerical experiments.
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel bilevel optimization-based training approach to training acoustic models for automatic speech recognition (ASR) tasks that we term {bi-level joint unsupervised and supervised training (BL-JUST)}. {BL-JUST employs a lower and upper level optimization with an unsupervised loss and a supervised loss respectively, leveraging recent advances in penalty-based bilevel optimization to solve this challenging ASR problem with affordable complexity and rigorous convergence guarantees.} To evaluate BL-JUST, extensive experiments on the LibriSpeech and TED-LIUM v2 datasets have been conducted. BL-JUST achieves superior performance over the commonly used pre-training followed by fine-tuning strategy.
Abstract:Soft random sampling (SRS) is a simple yet effective approach for efficient training of large-scale deep neural networks when dealing with massive data. SRS selects a subset uniformly at random with replacement from the full data set in each epoch. In this paper, we conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of SRS. First, we analyze its sampling dynamics including data coverage and occupancy. Next, we investigate its convergence with non-convex objective functions and give the convergence rate. Finally, we provide its generalization performance. We empirically evaluate SRS for image recognition on CIFAR10 and automatic speech recognition on Librispeech and an in-house payload dataset to demonstrate its effectiveness. Compared to existing coreset-based data selection methods, SRS offers a better accuracy-efficiency trade-off. Especially on real-world industrial scale data sets, it is shown to be a powerful training strategy with significant speedup and competitive performance with almost no additional computing cost.
Abstract:The integration of external personalized context information into document-grounded conversational systems has significant potential business value, but has not been well-studied. Motivated by the concept of personalized context-aware document-grounded conversational systems, we introduce the task of context-aware passage retrieval. We also construct a dataset specifically curated for this purpose. We describe multiple baseline systems to address this task, and propose a novel approach, Personalized Context-Aware Search (PCAS), that effectively harnesses contextual information during passage retrieval. Experimental evaluations conducted on multiple popular dense retrieval systems demonstrate that our proposed approach not only outperforms the baselines in retrieving the most relevant passage but also excels at identifying the pertinent context among all the available contexts. We envision that our contributions will serve as a catalyst for inspiring future research endeavors in this promising direction.
Abstract:We improve on the popular conformer architecture by replacing the depthwise temporal convolutions with diagonal state space (DSS) models. DSS is a recently introduced variant of linear RNNs obtained by discretizing a linear dynamical system with a diagonal state transition matrix. DSS layers project the input sequence onto a space of orthogonal polynomials where the choice of basis functions, metric and support is controlled by the eigenvalues of the transition matrix. We compare neural transducers with either conformer or our proposed DSS-augmented transformer (DSSformer) encoders on three public corpora: Switchboard English conversational telephone speech 300 hours, Switchboard+Fisher 2000 hours, and a spoken archive of holocaust survivor testimonials called MALACH 176 hours. On Switchboard 300/2000 hours, we reach a single model performance of 8.9%/6.7% WER on the combined test set of the Hub5 2000 evaluation, respectively, and on MALACH we improve the WER by 7% relative over the previous best published result. In addition, we present empirical evidence suggesting that DSS layers learn damped Fourier basis functions where the attenuation coefficients are layer specific whereas the frequency coefficients converge to almost identical linearly-spaced values across all layers.
Abstract:We report on aggressive quantization strategies that greatly accelerate inference of Recurrent Neural Network Transducers (RNN-T). We use a 4 bit integer representation for both weights and activations and apply Quantization Aware Training (QAT) to retrain the full model (acoustic encoder and language model) and achieve near-iso-accuracy. We show that customized quantization schemes that are tailored to the local properties of the network are essential to achieve good performance while limiting the computational overhead of QAT. Density ratio Language Model fusion has shown remarkable accuracy gains on RNN-T workloads but it severely increases the computational cost of inference. We show that our quantization strategies enable using large beam widths for hypothesis search while achieving streaming-compatible runtimes and a full model compression ratio of 7.6$\times$ compared to the full precision model. Via hardware simulations, we estimate a 3.4$\times$ acceleration from FP16 to INT4 for the end-to-end quantized RNN-T inclusive of LM fusion, resulting in a Real Time Factor (RTF) of 0.06. On the NIST Hub5 2000, Hub5 2001, and RT-03 test sets, we retain most of the gains associated with LM fusion, improving the average WER by $>$1.5%.
Abstract:We introduce two techniques, length perturbation and n-best based label smoothing, to improve generalization of deep neural network (DNN) acoustic models for automatic speech recognition (ASR). Length perturbation is a data augmentation algorithm that randomly drops and inserts frames of an utterance to alter the length of the speech feature sequence. N-best based label smoothing randomly injects noise to ground truth labels during training in order to avoid overfitting, where the noisy labels are generated from n-best hypotheses. We evaluate these two techniques extensively on the 300-hour Switchboard (SWB300) dataset and an in-house 500-hour Japanese (JPN500) dataset using recurrent neural network transducer (RNNT) acoustic models for ASR. We show that both techniques improve the generalization of RNNT models individually and they can also be complementary. In particular, they yield good improvements over a strong SWB300 baseline and give state-of-art performance on SWB300 using RNNT models.
Abstract:Distributed Deep Learning (DDL) is essential for large-scale Deep Learning (DL) training. Synchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (SSGD) 1 is the de facto DDL optimization method. Using a sufficiently large batch size is critical to achieving DDL runtime speedup. In a large batch setting, the learning rate must be increased to compensate for the reduced number of parameter updates. However, a large learning rate may harm convergence in SSGD and training could easily diverge. Recently, Decentralized Parallel SGD (DPSGD) has been proposed to improve distributed training speed. In this paper, we find that DPSGD not only has a system-wise run-time benefit but also a significant convergence benefit over SSGD in the large batch setting. Based on a detailed analysis of the DPSGD learning dynamics, we find that DPSGD introduces additional landscape-dependent noise that automatically adjusts the effective learning rate to improve convergence. In addition, we theoretically show that this noise smoothes the loss landscape, hence allowing a larger learning rate. We conduct extensive studies over 18 state-of-the-art DL models/tasks and demonstrate that DPSGD often converges in cases where SSGD diverges for large learning rates in the large batch setting. Our findings are consistent across two different application domains: Computer Vision (CIFAR10 and ImageNet-1K) and Automatic Speech Recognition (SWB300 and SWB2000), and two different types of neural network models: Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks.