Abstract:Image retrieval has been employed as a robust complementary technique to address the challenge of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) self-positioning. However, most existing methods primarily focus on localizing objects captured by UAVs through complex part-based representations, often overlooking the unique challenges associated with UAV self-positioning, such as fine-grained spatial discrimination requirements and dynamic scene variations. To address the above issues, we propose the Context-Enhanced method for precise UAV Self-Positioning (CEUSP), specifically designed for UAV self-positioning tasks. CEUSP integrates a Dynamic Sampling Strategy (DSS) to efficiently select optimal negative samples, while the Rubik's Cube Attention (RCA) module, combined with the Context-Aware Channel Integration (CACI) module, enhances feature representation and discrimination by exploiting interdimensional interactions, inspired by the rotational mechanics of a Rubik's Cube. Extensive experimental validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating notable improvements in feature representation and UAV self-positioning accuracy within complex urban environments. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DenseUAV dataset, which is specifically designed for dense urban contexts, and also delivers competitive results on the widely recognized University-1652 benchmark.
Abstract:Multi-task visual grounding involves the simultaneous execution of localization and segmentation in images based on textual expressions. The majority of advanced methods predominantly focus on transformer-based multimodal fusion, aiming to extract robust multimodal representations. However, ambiguity between referring expression comprehension (REC) and referring image segmentation (RIS) is error-prone, leading to inconsistencies between multi-task predictions. Besides, insufficient multimodal understanding directly contributes to biased target perception. To overcome these challenges, we propose a Coarse-to-fine Consistency Constraints Visual Grounding architecture ($\text{C}^3\text{VG}$), which integrates implicit and explicit modeling approaches within a two-stage framework. Initially, query and pixel decoders are employed to generate preliminary detection and segmentation outputs, a process referred to as the Rough Semantic Perception (RSP) stage. These coarse predictions are subsequently refined through the proposed Mask-guided Interaction Module (MIM) and a novel explicit bidirectional consistency constraint loss to ensure consistent representations across tasks, which we term the Refined Consistency Interaction (RCI) stage. Furthermore, to address the challenge of insufficient multimodal understanding, we leverage pre-trained models based on visual-linguistic fusion representations. Empirical evaluations on the RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, and RefCOCOg datasets demonstrate the efficacy and soundness of $\text{C}^3\text{VG}$, which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art REC and RIS methods by a substantial margin. Code and model will be available at \url{https://github.com/Dmmm1997/C3VG}.
Abstract:Stereo matching plays a crucial role in various applications, where understanding uncertainty can enhance both safety and reliability. Despite this, the estimation and analysis of uncertainty in stereo matching have been largely overlooked. Previous works often provide limited interpretations of uncertainty and struggle to separate it effectively into data (aleatoric) and model (epistemic) components. This disentanglement is essential, as it allows for a clearer understanding of the underlying sources of error, enhancing both prediction confidence and decision-making processes. In this paper, we propose a new framework for stereo matching and its uncertainty quantification. We adopt Bayes risk as a measure of uncertainty and estimate data and model uncertainty separately. Experiments are conducted on four stereo benchmarks, and the results demonstrate that our method can estimate uncertainty accurately and efficiently. Furthermore, we apply our uncertainty method to improve prediction accuracy by selecting data points with small uncertainties, which reflects the accuracy of our estimated uncertainty. The codes are publicly available at https://github.com/RussRobin/Uncertainty.
Abstract:Visual grounding is a common vision task that involves grounding descriptive sentences to the corresponding regions of an image. Most existing methods use independent image-text encoding and apply complex hand-crafted modules or encoder-decoder architectures for modal interaction and query reasoning. However, their performance significantly drops when dealing with complex textual expressions. This is because the former paradigm only utilizes limited downstream data to fit the multi-modal feature fusion. Therefore, it is only effective when the textual expressions are relatively simple. In contrast, given the wide diversity of textual expressions and the uniqueness of downstream training data, the existing fusion module, which extracts multimodal content from a visual-linguistic context, has not been fully investigated. In this paper, we present a simple yet robust transformer-based framework, SimVG, for visual grounding. Specifically, we decouple visual-linguistic feature fusion from downstream tasks by leveraging existing multimodal pre-trained models and incorporating additional object tokens to facilitate deep integration of downstream and pre-training tasks. Furthermore, we design a dynamic weight-balance distillation method in the multi-branch synchronous learning process to enhance the representation capability of the simpler branch. This branch only consists of a lightweight MLP, which simplifies the structure and improves reasoning speed. Experiments on six widely used VG datasets, i.e., RefCOCO/+/g, ReferIt, Flickr30K, and GRefCOCO, demonstrate the superiority of SimVG. Finally, the proposed method not only achieves improvements in efficiency and convergence speed but also attains new state-of-the-art performance on these benchmarks. Codes and models will be available at \url{https://github.com/Dmmm1997/SimVG}.
Abstract:Recent advancements in deep-learning-based driving planners have primarily focused on elaborate network engineering, yielding limited improvements. This paper diverges from conventional approaches by exploring three fundamental yet underinvestigated aspects: training policy, data efficiency, and evaluation robustness. We introduce EasyChauffeur, a reproducible and effective planner for both imitation learning (IL) and reinforcement learning (RL) on Waymax, a GPU-accelerated simulator. Notably, our findings indicate that the incorporation of on-policy RL significantly boosts performance and data efficiency. To further enhance this efficiency, we propose SNE-Sampling, a novel method that selectively samples data from the encoder's latent space, substantially improving EasyChauffeur's performance with RL. Additionally, we identify a deficiency in current evaluation methods, which fail to accurately assess the robustness of different planners due to significant performance drops from minor changes in the ego vehicle's initial state. In response, we propose Ego-Shifting, a new evaluation setting for assessing planners' robustness. Our findings advocate for a shift from a primary focus on network architectures to adopting a holistic approach encompassing training strategies, data efficiency, and robust evaluation methods.
Abstract:Vision Language Models (VLMs) have achieved impressive performance in 2D image understanding, however they are still struggling with spatial understanding which is the foundation of Embodied AI. In this paper, we propose SpatialBot for better spatial understanding by feeding both RGB and depth images. Additionally, we have constructed the SpatialQA dataset, which involves multi-level depth-related questions to train VLMs for depth understanding. Finally, we present SpatialBench to comprehensively evaluate VLMs' capabilities in spatial understanding at different levels. Extensive experiments on our spatial-understanding benchmark, general VLM benchmarks and Embodied AI tasks, demonstrate the remarkable improvements of SpatialBot trained on SpatialQA. The model, code and data are available at https://github.com/BAAI-DCAI/SpatialBot.
Abstract:The topic of stitching images with globally natural structures holds paramount significance. Current methodologies exhibit the ability to preserve local geometric structures, yet fall short in maintaining relationships between these geometric structures. In this paper, we endeavor to safeguard the overall, OBJect-level structures within images based on Global Similarity Prior, while concurrently mitigating distortion and ghosting artifacts with OBJ-GSP. Our approach leverages the Segment Anything Model to extract geometric structures with semantic information, enhancing the algorithm's ability to preserve objects in a manner that aligns more intuitively with human perception. We seek to identify spatial constraints that govern the relationships between various geometric boundaries. Recognizing that multiple geometric boundaries collectively define complete objects, we employ triangular meshes to safeguard not only individual geometric structures but also the overall shapes of objects within the images. Empirical evaluations across multiple image stitching datasets demonstrate that our method establishes a new state-of-the-art benchmark in image stitching. Our implementation and dataset is publicly available at https://github.com/RussRobin/OBJ-GSP .
Abstract:Developing robust and discriminative appearance models has been a long-standing research challenge in visual object tracking. In the prevalent Siamese-based paradigm, the features extracted by the Siamese-like networks are often insufficient to model the tracked targets and distractor objects, thereby hindering them from being robust and discriminative simultaneously. While most Siamese trackers focus on designing robust correlation operations, we propose a novel single-branch tracking framework inspired by the transformer. Unlike the Siamese-like feature extraction, our tracker deeply embeds cross-image feature correlation in multiple layers of the feature network. By extensively matching the features of the two images through multiple layers, it can suppress non-target features, resulting in target-aware feature extraction. The output features can be directly used for predicting target locations without additional correlation steps. Thus, we reformulate the two-branch Siamese tracking as a conceptually simple, fully transformer-based Single-Branch Tracking pipeline, dubbed SBT. After conducting an in-depth analysis of the SBT baseline, we summarize many effective design principles and propose an improved tracker dubbed SuperSBT. SuperSBT adopts a hierarchical architecture with a local modeling layer to enhance shallow-level features. A unified relation modeling is proposed to remove complex handcrafted layer pattern designs. SuperSBT is further improved by masked image modeling pre-training, integrating temporal modeling, and equipping with dedicated prediction heads. Thus, SuperSBT outperforms the SBT baseline by 4.7%,3.0%, and 4.5% AUC scores in LaSOT, TrackingNet, and GOT-10K. Notably, SuperSBT greatly raises the speed of SBT from 37 FPS to 81 FPS. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves superior results on eight VOT benchmarks.
Abstract:Global feature based Pedestrian Attribute Recognition (PAR) models are often poorly localized when using Grad-CAM for attribute response analysis, which has a significant impact on the interpretability, generalizability and performance. Previous researches have attempted to improve generalization and interpretation through meticulous model design, yet they often have neglected or underutilized effective prior information crucial for PAR. To this end, a novel Scale and Spatial Priors Guided Network (SSPNet) is proposed for PAR, which is mainly composed of the Adaptive Feature Scale Selection (AFSS) and Prior Location Extraction (PLE) modules. The AFSS module learns to provide reasonable scale prior information for different attribute groups, allowing the model to focus on different levels of feature maps with varying semantic granularity. The PLE module reveals potential attribute spatial prior information, which avoids unnecessary attention on irrelevant areas and lowers the risk of model over-fitting. More specifically, the scale prior in AFSS is adaptively learned from different layers of feature pyramid with maximum accuracy, while the spatial priors in PLE can be revealed from part feature with different granularity (such as image blocks, human pose keypoint and sparse sampling points). Besides, a novel IoU based attribute localization metric is proposed for Weakly-supervised Pedestrian Attribute Localization (WPAL) based on the improved Grad-CAM for attribute response mask. The experimental results on the intra-dataset and cross-dataset evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method in terms of mean accuracy (mA). Furthermore, it also achieves superior performance on the PCS dataset for attribute localization in terms of IoU. Code will be released at https://github.com/guotengg/SSPNet.
Abstract:The large-scale pretrained model CLIP, trained on 400 million image-text pairs, offers a promising paradigm for tackling vision tasks, albeit at the image level. Later works, such as DenseCLIP and LSeg, extend this paradigm to dense prediction, including semantic segmentation, and have achieved excellent results. However, the above methods either rely on CLIP-pretrained visual backbones or use none-pretrained but heavy backbones such as Swin, while falling ineffective when applied to lightweight backbones. The reason for this is that the lightweitht networks, feature extraction ability of which are relatively limited, meet difficulty embedding the image feature aligned with text embeddings perfectly. In this work, we present a new feature fusion module which tackles this problem and enables language-guided paradigm to be applied to lightweight networks. Specifically, the module is a parallel design of CNN and transformer with a two-way bridge in between, where CNN extracts spatial information and visual context of the feature map from the image encoder, and the transformer propagates text embeddings from the text encoder forward. The core of the module is the bidirectional fusion of visual and text feature across the bridge which prompts their proximity and alignment in embedding space. The module is model-agnostic, which can not only make language-guided lightweight semantic segmentation practical, but also fully exploit the pretrained knowledge of language priors and achieve better performance than previous SOTA work, such as DenseCLIP, whatever the vision backbone is. Extensive experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the superiority of our method.