Abstract:Latent diffusion models have enabled continuous-state diffusion models to handle a variety of datasets, including categorical data. However, most methods rely on fixed pretrained embeddings, limiting the benefits of joint training with the diffusion model. While jointly learning the embedding (via reconstruction loss) and the latent diffusion model (via score matching loss) could enhance performance, our analysis shows that end-to-end training risks embedding collapse, degrading generation quality. To address this issue, we introduce CATDM, a continuous diffusion framework within the embedding space that stabilizes training. We propose a novel objective combining the joint embedding-diffusion variational lower bound with a Consistency-Matching (CM) regularizer, alongside a shifted cosine noise schedule and random dropping strategy. The CM regularizer ensures the recovery of the true data distribution. Experiments on benchmarks show that CATDM mitigates embedding collapse, yielding superior results on FFHQ, LSUN Churches, and LSUN Bedrooms. In particular, CATDM achieves an FID of 6.81 on ImageNet $256\times256$ with 50 steps. It outperforms non-autoregressive models in machine translation and is on a par with previous methods in text generation.
Abstract:Existing work on pitch and timbre disentanglement has been mostly focused on single-instrument music audio, excluding the cases where multiple instruments are presented. To fill the gap, we propose DisMix, a generative framework in which the pitch and timbre representations act as modular building blocks for constructing the melody and instrument of a source, and the collection of which forms a set of per-instrument latent representations underlying the observed mixture. By manipulating the representations, our model samples mixtures with novel combinations of pitch and timbre of the constituent instruments. We can jointly learn the disentangled pitch-timbre representations and a latent diffusion transformer that reconstructs the mixture conditioned on the set of source-level representations. We evaluate the model using both a simple dataset of isolated chords and a realistic four-part chorales in the style of J.S. Bach, identify the key components for the success of disentanglement, and demonstrate the application of mixture transformation based on source-level attribute manipulation.
Abstract:To accelerate sampling, diffusion models (DMs) are often distilled into generators that directly map noise to data in a single step. In this approach, the resolution of the generator is fundamentally limited by that of the teacher DM. To overcome this limitation, we propose Progressive Growing of Diffusion Autoencoder (PaGoDA), a technique to progressively grow the resolution of the generator beyond that of the original teacher DM. Our key insight is that a pre-trained, low-resolution DM can be used to deterministically encode high-resolution data to a structured latent space by solving the PF-ODE forward in time (data-to-noise), starting from an appropriately down-sampled image. Using this frozen encoder in an auto-encoder framework, we train a decoder by progressively growing its resolution. From the nature of progressively growing decoder, PaGoDA avoids re-training teacher/student models when we upsample the student model, making the whole training pipeline much cheaper. In experiments, we used our progressively growing decoder to upsample from the pre-trained model's 64x64 resolution to generate 512x512 samples, achieving 2x faster inference compared to single-step distilled Stable Diffusion like LCM. PaGoDA also achieved state-of-the-art FIDs on ImageNet across all resolutions from 64x64 to 512x512. Additionally, we demonstrated PaGoDA's effectiveness in solving inverse problems and enabling controllable generation.
Abstract:Vector quantization (VQ) is a technique to deterministically learn features with discrete codebook representations. It is commonly performed with a variational autoencoding model, VQ-VAE, which can be further extended to hierarchical structures for making high-fidelity reconstructions. However, such hierarchical extensions of VQ-VAE often suffer from the codebook/layer collapse issue, where the codebook is not efficiently used to express the data, and hence degrades reconstruction accuracy. To mitigate this problem, we propose a novel unified framework to stochastically learn hierarchical discrete representation on the basis of the variational Bayes framework, called hierarchically quantized variational autoencoder (HQ-VAE). HQ-VAE naturally generalizes the hierarchical variants of VQ-VAE, such as VQ-VAE-2 and residual-quantized VAE (RQ-VAE), and provides them with a Bayesian training scheme. Our comprehensive experiments on image datasets show that HQ-VAE enhances codebook usage and improves reconstruction performance. We also validated HQ-VAE in terms of its applicability to a different modality with an audio dataset.
Abstract:Despite the recent advancements, conditional image generation still faces challenges of cost, generalizability, and the need for task-specific training. In this paper, we propose Manifold Preserving Guided Diffusion (MPGD), a training-free conditional generation framework that leverages pretrained diffusion models and off-the-shelf neural networks with minimal additional inference cost for a broad range of tasks. Specifically, we leverage the manifold hypothesis to refine the guided diffusion steps and introduce a shortcut algorithm in the process. We then propose two methods for on-manifold training-free guidance using pre-trained autoencoders and demonstrate that our shortcut inherently preserves the manifolds when applied to latent diffusion models. Our experiments show that MPGD is efficient and effective for solving a variety of conditional generation applications in low-compute settings, and can consistently offer up to 3.8x speed-ups with the same number of diffusion steps while maintaining high sample quality compared to the baselines.
Abstract:Consistency Models (CM) (Song et al., 2023) accelerate score-based diffusion model sampling at the cost of sample quality but lack a natural way to trade-off quality for speed. To address this limitation, we propose Consistency Trajectory Model (CTM), a generalization encompassing CM and score-based models as special cases. CTM trains a single neural network that can -- in a single forward pass -- output scores (i.e., gradients of log-density) and enables unrestricted traversal between any initial and final time along the Probability Flow Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) in a diffusion process. CTM enables the efficient combination of adversarial training and denoising score matching loss to enhance performance and achieves new state-of-the-art FIDs for single-step diffusion model sampling on CIFAR-10 (FID 1.73) and ImageNet at 64X64 resolution (FID 2.06). CTM also enables a new family of sampling schemes, both deterministic and stochastic, involving long jumps along the ODE solution trajectories. It consistently improves sample quality as computational budgets increase, avoiding the degradation seen in CM. Furthermore, CTM's access to the score accommodates all diffusion model inference techniques, including exact likelihood computation.
Abstract:The emergence of various notions of ``consistency'' in diffusion models has garnered considerable attention and helped achieve improved sample quality, likelihood estimation, and accelerated sampling. Although similar concepts have been proposed in the literature, the precise relationships among them remain unclear. In this study, we establish theoretical connections between three recent ``consistency'' notions designed to enhance diffusion models for distinct objectives. Our insights offer the potential for a more comprehensive and encompassing framework for consistency-type models.
Abstract:Pre-trained diffusion models have been successfully used as priors in a variety of linear inverse problems, where the goal is to reconstruct a signal from noisy linear measurements. However, existing approaches require knowledge of the linear operator. In this paper, we propose GibbsDDRM, an extension of Denoising Diffusion Restoration Models (DDRM) to a blind setting in which the linear measurement operator is unknown. GibbsDDRM constructs a joint distribution of the data, measurements, and linear operator by using a pre-trained diffusion model for the data prior, and it solves the problem by posterior sampling with an efficient variant of a Gibbs sampler. The proposed method is problem-agnostic, meaning that a pre-trained diffusion model can be applied to various inverse problems without fine tuning. In experiments, it achieved high performance on both blind image deblurring and vocal dereverberation tasks, despite the use of simple generic priors for the underlying linear operators.
Abstract:Generative adversarial networks (GANs) learn a target probability distribution by optimizing a generator and a discriminator with minimax objectives. This paper addresses the question of whether such optimization actually provides the generator with gradients that make its distribution close to the target distribution. We derive sufficient conditions for the discriminator to serve as the distance between the distributions by connecting the GAN formulation with the concept of sliced optimal transport. Furthermore, by leveraging these theoretical results, we propose a novel GAN training scheme, called adversarially slicing generative network (ASGN). With only simple modifications, the ASGN is applicable to a broad class of existing GANs. Experiments on synthetic and image datasets support our theoretical results and the ASGN's effectiveness as compared to usual GANs.
Abstract:Removing reverb from reverberant music is a necessary technique to clean up audio for downstream music manipulations. Reverberation of music contains two categories, natural reverb, and artificial reverb. Artificial reverb has a wider diversity than natural reverb due to its various parameter setups and reverberation types. However, recent supervised dereverberation methods may fail because they rely on sufficiently diverse and numerous pairs of reverberant observations and retrieved data for training in order to be generalizable to unseen observations during inference. To resolve these problems, we propose an unsupervised method that can remove a general kind of artificial reverb for music without requiring pairs of data for training. The proposed method is based on diffusion models, where it initializes the unknown reverberation operator with a conventional signal processing technique and simultaneously refines the estimate with the help of diffusion models. We show through objective and perceptual evaluations that our method outperforms the current leading vocal dereverberation benchmarks.