Abstract:Transformers are a type of neural network that have demonstrated remarkable performance across various domains, particularly in natural language processing tasks. Motivated by this success, research on the theoretical understanding of transformers has garnered significant attention. A notable example is the mathematical analysis of their approximation power, which validates the empirical expressive capability of transformers. In this study, we investigate the ability of transformers to approximate column-symmetric polynomials, an extension of symmetric polynomials that take matrices as input. Consequently, we establish an explicit relationship between the size of the transformer network and its approximation capability, leveraging the parameter efficiency of transformers and their compatibility with symmetry by focusing on the algebraic properties of symmetric polynomials.
Abstract:This paper proposes a federated learning framework designed to achieve \textit{relative fairness} for clients. Traditional federated learning frameworks typically ensure absolute fairness by guaranteeing minimum performance across all client subgroups. However, this approach overlooks disparities in model performance between subgroups. The proposed framework uses a minimax problem approach to minimize relative unfairness, extending previous methods in distributionally robust optimization (DRO). A novel fairness index, based on the ratio between large and small losses among clients, is introduced, allowing the framework to assess and improve the relative fairness of trained models. Theoretical guarantees demonstrate that the framework consistently reduces unfairness. We also develop an algorithm, named \textsc{Scaff-PD-IA}, which balances communication and computational efficiency while maintaining minimax-optimal convergence rates. Empirical evaluations on real-world datasets confirm its effectiveness in maintaining model performance while reducing disparity.
Abstract:Diffusion models have demonstrated exceptional performances in various fields of generative modeling. While they often outperform competitors including VAEs and GANs in sample quality and diversity, they suffer from slow sampling speed due to their iterative nature. Recently, distillation techniques and consistency models are mitigating this issue in continuous domains, but discrete diffusion models have some specific challenges towards faster generation. Most notably, in the current literature, correlations between different dimensions (pixels, locations) are ignored, both by its modeling and loss functions, due to computational limitations. In this paper, we propose "mixture" models in discrete diffusion that are capable of treating dimensional correlations while remaining scalable, and we provide a set of loss functions for distilling the iterations of existing models. Two primary theoretical insights underpin our approach: first, that dimensionally independent models can well approximate the data distribution if they are allowed to conduct many sampling steps, and second, that our loss functions enables mixture models to distill such many-step conventional models into just a few steps by learning the dimensional correlations. We empirically demonstrate that our proposed method for discrete diffusions work in practice, by distilling a continuous-time discrete diffusion model pretrained on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Abstract:We consider a variant of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with a random learning rate and reveal its convergence properties. SGD is a widely used stochastic optimization algorithm in machine learning, especially deep learning. Numerous studies reveal the convergence properties of SGD and its simplified variants. Among these, the analysis of convergence using a stationary distribution of updated parameters provides generalizable results. However, to obtain a stationary distribution, the update direction of the parameters must not degenerate, which limits the applicable variants of SGD. In this study, we consider a novel SGD variant, Poisson SGD, which has degenerated parameter update directions and instead utilizes a random learning rate. Consequently, we demonstrate that a distribution of a parameter updated by Poisson SGD converges to a stationary distribution under weak assumptions on a loss function. Based on this, we further show that Poisson SGD finds global minima in non-convex optimization problems and also evaluate the generalization error using this method. As a proof technique, we approximate the distribution by Poisson SGD with that of the bouncy particle sampler (BPS) and derive its stationary distribution, using the theoretical advance of the piece-wise deterministic Markov process (PDMP).
Abstract:Selecting or designing an appropriate domain adaptation algorithm for a given problem remains challenging. This paper presents a Transformer model that can provably approximate and opt for domain adaptation methods for a given dataset in the in-context learning framework, where a foundation model performs new tasks without updating its parameters at test time. Specifically, we prove that Transformers can approximate instance-based and feature-based unsupervised domain adaptation algorithms and automatically select an algorithm suited for a given dataset. Numerical results indicate that in-context learning demonstrates an adaptive domain adaptation surpassing existing methods.
Abstract:This paper examines the quantization methods used in large-scale data analysis models and their hyperparameter choices. The recent surge in data analysis scale has significantly increased computational resource requirements. To address this, quantizing model weights has become a prevalent practice in data analysis applications such as deep learning. Quantization is particularly vital for deploying large models on devices with limited computational resources. However, the selection of quantization hyperparameters, like the number of bits and value range for weight quantization, remains an underexplored area. In this study, we employ the typical case analysis from statistical physics, specifically the replica method, to explore the impact of hyperparameters on the quantization of simple learning models. Our analysis yields three key findings: (i) an unstable hyperparameter phase, known as replica symmetry breaking, occurs with a small number of bits and a large quantization width; (ii) there is an optimal quantization width that minimizes error; and (iii) quantization delays the onset of overparameterization, helping to mitigate overfitting as indicated by the double descent phenomenon. We also discover that non-uniform quantization can enhance stability. Additionally, we develop an approximate message-passing algorithm to validate our theoretical results.
Abstract:In causal inference about two treatments, Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATEs) play an important role as a quantity representing an individualized causal effect, defined as a difference between the expected outcomes of the two treatments conditioned on covariates. This study assumes two linear regression models between a potential outcome and covariates of the two treatments and defines CATEs as a difference between the linear regression models. Then, we propose a method for consistently estimating CATEs even under high-dimensional and non-sparse parameters. In our study, we demonstrate that desirable theoretical properties, such as consistency, remain attainable even without assuming sparsity explicitly if we assume a weaker assumption called implicit sparsity originating from the definition of CATEs. In this assumption, we suppose that parameters of linear models in potential outcomes can be divided into treatment-specific and common parameters, where the treatment-specific parameters take difference values between each linear regression model, while the common parameters remain identical. Thus, in a difference between two linear regression models, the common parameters disappear, leaving only differences in the treatment-specific parameters. Consequently, the non-zero parameters in CATEs correspond to the differences in the treatment-specific parameters. Leveraging this assumption, we develop a Lasso regression method specialized for CATE estimation and present that the estimator is consistent. Finally, we confirm the soundness of the proposed method by simulation studies.
Abstract:Synthetic control methods (SCMs) have become a crucial tool for causal inference in comparative case studies. The fundamental idea of SCMs is to estimate counterfactual outcomes for a treated unit by using a weighted sum of observed outcomes from untreated units. The accuracy of the synthetic control (SC) is critical for estimating the causal effect, and hence, the estimation of SC weights has been the focus of much research. In this paper, we first point out that existing SCMs suffer from an implicit endogeneity problem, which is the correlation between the outcomes of untreated units and the error term in the model of a counterfactual outcome. We show that this problem yields a bias in the causal effect estimator. We then propose a novel SCM based on density matching, assuming that the density of outcomes of the treated unit can be approximated by a weighted average of the densities of untreated units (i.e., a mixture model). Based on this assumption, we estimate SC weights by matching moments of treated outcomes and the weighted sum of moments of untreated outcomes. Our proposed method has three advantages over existing methods. First, our estimator is asymptotically unbiased under the assumption of the mixture model. Second, due to the asymptotic unbiasedness, we can reduce the mean squared error for counterfactual prediction. Third, our method generates full densities of the treatment effect, not only expected values, which broadens the applicability of SCMs. We provide experimental results to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:We show the sup-norm convergence of deep neural network estimators with a novel adversarial training scheme. For the nonparametric regression problem, it has been shown that an estimator using deep neural networks can achieve better performances in the sense of the $L2$-norm. In contrast, it is difficult for the neural estimator with least-squares to achieve the sup-norm convergence, due to the deep structure of neural network models. In this study, we develop an adversarial training scheme and investigate the sup-norm convergence of deep neural network estimators. First, we find that ordinary adversarial training makes neural estimators inconsistent. Second, we show that a deep neural network estimator achieves the optimal rate in the sup-norm sense by the proposed adversarial training with correction. We extend our adversarial training to general setups of a loss function and a data-generating function. Our experiments support the theoretical findings.
Abstract:In this research, we investigate the high-dimensional linear contextual bandit problem where the number of features $p$ is greater than the budget $T$, or it may even be infinite. Differing from the majority of previous works in this field, we do not impose sparsity on the regression coefficients. Instead, we rely on recent findings on overparameterized models, which enables us to analyze the performance the minimum-norm interpolating estimator when data distributions have small effective ranks. We propose an explore-then-commit (EtC) algorithm to address this problem and examine its performance. Through our analysis, we derive the optimal rate of the ETC algorithm in terms of $T$ and show that this rate can be achieved by balancing exploration and exploitation. Moreover, we introduce an adaptive explore-then-commit (AEtC) algorithm that adaptively finds the optimal balance. We assess the performance of the proposed algorithms through a series of simulations.