Abstract:ASVspoof 5 is the fifth edition in a series of challenges which promote the study of speech spoofing and deepfake attacks as well as the design of detection solutions. We introduce the ASVspoof 5 database which is generated in crowdsourced fashion from data collected in diverse acoustic conditions (cf. studio-quality data for earlier ASVspoof databases) and from ~2,000 speakers (cf. ~100 earlier). The database contains attacks generated with 32 different algorithms, also crowdsourced, and optimised to varying degrees using new surrogate detection models. Among them are attacks generated with a mix of legacy and contemporary text-to-speech synthesis and voice conversion models, in addition to adversarial attacks which are incorporated for the first time. ASVspoof 5 protocols comprise seven speaker-disjoint partitions. They include two distinct partitions for the training of different sets of attack models, two more for the development and evaluation of surrogate detection models, and then three additional partitions which comprise the ASVspoof 5 training, development and evaluation sets. An auxiliary set of data collected from an additional 30k speakers can also be used to train speaker encoders for the implementation of attack algorithms. Also described herein is an experimental validation of the new ASVspoof 5 database using a set of automatic speaker verification and spoof/deepfake baseline detectors. With the exception of protocols and tools for the generation of spoofed/deepfake speech, the resources described in this paper, already used by participants of the ASVspoof 5 challenge in 2024, are now all freely available to the community.
Abstract:The increasing use of children's automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems has spurred research efforts to improve the accuracy of models designed for children's speech in recent years. The current approach utilizes either open-source speech foundation models (SFMs) directly or fine-tuning them with children's speech data. These SFMs, whether open-source or fine-tuned for children, often exhibit higher word error rates (WERs) compared to adult speech. However, there is a lack of systemic analysis of the cause of this degraded performance of SFMs. Understanding and addressing the reasons behind this performance disparity is crucial for improving the accuracy of SFMs for children's speech. Our study addresses this gap by investigating the causes of accuracy degradation and the primary contributors to WER in children's speech. In the first part of the study, we conduct a comprehensive benchmarking study on two self-supervised SFMs (Wav2Vec2.0 and Hubert) and two weakly supervised SFMs (Whisper and MMS) across various age groups on two children speech corpora, establishing the raw data for the causal inference analysis in the second part. In the second part of the study, we analyze the impact of physiological factors (age, gender), cognitive factors (pronunciation ability), and external factors (vocabulary difficulty, background noise, and word count) on SFM accuracy in children's speech using causal inference. The results indicate that physiology (age) and particular external factor (number of words in audio) have the highest impact on accuracy, followed by background noise and pronunciation ability. Fine-tuning SFMs on children's speech reduces sensitivity to physiological and cognitive factors, while sensitivity to the number of words in audio persists. Keywords: Children's ASR, Speech Foundational Models, Causal Inference, Physiology, Cognition, Pronunciation
Abstract:Current speech deepfake detection approaches perform satisfactorily against known adversaries; however, generalization to unseen attacks remains an open challenge. The proliferation of speech deepfakes on social media underscores the need for systems that can generalize to unseen attacks not observed during training. We address this problem from the perspective of meta-learning, aiming to learn attack-invariant features to adapt to unseen attacks with very few samples available. This approach is promising since generating of a high-scale training dataset is often expensive or infeasible. Our experiments demonstrated an improvement in the Equal Error Rate (EER) from 21.67% to 10.42% on the InTheWild dataset, using just 96 samples from the unseen dataset. Continuous few-shot adaptation ensures that the system remains up-to-date.
Abstract:ASVspoof 5 is the fifth edition in a series of challenges that promote the study of speech spoofing and deepfake attacks, and the design of detection solutions. Compared to previous challenges, the ASVspoof 5 database is built from crowdsourced data collected from a vastly greater number of speakers in diverse acoustic conditions. Attacks, also crowdsourced, are generated and tested using surrogate detection models, while adversarial attacks are incorporated for the first time. New metrics support the evaluation of spoofing-robust automatic speaker verification (SASV) as well as stand-alone detection solutions, i.e., countermeasures without ASV. We describe the two challenge tracks, the new database, the evaluation metrics, baselines, and the evaluation platform, and present a summary of the results. Attacks significantly compromise the baseline systems, while submissions bring substantial improvements.
Abstract:Current trends in audio anti-spoofing detection research strive to improve models' ability to generalize across unseen attacks by learning to identify a variety of spoofing artifacts. This emphasis has primarily focused on the spoof class. Recently, several studies have noted that the distribution of silence differs between the two classes, which can serve as a shortcut. In this paper, we extend class-wise interpretations beyond silence. We employ loss analysis and asymmetric methodologies to move away from traditional attack-focused and result-oriented evaluations towards a deeper examination of model behaviors. Our investigations highlight the significant differences in training dynamics between the two classes, emphasizing the need for future research to focus on robust modeling of the bonafide class.
Abstract:Fusing outputs from automatic speaker verification (ASV) and spoofing countermeasure (CM) is expected to make an integrated system robust to zero-effort imposters and synthesized spoofing attacks. Many score-level fusion methods have been proposed, but many remain heuristic. This paper revisits score-level fusion using tools from decision theory and presents three main findings. First, fusion by summing the ASV and CM scores can be interpreted on the basis of compositional data analysis, and score calibration before fusion is essential. Second, the interpretation leads to an improved fusion method that linearly combines the log-likelihood ratios of ASV and CM. However, as the third finding reveals, this linear combination is inferior to a non-linear one in making optimal decisions. The outcomes of these findings, namely, the score calibration before fusion, improved linear fusion, and better non-linear fusion, were found to be effective on the SASV challenge database.
Abstract:While automatic speech recognition (ASR) greatly benefits from data augmentation, the augmentation recipes themselves tend to be heuristic. In this paper, we address one of the heuristic approach associated with balancing the right amount of augmented data in ASR training by introducing a reinforcement learning (RL) based dynamic adjustment of original-to-augmented data ratio (OAR). Unlike the fixed OAR approach in conventional data augmentation, our proposed method employs a deep Q-network (DQN) as the RL mechanism to learn the optimal dynamics of OAR throughout the wav2vec2.0 based ASR training. We conduct experiments using the LibriSpeech dataset with varying amounts of training data, specifically, the 10Min, 1H, 10H, and 100H splits to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method under different data conditions. Our proposed method, on average, achieves a relative improvement of 4.96% over the open-source wav2vec2.0 base model on standard LibriSpeech test sets.
Abstract:Spoofing detection is today a mainstream research topic. Standard metrics can be applied to evaluate the performance of isolated spoofing detection solutions and others have been proposed to support their evaluation when they are combined with speaker detection. These either have well-known deficiencies or restrict the architectural approach to combine speaker and spoof detectors. In this paper, we propose an architecture-agnostic detection cost function (a-DCF). A generalisation of the original DCF used widely for the assessment of automatic speaker verification (ASV), the a-DCF is designed for the evaluation of spoofing-robust ASV. Like the DCF, the a-DCF reflects the cost of decisions in a Bayes risk sense, with explicitly defined class priors and detection cost model. We demonstrate the merit of the a-DCF through the benchmarking evaluation of architecturally-heterogeneous spoofing-robust ASV solutions.
Abstract:The accuracy of modern automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems, when trained exclusively on adult data, drops substantially when applied to children's speech. The scarcity of children's speech corpora hinders fine-tuning ASV systems for children's speech. Hence, there is a timely need to explore more effective ways of reusing adults' speech data. One promising approach is to align vocal-tract parameters between adults and children through children-specific data augmentation, referred here to as ChildAugment. Specifically, we modify the formant frequencies and formant bandwidths of adult speech to emulate children's speech. The modified spectra are used to train ECAPA-TDNN (emphasized channel attention, propagation, and aggregation in time-delay neural network) recognizer for children. We compare ChildAugment against various state-of-the-art data augmentation techniques for children's ASV. We also extensively compare different scoring methods, including cosine scoring, PLDA (probabilistic linear discriminant analysis), and NPLDA (neural PLDA). We also propose a low-complexity weighted cosine score for extremely low-resource children ASV. Our findings on the CSLU kids corpus indicate that ChildAugment holds promise as a simple, acoustics-motivated approach, for improving state-of-the-art deep learning based ASV for children. We achieve up to 12.45% (boys) and 11.96% (girls) relative improvement over the baseline.
Abstract:It is now well-known that automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems can be spoofed using various types of adversaries. The usual approach to counteract ASV systems against such attacks is to develop a separate spoofing countermeasure (CM) module to classify speech input either as a bonafide, or a spoofed utterance. Nevertheless, such a design requires additional computation and utilization efforts at the authentication stage. An alternative strategy involves a single monolithic ASV system designed to handle both zero-effort imposter (non-targets) and spoofing attacks. Such spoof-aware ASV systems have the potential to provide stronger protections and more economic computations. To this end, we propose to generalize the standalone ASV (G-SASV) against spoofing attacks, where we leverage limited training data from CM to enhance a simple backend in the embedding space, without the involvement of a separate CM module during the test (authentication) phase. We propose a novel yet simple backend classifier based on deep neural networks and conduct the study via domain adaptation and multi-task integration of spoof embeddings at the training stage. Experiments are conducted on the ASVspoof 2019 logical access dataset, where we improve the performance of statistical ASV backends on the joint (bonafide and spoofed) and spoofed conditions by a maximum of 36.2% and 49.8% in terms of equal error rates, respectively.