Abstract:Human-AI cooperative classification (HAI-CC) approaches aim to develop hybrid intelligent systems that enhance decision-making in various high-stakes real-world scenarios by leveraging both human expertise and AI capabilities. Current HAI-CC methods primarily focus on learning-to-defer (L2D), where decisions are deferred to human experts, and learning-to-complement (L2C), where AI and human experts make predictions cooperatively. However, a notable research gap remains in effectively exploring both L2D and L2C under diverse expert knowledge to improve decision-making, particularly when constrained by the cooperation cost required to achieve a target probability for AI-only selection (i.e., coverage). In this paper, we address this research gap by proposing the Coverage-constrained Learning to Defer and Complement with Specific Experts (CL2DC) method. CL2DC makes final decisions through either AI prediction alone or by deferring to or complementing a specific expert, depending on the input data. Furthermore, we propose a coverage-constrained optimisation to control the cooperation cost, ensuring it approximates a target probability for AI-only selection. This approach enables an effective assessment of system performance within a specified budget. Also, CL2DC is designed to address scenarios where training sets contain multiple noisy-label annotations without any clean-label references. Comprehensive evaluations on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that CL2DC achieves superior performance compared to state-of-the-art HAI-CC methods.
Abstract:Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in image classification and segmentation tasks. However, fairness concerns persist, as models often exhibit biases that disproportionately affect demographic groups defined by sensitive attributes such as race, gender, or age. Existing bias-mitigation techniques, including Subgroup Re-balancing, Adversarial Training, and Domain Generalization, aim to balance accuracy across demographic groups, but often fail to simultaneously improve overall accuracy, group-specific accuracy, and fairness due to conflicts among these interdependent objectives. We propose the Fair Distillation (FairDi) method, a novel fairness approach that decomposes these objectives by leveraging biased ``teacher'' models, each optimized for a specific demographic group. These teacher models then guide the training of a unified ``student'' model, which distills their knowledge to maximize overall and group-specific accuracies, while minimizing inter-group disparities. Experiments on medical imaging datasets show that FairDi achieves significant gains in both overall and group-specific accuracy, along with improved fairness, compared to existing methods. FairDi is adaptable to various medical tasks, such as classification and segmentation, and provides an effective solution for equitable model performance.
Abstract:Labelled data are limited and self-supervised learning is one of the most important approaches for reducing labelling requirements. While it has been extensively explored in the image domain, it has so far not received the same amount of attention in the acoustic domain. Yet, reducing labelling is a key requirement for many acoustic applications. Specifically in bioacoustic, there are rarely sufficient labels for fully supervised learning available. This has led to the widespread use of acoustic recognisers that have been pre-trained on unrelated data for bioacoustic tasks. We posit that training on the actual task data and combining self-supervised pre-training with few-shot classification is a superior approach that has the ability to deliver high accuracy even when only a few labels are available. To this end, we introduce and evaluate a new architecture that combines CNN-based preprocessing with feature extraction based on state space models (SSMs). This combination is motivated by the fact that CNN-based networks alone struggle to capture temporal information effectively, which is crucial for classifying acoustic signals. SSMs, specifically S4 and Mamba, on the other hand, have been shown to have an excellent ability to capture long-range dependencies in sequence data. We pre-train this architecture using contrastive learning on the actual task data and subsequent fine-tuning with an extremely small amount of labelled data. We evaluate the performance of this proposed architecture for ($n$-shot, $n$-class) classification on standard benchmarks as well as real-world data. Our evaluation shows that it outperforms state-of-the-art architectures on the few-shot classification problem.
Abstract:Diffusion models (DM) have become fundamental components of generative models, excelling across various domains such as image creation, audio generation, and complex data interpolation. Signal-to-Noise diffusion models constitute a diverse family covering most state-of-the-art diffusion models. While there have been several attempts to study Signal-to-Noise (S2N) diffusion models from various perspectives, there remains a need for a comprehensive study connecting different viewpoints and exploring new perspectives. In this study, we offer a comprehensive perspective on noise schedulers, examining their role through the lens of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and its connections to information theory. Building upon this framework, we have developed a generalized backward equation to enhance the performance of the inference process.
Abstract:Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) has received significant attention because it requires only a small set of calibration data to quantize a full-precision model, which is more practical in real-world applications in which full access to a large training set is not available. However, it often leads to overfitting on the small calibration dataset. Several methods have been proposed to address this issue, yet they still rely on only the calibration set for the quantization and they do not validate the quantized model due to the lack of a validation set. In this work, we propose a novel meta-learning based approach to enhance the performance of post-training quantization. Specifically, to mitigate the overfitting problem, instead of only training the quantized model using the original calibration set without any validation during the learning process as in previous PTQ works, in our approach, we both train and validate the quantized model using two different sets of images. In particular, we propose a meta-learning based approach to jointly optimize a transformation network and a quantized model through bi-level optimization. The transformation network modifies the original calibration data and the modified data will be used as the training set to learn the quantized model with the objective that the quantized model achieves a good performance on the original calibration data. Extensive experiments on the widely used ImageNet dataset with different neural network architectures demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art PTQ methods.
Abstract:With the development of Human-AI Collaboration in Classification (HAI-CC), integrating users and AI predictions becomes challenging due to the complex decision-making process. This process has three options: 1) AI autonomously classifies, 2) learning to complement, where AI collaborates with users, and 3) learning to defer, where AI defers to users. Despite their interconnected nature, these options have been studied in isolation rather than as components of a unified system. In this paper, we address this weakness with the novel HAI-CC methodology, called Learning to Complement and to Defer to Multiple Users (LECODU). LECODU not only combines learning to complement and learning to defer strategies, but it also incorporates an estimation of the optimal number of users to engage in the decision process. The training of LECODU maximises classification accuracy and minimises collaboration costs associated with user involvement. Comprehensive evaluations across real-world and synthesized datasets demonstrate LECODU's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art HAI-CC methods. Remarkably, even when relying on unreliable users with high rates of label noise, LECODU exhibits significant improvement over both human decision-makers alone and AI alone.
Abstract:Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) offer probability distributions for model parameters, enabling uncertainty quantification in predictions. However, they often underperform compared to deterministic neural networks. Utilizing mutual learning can effectively enhance the performance of peer BNNs. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to improve BNNs performance through deep mutual learning. The proposed approaches aim to increase diversity in both network parameter distributions and feature distributions, promoting peer networks to acquire distinct features that capture different characteristics of the input, which enhances the effectiveness of mutual learning. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in the classification accuracy, negative log-likelihood, and expected calibration error when compared to traditional mutual learning for BNNs.
Abstract:Differentiable Search Index (DSI) utilizes Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) for efficient document retrieval without relying on external indexes. However, DSIs need full re-training to handle updates in dynamic corpora, causing significant computational inefficiencies. We introduce PromptDSI, a rehearsal-free, prompt-based approach for instance-wise incremental learning in document retrieval. PromptDSI attaches prompts to the frozen PLM's encoder of DSI, leveraging its powerful representation to efficiently index new corpora while maintaining a balance between stability and plasticity. We eliminate the initial forward pass of prompt-based continual learning methods that doubles training and inference time. Moreover, we propose a topic-aware prompt pool that employs neural topic embeddings as fixed keys. This strategy ensures diverse and effective prompt usage, addressing the challenge of parameter underutilization caused by the collapse of the query-key matching mechanism. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that PromptDSI matches IncDSI in managing forgetting while significantly enhancing recall by over 4% on new corpora.
Abstract:This paper introduces RoTipBot, a novel robotic system for handling thin, flexible objects. Different from previous works that are limited to singulating them using suction cups or soft grippers, RoTipBot can grasp and count multiple layers simultaneously, emulating human handling in various environments. Specifically, we develop a novel vision-based tactile sensor named RoTip that can rotate and sense contact information around its tip. Equipped with two RoTip sensors, RoTipBot feeds multiple layers of thin, flexible objects into the centre between its fingers, enabling effective grasping and counting. RoTip's tactile sensing ensures both fingers maintain good contact with the object, and an adjustment approach is designed to allow the gripper to adapt to changes in the object. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the RoTip sensor and the RoTipBot approach. The results show that RoTipBot not only achieves a higher success rate but also grasps and counts multiple layers simultaneously -- capabilities not possible with previous methods. Furthermore, RoTipBot operates up to three times faster than state-of-the-art methods. The success of RoTipBot paves the way for future research in object manipulation using mobilised tactile sensors. All the materials used in this paper are available at \url{https://sites.google.com/view/rotipbot}.
Abstract:Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) has been instrumental in improving deep neural network training by minimizing both the training loss and the sharpness of the loss landscape, leading the model into flatter minima that are associated with better generalization properties. In another aspect, Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) is a framework designed to improve the adaptability of models. MAML optimizes a set of meta-models that are specifically tailored for quick adaptation to multiple tasks with minimal fine-tuning steps and can generalize well with limited data. In this work, we explore the connection between SAM and MAML, particularly in terms of enhancing model generalization. We introduce Agnostic-SAM, a novel approach that combines the principles of both SAM and MAML. Agnostic-SAM adapts the core idea of SAM by optimizing the model towards wider local minima using training data, while concurrently maintaining low loss values on validation data. By doing so, it seeks flatter minima that are not only robust to small perturbations but also less vulnerable to data distributional shift problems. Our experimental results demonstrate that Agnostic-SAM significantly improves generalization over baselines across a range of datasets and under challenging conditions such as noisy labels and data limitation.