Abstract:3D object detection and occupancy prediction are critical tasks in autonomous driving, attracting significant attention. Despite the potential of recent vision-based methods, they encounter challenges under adverse conditions. Thus, integrating cameras with next-generation 4D imaging radar to achieve unified multi-task perception is highly significant, though research in this domain remains limited. In this paper, we propose Doracamom, the first framework that fuses multi-view cameras and 4D radar for joint 3D object detection and semantic occupancy prediction, enabling comprehensive environmental perception. Specifically, we introduce a novel Coarse Voxel Queries Generator that integrates geometric priors from 4D radar with semantic features from images to initialize voxel queries, establishing a robust foundation for subsequent Transformer-based refinement. To leverage temporal information, we design a Dual-Branch Temporal Encoder that processes multi-modal temporal features in parallel across BEV and voxel spaces, enabling comprehensive spatio-temporal representation learning. Furthermore, we propose a Cross-Modal BEV-Voxel Fusion module that adaptively fuses complementary features through attention mechanisms while employing auxiliary tasks to enhance feature quality. Extensive experiments on the OmniHD-Scenes, View-of-Delft (VoD), and TJ4DRadSet datasets demonstrate that Doracamom achieves state-of-the-art performance in both tasks, establishing new benchmarks for multi-modal 3D perception. Code and models will be publicly available.
Abstract:The rapid advancement of deep learning has intensified the need for comprehensive data for use by autonomous driving algorithms. High-quality datasets are crucial for the development of effective data-driven autonomous driving solutions. Next-generation autonomous driving datasets must be multimodal, incorporating data from advanced sensors that feature extensive data coverage, detailed annotations, and diverse scene representation. To address this need, we present OmniHD-Scenes, a large-scale multimodal dataset that provides comprehensive omnidirectional high-definition data. The OmniHD-Scenes dataset combines data from 128-beam LiDAR, six cameras, and six 4D imaging radar systems to achieve full environmental perception. The dataset comprises 1501 clips, each approximately 30-s long, totaling more than 450K synchronized frames and more than 5.85 million synchronized sensor data points. We also propose a novel 4D annotation pipeline. To date, we have annotated 200 clips with more than 514K precise 3D bounding boxes. These clips also include semantic segmentation annotations for static scene elements. Additionally, we introduce a novel automated pipeline for generation of the dense occupancy ground truth, which effectively leverages information from non-key frames. Alongside the proposed dataset, we establish comprehensive evaluation metrics, baseline models, and benchmarks for 3D detection and semantic occupancy prediction. These benchmarks utilize surround-view cameras and 4D imaging radar to explore cost-effective sensor solutions for autonomous driving applications. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our low-cost sensor configuration and its robustness under adverse conditions. Data will be released at https://www.2077ai.com/OmniHD-Scenes.
Abstract:Four-dimensional (4D) radar--visual odometry (4DRVO) integrates complementary information from 4D radar and cameras, making it an attractive solution for achieving accurate and robust pose estimation. However, 4DRVO may exhibit significant tracking errors owing to three main factors: 1) sparsity of 4D radar point clouds; 2) inaccurate data association and insufficient feature interaction between the 4D radar and camera; and 3) disturbances caused by dynamic objects in the environment, affecting odometry estimation. In this paper, we present 4DRVO-Net, which is a method for 4D radar--visual odometry. This method leverages the feature pyramid, pose warping, and cost volume (PWC) network architecture to progressively estimate and refine poses. Specifically, we propose a multi-scale feature extraction network called Radar-PointNet++ that fully considers rich 4D radar point information, enabling fine-grained learning for sparse 4D radar point clouds. To effectively integrate the two modalities, we design an adaptive 4D radar--camera fusion module (A-RCFM) that automatically selects image features based on 4D radar point features, facilitating multi-scale cross-modal feature interaction and adaptive multi-modal feature fusion. In addition, we introduce a velocity-guided point-confidence estimation module to measure local motion patterns, reduce the influence of dynamic objects and outliers, and provide continuous updates during pose refinement. We demonstrate the excellent performance of our method and the effectiveness of each module design on both the VoD and in-house datasets. Our method outperforms all learning-based and geometry-based methods for most sequences in the VoD dataset. Furthermore, it has exhibited promising performance that closely approaches that of the 64-line LiDAR odometry results of A-LOAM without mapping optimization.