Abstract:Acquisition and modeling of polarized light reflection and scattering help reveal the shape, structure, and physical characteristics of an object, which is increasingly important in computer graphics. However, current polarimetric acquisition systems are limited to static and opaque objects. Human faces, on the other hand, present a particularly difficult challenge, given their complex structure and reflectance properties, the strong presence of spatially-varying subsurface scattering, and their dynamic nature. We present a new polarimetric acquisition method for dynamic human faces, which focuses on capturing spatially varying appearance and precise geometry, across a wide spectrum of skin tones and facial expressions. It includes both single and heterogeneous subsurface scattering, index of refraction, and specular roughness and intensity, among other parameters, while revealing biophysically-based components such as inner- and outer-layer hemoglobin, eumelanin and pheomelanin. Our method leverages such components' unique multispectral absorption profiles to quantify their concentrations, which in turn inform our model about the complex interactions occurring within the skin layers. To our knowledge, our work is the first to simultaneously acquire polarimetric and spectral reflectance information alongside biophysically-based skin parameters and geometry of dynamic human faces. Moreover, our polarimetric skin model integrates seamlessly into various rendering pipelines.
Abstract:Achieving robust stereo 3D imaging under diverse illumination conditions is an important however challenging task, due to the limited dynamic ranges (DRs) of cameras, which are significantly smaller than real world DR. As a result, the accuracy of existing stereo depth estimation methods is often compromised by under- or over-exposed images. Here, we introduce dual-exposure stereo for extended dynamic range 3D imaging. We develop automatic dual-exposure control method that adjusts the dual exposures, diverging them when the scene DR exceeds the camera DR, thereby providing information about broader DR. From the captured dual-exposure stereo images, we estimate depth using motion-aware dual-exposure stereo network. To validate our method, we develop a robot-vision system, collect stereo video datasets, and generate a synthetic dataset. Our method outperforms other exposure control methods.
Abstract:Hyperspectral 3D imaging captures both depth maps and hyperspectral images, enabling comprehensive geometric and material analysis. Recent methods achieve high spectral and depth accuracy; however, they require long acquisition times often over several minutes or rely on large, expensive systems, restricting their use to static scenes. We present Dense Dispersed Structured Light (DDSL), an accurate hyperspectral 3D imaging method for dynamic scenes that utilizes stereo RGB cameras and an RGB projector equipped with an affordable diffraction grating film. We design spectrally multiplexed DDSL patterns that significantly reduce the number of required projector patterns, thereby accelerating acquisition speed. Additionally, we formulate an image formation model and a reconstruction method to estimate a hyperspectral image and depth map from captured stereo images. As the first practical and accurate hyperspectral 3D imaging method for dynamic scenes, we experimentally demonstrate that DDSL achieves a spectral resolution of 15.5 nm full width at half maximum (FWHM), a depth error of 4 mm, and a frame rate of 6.6 fps.
Abstract:Integrating RGB and NIR stereo imaging provides complementary spectral information, potentially enhancing robotic 3D vision in challenging lighting conditions. However, existing datasets and imaging systems lack pixel-level alignment between RGB and NIR images, posing challenges for downstream vision tasks. In this paper, we introduce a robotic vision system equipped with pixel-aligned RGB-NIR stereo cameras and a LiDAR sensor mounted on a mobile robot. The system simultaneously captures pixel-aligned pairs of RGB stereo images, NIR stereo images, and temporally synchronized LiDAR points. Utilizing the mobility of the robot, we present a dataset containing continuous video frames under diverse lighting conditions. We then introduce two methods that utilize the pixel-aligned RGB-NIR images: an RGB-NIR image fusion method and a feature fusion method. The first approach enables existing RGB-pretrained vision models to directly utilize RGB-NIR information without fine-tuning. The second approach fine-tunes existing vision models to more effectively utilize RGB-NIR information. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of using pixel-aligned RGB-NIR images across diverse lighting conditions.
Abstract:Inverse rendering seeks to reconstruct both geometry and spatially varying BRDFs (SVBRDFs) from captured images. To address the inherent ill-posedness of inverse rendering, basis BRDF representations are commonly used, modeling SVBRDFs as spatially varying blends of a set of basis BRDFs. However, existing methods often yield basis BRDFs that lack intuitive separation and have limited scalability to scenes of varying complexity. In this paper, we introduce a differentiable inverse rendering method that produces interpretable basis BRDFs. Our approach models a scene using 2D Gaussians, where the reflectance of each Gaussian is defined by a weighted blend of basis BRDFs. We efficiently render an image from the 2D Gaussians and basis BRDFs using differentiable rasterization and impose a rendering loss with the input images. During this analysis-by-synthesis optimization process of differentiable inverse rendering, we dynamically adjust the number of basis BRDFs to fit the target scene while encouraging sparsity in the basis weights. This ensures that the reflectance of each Gaussian is represented by only a few basis BRDFs. This approach enables the reconstruction of accurate geometry and interpretable basis BRDFs that are spatially separated. Consequently, the resulting scene representation, comprising basis BRDFs and 2D Gaussians, supports physically-based novel-view relighting and intuitive scene editing.
Abstract:Light-matter interactions modify both the intensity and polarization state of light. Changes in polarization, represented by a Mueller matrix, encode detailed scene information. Existing optical ellipsometers capture Mueller-matrix images; however, they are often limited to capturing static scenes due to long acquisition times. Here, we introduce Event Ellipsometer, a method for acquiring a Mueller-matrix video for dynamic scenes. Our imaging system employs fast-rotating quarter-wave plates (QWPs) in front of a light source and an event camera that asynchronously captures intensity changes induced by the rotating QWPs. We develop an ellipsometric-event image formation model, a calibration method, and an ellipsometric-event reconstruction method. We experimentally demonstrate that Event Ellipsometer enables Mueller-matrix video imaging at 30fps, extending ellipsometry to dynamic scenes.
Abstract:Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have fundamentally transformed the field of computer vision, providing unprecedented performance. However, these ANNs for image processing demand substantial computational resources, often hindering real-time operation. In this paper, we demonstrate an optical encoder that can perform convolution simultaneously in three color channels during the image capture, effectively implementing several initial convolutional layers of a ANN. Such an optical encoding results in ~24,000 times reduction in computational operations, with a state-of-the art classification accuracy (~73.2%) in free-space optical system. In addition, our analog optical encoder, trained for CIFAR-10 data, can be transferred to the ImageNet subset, High-10, without any modifications, and still exhibits moderate accuracy. Our results evidence the potential of hybrid optical/digital computer vision system in which the optical frontend can pre-process an ambient scene to reduce the energy and latency of the whole computer vision system.
Abstract:Lidar has become a cornerstone sensing modality for 3D vision, especially for large outdoor scenarios and autonomous driving. Conventional lidar sensors are capable of providing centimeter-accurate distance information by emitting laser pulses into a scene and measuring the time-of-flight (ToF) of the reflection. However, the polarization of the received light that depends on the surface orientation and material properties is usually not considered. As such, the polarization modality has the potential to improve scene reconstruction beyond distance measurements. In this work, we introduce a novel long-range polarization wavefront lidar sensor (PolLidar) that modulates the polarization of the emitted and received light. Departing from conventional lidar sensors, PolLidar allows access to the raw time-resolved polarimetric wavefronts. We leverage polarimetric wavefronts to estimate normals, distance, and material properties in outdoor scenarios with a novel learned reconstruction method. To train and evaluate the method, we introduce a simulated and real-world long-range dataset with paired raw lidar data, ground truth distance, and normal maps. We find that the proposed method improves normal and distance reconstruction by 53\% mean angular error and 41\% mean absolute error compared to existing shape-from-polarization (SfP) and ToF methods. Code and data are open-sourced at https://light.princeton.edu/pollidar.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose the first generalizable view synthesis approach that specifically targets multi-view stereo-camera images. Since recent stereo matching has demonstrated accurate geometry prediction, we introduce stereo matching into novel-view synthesis for high-quality geometry reconstruction. To this end, this paper proposes a novel framework, dubbed StereoNeRF, which integrates stereo matching into a NeRF-based generalizable view synthesis approach. StereoNeRF is equipped with three key components to effectively exploit stereo matching in novel-view synthesis: a stereo feature extractor, a depth-guided plane-sweeping, and a stereo depth loss. Moreover, we propose the StereoNVS dataset, the first multi-view dataset of stereo-camera images, encompassing a wide variety of both real and synthetic scenes. Our experimental results demonstrate that StereoNeRF surpasses previous approaches in generalizable view synthesis.
Abstract:In this paper, we present GyroDeblurNet, a novel single image deblurring method that utilizes a gyro sensor to effectively resolve the ill-posedness of image deblurring. The gyro sensor provides valuable information about camera motion during exposure time that can significantly improve deblurring quality. However, effectively exploiting real-world gyro data is challenging due to significant errors from various sources including sensor noise, the disparity between the positions of a camera module and a gyro sensor, the absence of translational motion information, and moving objects whose motions cannot be captured by a gyro sensor. To handle gyro error, GyroDeblurNet is equipped with two novel neural network blocks: a gyro refinement block and a gyro deblurring block. The gyro refinement block refines the error-ridden gyro data using the blur information from the input image. On the other hand, the gyro deblurring block removes blur from the input image using the refined gyro data and further compensates for gyro error by leveraging the blur information from the input image. For training a neural network with erroneous gyro data, we propose a training strategy based on the curriculum learning. We also introduce a novel gyro data embedding scheme to represent real-world intricate camera shakes. Finally, we present a synthetic dataset and a real dataset for the training and evaluation of gyro-based single image deblurring. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art deblurring quality by effectively utilizing erroneous gyro data.