Abstract:This paper describes the Inria team's integrated robotics system used in the 1st euROBIN coopetition, during which service robots performed voice-activated household tasks in a kitchen setting.The team developed a modified Tiago++ platform that leverages a whole-body control stack for autonomous and teleoperated modes, and an LLM-based pipeline for instruction understanding and task planning. The key contributions (opens-sourced) are the integration of these components and the design of custom teleoperation devices, addressing practical challenges in the deployment of service robots.
Abstract:This paper presents Words2Contact, a language-guided multi-contact placement pipeline leveraging large language models and vision language models. Our method is a key component for language-assisted teleoperation and human-robot cooperation, where human operators can instruct the robots where to place their support contacts before whole-body reaching or manipulation using natural language. Words2Contact transforms the verbal instructions of a human operator into contact placement predictions; it also deals with iterative corrections, until the human is satisfied with the contact location identified in the robot's field of view. We benchmark state-of-the-art LLMs and VLMs for size and performance in contact prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the iterative correction process, showing that users, even naive, quickly learn how to instruct the system to obtain accurate locations. Finally, we validate Words2Contact in real-world experiments with the Talos humanoid robot, instructed by human operators to place support contacts on different locations and surfaces to avoid falling when reaching for distant objects.
Abstract:Humanoid robots could benefit from using their upper bodies for support contacts, enhancing their workspace, stability, and ability to perform contact-rich and pushing tasks. In this paper, we propose a unified approach that combines an optimization-based multi-contact whole-body controller with Flow Matching, a recently introduced method capable of generating multi-modal trajectory distributions for imitation learning. In simulation, we show that Flow Matching is more appropriate for robotics than Diffusion and traditional behavior cloning. On a real full-size humanoid robot (Talos), we demonstrate that our approach can learn a whole-body non-prehensile box-pushing task and that the robot can close dishwasher drawers by adding contacts with its free hand when needed for balance. We also introduce a shared autonomy mode for assisted teleoperation, providing automatic contact placement for tasks not covered in the demonstrations. Full experimental videos are available at:
Abstract:Many humanoid and multi-legged robots are controlled in positions rather than in torques, preventing direct control of contact forces, and hampering their ability to create multiple contacts to enhance their balance, such as placing a hand on a wall or a handrail. This paper introduces the SEIKO (Sequential Equilibrium Inverse Kinematic Optimization) pipeline, drawing inspiration from flexibility models used in serial elastic actuators to indirectly control contact forces on traditional position-controlled robots. SEIKO formulates whole-body retargeting from Cartesian commands and admittance control using two quadratic programs solved in real time. We validated our pipeline with experiments on the real, full-scale humanoid robot Talos in various multicontact scenarios, including pushing tasks, far-reaching tasks, stair climbing, and stepping on sloped surfaces. This work opens the possibility of stable, contact-rich behaviors while getting around many of the challenges of torque-controlled robots. Code and videos are available at .
Abstract:The ANA Avatar XPRIZE was a four-year competition to develop a robotic "avatar" system to allow a human operator to sense, communicate, and act in a remote environment as though physically present. The competition featured a unique requirement that judges would operate the avatars after less than one hour of training on the human-machine interfaces, and avatar systems were judged on both objective and subjective scoring metrics. This paper presents a unified summary and analysis of the competition from technical, judging, and organizational perspectives. We study the use of telerobotics technologies and innovations pursued by the competing teams in their avatar systems, and correlate the use of these technologies with judges' task performance and subjective survey ratings. It also summarizes perspectives from team leads, judges, and organizers about the competition's execution and impact to inform the future development of telerobotics and telepresence.
Abstract:This short paper outlines two recent works on multi-contact teleoperation and the development of the SEIKO (Sequential Equilibrium Inverse Kinematic Optimization) framework. SEIKO adapts commands from the operator in real-time and ensures that the reference configuration sent to the underlying controller is feasible. Additionally, an admittance scheme is used to implement physical interaction, which is then combined with the operator's command and retargeted. SEIKO has been applied in simulations on various robots, including humanoid and quadruped robots designed for loco-manipulation. Furthermore, SEIKO has been tested on real hardware for bimanual heavy object carrying tasks.
Abstract:This paper presents a novel approach to solve simultaneously the problems of human activity recognition and whole-body motion and dynamics prediction for real-time applications. Starting from the dynamics of human motion and motor system theory, the notion of mixture of experts from deep learning has been extended to address this problem. In the proposed approach, experts are modelled as a sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural networks (RNN) architecture. Experiments show the results of 66-DoF real-world human motion prediction and action recognition during different tasks like walking and rotating. The code associated with this paper is available at: \url{}
Abstract:Teleoperation of humanoid robots enables the integration of the cognitive skills and domain expertise of humans with the physical capabilities of humanoid robots. The operational versatility of humanoid robots makes them the ideal platform for a wide range of applications when teleoperating in a remote environment. However, the complexity of humanoid robots imposes challenges for teleoperation, particularly in unstructured dynamic environments with limited communication. Many advancements have been achieved in the last decades in this area, but a comprehensive overview is still missing. This survey paper gives an extensive overview of humanoid robot teleoperation, presenting the general architecture of a teleoperation system and analyzing the different components. We also discuss different aspects of the topic, including technological and methodological advances, as well as potential applications. A web-based version of the paper can be found at
Abstract:Grasping made impressive progress during the last few years thanks to deep learning. However, there are many objects for which it is not possible to choose a grasp by only looking at an RGB-D image, might it be for physical reasons (e.g., a hammer with uneven mass distribution) or task constraints (e.g., food that should not be spoiled). In such situations, the preferences of experts need to be taken into account. In this paper, we introduce a data-efficient grasping pipeline (Latent Space GP Selector -- LGPS) that learns grasp preferences with only a few labels per object (typically 1 to 4) and generalizes to new views of this object. Our pipeline is based on learning a latent space of grasps with a dataset generated with any state-of-the-art grasp generator (e.g., Dex-Net). This latent space is then used as a low-dimensional input for a Gaussian process classifier that selects the preferred grasp among those proposed by the generator. The results show that our method outperforms both GR-ConvNet and GG-CNN (two state-of-the-art methods that are also based on labeled grasps) on the Cornell dataset, especially when only a few labels are used: only 80 labels are enough to correctly choose 80% of the grasps (885 scenes, 244 objects). Results are similar on our dataset (91 scenes, 28 objects).
Abstract:Humanoid robots could replace humans in hazardous situations but most of such situations are equally dangerous for them, which means that they have a high chance of being damaged and fall. We hypothesize that humanoid robots would be mostly used in buildings, which makes them likely to be close to a wall. To avoid a fall, they can therefore lean on the closest wall, like a human would do, provided that they find in a few milliseconds where to put the hand(s). This article introduces a method, called D-Reflex, that learns a neural network that chooses this contact position given the wall orientation, the wall distance, and the posture of the robot. This contact position is then used by a whole-body controller to reach a stable posture. We show that D-Reflex allows a simulated TALOS robot (1.75m, 100kg, 30 degrees of freedom) to avoid more than 75% of the avoidable falls.