Abstract:We reframe scene flow as the problem of estimating a continuous space and time PDE that describes motion for an entire observation sequence, represented with a neural prior. Our resulting unsupervised method, EulerFlow, produces high quality scene flow on real-world data across multiple domains, including large-scale autonomous driving scenes and dynamic tabletop settings. Notably, EulerFlow produces high quality flow on small, fast moving objects like birds and tennis balls, and exhibits emergent 3D point tracking behavior by solving its estimated PDE over long time horizons. On the Argoverse 2 2024 Scene Flow Challenge, EulerFlow outperforms all prior art, beating the next best unsupervised method by over 2.5x and the next best supervised method by over 10%.
Abstract:Motion planning is crucial for safe navigation in complex urban environments. Historically, motion planners (MPs) have been evaluated with procedurally-generated simulators like CARLA. However, such synthetic benchmarks do not capture real-world multi-agent interactions. nuPlan, a recently released MP benchmark, addresses this limitation by augmenting real-world driving logs with closed-loop simulation logic, effectively turning the fixed dataset into a reactive simulator. We analyze the characteristics of nuPlan's recorded logs and find that each city has its own unique driving behaviors, suggesting that robust planners must adapt to different environments. We learn to model such unique behaviors with BehaviorNet, a graph convolutional neural network (GCNN) that predicts reactive agent behaviors using features derived from recently-observed agent histories; intuitively, some aggressive agents may tailgate lead vehicles, while others may not. To model such phenomena, BehaviorNet predicts parameters of an agent's motion controller rather than predicting its spacetime trajectory (as most forecasters do). Finally, we present AdaptiveDriver, a model-predictive control (MPC) based planner that unrolls different world models conditioned on BehaviorNet's predictions. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that AdaptiveDriver achieves state-of-the-art results on the nuPlan closed-loop planning benchmark, reducing test error from 6.4% to 4.6%, even when applied to never-before-seen cities.
Abstract:State-of-the-art 3D object detectors are often trained on massive labeled datasets. However, annotating 3D bounding boxes remains prohibitively expensive and time-consuming, particularly for LiDAR. Instead, recent works demonstrate that self-supervised pre-training with unlabeled data can improve detection accuracy with limited labels. Contemporary methods adapt best-practices for self-supervised learning from the image domain to point clouds (such as contrastive learning). However, publicly available 3D datasets are considerably smaller and less diverse than those used for image-based self-supervised learning, limiting their effectiveness. We do note, however, that such data is naturally collected in a multimodal fashion, often paired with images. Rather than pre-training with only self-supervised objectives, we argue that it is better to bootstrap point cloud representations using image-based foundation models trained on internet-scale image data. Specifically, we propose a shelf-supervised approach (e.g. supervised with off-the-shelf image foundation models) for generating zero-shot 3D bounding boxes from paired RGB and LiDAR data. Pre-training 3D detectors with such pseudo-labels yields significantly better semi-supervised detection accuracy than prior self-supervised pretext tasks. Importantly, we show that image-based shelf-supervision is helpful for training LiDAR-only and multi-modal (RGB + LiDAR) detectors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on nuScenes and WOD, significantly improving over prior work in limited data settings.
Abstract:We propose $\texttt{SAL}$ ($\texttt{S}$egment $\texttt{A}$nything in $\texttt{L}$idar) method consisting of a text-promptable zero-shot model for segmenting and classifying any object in Lidar, and a pseudo-labeling engine that facilitates model training without manual supervision. While the established paradigm for $\textit{Lidar Panoptic Segmentation}$ (LPS) relies on manual supervision for a handful of object classes defined a priori, we utilize 2D vision foundation models to generate 3D supervision "for free". Our pseudo-labels consist of instance masks and corresponding CLIP tokens, which we lift to Lidar using calibrated multi-modal data. By training our model on these labels, we distill the 2D foundation models into our Lidar $\texttt{SAL}$ model. Even without manual labels, our model achieves $91\%$ in terms of class-agnostic segmentation and $44\%$ in terms of zero-shot LPS of the fully supervised state-of-the-art. Furthermore, we outperform several baselines that do not distill but only lift image features to 3D. More importantly, we demonstrate that $\texttt{SAL}$ supports arbitrary class prompts, can be easily extended to new datasets, and shows significant potential to improve with increasing amounts of self-labeled data.
Abstract:Current scene flow methods broadly fail to describe motion on small objects, and current scene flow evaluation protocols hide this failure by averaging over many points, with most drawn larger objects. To fix this evaluation failure, we propose a new evaluation protocol, Bucket Normalized EPE, which is class-aware and speed-normalized, enabling contextualized error comparisons between object types that move at vastly different speeds. To highlight current method failures, we propose a frustratingly simple supervised scene flow baseline, TrackFlow, built by bolting a high-quality pretrained detector (trained using many class rebalancing techniques) onto a simple tracker, that produces state-of-the-art performance on current standard evaluations and large improvements over prior art on our new evaluation. Our results make it clear that all scene flow evaluations must be class and speed aware, and supervised scene flow methods must address point class imbalances. We release the evaluation code publicly at https://github.com/kylevedder/BucketedSceneFlowEval.
Abstract:Few-shot object detection (FSOD) benchmarks have advanced techniques for detecting new categories with limited annotations. Existing benchmarks repurpose well-established datasets like COCO by partitioning categories into base and novel classes for pre-training and fine-tuning respectively. However, these benchmarks do not reflect how FSOD is deployed in practice. Rather than only pre-training on a small number of base categories, we argue that it is more practical to fine-tune a foundation model (e.g., a vision-language model (VLM) pre-trained on web-scale data) for a target domain. Surprisingly, we find that zero-shot inference from VLMs like GroundingDINO significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art (48.3 vs. 33.1 AP) on COCO. However, such zero-shot models can still be misaligned to target concepts of interest. For example, trailers on the web may be different from trailers in the context of autonomous vehicles. In this work, we propose Foundational FSOD, a new benchmark protocol that evaluates detectors pre-trained on any external datasets and fine-tuned on K-shots per target class. Further, we note that current FSOD benchmarks are actually federated datasets containing exhaustive annotations for each category on a subset of the data. We leverage this insight to propose simple strategies for fine-tuning VLMs with federated losses. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on LVIS and nuImages, improving over prior work by 5.9 AP.
Abstract:Autonomous vehicles (AVs) must accurately detect objects from both common and rare classes for safe navigation, motivating the problem of Long-Tailed 3D Object Detection (LT3D). Contemporary LiDAR-based 3D detectors perform poorly on rare classes (e.g., CenterPoint only achieves 5.1 AP on stroller) as it is difficult to recognize objects from sparse LiDAR points alone. RGB images provide visual evidence to help resolve such ambiguities, motivating the study of RGB-LiDAR fusion. In this paper, we delve into a simple late-fusion framework that ensembles independently trained RGB and LiDAR detectors. Unlike recent end-to-end methods which require paired multi-modal training data, our late-fusion approach can easily leverage large-scale uni-modal datasets, significantly improving rare class detection.In particular, we examine three critical components in this late-fusion framework from first principles, including whether to train 2D or 3D RGB detectors, whether to match RGB and LiDAR detections in 3D or the projected 2D image plane, and how to fuse matched detections.Extensive experiments reveal that 2D RGB detectors achieve better recognition accuracy than 3D RGB detectors, matching on the 2D image plane mitigates depth estimation errors, and fusing scores probabilistically with calibration leads to state-of-the-art LT3D performance. Our late-fusion approach achieves 51.4 mAP on the established nuScenes LT3D benchmark, improving over prior work by 5.9 mAP.
Abstract:LiDAR-based 3D detection plays a vital role in autonomous navigation. Surprisingly, although autonomous vehicles (AVs) must detect both near-field objects (for collision avoidance) and far-field objects (for longer-term planning), contemporary benchmarks focus only on near-field 3D detection. However, AVs must detect far-field objects for safe navigation. In this paper, we present an empirical analysis of far-field 3D detection using the long-range detection dataset Argoverse 2.0 to better understand the problem, and share the following insight: near-field LiDAR measurements are dense and optimally encoded by small voxels, while far-field measurements are sparse and are better encoded with large voxels. We exploit this observation to build a collection of range experts tuned for near-vs-far field detection, and propose simple techniques to efficiently ensemble models for long-range detection that improve efficiency by 33% and boost accuracy by 3.2% CDS.
Abstract:Scene flow estimation is the task of describing the 3D motion field between temporally successive point clouds. State-of-the-art methods use strong priors and test-time optimization techniques, but require on the order of tens of seconds for large-scale point clouds, making them unusable as computer vision primitives for real-time applications such as open world object detection. Feed forward methods are considerably faster, running on the order of tens to hundreds of milliseconds for large-scale point clouds, but require expensive human supervision. To address both limitations, we propose Scene Flow via Distillation, a simple distillation framework that uses a label-free optimization method to produce pseudo-labels to supervise a feed forward model. Our instantiation of this framework, ZeroFlow, produces scene flow estimates in real-time on large-scale point clouds at quality competitive with state-of-the-art methods while using zero human labels. Notably, at test-time ZeroFlow is over 1000$\times$ faster than label-free state-of-the-art optimization-based methods on large-scale point clouds and over 1000$\times$ cheaper to train on unlabeled data compared to the cost of human annotation of that data. To facilitate research reuse, we release our code, trained model weights, and high quality pseudo-labels for the Argoverse 2 and Waymo Open datasets.
Abstract:In recent years, supervised learning has become the dominant paradigm for training deep-learning based methods for 3D object detection. Lately, the academic community has studied 3D object detection in the context of autonomous vehicles (AVs) using publicly available datasets such as nuScenes and Argoverse 2.0. However, these datasets may have incomplete annotations, often only labeling a small subset of objects in a scene. Although commercial services exists for 3D bounding box annotation, these are often prohibitively expensive. To address these limitations, we propose ReBound, an open-source 3D visualization and dataset re-annotation tool that works across different datasets. In this paper, we detail the design of our tool and present survey results that highlight the usability of our software. Further, we show that ReBound is effective for exploratory data analysis and can facilitate active-learning. Our code and documentation is available at https://github.com/ajedgley/ReBound