Abstract:A common goal of mechanistic interpretability is to decompose the activations of neural networks into features: interpretable properties of the input computed by the model. Sparse autoencoders (SAEs) are a popular method for finding these features in LLMs, and it has been postulated that they can be used to find a \textit{canonical} set of units: a unique and complete list of atomic features. We cast doubt on this belief using two novel techniques: SAE stitching to show they are incomplete, and meta-SAEs to show they are not atomic. SAE stitching involves inserting or swapping latents from a larger SAE into a smaller one. Latents from the larger SAE can be divided into two categories: \emph{novel latents}, which improve performance when added to the smaller SAE, indicating they capture novel information, and \emph{reconstruction latents}, which can replace corresponding latents in the smaller SAE that have similar behavior. The existence of novel features indicates incompleteness of smaller SAEs. Using meta-SAEs -- SAEs trained on the decoder matrix of another SAE -- we find that latents in SAEs often decompose into combinations of latents from a smaller SAE, showing that larger SAE latents are not atomic. The resulting decompositions are often interpretable; e.g. a latent representing ``Einstein'' decomposes into ``scientist'', ``Germany'', and ``famous person''. Even if SAEs do not find canonical units of analysis, they may still be useful tools. We suggest that future research should either pursue different approaches for identifying such units, or pragmatically choose the SAE size suited to their task. We provide an interactive dashboard to explore meta-SAEs: https://metasaes.streamlit.app/
Abstract:Mechanistic interpretability aims to understand the computational mechanisms underlying neural networks' capabilities in order to accomplish concrete scientific and engineering goals. Progress in this field thus promises to provide greater assurance over AI system behavior and shed light on exciting scientific questions about the nature of intelligence. Despite recent progress toward these goals, there are many open problems in the field that require solutions before many scientific and practical benefits can be realized: Our methods require both conceptual and practical improvements to reveal deeper insights; we must figure out how best to apply our methods in pursuit of specific goals; and the field must grapple with socio-technical challenges that influence and are influenced by our work. This forward-facing review discusses the current frontier of mechanistic interpretability and the open problems that the field may benefit from prioritizing.
Abstract:Mechanistic interpretability aims to understand the internal mechanisms learned by neural networks. Despite recent progress toward this goal, it remains unclear how best to decompose neural network parameters into mechanistic components. We introduce Attribution-based Parameter Decomposition (APD), a method that directly decomposes a neural network's parameters into components that (i) are faithful to the parameters of the original network, (ii) require a minimal number of components to process any input, and (iii) are maximally simple. Our approach thus optimizes for a minimal length description of the network's mechanisms. We demonstrate APD's effectiveness by successfully identifying ground truth mechanisms in multiple toy experimental settings: Recovering features from superposition; separating compressed computations; and identifying cross-layer distributed representations. While challenges remain to scaling APD to non-toy models, our results suggest solutions to several open problems in mechanistic interpretability, including identifying minimal circuits in superposition, offering a conceptual foundation for 'features', and providing an architecture-agnostic framework for neural network decomposition.
Abstract:Sparse Autoencoders (SAEs) have emerged as a useful tool for interpreting the internal representations of neural networks. However, naively optimising SAEs for reconstruction loss and sparsity results in a preference for SAEs that are extremely wide and sparse. We present an information-theoretic framework for interpreting SAEs as lossy compression algorithms for communicating explanations of neural activations. We appeal to the Minimal Description Length (MDL) principle to motivate explanations of activations which are both accurate and concise. We further argue that interpretable SAEs require an additional property, "independent additivity": features should be able to be understood separately. We demonstrate an example of applying our MDL-inspired framework by training SAEs on MNIST handwritten digits and find that SAE features representing significant line segments are optimal, as opposed to SAEs with features for memorised digits from the dataset or small digit fragments. We argue that using MDL rather than sparsity may avoid potential pitfalls with naively maximising sparsity such as undesirable feature splitting and that this framework naturally suggests new hierarchical SAE architectures which provide more concise explanations.
Abstract:A mechanistic understanding of how MLPs do computation in deep neural networks remains elusive. Current interpretability work can extract features from hidden activations over an input dataset but generally cannot explain how MLP weights construct features. One challenge is that element-wise nonlinearities introduce higher-order interactions and make it difficult to trace computations through the MLP layer. In this paper, we analyze bilinear MLPs, a type of Gated Linear Unit (GLU) without any element-wise nonlinearity that nevertheless achieves competitive performance. Bilinear MLPs can be fully expressed in terms of linear operations using a third-order tensor, allowing flexible analysis of the weights. Analyzing the spectra of bilinear MLP weights using eigendecomposition reveals interpretable low-rank structure across toy tasks, image classification, and language modeling. We use this understanding to craft adversarial examples, uncover overfitting, and identify small language model circuits directly from the weights alone. Our results demonstrate that bilinear layers serve as an interpretable drop-in replacement for current activation functions and that weight-based interpretability is viable for understanding deep-learning models.
Abstract:Identifying the features learned by neural networks is a core challenge in mechanistic interpretability. Sparse autoencoders (SAEs), which learn a sparse, overcomplete dictionary that reconstructs a network's internal activations, have been used to identify these features. However, SAEs may learn more about the structure of the datatset than the computational structure of the network. There is therefore only indirect reason to believe that the directions found in these dictionaries are functionally important to the network. We propose end-to-end (e2e) sparse dictionary learning, a method for training SAEs that ensures the features learned are functionally important by minimizing the KL divergence between the output distributions of the original model and the model with SAE activations inserted. Compared to standard SAEs, e2e SAEs offer a Pareto improvement: They explain more network performance, require fewer total features, and require fewer simultaneously active features per datapoint, all with no cost to interpretability. We explore geometric and qualitative differences between e2e SAE features and standard SAE features. E2e dictionary learning brings us closer to methods that can explain network behavior concisely and accurately. We release our library for training e2e SAEs and reproducing our analysis at https://github.com/ApolloResearch/e2e_sae
Abstract:External audits of AI systems are increasingly recognized as a key mechanism for AI governance. The effectiveness of an audit, however, depends on the degree of system access granted to auditors. Recent audits of state-of-the-art AI systems have primarily relied on black-box access, in which auditors can only query the system and observe its outputs. However, white-box access to the system's inner workings (e.g., weights, activations, gradients) allows an auditor to perform stronger attacks, more thoroughly interpret models, and conduct fine-tuning. Meanwhile, outside-the-box access to its training and deployment information (e.g., methodology, code, documentation, hyperparameters, data, deployment details, findings from internal evaluations) allows for auditors to scrutinize the development process and design more targeted evaluations. In this paper, we examine the limitations of black-box audits and the advantages of white- and outside-the-box audits. We also discuss technical, physical, and legal safeguards for performing these audits with minimal security risks. Given that different forms of access can lead to very different levels of evaluation, we conclude that (1) transparency regarding the access and methods used by auditors is necessary to properly interpret audit results, and (2) white- and outside-the-box access allow for substantially more scrutiny than black-box access alone.
Abstract:One of the roadblocks to a better understanding of neural networks' internals is \textit{polysemanticity}, where neurons appear to activate in multiple, semantically distinct contexts. Polysemanticity prevents us from identifying concise, human-understandable explanations for what neural networks are doing internally. One hypothesised cause of polysemanticity is \textit{superposition}, where neural networks represent more features than they have neurons by assigning features to an overcomplete set of directions in activation space, rather than to individual neurons. Here, we attempt to identify those directions, using sparse autoencoders to reconstruct the internal activations of a language model. These autoencoders learn sets of sparsely activating features that are more interpretable and monosemantic than directions identified by alternative approaches, where interpretability is measured by automated methods. Ablating these features enables precise model editing, for example, by removing capabilities such as pronoun prediction, while disrupting model behaviour less than prior techniques. This work indicates that it is possible to resolve superposition in language models using a scalable, unsupervised method. Our method may serve as a foundation for future mechanistic interpretability work, which we hope will enable greater model transparency and steerability.
Abstract:The ability of neural networks to represent more features than neurons makes interpreting them challenging. This phenomenon, known as superposition, has spurred efforts to find architectures that are more interpretable than standard multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) with elementwise activation functions. In this note, I examine bilinear layers, which are a type of MLP layer that are mathematically much easier to analyze while simultaneously performing better than standard MLPs. Although they are nonlinear functions of their input, I demonstrate that bilinear layers can be expressed using only linear operations and third order tensors. We can integrate this expression for bilinear layers into a mathematical framework for transformer circuits, which was previously limited to attention-only transformers. These results suggest that bilinear layers are easier to analyze mathematically than current architectures and thus may lend themselves to deeper safety insights by allowing us to talk more formally about circuits in neural networks. Additionally, bilinear layers may offer an alternative path for mechanistic interpretability through understanding the mechanisms of feature construction instead of enumerating a (potentially exponentially) large number of features in large models.
Abstract:The increasing capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) systems make it ever more important that we interpret their internals to ensure that their intentions are aligned with human values. Yet there is reason to believe that misaligned artificial intelligence will have a convergent instrumental incentive to make its thoughts difficult for us to interpret. In this article, I discuss many ways that a capable AI might circumvent scalable interpretability methods and suggest a framework for thinking about these potential future risks.