Abstract:Vector quantization(VQ) is a hardware-friendly DNN compression method that can reduce the storage cost and weight-loading datawidth of hardware accelerators. However, conventional VQ techniques lead to significant accuracy loss because the important weights are not well preserved. To tackle this problem, a novel approach called MVQ is proposed, which aims at better approximating important weights with a limited number of codewords. At the algorithm level, our approach removes the less important weights through N:M pruning and then minimizes the vector clustering error between the remaining weights and codewords by the masked k-means algorithm. Only distances between the unpruned weights and the codewords are computed, which are then used to update the codewords. At the architecture level, our accelerator implements vector quantization on an EWS (Enhanced weight stationary) CNN accelerator and proposes a sparse systolic array design to maximize the benefits brought by masked vector quantization.\\ Our algorithm is validated on various models for image classification, object detection, and segmentation tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that MVQ not only outperforms conventional vector quantization methods at comparable compression ratios but also reduces FLOPs. Under ASIC evaluation, our MVQ accelerator boosts energy efficiency by 2.3$\times$ and reduces the size of the systolic array by 55\% when compared with the base EWS accelerator. Compared to the previous sparse accelerators, MVQ achieves 1.73$\times$ higher energy efficiency.
Abstract:The rapid growth of the big neural network models puts forward new requirements for lightweight network representation methods. The traditional methods based on model compression have achieved great success, especially VQ technology which realizes the high compression ratio of models by sharing code words. However, because each layer of the network needs to build a code table, the traditional top-down compression technology lacks attention to the underlying commonalities, resulting in limited compression rate and frequent memory access. In this paper, we propose a bottom-up method to share the universal codebook among multiple neural networks, which not only effectively reduces the number of codebooks but also further reduces the memory access and chip area by storing static code tables in the built-in ROM. Specifically, we introduce VQ4ALL, a VQ-based method that utilizes codewords to enable the construction of various neural networks and achieve efficient representations. The core idea of our method is to adopt a kernel density estimation approach to extract a universal codebook and then progressively construct different low-bit networks by updating differentiable assignments. Experimental results demonstrate that VQ4ALL achieves compression rates exceeding 16 $\times$ while preserving high accuracy across multiple network architectures, highlighting its effectiveness and versatility.
Abstract:Text-to-image generation of Stable Diffusion models has achieved notable success due to its remarkable generation ability. However, the repetitive denoising process is computationally intensive during inference, which renders Diffusion models less suitable for real-world applications that require low latency and scalability. Recent studies have employed post-training quantization (PTQ) and quantization-aware training (QAT) methods to compress Diffusion models. Nevertheless, prior research has often neglected to examine the consistency between results generated by quantized models and those from floating-point models. This consistency is crucial in fields such as content creation, design, and edge deployment, as it can significantly enhance both efficiency and system stability for practitioners. To ensure that quantized models generate high-quality and consistent images, we propose an efficient quantization framework for Stable Diffusion models. Our approach features a Serial-to-Parallel calibration pipeline that addresses the consistency of both the calibration and inference processes, as well as ensuring training stability. Based on this pipeline, we further introduce a mix-precision quantization strategy, multi-timestep activation quantization, and time information precalculation techniques to ensure high-fidelity generation in comparison to floating-point models. Through extensive experiments with Stable Diffusion v1-4, v2-1, and XL 1.0, we have demonstrated that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art techniques when tested on prompts from the COCO validation dataset and the Stable-Diffusion-Prompts dataset. Under W4A8 quantization settings, our approach enhances both distribution similarity and visual similarity by 45%-60%.
Abstract:Text-to-video diffusion models have made remarkable advancements. Driven by their ability to generate temporally coherent videos, research on zero-shot video editing using these fundamental models has expanded rapidly. To enhance editing quality, structural controls are frequently employed in video editing. Among these techniques, cross-attention mask control stands out for its effectiveness and efficiency. However, when cross-attention masks are naively applied to video editing, they can introduce artifacts such as blurring and flickering. Our experiments uncover a critical factor overlooked in previous video editing research: cross-attention masks are not consistently clear but vary with model structure and denoising timestep. To address this issue, we propose the metric Mask Matching Cost (MMC) that quantifies this variability and propose FreeMask, a method for selecting optimal masks tailored to specific video editing tasks. Using MMC-selected masks, we further improve the masked fusion mechanism within comprehensive attention features, e.g., temp, cross, and self-attention modules. Our approach can be seamlessly integrated into existing zero-shot video editing frameworks with better performance, requiring no control assistance or parameter fine-tuning but enabling adaptive decoupling of unedited semantic layouts with mask precision control. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FreeMask achieves superior semantic fidelity, temporal consistency, and editing quality compared to state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:The Diffusion Transformers Models (DiTs) have transitioned the network architecture from traditional UNets to transformers, demonstrating exceptional capabilities in image generation. Although DiTs have been widely applied to high-definition video generation tasks, their large parameter size hinders inference on edge devices. Vector quantization (VQ) can decompose model weight into a codebook and assignments, allowing extreme weight quantization and significantly reducing memory usage. In this paper, we propose VQ4DiT, a fast post-training vector quantization method for DiTs. We found that traditional VQ methods calibrate only the codebook without calibrating the assignments. This leads to weight sub-vectors being incorrectly assigned to the same assignment, providing inconsistent gradients to the codebook and resulting in a suboptimal result. To address this challenge, VQ4DiT calculates the candidate assignment set for each weight sub-vector based on Euclidean distance and reconstructs the sub-vector based on the weighted average. Then, using the zero-data and block-wise calibration method, the optimal assignment from the set is efficiently selected while calibrating the codebook. VQ4DiT quantizes a DiT XL/2 model on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU within 20 minutes to 5 hours depending on the different quantization settings. Experiments show that VQ4DiT establishes a new state-of-the-art in model size and performance trade-offs, quantizing weights to 2-bit precision while retaining acceptable image generation quality.
Abstract:Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) seek to mimic the spiking behavior of biological neurons and are expected to play a key role in the advancement of neural computing and artificial intelligence. The efficiency of SNNs is often determined by the neural coding schemes. Existing coding schemes either cause huge delays and energy consumption or necessitate intricate neuron models and training techniques. To address these issues, we propose a novel Stepwise Weighted Spike (SWS) coding scheme to enhance the encoding of information in spikes. This approach compresses the spikes by weighting the significance of the spike in each step of neural computation, achieving high performance and low energy consumption. A Ternary Self-Amplifying (TSA) neuron model with a silent period is proposed for supporting SWS-based computing, aimed at minimizing the residual error resulting from stepwise weighting in neural computation. Our experimental results show that the SWS coding scheme outperforms the existing neural coding schemes in very deep SNNs, and significantly reduces operations and latency.
Abstract:Diffusion models have made significant strides in language-driven and layout-driven image generation. However, most diffusion models are limited to visible RGB image generation. In fact, human perception of the world is enriched by diverse viewpoints, including chromatic contrast, thermal illumination, and depth information. In this paper, we introduce a novel diffusion model for general layout-guided cross-modal ``RGB+X'' generation, called DiffX. Firstly, we construct the cross-modal image datasets with text description by using LLaVA for image captioning, supplemented by manual corrections. Notably, DiffX presents a simple yet effective cross-modal generative modeling pipeline, which conducts diffusion and denoising processes in the modality-shared latent space, facilitated by our Dual Path Variational AutoEncoder (DP-VAE). Moreover, we introduce the joint-modality embedder, which incorporates a gated cross-attention mechanism to link layout and text conditions. Meanwhile, the advanced Long-CLIP is employed for long caption embedding to improve user guidance. Through extensive experiments, DiffX demonstrates robustness and flexibility in cross-modal generation across three RGB+X datasets: FLIR, MFNet, and COME15K, guided by various layout types. It also shows the potential for adaptive generation of ``RGB+X+Y'' or more diverse modalities. Our code and constructed cross-modal image datasets are available at https://github.com/zeyuwang-zju/DiffX.
Abstract:Image inpainting has achieved fundamental advances with deep learning. However, almost all existing inpainting methods aim to process natural images, while few target Thermal Infrared (TIR) images, which have widespread applications. When applied to TIR images, conventional inpainting methods usually generate distorted or blurry content. In this paper, we propose a novel task -- Thermal Infrared Image Inpainting, which aims to reconstruct missing regions of TIR images. Crucially, we propose a novel deep-learning-based model TIR-Fill. We adopt the edge generator to complete the canny edges of broken TIR images. The completed edges are projected to the normalization weights and biases to enhance edge awareness of the model. In addition, a refinement network based on gated convolution is employed to improve TIR image consistency. The experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art image inpainting approaches on FLIR thermal dataset.
Abstract:Human pose transfer aims at transferring the appearance of the source person to the target pose. Existing methods utilizing flow-based warping for non-rigid human image generation have achieved great success. However, they fail to preserve the appearance details in synthesized images since the spatial correlation between the source and target is not fully exploited. To this end, we propose the Flow-based Dual Attention GAN (FDA-GAN) to apply occlusion- and deformation-aware feature fusion for higher generation quality. Specifically, deformable local attention and flow similarity attention, constituting the dual attention mechanism, can derive the output features responsible for deformable- and occlusion-aware fusion, respectively. Besides, to maintain the pose and global position consistency in transferring, we design a pose normalization network for learning adaptive normalization from the target pose to the source person. Both qualitative and quantitative results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art models in public iPER and DeepFashion datasets.
Abstract:In this paper, we focus on person image generation, namely, generating person image under various conditions, e.g., corrupted texture or different pose. To address texture occlusion and large pose misalignment in this task, previous works just use the corresponding region's style to infer the occluded area and rely on point-wise alignment to reorganize the context texture information, lacking the ability to globally correlate the region-wise style codes and preserve the local structure of the source. To tackle these problems, we present a GLocal framework to improve the occlusion-aware texture estimation by globally reasoning the style inter-correlations among different semantic regions, which can also be employed to recover the corrupted images in texture inpainting. For local structural information preservation, we further extract the local structure of the source image and regain it in the generated image via local structure transfer. We benchmark our method to fully characterize its performance on DeepFashion dataset and present extensive ablation studies that highlight the novelty of our method.