Abstract:Modern artificial intelligence relies on networks of agents that collect data, process information, and exchange it with neighbors to collaboratively solve optimization and learning problems. This article introduces a novel distributed algorithm to address a broad class of these problems in "open networks", where the number of participating agents may vary due to several factors, such as autonomous decisions, heterogeneous resource availability, or DoS attacks. Extending the current literature, the convergence analysis of the proposed algorithm is based on the newly developed "Theory of Open Operators", which characterizes an operator as open when the set of components to be updated changes over time, yielding to time-varying operators acting on sequences of points of different dimensions and compositions. The mathematical tools and convergence results developed here provide a general framework for evaluating distributed algorithms in open networks, allowing to characterize their performance in terms of the punctual distance from the optimal solution, in contrast with regret-based metrics that assess cumulative performance over a finite-time horizon. As illustrative examples, the proposed algorithm is used to solve dynamic consensus or tracking problems on different metrics of interest, such as average, median, and min/max value, as well as classification problems with logistic loss functions.
Abstract:In this paper, we depart from the widely-used gradient descent-based hierarchical federated learning (FL) algorithms to develop a novel hierarchical FL framework based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Within this framework, we propose two novel FL algorithms, which both use ADMM in the top layer: one that employs ADMM in the lower layer and another that uses the conventional gradient descent-based approach. The proposed framework enhances privacy, and experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithms compared to the conventional algorithms in terms of learning convergence and accuracy. Additionally, gradient descent on the lower layer performs well even if the number of local steps is very limited, while ADMM on both layers lead to better performance otherwise.
Abstract:Distributed learning has become the standard approach for training large-scale machine learning models across private data silos. While distributed learning enhances privacy preservation and training efficiency, it faces critical challenges related to Byzantine robustness and communication reduction. Existing Byzantine-robust and communication-efficient methods rely on full gradient information either at every iteration or at certain iterations with a probability, and they only converge to an unnecessarily large neighborhood around the solution. Motivated by these issues, we propose a novel Byzantine-robust and communication-efficient stochastic distributed learning method that imposes no requirements on batch size and converges to a smaller neighborhood around the optimal solution than all existing methods, aligning with the theoretical lower bound. Our key innovation is leveraging Polyak Momentum to mitigate the noise caused by both biased compressors and stochastic gradients, thus defending against Byzantine workers under information compression. We provide proof of tight complexity bounds for our algorithm in the context of non-convex smooth loss functions, demonstrating that these bounds match the lower bounds in Byzantine-free scenarios. Finally, we validate the practical significance of our algorithm through an extensive series of experiments, benchmarking its performance on both binary classification and image classification tasks.
Abstract:Decentralized optimization has become a standard paradigm for solving large-scale decision-making problems and training large machine learning models without centralizing data. However, this paradigm introduces new privacy and security risks, with malicious agents potentially able to infer private data or impair the model accuracy. Over the past decade, significant advancements have been made in developing secure decentralized optimization and learning frameworks and algorithms. This survey provides a comprehensive tutorial on these advancements. We begin with the fundamentals of decentralized optimization and learning, highlighting centralized aggregation and distributed consensus as key modules exposed to security risks in federated and distributed optimization, respectively. Next, we focus on privacy-preserving algorithms, detailing three cryptographic tools and their integration into decentralized optimization and learning systems. Additionally, we examine resilient algorithms, exploring the design and analysis of resilient aggregation and consensus protocols that support these systems. We conclude the survey by discussing current trends and potential future directions.
Abstract:A differential dynamic programming (DDP)-based framework for inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is introduced to recover the parameters in the cost function, system dynamics, and constraints from demonstrations. Different from existing work, where DDP was used for the inner forward problem with inequality constraints, our proposed framework uses it for efficient computation of the gradient required in the outer inverse problem with equality and inequality constraints. The equivalence between the proposed method and existing methods based on Pontryagin's Maximum Principle (PMP) is established. More importantly, using this DDP-based IRL with an open-loop loss function, a closed-loop IRL framework is presented. In this framework, a loss function is proposed to capture the closed-loop nature of demonstrations. It is shown to be better than the commonly used open-loop loss function. We show that the closed-loop IRL framework reduces to a constrained inverse optimal control problem under certain assumptions. Under these assumptions and a rank condition, it is proven that the learning parameters can be recovered from the demonstration data. The proposed framework is extensively evaluated through four numerical robot examples and one real-world quadrotor system. The experiments validate the theoretical results and illustrate the practical relevance of the approach.
Abstract:In this work, we propose an approach for ensuring the safety of vehicles passing through an intelligent intersection. There are many proposals for the design of intelligent intersections that introduce central decision-makers to intersections for enhancing the efficiency and safety of the vehicles. To guarantee the safety of such designs, we develop a safety framework for intersections based on temporal logic and reachability analysis. We start by specifying the required behavior for all the vehicles that need to pass through the intersection as linear temporal logic formula. Then, using temporal logic trees, we break down the linear temporal logic specification into a series of Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analyses in an automated fashion. By successfully constructing the temporal logic tree through reachability analysis, we verify the feasibility of the intersection specification. By taking this approach, we enable a safety framework that is able to automatically provide safety guarantees on new intersection behavior specifications. To evaluate our approach, we implement the framework on a simulated T-intersection, where we show that we can check and guarantee the safety of vehicles with potentially conflicting paths.
Abstract:In this paper, we present an approach for guaranteeing the completion of complex tasks with cyber-physical systems (CPS). Specifically, we leverage temporal logic trees constructed using Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analysis to (1) check for the existence of control policies that complete a specified task and (2) develop a computationally-efficient approach to synthesize the full set of control inputs the CPS can implement in real-time to ensure the task is completed. We show that, by checking the approximation directions of each state set in the temporal logic tree, we can check if the temporal logic tree suffers from the "leaking corner issue," where the intersection of reachable sets yields an incorrect approximation. By ensuring a temporal logic tree has no leaking corners, we know the temporal logic tree correctly verifies the existence of control policies that satisfy the specified task. After confirming the existence of control policies, we show that we can leverage the value functions obtained through Hamilton-Jacobi reachability analysis to efficiently compute the set of control inputs the CPS can implement throughout the deployment time horizon to guarantee the completion of the specified task. Finally, we use a newly released Python toolbox to evaluate the presented approach on a simulated driving task.
Abstract:Considering non-stationary environments in online optimization enables decision-maker to effectively adapt to changes and improve its performance over time. In such cases, it is favorable to adopt a strategy that minimizes the negative impact of change to avoid potentially risky situations. In this paper, we investigate risk-averse online optimization where the distribution of the random cost changes over time. We minimize risk-averse objective function using the Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) as risk measure. Due to the difficulty in obtaining the exact CVaR gradient, we employ a zeroth-order optimization approach that queries the cost function values multiple times at each iteration and estimates the CVaR gradient using the sampled values. To facilitate the regret analysis, we use a variation metric based on Wasserstein distance to capture time-varying distributions. Given that the distribution variation is sub-linear in the total number of episodes, we show that our designed learning algorithm achieves sub-linear dynamic regret with high probability for both convex and strongly convex functions. Moreover, theoretical results suggest that increasing the number of samples leads to a reduction in the dynamic regret bounds until the sampling number reaches a specific limit. Finally, we provide numerical experiments of dynamic pricing in a parking lot to illustrate the efficacy of the designed algorithm.
Abstract:In this paper we propose the federated private local training algorithm (Fed-PLT) for federated learning, to overcome the challenges of (i) expensive communications and (ii) privacy preservation. We address (i) by allowing for both partial participation and local training, which significantly reduce the number of communication rounds between the central coordinator and computing agents. The algorithm matches the state of the art in the sense that the use of local training demonstrably does not impact accuracy. Additionally, agents have the flexibility to choose from various local training solvers, such as (stochastic) gradient descent and accelerated gradient descent. Further, we investigate how employing local training can enhance privacy, addressing point (ii). In particular, we derive differential privacy bounds and highlight their dependence on the number of local training epochs. We assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm by comparing it to alternative techniques, considering both theoretical analysis and numerical results from a classification task.
Abstract:Resource allocation and scheduling in multi-agent systems present challenges due to complex interactions and decentralization. This survey paper provides a comprehensive analysis of distributed algorithms for addressing the distributed resource allocation (DRA) problem over multi-agent systems. It covers a significant area of research at the intersection of optimization, multi-agent systems, and distributed consensus-based computing. The paper begins by presenting a mathematical formulation of the DRA problem, establishing a solid foundation for further exploration. Real-world applications of DRA in various domains are examined to underscore the importance of efficient resource allocation, and relevant distributed optimization formulations are presented. The survey then delves into existing solutions for DRA, encompassing linear, nonlinear, primal-based, and dual-formulation-based approaches. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the features and properties of DRA algorithms, addressing key aspects such as feasibility, convergence rate, and network reliability. The analysis of mathematical foundations, diverse applications, existing solutions, and algorithmic properties contributes to a broader comprehension of the challenges and potential solutions for this domain.