Abstract:This report explores the enhancement of text retrieval performance using advanced data refinement techniques. We develop Linq-Embed-Mistral\footnote{\url{https://huggingface.co/Linq-AI-Research/Linq-Embed-Mistral}} by building on the E5-mistral and Mistral-7B-v0.1 models, focusing on sophisticated data crafting, data filtering, and negative mining methods, which are highly tailored to each task, applied to both existing benchmark dataset and highly tailored synthetic dataset generated via large language models (LLMs). Linq-Embed-Mistral excels in the MTEB benchmarks (as of May 29, 2024), achieving an average score of 68.2 across 56 datasets, and ranks 1st among all models for retrieval tasks on the MTEB leaderboard with a performance score of 60.2. This performance underscores its superior capability in enhancing search precision and reliability. Our contributions include advanced data refinement methods that significantly improve model performance on benchmark and synthetic datasets, techniques for homogeneous task ordering and mixed task fine-tuning to enhance model generalization and stability, and a streamlined evaluation process using 4-bit precision and a light retrieval evaluation set, which accelerates validation without sacrificing accuracy.
Abstract:Continual Federated Learning (CFL) is essential for enabling real-world applications where multiple decentralized clients adaptively learn from continuous data streams. A significant challenge in CFL is mitigating catastrophic forgetting, where models lose previously acquired knowledge when learning new information. Existing approaches often face difficulties due to the constraints of device storage capacities and the heterogeneous nature of data distributions among clients. While some CFL algorithms have addressed these challenges, they frequently rely on unrealistic assumptions about the availability of task boundaries (i.e., knowing when new tasks begin). To address these limitations, we introduce Fed-A-GEM, a federated adaptation of the A-GEM method (Chaudhry et al., 2019), which employs a buffer-based gradient projection approach. Fed-A-GEM alleviates catastrophic forgetting by leveraging local buffer samples and aggregated buffer gradients, thus preserving knowledge across multiple clients. Our method is combined with existing CFL techniques, enhancing their performance in the CFL context. Our experiments on standard benchmarks show consistent performance improvements across diverse scenarios. For example, in a task-incremental learning scenario using the CIFAR-100 dataset, our method can increase the accuracy by up to 27%. Our code is available at https://github.com/shenghongdai/Fed-A-GEM.
Abstract:Fine-tuning large pre-trained models is a common practice in machine learning applications, yet its mathematical analysis remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we study fine-tuning through the lens of memorization capacity. Our new measure, the Fine-Tuning Capacity (FTC), is defined as the maximum number of samples a neural network can fine-tune, or equivalently, as the minimum number of neurons ($m$) needed to arbitrarily change $N$ labels among $K$ samples considered in the fine-tuning process. In essence, FTC extends the memorization capacity concept to the fine-tuning scenario. We analyze FTC for the additive fine-tuning scenario where the fine-tuned network is defined as the summation of the frozen pre-trained network $f$ and a neural network $g$ (with $m$ neurons) designed for fine-tuning. When $g$ is a ReLU network with either 2 or 3 layers, we obtain tight upper and lower bounds on FTC; we show that $N$ samples can be fine-tuned with $m=\Theta(N)$ neurons for 2-layer networks, and with $m=\Theta(\sqrt{N})$ neurons for 3-layer networks, no matter how large $K$ is. Our results recover the known memorization capacity results when $N = K$ as a special case.
Abstract:Making decent multi-lingual sentence representations is critical to achieve high performances in cross-lingual downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel method to align multi-lingual embeddings based on the similarity of sentences measured by a pre-trained mono-lingual embedding model. Given translation sentence pairs, we train a multi-lingual model in a way that the similarity between cross-lingual embeddings follows the similarity of sentences measured at the mono-lingual teacher model. Our method can be considered as contrastive learning with soft labels defined as the similarity between sentences. Our experimental results on five languages show that our contrastive loss with soft labels far outperforms conventional contrastive loss with hard labels in various benchmarks for bitext mining tasks and STS tasks. In addition, our method outperforms existing multi-lingual embeddings including LaBSE, for Tatoeba dataset. The code is available at https://github.com/YAI12xLinq-B/IMASCL
Abstract:Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have accelerated their usage in various domains. Given the fact that psychiatric interviews are goal-oriented and structured dialogues between the professional interviewer and the interviewee, it is one of the most underexplored areas where LLMs can contribute substantial value. Here, we explore the use of LLMs for enhancing psychiatric interviews, by analyzing counseling data from North Korean defectors with traumatic events and mental health issues. Specifically, we investigate whether LLMs can (1) delineate the part of the conversation that suggests psychiatric symptoms and name the symptoms, and (2) summarize stressors and symptoms, based on the interview dialogue transcript. Here, the transcript data was labeled by mental health experts for training and evaluation of LLMs. Our experimental results show that appropriately prompted LLMs can achieve high performance on both the symptom delineation task and the summarization task. This research contributes to the nascent field of applying LLMs to psychiatric interview and demonstrates their potential effectiveness in aiding mental health practitioners.
Abstract:Improving the accessibility of psychotherapy with the aid of Large Language Models (LLMs) is garnering a significant attention in recent years. Recognizing cognitive distortions from the interviewee's utterances can be an essential part of psychotherapy, especially for cognitive behavioral therapy. In this paper, we propose ERD, which improves LLM-based cognitive distortion classification performance with the aid of additional modules of (1) extracting the parts related to cognitive distortion, and (2) debating the reasoning steps by multiple agents. Our experimental results on a public dataset show that ERD improves the multi-class F1 score as well as binary specificity score. Regarding the latter score, it turns out that our method is effective in debiasing the baseline method which has high false positive rate, especially when the summary of multi-agent debate is provided to LLMs.
Abstract:Mitigating hallucination issues is one of the main challenges of LLMs we need to overcome, in order to reliably use them in real-world scenarios. Recently, various methods are proposed to check the factual errors in the LLM-generated texts and revise them accordingly, to reduce the hallucination issue. In this paper, we propose Re-Ex, a method of revising LLM-generated texts, which introduces a novel step dubbed as the factual error explanation step. Re-Ex revises the initial response of LLMs using 3-steps: first, external tools are used to get the evidences on the factual errors in the response; second, LLMs are instructed to explain the problematic parts of the response based on the evidences gathered in the first step; finally, LLMs revise the response using the explanation obtained in the second step. In addition to the explanation step, we propose new prompting techniques to reduce the amount of tokens and wall-clock time required for the response revision process. Compared with existing methods including Factool, CoVE, and RARR, Re-Ex provides better revision performance with less time and fewer tokens in multiple benchmarks.
Abstract:Contrastive learning has emerged as a prominent branch of self-supervised learning for several years. Especially, CLIP, which applies contrastive learning to large sets of captioned images, has garnered significant attention. Recently, SigLIP, a variant of CLIP, has been proposed, which uses the sigmoid loss instead of the standard InfoNCE loss. SigLIP achieves the performance comparable to CLIP in a more efficient manner by eliminating the need for a global view. However, theoretical understanding of using the sigmoid loss in contrastive learning is underexplored. In this paper, we provide a theoretical analysis of using the sigmoid loss in contrastive learning, in the perspective of the geometric structure of learned embeddings. First, we propose the double-Constant Embedding Model (CCEM), a framework for parameterizing various well-known embedding structures by a single variable. Interestingly, the proposed CCEM is proven to contain the optimal embedding with respect to the sigmoid loss. Second, we mathematically analyze the optimal embedding minimizing the sigmoid loss for contrastive learning. The optimal embedding ranges from simplex equiangular-tight-frame to antipodal structure, depending on the temperature parameter used in the sigmoid loss. Third, our experimental results on synthetic datasets coincide with the theoretical results on the optimal embedding structures.
Abstract:Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting is a simple and effective method for improving the reasoning capabilities of Large language models (LLMs). The basic idea of CoT is to let LLMs break down their thought processes step-by-step by putting exemplars in the input prompt. However, the densely structured prompt exemplars of CoT may cause the cognitive overload of LLMs. Inspired by human cognition, we introduce CoT-Sep, a novel method that strategically employs separators at the end of each exemplar in CoT prompting. These separators are designed to help the LLMs understand their thought processes better while reasoning. It turns out that CoT-Sep significantly improves the LLMs' performances on complex reasoning tasks (e.g., GSM-8K, AQuA, CSQA), compared with the vanilla CoT, which does not use separators. We also study the effects of the type and the location of separators tested on multiple LLMs, including GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-4, and LLaMA-2 7B. Interestingly, the type/location of separators should be chosen appropriately to boost the reasoning capability of CoT.
Abstract:Contrastive learning has gained significant attention as a method for self-supervised learning. The contrastive loss function ensures that embeddings of positive sample pairs (e.g., different samples from the same class or different views of the same object) are similar, while embeddings of negative pairs are dissimilar. Practical constraints such as large memory requirements make it challenging to consider all possible positive and negative pairs, leading to the use of mini-batch optimization. In this paper, we investigate the theoretical aspects of mini-batch optimization in contrastive learning. We show that mini-batch optimization is equivalent to full-batch optimization if and only if all $\binom{N}{B}$ mini-batches are selected, while sub-optimality may arise when examining only a subset. We then demonstrate that utilizing high-loss mini-batches can speed up SGD convergence and propose a spectral clustering-based approach for identifying these high-loss mini-batches. Our experimental results validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms vanilla SGD in practically relevant settings, providing a better understanding of mini-batch optimization in contrastive learning.