Abstract:Recent advances in one-step generative models typically follow a two-stage process: first training a teacher diffusion model and then distilling it into a one-step student model. This distillation process traditionally relies on both the teacher model's score function to compute the distillation loss and its weights for student initialization. In this paper, we explore whether one-step generative models can be trained directly without this distillation process. First, we show that the teacher's score function is not essential and propose a family of distillation methods that achieve competitive results without relying on score estimation. Next, we demonstrate that initialization from teacher weights is indispensable in successful training. Surprisingly, we find that this benefit is not due to improved ``input-output" mapping but rather the learned feature representations, which dominate distillation quality. Our findings provide a better understanding of the role of initialization in one-step model training and its impact on distillation quality.
Abstract:We consider the sampling problem, where the aim is to draw samples from a distribution whose density is known only up to a normalization constant. Recent breakthroughs in generative modeling to approximate a high-dimensional data distribution have sparked significant interest in developing neural network-based methods for this challenging problem. However, neural samplers typically incur heavy computational overhead due to simulating trajectories during training. This motivates the pursuit of simulation-free training procedures of neural samplers. In this work, we propose an elegant modification to previous methods, which allows simulation-free training with the help of a time-dependent normalizing flow. However, it ultimately suffers from severe mode collapse. On closer inspection, we find that nearly all successful neural samplers rely on Langevin preconditioning to avoid mode collapsing. We systematically analyze several popular methods with various objective functions and demonstrate that, in the absence of Langevin preconditioning, most of them fail to adequately cover even a simple target. Finally, we draw attention to a strong baseline by combining the state-of-the-art MCMC method, Parallel Tempering (PT), with an additional generative model to shed light on future explorations of neural samplers.
Abstract:Ionizable lipids are essential in developing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for effective messenger RNA (mRNA) delivery. While traditional methods for designing new ionizable lipids are typically time-consuming, deep generative models have emerged as a powerful solution, significantly accelerating the molecular discovery process. However, a practical challenge arises as the molecular structures generated can often be difficult or infeasible to synthesize. This project explores Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS)-based generative models for synthesizable ionizable lipids. Leveraging a synthetically accessible lipid building block dataset and two specialized predictors to guide the search through chemical space, we introduce a policy network guided MCTS generative model capable of producing new ionizable lipids with available synthesis pathways.
Abstract:Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) are vital in modern biomedicine, enabling the effective delivery of mRNA for vaccines and therapies by protecting it from rapid degradation. Among the components of LNPs, ionizable lipids play a key role in RNA protection and facilitate its delivery into the cytoplasm. However, designing ionizable lipids is complex. Deep generative models can accelerate this process and explore a larger candidate space compared to traditional methods. Due to the structural differences between lipids and small molecules, existing generative models used for small molecule generation are unsuitable for lipid generation. To address this, we developed a deep generative model specifically tailored for the discovery of ionizable lipids. Our model generates novel ionizable lipid structures and provides synthesis paths using synthetically accessible building blocks, addressing synthesizability. This advancement holds promise for streamlining the development of lipid-based delivery systems, potentially accelerating the deployment of new therapeutic agents, including mRNA vaccines and gene therapies.
Abstract:Modelling partial differential equations (PDEs) is of crucial importance in science and engineering, and it includes tasks ranging from forecasting to inverse problems, such as data assimilation. However, most previous numerical and machine learning approaches that target forecasting cannot be applied out-of-the-box for data assimilation. Recently, diffusion models have emerged as a powerful tool for conditional generation, being able to flexibly incorporate observations without retraining. In this work, we perform a comparative study of score-based diffusion models for forecasting and assimilation of sparse observations. In particular, we focus on diffusion models that are either trained in a conditional manner, or conditioned after unconditional training. We address the shortcomings of existing models by proposing 1) an autoregressive sampling approach that significantly improves performance in forecasting, 2) a new training strategy for conditional score-based models that achieves stable performance over a range of history lengths, and 3) a hybrid model which employs flexible pre-training conditioning on initial conditions and flexible post-training conditioning to handle data assimilation. We empirically show that these modifications are crucial for successfully tackling the combination of forecasting and data assimilation, a task commonly encountered in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:Training generative models to sample from unnormalized density functions is an important and challenging task in machine learning. Traditional training methods often rely on the reverse Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence due to its tractability. However, the mode-seeking behavior of reverse KL hinders effective approximation of multi-modal target distributions. To address this, we propose to minimize the reverse KL along diffusion trajectories of both model and target densities. We refer to this objective as the reverse diffusive KL divergence, which allows the model to capture multiple modes. Leveraging this objective, we train neural samplers that can efficiently generate samples from the target distribution in one step. We demonstrate that our method enhances sampling performance across various Boltzmann distributions, including both synthetic multi-modal densities and n-body particle systems.
Abstract:Batched Bayesian optimization (BO) can accelerate molecular design by efficiently identifying top-performing compounds from a large chemical library. Existing acquisition strategies for batch design in BO aim to balance exploration and exploitation. This often involves optimizing non-additive batch acquisition functions, necessitating approximation via myopic construction and/or diversity heuristics. In this work, we propose an acquisition strategy for discrete optimization that is motivated by pure exploitation, qPO (multipoint Probability of Optimality). qPO maximizes the probability that the batch includes the true optimum, which is expressible as the sum over individual acquisition scores and thereby circumvents the combinatorial challenge of optimizing a batch acquisition function. We differentiate the proposed strategy from parallel Thompson sampling and discuss how it implicitly captures diversity. Finally, we apply our method to the model-guided exploration of large chemical libraries and provide empirical evidence that it performs better than or on par with state-of-the-art methods in batched Bayesian optimization.
Abstract:Current methods for compressing neural network weights, such as decomposition, pruning, quantization, and channel simulation, often overlook the inherent symmetries within these networks and thus waste bits on encoding redundant information. In this paper, we propose a format based on bits-back coding for storing rotationally symmetric Transformer weights more efficiently than the usual array layout at the same floating-point precision. We evaluate our method on Large Language Models (LLMs) pruned by SliceGPT (Ashkboos et al., 2024) and achieve a 3-5% reduction in total bit usage for free across different model sizes and architectures without impacting model performance within a certain numerical precision.
Abstract:Multi-fidelity Bayesian Optimization (MFBO) is a promising framework to speed up materials and molecular discovery as sources of information of different accuracies are at hand at increasing cost. Despite its potential use in chemical tasks, there is a lack of systematic evaluation of the many parameters playing a role in MFBO. In this work, we provide guidelines and recommendations to decide when to use MFBO in experimental settings. We investigate MFBO methods applied to molecules and materials problems. First, we test two different families of acquisition functions in two synthetic problems and study the effect of the informativeness and cost of the approximate function. We use our implementation and guidelines to benchmark three real discovery problems and compare them against their single-fidelity counterparts. Our results may help guide future efforts to implement MFBO as a routine tool in the chemical sciences.
Abstract:Developing an efficient sampler capable of generating independent and identically distributed (IID) samples from a Boltzmann distribution is a crucial challenge in scientific research, e.g. molecular dynamics. In this work, we intend to learn neural samplers given energy functions instead of data sampled from the Boltzmann distribution. By learning the energies of the noised data, we propose a diffusion-based sampler, ENERGY-BASED DENOISING ENERGY MATCHING, which theoretically has lower variance and more complexity compared to related works. Furthermore, a novel bootstrapping technique is applied to EnDEM to balance between bias and variance. We evaluate EnDEM and BEnDEM on a 2-dimensional 40 Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and a 4-particle double-welling potential (DW-4). The experimental results demonstrate that BEnDEM can achieve state-of-the-art performance while being more robust.