Abstract:Current methods for time series forecasting struggle in the online scenario, since it is difficult to preserve long-term dependency while adapting short-term changes when data are arriving sequentially. Although some recent methods solve this problem by controlling the updates of latent states, they cannot disentangle the long/short-term states, leading to the inability to effectively adapt to nonstationary. To tackle this challenge, we propose a general framework to disentangle long/short-term states for online time series forecasting. Our idea is inspired by the observations where short-term changes can be led by unknown interventions like abrupt policies in the stock market. Based on this insight, we formalize a data generation process with unknown interventions on short-term states. Under mild assumptions, we further leverage the independence of short-term states led by unknown interventions to establish the identification theory to achieve the disentanglement of long/short-term states. Built on this theory, we develop a long short-term disentanglement model (LSTD) to extract the long/short-term states with long/short-term encoders, respectively. Furthermore, the LSTD model incorporates a smooth constraint to preserve the long-term dependencies and an interrupted dependency constraint to enforce the forgetting of short-term dependencies, together boosting the disentanglement of long/short-term states. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets show that our \textbf{LSTD} model outperforms existing methods for online time series forecasting, validating its efficacy in real-world applications.
Abstract:The advancement of medical image segmentation techniques has been propelled by the adoption of deep learning techniques, particularly UNet-based approaches, which exploit semantic information to improve the accuracy of segmentations. However, the order of organs in scanned images has been disregarded by current medical image segmentation approaches based on UNet. Furthermore, the inherent network structure of UNet does not provide direct capabilities for integrating temporal information. To efficiently integrate temporal information, we propose TP-UNet that utilizes temporal prompts, encompassing organ-construction relationships, to guide the segmentation UNet model. Specifically, our framework is featured with cross-attention and semantic alignment based on unsupervised contrastive learning to combine temporal prompts and image features effectively. Extensive evaluations on two medical image segmentation datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of TP-UNet. Our implementation will be open-sourced after acceptance.
Abstract:Multimodal affective computing (MAC) has garnered increasing attention due to its broad applications in analyzing human behaviors and intentions, especially in text-dominated multimodal affective computing field. This survey presents the recent trends of multimodal affective computing from NLP perspective through four hot tasks: multimodal sentiment analysis, multimodal emotion recognition in conversation, multimodal aspect-based sentiment analysis and multimodal multi-label emotion recognition. The goal of this survey is to explore the current landscape of multimodal affective research, identify development trends, and highlight the similarities and differences across various tasks, offering a comprehensive report on the recent progress in multimodal affective computing from an NLP perspective. This survey covers the formalization of tasks, provides an overview of relevant works, describes benchmark datasets, and details the evaluation metrics for each task. Additionally, it briefly discusses research in multimodal affective computing involving facial expressions, acoustic signals, physiological signals, and emotion causes. Additionally, we discuss the technical approaches, challenges, and future directions in multimodal affective computing. To support further research, we released a repository that compiles related works in multimodal affective computing, providing detailed resources and references for the community.
Abstract:Graph Out-of-Distribution (OOD), requiring that models trained on biased data generalize to the unseen test data, has considerable real-world applications. One of the most mainstream methods is to extract the invariant subgraph by aligning the original and augmented data with the help of environment augmentation. However, these solutions might lead to the loss or redundancy of semantic subgraphs and result in suboptimal generalization. To address this challenge, we propose exploiting Probability of Necessity and Sufficiency (PNS) to extract sufficient and necessary invariant substructures. Beyond that, we further leverage the domain variant subgraphs related to the labels to boost the generalization performance in an ensemble manner. Specifically, we first consider the data generation process for graph data. Under mild conditions, we show that the sufficient and necessary invariant subgraph can be extracted by minimizing an upper bound, built on the theoretical advance of the probability of necessity and sufficiency. To further bridge the theory and algorithm, we devise the model called Sufficiency and Necessity Inspired Graph Learning (SNIGL), which ensembles an invariant subgraph classifier on top of latent sufficient and necessary invariant subgraphs, and a domain variant subgraph classifier specific to the test domain for generalization enhancement. Experimental results demonstrate that our SNIGL model outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques on six public benchmarks, highlighting its effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:Long-term causal effect estimation is a significant but challenging problem in many applications. Existing methods rely on ideal assumptions to estimate long-term average effects, e.g., no unobserved confounders or a binary treatment,while in numerous real-world applications, these assumptions could be violated and average effects are unable to provide individual-level suggestions.In this paper,we address a more general problem of estimating the long-term heterogeneous dose-response curve (HDRC) while accounting for unobserved confounders. Specifically, to remove unobserved confounding in observational data, we introduce an optimal transport weighting framework to align the observational data to the experimental data with theoretical guarantees. Furthermore,to accurately predict the heterogeneous effects of continuous treatment, we establish a generalization bound on counterfactual prediction error by leveraging the reweighted distribution induced by optimal transport. Finally, we develop an HDRC estimator building upon the above theoretical foundations. Extensive experimental studies conducted on multiple synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:Unobserved discrete data are ubiquitous in many scientific disciplines, and how to learn the causal structure of these latent variables is crucial for uncovering data patterns. Most studies focus on the linear latent variable model or impose strict constraints on latent structures, which fail to address cases in discrete data involving non-linear relationships or complex latent structures. To achieve this, we explore a tensor rank condition on contingency tables for an observed variable set $\mathbf{X}_p$, showing that the rank is determined by the minimum support of a specific conditional set (not necessary in $\mathbf{X}_p$) that d-separates all variables in $\mathbf{X}_p$. By this, one can locate the latent variable through probing the rank on different observed variables set, and further identify the latent causal structure under some structure assumptions. We present the corresponding identification algorithm and conduct simulated experiments to verify the effectiveness of our method. In general, our results elegantly extend the identification boundary for causal discovery with discrete latent variables and expand the application scope of causal discovery with latent variables.
Abstract:Previous graph-based approaches in Aspect based Sentiment Analysis(ABSA) have demonstrated impressive performance by utilizing graph neural networks and attention mechanisms to learn structures of static dependency trees and dynamic latent trees. However, incorporating both semantic and syntactic information simultaneously within complex global structures can introduce irrelevant contexts and syntactic dependencies during the process of graph structure learning, potentially resulting in inaccurate predictions. In order to address the issues above, we propose S$^2$GSL, incorporating Segment to Syntactic enhanced Graph Structure Learning for ABSA. Specifically,S$^2$GSL is featured with a segment-aware semantic graph learning and a syntax-based latent graph learning enabling the removal of irrelevant contexts and dependencies, respectively. We further propose a self-adaptive aggregation network that facilitates the fusion of two graph learning branches, thereby achieving complementarity across diverse structures. Experimental results on four benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework.
Abstract:Recently, interest has grown in the use of proxy variables of unobserved confounding for inferring the causal effect in the presence of unmeasured confounders from observational data. One difficulty inhibiting the practical use is finding valid proxy variables of unobserved confounding to a target causal effect of interest. These proxy variables are typically justified by background knowledge. In this paper, we investigate the estimation of causal effects among multiple treatments and a single outcome, all of which are affected by unmeasured confounders, within a linear causal model, without prior knowledge of the validity of proxy variables. To be more specific, we first extend the existing proxy variable estimator, originally addressing a single unmeasured confounder, to accommodate scenarios where multiple unmeasured confounders exist between the treatments and the outcome. Subsequently, we present two different sets of precise identifiability conditions for selecting valid proxy variables of unmeasured confounders, based on the second-order statistics and higher-order statistics of the data, respectively. Moreover, we propose two data-driven methods for the selection of proxy variables and for the unbiased estimation of causal effects. Theoretical analysis demonstrates the correctness of our proposed algorithms. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world data show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Abstract:Existing methods for multi-modal time series representation learning aim to disentangle the modality-shared and modality-specific latent variables. Although achieving notable performances on downstream tasks, they usually assume an orthogonal latent space. However, the modality-specific and modality-shared latent variables might be dependent on real-world scenarios. Therefore, we propose a general generation process, where the modality-shared and modality-specific latent variables are dependent, and further develop a \textbf{M}ulti-mod\textbf{A}l \textbf{TE}mporal Disentanglement (\textbf{MATE}) model. Specifically, our \textbf{MATE} model is built on a temporally variational inference architecture with the modality-shared and modality-specific prior networks for the disentanglement of latent variables. Furthermore, we establish identifiability results to show that the extracted representation is disentangled. More specifically, we first achieve the subspace identifiability for modality-shared and modality-specific latent variables by leveraging the pairing of multi-modal data. Then we establish the component-wise identifiability of modality-specific latent variables by employing sufficient changes of historical latent variables. Extensive experimental studies on multi-modal sensors, human activity recognition, and healthcare datasets show a general improvement in different downstream tasks, highlighting the effectiveness of our method in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:Temporally causal representation learning aims to identify the latent causal process from time series observations, but most methods require the assumption that the latent causal processes do not have instantaneous relations. Although some recent methods achieve identifiability in the instantaneous causality case, they require either interventions on the latent variables or grouping of the observations, which are in general difficult to obtain in real-world scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose an \textbf{ID}entification framework for instantane\textbf{O}us \textbf{L}atent dynamics (\textbf{IDOL}) by imposing a sparse influence constraint that the latent causal processes have sparse time-delayed and instantaneous relations. Specifically, we establish identifiability results of the latent causal process based on sufficient variability and the sparse influence constraint by employing contextual information of time series data. Based on these theories, we incorporate a temporally variational inference architecture to estimate the latent variables and a gradient-based sparsity regularization to identify the latent causal process. Experimental results on simulation datasets illustrate that our method can identify the latent causal process. Furthermore, evaluations on multiple human motion forecasting benchmarks with instantaneous dependencies indicate the effectiveness of our method in real-world settings.