Abstract:Advancements in computing power have made it possible to numerically simulate large-scale fluid-mechanical and/or particulate systems, many of which are integral to core industrial processes. Among the different numerical methods available, the discrete element method (DEM) provides one of the most accurate representations of a wide range of physical systems involving granular and discontinuous materials. Consequently, DEM has become a widely accepted approach for tackling engineering problems connected to granular flows and powder mechanics. Additionally, DEM can be integrated with grid-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods, enabling the simulation of chemical processes taking place, e.g., in fluidized beds. However, DEM is computationally intensive because of the intrinsic multiscale nature of particulate systems, restricting simulation duration or number of particles. Towards this end, NeuralDEM presents an end-to-end approach to replace slow numerical DEM routines with fast, adaptable deep learning surrogates. NeuralDEM is capable of picturing long-term transport processes across different regimes using macroscopic observables without any reference to microscopic model parameters. First, NeuralDEM treats the Lagrangian discretization of DEM as an underlying continuous field, while simultaneously modeling macroscopic behavior directly as additional auxiliary fields. Second, NeuralDEM introduces multi-branch neural operators scalable to real-time modeling of industrially-sized scenarios - from slow and pseudo-steady to fast and transient. Such scenarios have previously posed insurmountable challenges for deep learning models. Notably, NeuralDEM faithfully models coupled CFD-DEM fluidized bed reactors of 160k CFD cells and 500k DEM particles for trajectories of 28s. NeuralDEM will open many new doors to advanced engineering and much faster process cycles.
Abstract:Language models for biological and chemical sequences enable crucial applications such as drug discovery, protein engineering, and precision medicine. Currently, these language models are predominantly based on Transformer architectures. While Transformers have yielded impressive results, their quadratic runtime dependency on the sequence length complicates their use for long genomic sequences and in-context learning on proteins and chemical sequences. Recently, the recurrent xLSTM architecture has been shown to perform favorably compared to Transformers and modern state-space model (SSM) architectures in the natural language domain. Similar to SSMs, xLSTMs have a linear runtime dependency on the sequence length and allow for constant-memory decoding at inference time, which makes them prime candidates for modeling long-range dependencies in biological and chemical sequences. In this work, we tailor xLSTM towards these domains and propose a suite of architectural variants called Bio-xLSTM. Extensive experiments in three large domains, genomics, proteins, and chemistry, were performed to assess xLSTM's ability to model biological and chemical sequences. The results show that models based on Bio-xLSTM a) can serve as proficient generative models for DNA, protein, and chemical sequences, b) learn rich representations for those modalities, and c) can perform in-context learning for proteins and small molecules.
Abstract:In recent years, there has been a trend in the field of Reinforcement Learning (RL) towards large action models trained offline on large-scale datasets via sequence modeling. Existing models are primarily based on the Transformer architecture, which result in powerful agents. However, due to slow inference times, Transformer-based approaches are impractical for real-time applications, such as robotics. Recently, modern recurrent architectures, such as xLSTM and Mamba, have been proposed that exhibit parallelization benefits during training similar to the Transformer architecture while offering fast inference. In this work, we study the aptitude of these modern recurrent architectures for large action models. Consequently, we propose a Large Recurrent Action Model (LRAM) with an xLSTM at its core that comes with linear-time inference complexity and natural sequence length extrapolation abilities. Experiments on 432 tasks from 6 domains show that LRAM compares favorably to Transformers in terms of performance and speed.
Abstract:Transformers are widely used as generic backbones in computer vision, despite initially introduced for natural language processing. Recently, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has been extended to a scalable and performant architecture - the xLSTM - which overcomes long-standing LSTM limitations via exponential gating and parallelizable matrix memory structure. In this report, we introduce Vision-LSTM (ViL), an adaption of the xLSTM building blocks to computer vision. ViL comprises a stack of xLSTM blocks where odd blocks process the sequence of patch tokens from top to bottom while even blocks go from bottom to top. Experiments show that ViL holds promise to be further deployed as new generic backbone for computer vision architectures.
Abstract:Deep learning foundation models are revolutionizing many facets of science by leveraging vast amounts of data to learn general-purpose representations that can be adapted to tackle diverse downstream tasks. Foundation models hold the promise to also transform our ability to model our planet and its subsystems by exploiting the vast expanse of Earth system data. Here we introduce Aurora, a large-scale foundation model of the atmosphere trained on over a million hours of diverse weather and climate data. Aurora leverages the strengths of the foundation modelling approach to produce operational forecasts for a wide variety of atmospheric prediction problems, including those with limited training data, heterogeneous variables, and extreme events. In under a minute, Aurora produces 5-day global air pollution predictions and 10-day high-resolution weather forecasts that outperform state-of-the-art classical simulation tools and the best specialized deep learning models. Taken together, these results indicate that foundation models can transform environmental forecasting.
Abstract:In the 1990s, the constant error carousel and gating were introduced as the central ideas of the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Since then, LSTMs have stood the test of time and contributed to numerous deep learning success stories, in particular they constituted the first Large Language Models (LLMs). However, the advent of the Transformer technology with parallelizable self-attention at its core marked the dawn of a new era, outpacing LSTMs at scale. We now raise a simple question: How far do we get in language modeling when scaling LSTMs to billions of parameters, leveraging the latest techniques from modern LLMs, but mitigating known limitations of LSTMs? Firstly, we introduce exponential gating with appropriate normalization and stabilization techniques. Secondly, we modify the LSTM memory structure, obtaining: (i) sLSTM with a scalar memory, a scalar update, and new memory mixing, (ii) mLSTM that is fully parallelizable with a matrix memory and a covariance update rule. Integrating these LSTM extensions into residual block backbones yields xLSTM blocks that are then residually stacked into xLSTM architectures. Exponential gating and modified memory structures boost xLSTM capabilities to perform favorably when compared to state-of-the-art Transformers and State Space Models, both in performance and scaling.
Abstract:Being able to identify regions within or around proteins, to which ligands can potentially bind, is an essential step to develop new drugs. Binding site identification methods can now profit from the availability of large amounts of 3D structures in protein structure databases or from AlphaFold predictions. Current binding site identification methods heavily rely on graph neural networks (GNNs), usually designed to output E(3)-equivariant predictions. Such methods turned out to be very beneficial for physics-related tasks like binding energy or motion trajectory prediction. However, the performance of GNNs at binding site identification is still limited potentially due to the lack of dedicated nodes that model hidden geometric entities, such as binding pockets. In this work, we extend E(n)-Equivariant Graph Neural Networks (EGNNs) by adding virtual nodes and applying an extended message passing scheme. The virtual nodes in these graphs are dedicated quantities to learn representations of binding sites, which leads to improved predictive performance. In our experiments, we show that our proposed method VN-EGNN sets a new state-of-the-art at locating binding site centers on COACH420, HOLO4K and PDBbind2020.
Abstract:Particle-based fluid simulations have emerged as a powerful tool for solving the Navier-Stokes equations, especially in cases that include intricate physics and free surfaces. The recent addition of machine learning methods to the toolbox for solving such problems is pushing the boundary of the quality vs. speed tradeoff of such numerical simulations. In this work, we lead the way to Lagrangian fluid simulators compatible with deep learning frameworks, and propose JAX-SPH - a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) framework implemented in JAX. JAX-SPH builds on the code for dataset generation from the LagrangeBench project (Toshev et al., 2023) and extends this code in multiple ways: (a) integration of further key SPH algorithms, (b) restructuring the code toward a Python library, (c) verification of the gradients through the solver, and (d) demonstration of the utility of the gradients for solving inverse problems as well as a Solver-in-the-Loop application. Our code is available at https://github.com/tumaer/jax-sph.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs), and especially message-passing neural networks, excel in various domains such as physics, drug discovery, and molecular modeling. The expressivity of GNNs with respect to their ability to discriminate non-isomorphic graphs critically depends on the functions employed for message aggregation and graph-level readout. By applying signal propagation theory, we propose a variance-preserving aggregation function (VPA) that maintains expressivity, but yields improved forward and backward dynamics. Experiments demonstrate that VPA leads to increased predictive performance for popular GNN architectures as well as improved learning dynamics. Our results could pave the way towards normalizer-free or self-normalizing GNNs.
Abstract:We present Clifford-Steerable Convolutional Neural Networks (CS-CNNs), a novel class of $\mathrm{E}(p, q)$-equivariant CNNs. CS-CNNs process multivector fields on pseudo-Euclidean spaces $\mathbb{R}^{p,q}$. They cover, for instance, $\mathrm{E}(3)$-equivariance on $\mathbb{R}^3$ and Poincar\'e-equivariance on Minkowski spacetime $\mathbb{R}^{1,3}$. Our approach is based on an implicit parametrization of $\mathrm{O}(p,q)$-steerable kernels via Clifford group equivariant neural networks. We significantly and consistently outperform baseline methods on fluid dynamics as well as relativistic electrodynamics forecasting tasks.