Abstract:Blood vessels (BVs) play a critical role in the Tumor Micro-Environment (TME), potentially influencing cancer progression and treatment response. However, manually quantifying BVs in Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained images is challenging and labor-intensive due to their heterogeneous appearances. We propose a novel approach of constructing guiding maps to improve the performance of state-of-the-art segmentation models for BV segmentation, the guiding maps encourage the models to learn representative features of BVs. This is particularly beneficial for computational pathology, where labeled training data is often limited and large models are prone to overfitting. We have quantitative and qualitative results to demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in improving segmentation accuracy. In future, we plan to validate this method to segment BVs across various tissue types and investigate the role of cellular structures in relation to BVs in the TME.
Abstract:Under partial-label learning (PLL) where, for each training instance, only a set of ambiguous candidate labels containing the unknown true label is accessible, contrastive learning has recently boosted the performance of PLL on vision tasks, attributed to representations learned by contrasting the same/different classes of entities. Without access to true labels, positive points are predicted using pseudo-labels that are inherently noisy, and negative points often require large batches or momentum encoders, resulting in unreliable similarity information and a high computational overhead. In this paper, we rethink a state-of-the-art contrastive PLL method PiCO[24], inspiring the design of a simple framework termed PaPi (Partial-label learning with a guided Prototypical classifier), which demonstrates significant scope for improvement in representation learning, thus contributing to label disambiguation. PaPi guides the optimization of a prototypical classifier by a linear classifier with which they share the same feature encoder, thus explicitly encouraging the representation to reflect visual similarity between categories. It is also technically appealing, as PaPi requires only a few components in PiCO with the opposite direction of guidance, and directly eliminates the contrastive learning module that would introduce noise and consume computational resources. We empirically demonstrate that PaPi significantly outperforms other PLL methods on various image classification tasks.
Abstract:Partial label learning (PLL) aims to train multi-class classifiers from instances with partial labels (PLs)-a PL for an instance is a set of candidate labels where a fixed but unknown candidate is the true label. In the last few years, the instance-independent generation process of PLs has been extensively studied, on the basis of which many practical and theoretical advances have been made in PLL, whereas relatively less attention has been paid to the practical setting of instance-dependent PLs, namely, the PL depends not only on the true label but the instance itself. In this paper, we propose a theoretically grounded and practically effective approach called PrOgressive Purification (POP) for instance-dependent PLL: in each epoch, POP updates the learning model while purifying each PL for the next epoch of the model training by progressively moving out false candidate labels. Theoretically, we prove that POP enlarges the region appropriately fast where the model is reliable, and eventually approximates the Bayes optimal classifier with mild assumptions; technically, POP is flexible with arbitrary losses and compatible with deep networks, so that the previous advanced PLL losses can be embedded in it and the performance is often significantly improved.
Abstract:Multi-label learning (MLL) learns from the examples each associated with multiple labels simultaneously, where the high cost of annotating all relevant labels for each training example is challenging for real-world applications. To cope with the challenge, we investigate single-positive multi-label learning (SPMLL) where each example is annotated with only one relevant label and show that one can successfully learn a theoretically grounded multi-label classifier for the problem. In this paper, a novel SPMLL method named {\proposed}, i.e., Single-positive MultI-label learning with Label Enhancement, is proposed. Specifically, an unbiased risk estimator is derived, which could be guaranteed to approximately converge to the optimal risk minimizer of fully supervised learning and shows that one positive label of each instance is sufficient to train the predictive model. Then, the corresponding empirical risk estimator is established via recovering the latent soft label as a label enhancement process, where the posterior density of the latent soft labels is approximate to the variational Beta density parameterized by an inference model. Experiments on benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Partial-label (PL) learning is a typical weakly supervised classification problem, where a PL of an instance is a set of candidate labels such that a fixed but unknown candidate is the true label. For PL learning, there are two lines of research: (a) the identification-based strategy (IBS) purifies each label set and extracts the true label; (b) the average-based strategy (ABS) treats all candidates equally for training. In the past two decades, IBS was a much hotter topic than ABS, since it was believed that IBS is more promising. In this paper, we theoretically analyze ABS and find it also promising in the sense of the robustness of its loss functions. Specifically, we consider five problem settings for the generation of clean or noisy PLs, and we prove that average PL losses with bounded multi-class losses are always robust under mild assumptions on the domination of true labels, while average PL losses with unbounded multi-class losses (e.g., the cross-entropy loss) may not be robust. We also conduct experiments to validate our theoretical findings. Note that IBS is heuristic, and we cannot prove its robustness by a similar proof technique; hence, ABS is more advantageous from a theoretical point of view, and it is worth paying attention to the design of more advanced PL learning methods following ABS.
Abstract:Multi-label classification (MLC) studies the problem where each instance is associated with multiple relevant labels, which leads to the exponential growth of output space. MLC encourages a popular framework named label compression (LC) for capturing label dependency with dimension reduction. Nevertheless, most existing LC methods failed to consider the influence of the feature space or misguided by original problematic features, so that may result in performance degeneration. In this paper, we present a compact learning (CL) framework to embed the features and labels simultaneously and with mutual guidance. The proposal is a versatile concept, hence the embedding way is arbitrary and independent of the subsequent learning process. Following its spirit, a simple yet effective implementation called compact multi-label learning (CMLL) is proposed to learn a compact low-dimensional representation for both spaces. CMLL maximizes the dependence between the embedded spaces of the labels and features, and minimizes the loss of label space recovery concurrently. Theoretically, we provide a general analysis for different embedding methods. Practically, we conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Partial-label learning (PLL) is a multi-class classification problem, where each training example is associated with a set of candidate labels. Even though many practical PLL methods have been proposed in the last two decades, there lacks a theoretical understanding of the consistency of those methods-none of the PLL methods hitherto possesses a generation process of candidate label sets, and then it is still unclear why such a method works on a specific dataset and when it may fail given a different dataset. In this paper, we propose the first generation model of candidate label sets, and develop two novel PLL methods that are guaranteed to be provably consistent, i.e., one is risk-consistent and the other is classifier-consistent. Our methods are advantageous, since they are compatible with any deep network or stochastic optimizer. Furthermore, thanks to the generation model, we would be able to answer the two questions above by testing if the generation model matches given candidate label sets. Experiments on benchmark and real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed generation model and two PLL methods.
Abstract:Partial-label learning is one of the important weakly supervised learning problems, where each training example is equipped with a set of candidate labels that contains the true label. Most existing methods elaborately designed learning objectives as constrained optimizations that must be solved in specific manners, making their computational complexity a bottleneck for scaling up to big data. The goal of this paper is to propose a novel framework of partial-label learning without implicit assumptions on the model or optimization algorithm. More specifically, we propose a general estimator of the classification risk, theoretically analyze the classifier-consistency, and establish an estimation error bound. We then explore a progressive identification method for approximately minimizing the proposed risk estimator, where the update of the model and identification of true labels are conducted in a seamless manner. The resulting algorithm is model-independent and loss-independent, and compatible with stochastic optimization. Thorough experiments demonstrate it sets the new state of the art.