Abstract:Robots require high-fidelity reconstructions of their environment for effective operation. Such scene representations should be both, geometrically accurate and photorealistic to support downstream tasks. While this can be achieved by building distance fields from range sensors and radiance fields from cameras, the scalable incremental mapping of both fields consistently and at the same time with high quality remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel map representation that unifies a continuous signed distance field and a Gaussian splatting radiance field within an elastic and compact point-based implicit neural map. By enforcing geometric consistency between these fields, we achieve mutual improvements by exploiting both modalities. We devise a LiDAR-visual SLAM system called PINGS using the proposed map representation and evaluate it on several challenging large-scale datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that PINGS can incrementally build globally consistent distance and radiance fields encoded with a compact set of neural points. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, PINGS achieves superior photometric and geometric rendering at novel views by leveraging the constraints from the distance field. Furthermore, by utilizing dense photometric cues and multi-view consistency from the radiance field, PINGS produces more accurate distance fields, leading to improved odometry estimation and mesh reconstruction.
Abstract:Robotics applications often rely on scene reconstructions to enable downstream tasks. In this work, we tackle the challenge of actively building an accurate map of an unknown scene using an on-board RGB-D camera. We propose a hybrid map representation that combines a Gaussian splatting map with a coarse voxel map, leveraging the strengths of both representations: the high-fidelity scene reconstruction capabilities of Gaussian splatting and the spatial modelling strengths of the voxel map. The core of our framework is an effective confidence modelling technique for the Gaussian splatting map to identify under-reconstructed areas, while utilising spatial information from the voxel map to target unexplored areas and assist in collision-free path planning. By actively collecting scene information in under-reconstructed and unexplored areas for map updates, our approach achieves superior Gaussian splatting reconstruction results compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Additionally, we demonstrate the applicability of our active scene reconstruction framework in the real world using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Abstract:Perception is a key building block of autonomously acting vision systems such as autonomous vehicles. It is crucial that these systems are able to understand their surroundings in order to operate safely and robustly. Additionally, autonomous systems deployed in unconstrained real-world scenarios must be able of dealing with novel situations and object that have never been seen before. In this article, we tackle the problem of open-world panoptic segmentation, i.e., the task of discovering new semantic categories and new object instances at test time, while enforcing consistency among the categories that we incrementally discover. We propose Con2MAV, an approach for open-world panoptic segmentation that extends our previous work, ContMAV, which was developed for open-world semantic segmentation. Through extensive experiments across multiple datasets, we show that our model achieves state-of-the-art results on open-world segmentation tasks, while still performing competitively on the known categories. We will open-source our implementation upon acceptance. Additionally, we propose PANIC (Panoptic ANomalies In Context), a benchmark for evaluating open-world panoptic segmentation in autonomous driving scenarios. This dataset, recorded with a multi-modal sensor suite mounted on a car, provides high-quality, pixel-wise annotations of anomalous objects at both semantic and instance level. Our dataset contains 800 images, with more than 50 unknown classes, i.e., classes that do not appear in the training set, and 4000 object instances, making it an extremely challenging dataset for open-world segmentation tasks in the autonomous driving scenario. We provide competitions for multiple open-world tasks on a hidden test set. Our dataset and competitions are available at https://www.ipb.uni-bonn.de/data/panic.
Abstract:Constructing precise global maps is a key task in robotics and is required for localization, surveying, monitoring, or constructing digital twins. To build accurate maps, data from mobile 3D LiDAR sensors is often used. Mapping requires correctly aligning the individual point clouds to each other to obtain a globally consistent map. In this paper, we investigate the problem of multi-scan alignment to obtain globally consistent point cloud maps. We propose a 3D LiDAR bundle adjustment approach to solve the global alignment problem and jointly optimize the available data. Utilizing a continuous-time trajectory allows us to consider the ego-motion of the LiDAR scanner while recording a single scan directly in the least squares adjustment. Furthermore, pruning the search space of correspondences and utilizing out-of-core circular buffer enables our approach to align thousands of point clouds efficiently. We successfully align point clouds recorded with a handheld LiDAR, as well as ones mounted on a vehicle, and are able to perform multi-session alignment.
Abstract:Spatial understanding of the semantics of the surroundings is a key capability needed by autonomous cars to enable safe driving decisions. Recently, purely vision-based solutions have gained increasing research interest. In particular, approaches extracting a bird's eye view (BEV) from multiple cameras have demonstrated great performance for spatial understanding. This paper addresses the dependency on learned positional encodings to correlate image and BEV feature map elements for transformer-based methods. We propose leveraging epipolar geometric constraints to model the relationship between cameras and the BEV by Epipolar Attention Fields. They are incorporated into the attention mechanism as a novel attribution term, serving as an alternative to learned positional encodings. Experiments show that our method EAFormer outperforms previous BEV approaches by 2% mIoU for map semantic segmentation and exhibits superior generalization capabilities compared to implicitly learning the camera configuration.
Abstract:Robotic fruit monitoring is a key step toward automated agricultural production systems. Robots can significantly enhance plant and temporal fruit monitoring by providing precise, high-throughput assessments that overcome the limitations of traditional manual methods. Fruit monitoring is a challenging task due to the significant variation in size, shape, orientation, and occlusion of fruits. Also, fruits may be harvested or newly grown between recording sessions. Most methods are 2D image-based and they lack the 3D structure, depth, and spatial information, which represent key aspects of fruit monitoring. 3D colored point clouds, instead, can offer this information but they introduce challenges such as their sparsity and irregularity. In this paper, we present a novel approach for temporal fruit monitoring that addresses point clouds collected in a greenhouse over time. Our method segments fruits using a learning-based instance segmentation approach directly on the point cloud. Each segmented fruit is processed by a 3D sparse convolutional neural network to extract descriptors, which are used in an attention-based matching network to associate fruits with their instances from previous data collections. Experimental results on a real dataset of strawberries demonstrate that our approach outperforms other methods for fruits re-identification over time, allowing for precise temporal fruit monitoring in real and complex scenarios.
Abstract:Under-canopy agricultural robots can enable various applications like precise monitoring, spraying, weeding, and plant manipulation tasks throughout the growing season. Autonomous navigation under the canopy is challenging due to the degradation in accuracy of RTK-GPS and the large variability in the visual appearance of the scene over time. In prior work, we developed a supervised learning-based perception system with semantic keypoint representation and deployed this in various field conditions. A large number of failures of this system can be attributed to the inability of the perception model to adapt to the domain shift encountered during deployment. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised online adaptation method for adapting the semantic keypoint representation using a visual foundational model, geometric prior, and pseudo labeling. Our preliminary experiments show that with minimal data and fine-tuning of parameters, the keypoint prediction model trained with labels on the source domain can be adapted in a self-supervised manner to various challenging target domains onboard the robot computer using our method. This can enable fully autonomous row-following capability in under-canopy robots across fields and crops without requiring human intervention.
Abstract:Moving object segmentation (MOS) using a 3D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensor is crucial for scene understanding and identification of moving objects. Despite the availability of various types of 3D LiDAR sensors in the market, MOS research still predominantly focuses on 3D point clouds from mechanically spinning omnidirectional LiDAR sensors. Thus, we are, for example, lacking a dataset with MOS labels for point clouds from solid-state LiDAR sensors which have irregular scanning patterns. In this paper, we present a labeled dataset, called \textit{HeLiMOS}, that enables to test MOS approaches on four heterogeneous LiDAR sensors, including two solid-state LiDAR sensors. Furthermore, we introduce a novel automatic labeling method to substantially reduce the labeling effort required from human annotators. To this end, our framework exploits an instance-aware static map building approach and tracking-based false label filtering. Finally, we provide experimental results regarding the performance of commonly used state-of-the-art MOS approaches on HeLiMOS that suggest a new direction for a sensor-agnostic MOS, which generally works regardless of the type of LiDAR sensors used to capture 3D point clouds. Our dataset is available at https://sites.google.com/view/helimos.
Abstract:As the population is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, our agricultural production system needs to double its productivity despite a decline of human workforce in the agricultural sector. Autonomous robotic systems are one promising pathway to increase productivity by taking over labor-intensive manual tasks like fruit picking. To be effective, such systems need to monitor and interact with plants and fruits precisely, which is challenging due to the cluttered nature of agricultural environments causing, for example, strong occlusions. Thus, being able to estimate the complete 3D shapes of objects in presence of occlusions is crucial for automating operations such as fruit harvesting. In this paper, we propose the first publicly available 3D shape completion dataset for agricultural vision systems. We provide an RGB-D dataset for estimating the 3D shape of fruits. Specifically, our dataset contains RGB-D frames of single sweet peppers in lab conditions but also in a commercial greenhouse. For each fruit, we additionally collected high-precision point clouds that we use as ground truth. For acquiring the ground truth shape, we developed a measuring process that allows us to record data of real sweet pepper plants, both in the lab and in the greenhouse with high precision, and determine the shape of the sensed fruits. We release our dataset, consisting of almost 7000 RGB-D frames belonging to more than 100 different fruits. We provide segmented RGB-D frames, with camera instrinsics to easily obtain colored point clouds, together with the corresponding high-precision, occlusion-free point clouds obtained with a high-precision laser scanner. We additionally enable evaluation ofshape completion approaches on a hidden test set through a public challenge on a benchmark server.
Abstract:Building accurate maps is a key building block to enable reliable localization, planning, and navigation of autonomous vehicles. We propose a novel approach for building accurate maps of dynamic environments utilizing a sequence of LiDAR scans. To this end, we propose encoding the 4D scene into a novel spatio-temporal implicit neural map representation by fitting a time-dependent truncated signed distance function to each point. Using our representation, we extract the static map by filtering the dynamic parts. Our neural representation is based on sparse feature grids, a globally shared decoder, and time-dependent basis functions, which we jointly optimize in an unsupervised fashion. To learn this representation from a sequence of LiDAR scans, we design a simple yet efficient loss function to supervise the map optimization in a piecewise way. We evaluate our approach on various scenes containing moving objects in terms of the reconstruction quality of static maps and the segmentation of dynamic point clouds. The experimental results demonstrate that our method is capable of removing the dynamic part of the input point clouds while reconstructing accurate and complete 3D maps, outperforming several state-of-the-art methods. Codes are available at: https://github.com/PRBonn/4dNDF