Abstract:Robots require high-fidelity reconstructions of their environment for effective operation. Such scene representations should be both, geometrically accurate and photorealistic to support downstream tasks. While this can be achieved by building distance fields from range sensors and radiance fields from cameras, the scalable incremental mapping of both fields consistently and at the same time with high quality remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel map representation that unifies a continuous signed distance field and a Gaussian splatting radiance field within an elastic and compact point-based implicit neural map. By enforcing geometric consistency between these fields, we achieve mutual improvements by exploiting both modalities. We devise a LiDAR-visual SLAM system called PINGS using the proposed map representation and evaluate it on several challenging large-scale datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that PINGS can incrementally build globally consistent distance and radiance fields encoded with a compact set of neural points. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, PINGS achieves superior photometric and geometric rendering at novel views by leveraging the constraints from the distance field. Furthermore, by utilizing dense photometric cues and multi-view consistency from the radiance field, PINGS produces more accurate distance fields, leading to improved odometry estimation and mesh reconstruction.
Abstract:Robotics applications often rely on scene reconstructions to enable downstream tasks. In this work, we tackle the challenge of actively building an accurate map of an unknown scene using an on-board RGB-D camera. We propose a hybrid map representation that combines a Gaussian splatting map with a coarse voxel map, leveraging the strengths of both representations: the high-fidelity scene reconstruction capabilities of Gaussian splatting and the spatial modelling strengths of the voxel map. The core of our framework is an effective confidence modelling technique for the Gaussian splatting map to identify under-reconstructed areas, while utilising spatial information from the voxel map to target unexplored areas and assist in collision-free path planning. By actively collecting scene information in under-reconstructed and unexplored areas for map updates, our approach achieves superior Gaussian splatting reconstruction results compared to state-of-the-art approaches. Additionally, we demonstrate the applicability of our active scene reconstruction framework in the real world using an unmanned aerial vehicle.
Abstract:Robots are frequently tasked to gather relevant sensor data in unknown terrains. A key challenge for classical path planning algorithms used for autonomous information gathering is adaptively replanning paths online as the terrain is explored given limited onboard compute resources. Recently, learning-based approaches emerged that train planning policies offline and enable computationally efficient online replanning performing policy inference. These approaches are designed and trained for terrain monitoring missions assuming a single specific map representation, which limits their applicability to different terrains. To address these issues, we propose a novel formulation of the adaptive informative path planning problem unified across different map representations, enabling training and deploying planning policies in a larger variety of monitoring missions. Experimental results validate that our novel formulation easily integrates with classical non-learning-based planning approaches while maintaining their performance. Our trained planning policy performs similarly to state-of-the-art map-specifically trained policies. We validate our learned policy on unseen real-world terrain datasets.
Abstract:Robots need robust and flexible vision systems to perceive and reason about their environments beyond geometry. Most of such systems build upon deep learning approaches. As autonomous robots are commonly deployed in initially unknown environments, pre-training on static datasets cannot always capture the variety of domains and limits the robot's vision performance during missions. Recently, self-supervised as well as fully supervised active learning methods emerged to improve robotic vision. These approaches rely on large in-domain pre-training datasets or require substantial human labelling effort. To address these issues, we present a recent adaptive planning framework for efficient training data collection to substantially reduce human labelling requirements in semantic terrain monitoring missions. To this end, we combine high-quality human labels with automatically generated pseudo labels. Experimental results show that the framework reaches segmentation performance close to fully supervised approaches with drastically reduced human labelling effort while outperforming purely self-supervised approaches. We discuss the advantages and limitations of current methods and outline valuable future research avenues towards more robust and flexible robotic vision systems in unknown environments.
Abstract:Object reconstruction is relevant for many autonomous robotic tasks that require interaction with the environment. A key challenge in such scenarios is planning view configurations to collect informative measurements for reconstructing an initially unknown object. One-shot view planning enables efficient data collection by predicting view configurations and planning the globally shortest path connecting all views at once. However, geometric priors about the object are required to conduct one-shot view planning. In this work, we propose a novel one-shot view planning approach that utilizes the powerful 3D generation capabilities of diffusion models as priors. By incorporating such geometric priors into our pipeline, we achieve effective one-shot view planning starting with only a single RGB image of the object to be reconstructed. Our planning experiments in simulation and real-world setups indicate that our approach balances well between object reconstruction quality and movement cost.
Abstract:Many autonomous robotic applications require object-level understanding when deployed. Actively reconstructing objects of interest, i.e. objects with specific semantic meanings, is therefore relevant for a robot to perform downstream tasks in an initially unknown environment. In this work, we propose a novel framework for semantic-targeted active reconstruction using posed RGB-D measurements and 2D semantic labels as input. The key components of our framework are a semantic implicit neural representation and a compatible planning utility function based on semantic rendering and uncertainty estimation, enabling adaptive view planning to target objects of interest. Our planning approach achieves better reconstruction performance in terms of mesh and novel view rendering quality compared to implicit reconstruction baselines that do not consider semantics for view planning. Our framework further outperforms a state-of-the-art semantic-targeted active reconstruction pipeline based on explicit maps, justifying our choice of utilising implicit neural representations to tackle semantic-targeted active reconstruction problems.
Abstract:Autonomous robots are often employed for data collection due to their efficiency and low labour costs. A key task in robotic data acquisition is planning paths through an initially unknown environment to collect observations given platform-specific resource constraints, such as limited battery life. Adaptive online path planning in 3D environments is challenging due to the large set of valid actions and the presence of unknown occlusions. To address these issues, we propose a novel deep reinforcement learning approach for adaptively replanning robot paths to map targets of interest in unknown 3D environments. A key aspect of our approach is a dynamically constructed graph that restricts planning actions local to the robot, allowing us to quickly react to newly discovered obstacles and targets of interest. For replanning, we propose a new reward function that balances between exploring the unknown environment and exploiting online-collected data about the targets of interest. Our experiments show that our method enables more efficient target detection compared to state-of-the-art learning and non-learning baselines. We also show the applicability of our approach for orchard monitoring using an unmanned aerial vehicle in a photorealistic simulator.
Abstract:Semantic segmentation enables robots to perceive and reason about their environments beyond geometry. Most of such systems build upon deep learning approaches. As autonomous robots are commonly deployed in initially unknown environments, pre-training on static datasets cannot always capture the variety of domains and limits the robot's perception performance during missions. Recently, self-supervised and fully supervised active learning methods emerged to improve a robot's vision. These approaches rely on large in-domain pre-training datasets or require substantial human labelling effort. We propose a planning method for semi-supervised active learning of semantic segmentation that substantially reduces human labelling requirements compared to fully supervised approaches. We leverage an adaptive map-based planner guided towards the frontiers of unexplored space with high model uncertainty collecting training data for human labelling. A key aspect of our approach is to combine the sparse high-quality human labels with pseudo labels automatically extracted from highly certain environment map areas. Experimental results show that our method reaches segmentation performance close to fully supervised approaches with drastically reduced human labelling effort while outperforming self-supervised approaches.
Abstract:Active object reconstruction using autonomous robots is gaining great interest. A primary goal in this task is to maximize the information of the object to be reconstructed, given limited on-board resources. Previous view planning methods exhibit inefficiency since they rely on an iterative paradigm based on explicit representations, consisting of (1) planning a path to the next-best view only; and (2) requiring a considerable number of less-gain views in terms of surface coverage. To address these limitations, we integrated implicit representations into the One-Shot View Planning (OSVP). The key idea behind our approach is to use implicit representations to obtain the small missing surface areas instead of observing them with extra views. Therefore, we design a deep neural network, named OSVP, to directly predict a set of views given a dense point cloud refined from an initial sparse observation. To train our OSVP network, we generate supervision labels using dense point clouds refined by implicit representations and set covering optimization problems. Simulated experiments show that our method achieves sufficient reconstruction quality, outperforming several baselines under limited view and movement budgets. We further demonstrate the applicability of our approach in a real-world object reconstruction scenario.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) are gaining significant interest for online active object reconstruction due to their exceptional memory efficiency and requirement for only posed RGB inputs. Previous NeRF-based view planning methods exhibit computational inefficiency since they rely on an iterative paradigm, consisting of (1) retraining the NeRF when new images arrive; and (2) planning a path to the next best view only. To address these limitations, we propose a non-iterative pipeline based on the Prediction of the Required number of Views (PRV). The key idea behind our approach is that the required number of views to reconstruct an object depends on its complexity. Therefore, we design a deep neural network, named PRVNet, to predict the required number of views, allowing us to tailor the data acquisition based on the object complexity and plan a globally shortest path. To train our PRVNet, we generate supervision labels using the ShapeNet dataset. Simulated experiments show that our PRV-based view planning method outperforms baselines, achieving good reconstruction quality while significantly reducing movement cost and planning time. We further justify the generalization ability of our approach in a real-world experiment.