Abstract:Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) has become a standard approach for fine-tuning large foundation models. However, our theoretical understanding of LoRA remains limited as prior analyses of LoRA's training dynamics either rely on linearization arguments or consider highly simplified setups. In this work, we analyze the LoRA loss landscape without such restrictive assumptions. We define two regimes: a ``special regime'', which includes idealized setups where linearization arguments hold, and a ``generic regime'' representing more realistic setups where linearization arguments do not hold. In the generic regime, we show that LoRA training converges to a global minimizer with low rank and small magnitude, or a qualitatively distinct solution with high rank and large magnitude. Finally, we argue that the zero-initialization and weight decay in LoRA training induce an implicit bias toward the low-rank, small-magnitude region of the parameter space -- where global minima lie -- thus shedding light on why LoRA training usually succeeds in finding global minima.
Abstract:In recent years, masked diffusion models (MDMs) have emerged as a promising alternative approach for generative modeling over discrete domains. Compared to autoregressive models (ARMs), MDMs trade off complexity at training time with flexibility at inference time. At training time, they must learn to solve an exponentially large number of infilling problems, but at inference time, they can decode tokens in essentially arbitrary order. In this work, we closely examine these two competing effects. On the training front, we theoretically and empirically demonstrate that MDMs indeed train on computationally intractable subproblems compared to their autoregressive counterparts. On the inference front, we show that a suitable strategy for adaptively choosing the token decoding order significantly enhances the capabilities of MDMs, allowing them to sidestep hard subproblems. On logic puzzles like Sudoku, we show that adaptive inference can boost solving accuracy in pretrained MDMs from $<7$% to $\approx 90$%, even outperforming ARMs with $7\times$ as many parameters and that were explicitly trained via teacher forcing to learn the right order of decoding.
Abstract:Thanks to unprecedented language understanding and generation capabilities of large language model (LLM), Retrieval-augmented Code Generation (RaCG) has recently been widely utilized among software developers. While this has increased productivity, there are still frequent instances of incorrect codes being provided. In particular, there are cases where plausible yet incorrect codes are generated for queries from users that cannot be answered with the given queries and API descriptions. This study proposes a task for evaluating answerability, which assesses whether valid answers can be generated based on users' queries and retrieved APIs in RaCG. Additionally, we build a benchmark dataset called Retrieval-augmented Code Generability Evaluation (RaCGEval) to evaluate the performance of models performing this task. Experimental results show that this task remains at a very challenging level, with baseline models exhibiting a low performance of 46.7%. Furthermore, this study discusses methods that could significantly improve performance.
Abstract:In-context learning (ICL) describes a language model's ability to generate outputs based on a set of input demonstrations and a subsequent query. To understand this remarkable capability, researchers have studied simplified, stylized models. These studies have consistently observed long loss plateaus, during which models exhibit minimal improvement, followed by a sudden, rapid surge of learning. In this work, we reveal that training on multiple diverse ICL tasks simultaneously shortens the loss plateaus, making each task easier to learn. This finding is surprising as it contradicts the natural intuition that the combined complexity of multiple ICL tasks would lengthen the learning process, not shorten it. Our result suggests that the recent success in large-scale training of language models may be attributed not only to the richness of the data at scale but also to the easier optimization (training) induced by the diversity of natural language training data.
Abstract:In this technical report, we describe our submission to DCASE2024 Challenge Task6 (Automated Audio Captioning) and Task8 (Language-based Audio Retrieval). We develop our approach building upon the EnCLAP audio captioning framework and optimizing it for Task6 of the challenge. Notably, we outline the changes in the underlying components and the incorporation of the reranking process. Additionally, we submit a supplementary retriever model, a byproduct of our modified framework, to Task8. Our proposed systems achieve FENSE score of 0.542 on Task6 and mAP@10 score of 0.386 on Task8, significantly outperforming the baseline models.
Abstract:In this work, we aim to analyze and optimize the EnCLAP framework, a state-of-the-art model in automated audio captioning. We investigate the impact of modifying the acoustic encoder components, explore pretraining with different dataset scales, and study the effectiveness of a reranking scheme. Through extensive experimentation and quantitative analysis of generated captions, we develop EnCLAP++, an enhanced version that significantly surpasses the original.
Abstract:We propose a framework to learn semantics from raw audio signals using two types of representations, encoding contextual and phonetic information respectively. Specifically, we introduce a speech-to-unit processing pipeline that captures two types of representations with different time resolutions. For the language model, we adopt a dual-channel architecture to incorporate both types of representation. We also present new training objectives, masked context reconstruction and masked context prediction, that push models to learn semantics effectively. Experiments on the sSIMI metric of Zero Resource Speech Benchmark 2021 and Fluent Speech Command dataset show our framework learns semantics better than models trained with only one type of representation.
Abstract:We propose EnCLAP, a novel framework for automated audio captioning. EnCLAP employs two acoustic representation models, EnCodec and CLAP, along with a pretrained language model, BART. We also introduce a new training objective called masked codec modeling that improves acoustic awareness of the pretrained language model. Experimental results on AudioCaps and Clotho demonstrate that our model surpasses the performance of baseline models. Source code will be available at https://github.com/jaeyeonkim99/EnCLAP . An online demo is available at https://huggingface.co/spaces/enclap-team/enclap .
Abstract:Neural radiance field is an emerging rendering method that generates high-quality multi-view consistent images from a neural scene representation and volume rendering. Although neural radiance field-based techniques are robust for scene reconstruction, their ability to add or remove objects remains limited. This paper proposes a new language-driven approach for object manipulation with neural radiance fields through dataset updates. Specifically, to insert a new foreground object represented by a set of multi-view images into a background radiance field, we use a text-to-image diffusion model to learn and generate combined images that fuse the object of interest into the given background across views. These combined images are then used for refining the background radiance field so that we can render view-consistent images containing both the object and the background. To ensure view consistency, we propose a dataset updates strategy that prioritizes radiance field training with camera views close to the already-trained views prior to propagating the training to remaining views. We show that under the same dataset updates strategy, we can easily adapt our method for object insertion using data from text-to-3D models as well as object removal. Experimental results show that our method generates photorealistic images of the edited scenes, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in 3D reconstruction and neural radiance field blending.
Abstract:Previous pitch-controllable text-to-speech (TTS) models rely on directly modeling fundamental frequency, leading to low variance in synthesized speech. To address this issue, we propose PITS, an end-to-end pitch-controllable TTS model that utilizes variational inference to model pitch. Based on VITS, PITS incorporates the Yingram encoder, the Yingram decoder, and adversarial training of pitch-shifted synthesis to achieve pitch-controllability. Experiments demonstrate that PITS generates high-quality speech that is indistinguishable from ground truth speech and has high pitch-controllability without quality degradation. Code and audio samples will be available at https://github.com/anonymous-pits/pits.