Abstract:We derived the closed-form asymptotic optimism of linear regression models under random designs, and generalizes it to kernel ridge regression. Using scaled asymptotic optimism as a generic predictive model complexity measure, we studied the fundamental different behaviors of linear regression model, tangent kernel (NTK) regression model and three-layer fully connected neural networks (NN). Our contribution is two-fold: we provided theoretical ground for using scaled optimism as a model predictive complexity measure; and we show empirically that NN with ReLUs behaves differently from kernel models under this measure. With resampling techniques, we can also compute the optimism for regression models with real data.
Abstract:The Gaussian process (GP) is a widely used probabilistic machine learning method for stochastic function approximation, stochastic modeling, and analyzing real-world measurements of nonlinear processes. Unlike many other machine learning methods, GPs include an implicit characterization of uncertainty, making them extremely useful across many areas of science, technology, and engineering. Traditional implementations of GPs involve stationary kernels (also termed covariance functions) that limit their flexibility and exact methods for inference that prevent application to data sets with more than about ten thousand points. Modern approaches to address stationarity assumptions generally fail to accommodate large data sets, while all attempts to address scalability focus on approximating the Gaussian likelihood, which can involve subjectivity and lead to inaccuracies. In this work, we explicitly derive an alternative kernel that can discover and encode both sparsity and nonstationarity. We embed the kernel within a fully Bayesian GP model and leverage high-performance computing resources to enable the analysis of massive data sets. We demonstrate the favorable performance of our novel kernel relative to existing exact and approximate GP methods across a variety of synthetic data examples. Furthermore, we conduct space-time prediction based on more than one million measurements of daily maximum temperature and verify that our results outperform state-of-the-art methods in the Earth sciences. More broadly, having access to exact GPs that use ultra-scalable, sparsity-discovering, nonstationary kernels allows GP methods to truly compete with a wide variety of machine learning methods.
Abstract:Tree-based methods are powerful nonparametric techniques in statistics and machine learning. However, their effectiveness, particularly in finite-sample settings, is not fully understood. Recent applications have revealed their surprising ability to distinguish transformations (which we call symbolic feature selection) that remain obscure under current theoretical understanding. This work provides a finite-sample analysis of tree-based methods from a ranking perspective. We link oracle partitions in tree methods to response rankings at local splits, offering new insights into their finite-sample behavior in regression and feature selection tasks. Building on this local ranking perspective, we extend our analysis in two ways: (i) We examine the global ranking performance of individual trees and ensembles, including Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART), providing finite-sample oracle bounds, ranking consistency, and posterior contraction results. (ii) Inspired by the ranking perspective, we propose concordant divergence statistics $\mathcal{T}_0$ to evaluate symbolic feature mappings and establish their properties. Numerical experiments demonstrate the competitive performance of these statistics in symbolic feature selection tasks compared to existing methods.
Abstract:We proposed the tensor-input tree (TT) method for scalar-on-tensor and tensor-on-tensor regression problems. We first address scalar-on-tensor problem by proposing scalar-output regression tree models whose input variable are tensors (i.e., multi-way arrays). We devised and implemented fast randomized and deterministic algorithms for efficient fitting of scalar-on-tensor trees, making TT competitive against tensor-input GP models. Based on scalar-on-tensor tree models, we extend our method to tensor-on-tensor problems using additive tree ensemble approaches. Theoretical justification and extensive experiments on real and synthetic datasets are provided to illustrate the performance of TT.
Abstract:Topology can extract the structural information in a dataset efficiently. In this paper, we attempt to incorporate topological information into a multiple output Gaussian process model for transfer learning purposes. To achieve this goal, we extend the framework of circular coordinates into a novel framework of mixed valued coordinates to take linear trends in the time series into consideration. One of the major challenges to learn from multiple time series effectively via a multiple output Gaussian process model is constructing a functional kernel. We propose to use topologically induced clustering to construct a cluster based kernel in a multiple output Gaussian process model. This kernel not only incorporates the topological structural information, but also allows us to put forward a unified framework using topological information in time and motion series.
Abstract:The Gaussian process (GP) is a popular statistical technique for stochastic function approximation and uncertainty quantification from data. GPs have been adopted into the realm of machine learning in the last two decades because of their superior prediction abilities, especially in data-sparse scenarios, and their inherent ability to provide robust uncertainty estimates. Even so, their performance highly depends on intricate customizations of the core methodology, which often leads to dissatisfaction among practitioners when standard setups and off-the-shelf software tools are being deployed. Arguably the most important building block of a GP is the kernel function which assumes the role of a covariance operator. Stationary kernels of the Mat\'ern class are used in the vast majority of applied studies; poor prediction performance and unrealistic uncertainty quantification are often the consequences. Non-stationary kernels show improved performance but are rarely used due to their more complicated functional form and the associated effort and expertise needed to define and tune them optimally. In this perspective, we want to help ML practitioners make sense of some of the most common forms of non-stationarity for Gaussian processes. We show a variety of kernels in action using representative datasets, carefully study their properties, and compare their performances. Based on our findings, we propose a new kernel that combines some of the identified advantages of existing kernels.
Abstract:Algorithms from Randomized Numerical Linear Algebra (RandNLA) are known to be effective in handling high-dimensional computational problems, providing high-quality empirical performance as well as strong probabilistic guarantees. However, their practical application is complicated by the fact that the user needs to set various algorithm-specific tuning parameters which are different than those used in traditional NLA. This paper demonstrates how a surrogate-based autotuning approach can be used to address fundamental problems of parameter selection in RandNLA algorithms. In particular, we provide a detailed investigation of surrogate-based autotuning for sketch-and-precondition (SAP) based randomized least squares methods, which have been one of the great success stories in modern RandNLA. Empirical results show that our surrogate-based autotuning approach can achieve near-optimal performance with much less tuning cost than a random search (up to about 4x fewer trials of different parameter configurations). Moreover, while our experiments focus on least squares, our results demonstrate a general-purpose autotuning pipeline applicable to any kind of RandNLA algorithm.
Abstract:We introduce an efficient and robust auto-tuning framework for hyperparameter selection in dimension reduction (DR) algorithms, focusing on large-scale datasets and arbitrary performance metrics. By leveraging Bayesian optimization (BO) with a surrogate model, our approach enables efficient hyperparameter selection with multi-objective trade-offs and allows us to perform data-driven sensitivity analysis. By incorporating normalization and subsampling, the proposed framework demonstrates versatility and efficiency, as shown in applications to visualization techniques such as t-SNE and UMAP. We evaluate our results on various synthetic and real-world datasets using multiple quality metrics, providing a robust and efficient solution for hyperparameter selection in DR algorithms.
Abstract:In this paper we develop the randomized Sharded Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (SBT) model. We introduce a randomization auxiliary variable and a sharding tree to decide partitioning of data, and fit each partition component to a sub-model using Bayesian Additive Regression Tree (BART). By observing that the optimal design of a sharding tree can determine optimal sharding for sub-models on a product space, we introduce an intersection tree structure to completely specify both the sharding and modeling using only tree structures. In addition to experiments, we also derive the theoretical optimal weights for minimizing posterior contractions and prove the worst-case complexity of SBT.
Abstract:Supervised dimension reduction (SDR) has been a topic of growing interest in data science, as it enables the reduction of high-dimensional covariates while preserving the functional relation with certain response variables of interest. However, existing SDR methods are not suitable for analyzing datasets collected from case-control studies. In this setting, the goal is to learn and exploit the low-dimensional structure unique to or enriched by the case group, also known as the foreground group. While some unsupervised techniques such as the contrastive latent variable model and its variants have been developed for this purpose, they fail to preserve the functional relationship between the dimension-reduced covariates and the response variable. In this paper, we propose a supervised dimension reduction method called contrastive inverse regression (CIR) specifically designed for the contrastive setting. CIR introduces an optimization problem defined on the Stiefel manifold with a non-standard loss function. We prove the convergence of CIR to a local optimum using a gradient descent-based algorithm, and our numerical study empirically demonstrates the improved performance over competing methods for high-dimensional data.