Abstract:Diffusion models are proficient at generating high-quality images. They are however effective only when operating at the resolution used during training. Inference at a scaled resolution leads to repetitive patterns and structural distortions. Retraining at higher resolutions quickly becomes prohibitive. Thus, methods enabling pre-existing diffusion models to operate at flexible test-time resolutions are highly desirable. Previous works suffer from frequent artifacts and often introduce large latency overheads. We propose two simple modules that combine to solve these issues. We introduce a Frequency Modulation (FM) module that leverages the Fourier domain to improve the global structure consistency, and an Attention Modulation (AM) module which improves the consistency of local texture patterns, a problem largely ignored in prior works. Our method, coined Fam diffusion, can seamlessly integrate into any latent diffusion model and requires no additional training. Extensive qualitative results highlight the effectiveness of our method in addressing structural and local artifacts, while quantitative results show state-of-the-art performance. Also, our method avoids redundant inference tricks for improved consistency such as patch-based or progressive generation, leading to negligible latency overheads.
Abstract:The creation of 3D human face avatars from a single unconstrained image is a fundamental task that underlies numerous real-world vision and graphics applications. Despite the significant progress made in generative models, existing methods are either less suited in design for human faces or fail to generalise from the restrictive training domain to unconstrained facial images. To address these limitations, we propose a novel model, Gen3D-Face, which generates 3D human faces with unconstrained single image input within a multi-view consistent diffusion framework. Given a specific input image, our model first produces multi-view images, followed by neural surface construction. To incorporate face geometry information in a generalisable manner, we utilise input-conditioned mesh estimation instead of ground-truth mesh along with synthetic multi-view training data. Importantly, we introduce a multi-view joint generation scheme to enhance appearance consistency among different views. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt and benchmark for creating photorealistic 3D human face avatars from single images for generic human subject across domains. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over previous alternatives for out-of-domain singe image 3D face generation and top competition for in-domain setting.
Abstract:Open-vocabulary segmentation poses significant challenges, as it requires segmenting and recognizing objects across an open set of categories in unconstrained environments. Building on the success of powerful vision-language (ViL) foundation models, such as CLIP, recent efforts sought to harness their zero-short capabilities to recognize unseen categories. Despite notable performance improvements, these models still encounter the critical issue of generating precise mask proposals for unseen categories and scenarios, resulting in inferior segmentation performance eventually. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel approach, FrozenSeg, designed to integrate spatial knowledge from a localization foundation model (e.g., SAM) and semantic knowledge extracted from a ViL model (e.g., CLIP), in a synergistic framework. Taking the ViL model's visual encoder as the feature backbone, we inject the space-aware feature into the learnable queries and CLIP features within the transformer decoder. In addition, we devise a mask proposal ensemble strategy for further improving the recall rate and mask quality. To fully exploit pre-trained knowledge while minimizing training overhead, we freeze both foundation models, focusing optimization efforts solely on a lightweight transformer decoder for mask proposal generation-the performance bottleneck. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FrozenSeg advances state-of-the-art results across various segmentation benchmarks, trained exclusively on COCO panoptic data, and tested in a zero-shot manner. Code is available at https://github.com/chenxi52/FrozenSeg.
Abstract:Novel view acoustic synthesis (NVAS) aims to render binaural audio at any target viewpoint, given a mono audio emitted by a sound source at a 3D scene. Existing methods have proposed NeRF-based implicit models to exploit visual cues as a condition for synthesizing binaural audio. However, in addition to low efficiency originating from heavy NeRF rendering, these methods all have a limited ability of characterizing the entire scene environment such as room geometry, material properties, and the spatial relation between the listener and sound source. To address these issues, we propose a novel Audio-Visual Gaussian Splatting (AV-GS) model. To obtain a material-aware and geometry-aware condition for audio synthesis, we learn an explicit point-based scene representation with an audio-guidance parameter on locally initialized Gaussian points, taking into account the space relation from the listener and sound source. To make the visual scene model audio adaptive, we propose a point densification and pruning strategy to optimally distribute the Gaussian points, with the per-point contribution in sound propagation (e.g., more points needed for texture-less wall surfaces as they affect sound path diversion). Extensive experiments validate the superiority of our AV-GS over existing alternatives on the real-world RWAS and simulation-based SoundSpaces datasets.
Abstract:Point management is a critical component in optimizing 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) models, as the point initiation (e.g., via structure from motion) is distributionally inappropriate. Typically, the Adaptive Density Control (ADC) algorithm is applied, leveraging view-averaged gradient magnitude thresholding for point densification, opacity thresholding for pruning, and regular all-points opacity reset. However, we reveal that this strategy is limited in tackling intricate/special image regions (e.g., transparent) as it is unable to identify all the 3D zones that require point densification, and lacking an appropriate mechanism to handle the ill-conditioned points with negative impacts (occlusion due to false high opacity). To address these limitations, we propose a Localized Point Management (LPM) strategy, capable of identifying those error-contributing zones in the highest demand for both point addition and geometry calibration. Zone identification is achieved by leveraging the underlying multiview geometry constraints, with the guidance of image rendering errors. We apply point densification in the identified zone, whilst resetting the opacity of those points residing in front of these regions so that a new opportunity is created to correct ill-conditioned points. Serving as a versatile plugin, LPM can be seamlessly integrated into existing 3D Gaussian Splatting models. Experimental evaluation across both static 3D and dynamic 4D scenes validate the efficacy of our LPM strategy in boosting a variety of existing 3DGS models both quantitatively and qualitatively. Notably, LPM improves both vanilla 3DGS and SpaceTimeGS to achieve state-of-the-art rendering quality while retaining real-time speeds, outperforming on challenging datasets such as Tanks & Temples and the Neural 3D Video Dataset.
Abstract:Point management is a critical component in optimizing 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) models, as the point initiation (e.g., via structure from motion) is distributionally inappropriate. Typically, the Adaptive Density Control (ADC) algorithm is applied, leveraging view-averaged gradient magnitude thresholding for point densification, opacity thresholding for pruning, and regular all-points opacity reset. However, we reveal that this strategy is limited in tackling intricate/special image regions (e.g., transparent) as it is unable to identify all the 3D zones that require point densification, and lacking an appropriate mechanism to handle the ill-conditioned points with negative impacts (occlusion due to false high opacity). To address these limitations, we propose a Localized Point Management (LPM) strategy, capable of identifying those error-contributing zones in the highest demand for both point addition and geometry calibration. Zone identification is achieved by leveraging the underlying multiview geometry constraints, with the guidance of image rendering errors. We apply point densification in the identified zone, whilst resetting the opacity of those points residing in front of these regions so that a new opportunity is created to correct ill-conditioned points. Serving as a versatile plugin, LPM can be seamlessly integrated into existing 3D Gaussian Splatting models. Experimental evaluation across both static 3D and dynamic 4D scenes validate the efficacy of our LPM strategy in boosting a variety of existing 3DGS models both quantitatively and qualitatively. Notably, LPM improves both vanilla 3DGS and SpaceTimeGS to achieve state-of-the-art rendering quality while retaining real-time speeds, outperforming on challenging datasets such as Tanks & Temples and the Neural 3D Video Dataset.
Abstract:Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) aims to identify, at the pixel level, the object in a visual scene that produces a given sound. Current AVS methods rely on costly fine-grained annotations of mask-audio pairs, making them impractical for scalability. To address this, we introduce unsupervised AVS, eliminating the need for such expensive annotation. To tackle this more challenging problem, we propose an unsupervised learning method, named Modality Correspondence Alignment (MoCA), which seamlessly integrates off-the-shelf foundation models like DINO, SAM, and ImageBind. This approach leverages their knowledge complementarity and optimizes their joint usage for multi-modality association. Initially, we estimate positive and negative image pairs in the feature space. For pixel-level association, we introduce an audio-visual adapter and a novel pixel matching aggregation strategy within the image-level contrastive learning framework. This allows for a flexible connection between object appearance and audio signal at the pixel level, with tolerance to imaging variations such as translation and rotation. Extensive experiments on the AVSBench (single and multi-object splits) and AVSS datasets demonstrate that our MoCA outperforms strongly designed baseline methods and approaches supervised counterparts, particularly in complex scenarios with multiple auditory objects. Notably when comparing mIoU, MoCA achieves a substantial improvement over baselines in both the AVSBench (S4: +17.24%; MS3: +67.64%) and AVSS (+19.23%) audio-visual segmentation challenges.
Abstract:Source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) aims to enable the utilization of a pre-trained source model in an unlabeled target domain without access to source data. Self-training is a way to solve SFUDA, where confident target samples are iteratively selected as pseudo-labeled samples to guide target model learning. However, prior heuristic noisy pseudo-label filtering methods all involve introducing extra models, which are sensitive to model assumptions and may introduce additional errors or mislabeling. In this work, we propose a method called Uncertainty-aware Pseudo-label-filtering Adaptation (UPA) to efficiently address this issue in a coarse-to-fine manner. Specially, we first introduce a sample selection module named Adaptive Pseudo-label Selection (APS), which is responsible for filtering noisy pseudo labels. The APS utilizes a simple sample uncertainty estimation method by aggregating knowledge from neighboring samples and confident samples are selected as clean pseudo-labeled. Additionally, we incorporate Class-Aware Contrastive Learning (CACL) to mitigate the memorization of pseudo-label noise by learning robust pair-wise representation supervised by pseudo labels. Through extensive experiments conducted on three widely used benchmarks, we demonstrate that our proposed method achieves competitive performance on par with state-of-the-art SFUDA methods. Code is available at https://github.com/chenxi52/UPA.
Abstract:The Segment Anything Model (SAM) marks a significant advancement in segmentation models, offering robust zero-shot abilities and dynamic prompting. However, existing medical SAMs are not suitable for the multi-scale nature of whole-slide images (WSIs), restricting their effectiveness. To resolve this drawback, we present WSI-SAM, enhancing SAM with precise object segmentation capabilities for histopathology images using multi-resolution patches, while preserving its efficient, prompt-driven design, and zero-shot abilities. To fully exploit pretrained knowledge while minimizing training overhead, we keep SAM frozen, introducing only minimal extra parameters and computational overhead. In particular, we introduce High-Resolution (HR) token, Low-Resolution (LR) token and dual mask decoder. This decoder integrates the original SAM mask decoder with a lightweight fusion module that integrates features at multiple scales. Instead of predicting a mask independently, we integrate HR and LR token at intermediate layer to jointly learn features of the same object across multiple resolutions. Experiments show that our WSI-SAM outperforms state-of-the-art SAM and its variants. In particular, our model outperforms SAM by 4.1 and 2.5 percent points on a ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) segmentation tasks and breast cancer metastasis segmentation task (CAMELYON16 dataset). The code will be available at https://github.com/HongLiuuuuu/WSI-SAM.
Abstract:Understanding the semantics of individual regions or patches within unconstrained images, such as in open-world object detection, represents a critical yet challenging task in computer vision. Building on the success of powerful image-level vision-language (ViL) foundation models like CLIP, recent efforts have sought to harness their capabilities by either training a contrastive model from scratch with an extensive collection of region-label pairs or aligning the outputs of a detection model with image-level representations of region proposals. Despite notable progress, these approaches are plagued by computationally intensive training requirements, susceptibility to data noise, and deficiency in contextual information. To address these limitations, we explore the synergistic potential of off-the-shelf foundation models, leveraging their respective strengths in localization and semantics. We introduce a novel, generic, and efficient region recognition architecture, named RegionSpot, designed to integrate position-aware localization knowledge from a localization foundation model (e.g., SAM) with semantic information extracted from a ViL model (e.g., CLIP). To fully exploit pretrained knowledge while minimizing training overhead, we keep both foundation models frozen, focusing optimization efforts solely on a lightweight attention-based knowledge integration module. Through extensive experiments in the context of open-world object recognition, our RegionSpot demonstrates significant performance improvements over prior alternatives, while also providing substantial computational savings. For instance, training our model with 3 million data in a single day using 8 V100 GPUs. Our model outperforms GLIP by 6.5 % in mean average precision (mAP), with an even larger margin by 14.8 % for more challenging and rare categories.